A question for the virgin boys...

I would rather she did take control, but not aggressively.
I think femdom is hot! Definently want aggresive for first time.
I would if you're hot.
I'm a virgin and my girlfriend is not, so I'm quite nervous about my first time.
I think a girl with some experience would be good for me I mean sure virgin x virgin is nice and romantic but 22 already and don't see that happening haha dunno but a girl with experience would hopefully be nice and guide a guy like me through it.

As for aggressive well depends on how aggressive but I think in a good sexy way would be fine, sure I'd be intimidated at first but if it was someone I know then I'd probably be fine.
Go_Master wrote...
I would if you're hot.
But in all seriousness though, I wouldn't mind if she took the initiative, as long as she doesn't get out of control. I have my limits.
I'd just be happy that I'll finally be getting some lol
Being seduced has always been my dream, especially with an older girl who knows what she is doing. Ooooooo lord, mercy. I've day dreamed that more than once in my life time.

I don't remember that a girl tried to seduce me in my entiere life ... not really sure about a case 15-20 years ago as i don't remember it that well :D
I would want her to take control, because I wouldn't know what to do. =/
if i was seduced by a non-virgin,even if she was so hot, i would refuse her because i won't know how many guys she's been with
Non-virgin/aggressive dominate is actually preferred in my book. Honestly why do I see so many posts freaking out about how many people a partner has slept with. It just doesn't make sense to me. I understand the whole std thing but I can give a woman a bit more credit than thinking "Oh, she has had sex before. She must of been having sex with disease ridden men while sharing needles." I just think we don't give enough credit to more sexually liberated people. Plus I tear up if I see someone else's blood and would feel horrible if I hurt her so yeah rather have someone with more experience
As above, a non virgin who is willing to push you is pretty good.
I mean, it'd be nice to actually let a girl have a good first time (after reading some pretty horrible ones) (also assuming you know how to make them feel good) but if you're inexperienced, and aren't really willing to push yourself/ worried about forcing her (I was worried that if I tried to have sex with any of my gf's, they'd get freaked out or something) It can be hard to do... So experience and motivation helps :D
As a virgin myself, I think it's attractive when a non-virgin girl takes the initiative. But I think that just stems from my desire for more experienced women which is a personal preference. As long as you start off easy and make it progressive. Don't pull out the big guns straight off the bat you know? It really depends on person to person.
I'm a virgin and to be honest i do get intimidated sometimes when an non virgin girl tries to seduces me. i get nervous and dont know what to really do :|
but i do like agressive girls
Virgin here. I think the girl being sexually vigorous is a huge turn on. I'd rather she be the one to initiate physical contact, although I'm far from opposed to doing it myself. I think my main reason (aside from finding it hot), is that it's pretty easy to know that you're not forcing someone into something she's uncomfortable with.
Virgin or not I'm all for it,a little seduction is just what's needed to get the ole juices flowing.
I think it would be best if the girl seduced me as I have no idea what to do
Oh boy, being the virgin I'am I'd kind of like both of us to be virgins. but then again its better to have some experience weather or not if its me or the lucky girl I'm getting down with. As long as we're both satisfied with whats going on I'll be content
I think there needs to be a balance.
Monster Girl
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