A question for the virgin boys...

Personally, I'd prefer the girl to have some experience. That way at least someone knows what they're doing.
18 and still a virgin! I'm kinda one of the traditional "wait until good relationship" type, wouldn't do it out of a good strong relationship. I would find it intimidating because I wouldn't be able to give her what she wants and that may drive her away.
personally i wouldn't mind if the girl made the first move, i wouldn't call it being aggresive. most guys would jump at the chance if a girl ask them to do whatever.
To be honest, virgin boys are the sexiest. I love them ^^

Just saying :D
I forgot to answer the question in my last post. i think most guys would prefer a slightly forward woman for their first time. especialy in these times where some women use sex as a weapon, and change their mind after about how consentual it was. like women who would rather claim rape than admit they're sleeping around when they turn up pregnant in an attempt to save face.
Argentine wrote...
Ayanami00 wrote...
What a rare occurence!!!!
But I am here to ask , as a non-virgin girl, If virgin guys like it when a girl is more agressive towards sex? Like... Do guys get intimidated if a non virgin girl tries to seduce them?

Well for me i would like but if she is agressive all the time like during sex and during normal time like dating etc,In short being dominant in everything,I think I would be alittle turned off by it.I do enjoy some measures of meekness and submissiveness here and there.

Lol I think most guys wouldnt know if the girl is a non virgin unless the girl actually tells them. and not really minding the seduction,but most likely it wouldnt last long

Thats right go arggg~!x.o.
I wouldn't mind if a non-virgin girl seduces me
Ayanami00 wrote...
What a rare occurence!!!!
But I am here to ask , as a non-virgin girl, If virgin guys like it when a girl is more agressive towards sex? Like... Do guys get intimidated if a non virgin girl tries to seduce them?

A virgin here, I think not, Can you do it to me?

It's much easy to understand in actual, right?
i think i'll save sex for after i get married...
In my opinion:
If they can handle it they will like
Also its a way to test where they stand as men so consider like a rite of passage for them if you would lol
Arinaz wrote...
I wouldn't mind if a non-virgin girl seduces me

Agreed. If the girl is cool and you've been with her for a while it shouldn't matter if she is a virgin or not. Aggressiveness in the sex department is all up to whether the guy can handle it and it will differ from guy to guy. I myself wouldn't mind if she was aggressive.
I Think depends on the situation and the relationship in between. A couple will be Ok, But if just friend then depend on the guy horny or not. Haha.
non virgin girl seduces virgin guy??
i don't think it's so bad,,in fact,,i want to meet someone like that.hahah.^_^
I wouldn't mind a virgin once in awhile
Arinaz wrote...
I wouldn't mind a virgin once in awhile

You wouldn't mind a virgin guy? Damn, didn't think you swing that way. lol
well I was a virgin only weeks ago and she took the initiative mostly (and she wasn't a virgin) I'm glad she took the initiative because I'm a bit shy and she asked me if I wanted to do it (after we just were making out) turned out good I'd say. Also when she climbed on top of me to make out and "took the steering wheel" waaay hot, I wish she'd do that more often... so yea I like it when a girl takes "control" And it doesn't really bother me that she wasn't a virgin, I mean it would have been kinda nice if it was both our firsts but whatever, she has all of my firsts anyways which I like.
It really depends on the guy. I personally would ask my significant other if they were into that or not... except I don't have too, haha. I'm more dominant than not, and I usually end up dating submissive guys because of it. I couldn't have fun sexually with a guy who didn't want me to be dominant at least sometimes though, I have too much fun with it.
I would sure like it if the girl takes the initiative~

I wouldn't tell the girl to do so but my mind will be like, "Please!! Rape meeee!!". lol
Laggi wrote...
Rise-chan wrote...
I would sure like it if the girl takes the initiative~

I wouldn't tell the girl to do so but my mind will be like, "Please!! Rape meeee!!". lol

This. This exactly. I laughed so hard, haha. You'll be the second person I ever +repped

B-But!! It wasn't a joke though! O-Oh well, t-thank you I guess?
Laggi wrote...
Rise-chan wrote...
Laggi wrote...
Rise-chan wrote...
I would sure like it if the girl takes the initiative~

I wouldn't tell the girl to do so but my mind will be like, "Please!! Rape meeee!!". lol

This. This exactly. I laughed so hard, haha. You'll be the second person I ever +repped

B-But!! It wasn't a joke though! O-Oh well, t-thank you I guess?

I just imagined that as a hentai scene where there's a guy who's all shy going "... I don't know about this?" or something similar. With a thought bubble going "Please!! Rape meeeee!!"
But yeah, that's how I would think aswell =D

Actually, that would really happen when it'd my first time I think, if the girl is also a virgin then I guess it won't (my mind would then go "noooo"). But yeah, I'll probably turn super shy.
Monster Girl
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