A question for the virgin boys...

Gonna share... I'm Still a virgin.. when i walking in street alley lots of clubs and girls. there is a girl wants to have sex with me. i got nervous and damn i can't look her properly.. i wanna to have sex but I'm embarrass..Xd.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I think it depends on the mood. Sometimes you want to be the aggressive one and other times you want your partner to be more dominant.
Tsujoi wrote...
I think it depends on the mood. Sometimes you want to be the aggressive one and other times you want your partner to be more dominant.

I agree with this, it's the same i think.
nintendo414 wrote...
Non-virgin/aggressive dominate is actually preferred in my book. Honestly why do I see so many posts freaking out about how many people a partner has slept with. It just doesn't make sense to me. I understand the whole std thing but I can give a woman a bit more credit than thinking "Oh, she has had sex before. She must of been having sex with disease ridden men while sharing needles." I just think we don't give enough credit to more sexually liberated people. Plus I tear up if I see someone else's blood and would feel horrible if I hurt her so yeah rather have someone with more experience

Thank you
I am a girl not a virgin that does not mean I have been with 100 guys
But anyway I was the first for a virgin male I was the aggressive one and he was very happy
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Anti-bug post.
sweetguide wrote...
nintendo414 wrote...
Non-virgin/aggressive dominate is actually preferred in my book. Honestly why do I see so many posts freaking out about how many people a partner has slept with. It just doesn't make sense to me. I understand the whole std thing but I can give a woman a bit more credit than thinking "Oh, she has had sex before. She must of been having sex with disease ridden men while sharing needles." I just think we don't give enough credit to more sexually liberated people. Plus I tear up if I see someone else's blood and would feel horrible if I hurt her so yeah rather have someone with more experience

Thank you
I am a girl not a virgin that does not mean I have been with 100 guys
But anyway I was the first for a virgin male I was the aggressive one and he was very happy

I don't know about other people, but to me when a girl is a non-virgin the issue isn't really 'omg slut' or 'ew, you probably have the plague' but rather it's "What if I can't hold a candle to the other guy(s)?" Yeah, I know it's pathetic, but it's just one of the worries I have.

As for the original question, I'd much rather the girl be the aggressor. Rather than intimidating I'd find it a bit more reassuring.
I'm going through this problem myself and I can vouch for Breathless' response. It isn't so much that a girl who has had sex is a slut, but I always feel insecure about my performance. It doesn't help that her previous partner was taller (she likes taller men) and muscular than myself. The only time I lose this insecurity is during the act itself when she asks for more or I can see her in visible enjoyment. That can't be healthy though can it?

What am I supposed to do? Have sex with her every time her ex is brought up? I've tried that, and while having sex marathons is fun on vacations or weekends it just isn't a realistic thing to do. Hopefully the insecurity will go away as time passes, but till then it's a serious issue.

On a minor note, relating to the main question, while aggressive women are preferred there is one thing I have to amend one thing: Sex is weird for the first few times, and it helps when your partner is patient when you try to catch up. So please, if you have a virgin partner, give them some newbie slack.

For example, during my first time my condom kept being filled with air and 'ballooning' when I tried to used it. My self esteem took a big drop down when I noticed my partner looked annoyed at me.

P.S. On a last note; Could others give me thoughts on a problem I always run through my head?

My partner never had protected sex with her ex. It seems it was only at his discretion of pulling out before cumming and sheer luck that they didn't get pregnant. They were together for three years, but only being sexually active in the last year or so.

Am I wrong for worrying that she wanted to have a child with him? Am I just being spoiled?

We've gotten to the point where we're engaged, so barring anything drastic this is the woman I will marry and have children with. Above all I am scared that my children will one day get angry at me and tell me that they wish they weren't my children. I don't know how I will be able to act knowing that, if not because of dumb luck, her ex really would have been the father of her children.

tldr; Insecurity sucks.
Frank Knight wrote...
P.S. On a last note; Could others give me thoughts on a problem I always run through my head?
tldr; Insecurity sucks.

I can't exactly tell you whether your partner wanted to have a child with her ex or not but from what I can tell she didn't end up having any children, so there's no use worrying about what's already done. As for the worries about your (to-be) children wishing they weren't yours, well. Don't worry. Unless you screw up royally a child won't hate their own parent. I mean, my father was pretty bad but I still thought he was 100x better than all the other dads. They might have a phase but it should be fine.

Though you should note, I'm only 18 so take what I say with a grain of salt.
Ayanami00 wrote...
What a rare occurence!!!!
But I am here to ask , as a non-virgin girl, If virgin guys like it when a girl is more agressive towards sex? Like... Do guys get intimidated if a non virgin girl tries to seduce them?

There are no girls in the internet.
Men are simple, sex and food. That's bout it.
Whether you're the agressor or the agressee, if u give him sex, its all good.
Although, I personally do not enjoy fuckin first timers. It gets awkward and a bit unfun.
The best chance for a virgin guy to score is having a non-virgin girlfriend...it's all about experience, if both are virgin it could take a long time for both to make that step...

@Darkblack: talk for yourself mate, you make all guys look like no-brain idiots ;)
Federico wrote...
The best chance for a virgin guy to score is having a non-virgin girlfriend...it's all about experience, if both are virgin it could take a long time for both to make that step...

Eh true. As long as the girl shows the guy the ropes. I've only had sex once(this past September) and it really wasn't that memorable because she kinda expected me to do everything while she just laid there(that and it wasn't really for love, more like both of us were just horny, I barely even knew the girl outside of lunch in High School)
To all the guys who are virgins. Let me tell you, i was terrible my first time. The girl i was with was experienced and she just blew my mind with the stuff she was doing. She initiated the situation and took control the whole time. Even put the condom on for me O.o lolz. So anyway, once we started, i noticed that as soon as i was in her, i was already at my limit and i came in like 25 seconds. Good news is, she went and got a rag, cleaned me up, then she let me eat her until i was ready again. Once i was ready, she put the second one on and we went at it again. Not much better in my opinion. About 3mins lolz. It was just so sopping wet and i had never felt anything like that. So after that, i was done. I told her i get a D- for that and she laughed and said it's all good, it was your first time. I was worried that the guy before me had a huge dick and i wouldn't be able to please her. So the next time, i let her ride me and do it how she liked it, she came after like 8 minutes which is a long time when you are having sex, and that boosted my ego through the roof. i felt like i was on top of the world while i felt her body twitching like crazy lolz. So yea, guys who are insecure, if you are not confident, make sure you find a girl that really loves you, so that she will be able to get off easier because it is with someone she loves, which makes your job easier. One of my old girls would orgasm even quicker than i could, it was so much fun having sex with her.
DeathPrince wrote...
To all the guys who are virgins. Let me tell you, i was terrible my first time. The girl i was with was experienced and she just blew my mind with the stuff she was doing. She initiated the situation and took control the whole time. Even put the condom on for me O.o lolz. So anyway, once we started, i noticed that as soon as i was in her, i was already at my limit and i came in like 25 seconds. Good news is, she went and got a rag, cleaned me up, then she let me eat her until i was ready again. Once i was ready, she put the second one on and we went at it again. Not much better in my opinion. About 3mins lolz. It was just so sopping wet and i had never felt anything like that. So after that, i was done. I told her i get a D- for that and she laughed and said it's all good, it was your first time. I was worried that the guy before me had a huge dick and i wouldn't be able to please her. So the next time, i let her ride me and do it how she liked it, she came after like 8 minutes which is a long time when you are having sex, and that boosted my ego through the roof. i felt like i was on top of the world while i felt her body twitching like crazy lolz. So yea, guys who are insecure, if you are not confident, make sure you find a girl that really loves you, so that she will be able to get off easier because it is with someone she loves, which makes your job easier. One of my old girls would orgasm even quicker than i could, it was so much fun having sex with her.

This is one of the reason that I'm afraid to actually have sex with a non-virgin. I am afraid I won't be able to please her just as she can please me. I am actually a virgin and self-conscious. It's also hard to find a girl like who you have found due to their ego-boost (well for most girls).
hey guys just curious what girl would you like VIRGIN or NOT VIRGIN it looks like an easy question but for you what would you prefer in-experienced or experienced?
I had a time with a Naughty Virgin Friend. It was 'fun'.
inexperience virgin..

innocent looking kitty would definitely get thumbs up!

or maybe an innocent looking girl who's a sex goddess would do as well
GenQe wrote...
inexperience virgin..

innocent looking kitty would definitely get thumbs up!

or maybe an innocent looking girl who's a sex goddess would do as well

This. :D

Well, i really think that this is nice, but sometimes you just need the real deal to get da boost. XD

I would choose a virgin, though.
I am turned on by the idea of innocence, so I would want someone who seems innocent, but has plenty of experience :D
The idea of innocence seems like the ideal route... but in reality, having an experienced partner would be better. unless you want to have the pleasure/ fun of training the virgin to sex. that'd be fun, but tedious.
I'd go with a virgin,being with somene during their first time makes you feel like a better pro than you are with one who is experienced.
Monster Girl
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