A question for the virgin boys...

Not virgin innocence just means ignorance and would much prefer a teacher (experienced) type to a student (virgin). Blood makes me tear up anyway and the thought of even hurting someone briefly makes me incredibly depressed lol but I'm weird that way.
Rather have a girl or guy who knows what they doing.
A conservative non-virgin.

My first girlfriend was a non-virgin; I was a virgin at the time.

Needless to say, having her lead me through the ropes was a very satisfying experience.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Not sure.

If I go for virgin, means I can be the one to corrupt her.
If I go for experience, means I might not live up to her standards.

Non-virgin because of the fact she would be a normal girl, more or less, and less likely to be a raging whore.
I'm a virgin dude, and I'm usually nervous in situations like these.
Non-virgin for me, it's just more fun :D
Breathless wrote...
sweetguide wrote...
nintendo414 wrote...
Non-virgin/aggressive dominate is actually preferred in my book. Honestly why do I see so many posts freaking out about how many people a partner has slept with. It just doesn't make sense to me. I understand the whole std thing but I can give a woman a bit more credit than thinking "Oh, she has had sex before. She must of been having sex with disease ridden men while sharing needles." I just think we don't give enough credit to more sexually liberated people. Plus I tear up if I see someone else's blood and would feel horrible if I hurt her so yeah rather have someone with more experience

Thank you
I am a girl not a virgin that does not mean I have been with 100 guys
But anyway I was the first for a virgin male I was the aggressive one and he was very happy

I don't know about other people, but to me when a girl is a non-virgin the issue isn't really 'omg slut' or 'ew, you probably have the plague' but rather it's "What if I can't hold a candle to the other guy(s)?" Yeah, I know it's pathetic, but it's just one of the worries I have.

As for the original question, I'd much rather the girl be the aggressor. Rather than intimidating I'd find it a bit more reassuring.

I think our opinions are fairly similar. I definitely don't consider non-virgin girls to be sluts, and an aggressive girl is really, really hot.

I think the reason I might prefer a virgin, at least for my first time, is that we'll both kinda suck at it right off the bat. Over time, we'll get better at it together, and that's somewhat comforting to me.

Still, I'd imagine a non-virgin girl would be much less afraid of sex, willing to initiate, and able to do some pretty amazing things. It's just that, like others, I doubt I could live up to her standards.
Nearly identical topics: https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?t=40425

My answer is currently the last one on page 8.
Gravity cat wrote...
If I go for virgin, means I can be the one to corrupt her.
If I go for experience, means I might not live up to her standards.

A virgin might have even higher standards than a non-virgin due to having only theoretical knowledge of sex, which could be idealistic and therefore also very unrealistic.
I'll vote for virgin - both my ex and my current boyfriend were virgins before they met me :)

I've always kinda been a "virgin hunter"... I like the idea that I can corrupt them and train them to suit me. Besides, I think I'd be a little jealous if I knew they'd been with someone else before me. I like to be the only one to have ever had the privilege of exploring their body. (Selfish, I know!) I also think it is cute when they're nervous. Blushing, flustered, awkward, uncertain of themselves... It's all really adorable! It makes me want to please them even more.
Mod Note: Similar topics have been merged.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Getting back on topic, I suppose having a "virgin" experience would be innocent and perhaps lovey-dovey, but having an experienced partner could teach one many new things.
I prefer is she's open to it, but just groping and I finger her. So goes my relationship. Of course, she has issues whether or not she's a virgin, but I ignore that.
Monster Girl
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