A question for the virgin boys...

What a rare occurence!!!!
But I am here to ask , as a non-virgin girl, If virgin guys like it when a girl is more agressive towards sex? Like... Do guys get intimidated if a non virgin girl tries to seduce them?
well i think it depends...there are guys who like to be lead if that's what you mean...but for a virgin i guess that's intimidating...so take him easy>.>
I think for a virgin it will be less intimidating if the girl intiates sex (foreplay, eg) because the boy would be less experienced
So intiate it but dont be aggressive
be kind lol don't make fun
some virgins do get more nervous then others
I have no idea what I am gonna do my first time
I am dreading it (though its not coming anytime soon so...)
Well it really depends on how upfront the girl is, some guys find it a relief when the girls are taking the "steering wheel" as the pressure of "Oh god don't mess up and get in trouble" is lifted off are/there shoulders. So if the girl is taking the incentive then if said girl is going at a nice slow pace and working her way up then yes, guys will like it. But go all 100% a guy will feel over well-med...sometimes.
I don't think i'd be particularly happy with that, no.

But do you mean by 2 people in a relationship (in which the male is virgin and the female isn't) or by acquaintances? Because it makes the world of difference. If in a relationship, then I guess I would enjoy it. If not, answer is in the paragraph above.
If it was a girl I wasn't already in a relationship then I would certainly be intimidated. That's not to say that it would be unwelcome, but it would be very awkward. For me anyway. If it was a girl that I've known and had a relationship with, it would be more comfortable and less intimidating and therefore more enjoyable. Not bad either way though.
i don't
i want a virgin female to seduce me i don't want a non-virgin woman because i dont want someones else's sloppy seconds
Nashrakh Little White Butterflies Staff
LuPonce wrote...
sloppy seconds

Not this shit again.
Nashrakh wrote...
LuPonce wrote...
sloppy seconds

Not this shit again.

Oh it's this shit again :P
Nashrakh Little White Butterflies Staff
You know, this topic is where the real sexism lingers.

Personally... I like women to be aggressive. I also like them to be more experienced than me, actually.
This coming from my personal experience.

As a virgin boy (took me a long time to get rid of that name...), having a non-virgin girl take a somewhat (or extremely) forward lead is definitely...


But thats just how I feel about it.
Even though I'm not a virgin boy )= (Sad I know). I've only been with 1 girl in bed though. But at that time when I was a virgin I probably would have liked it if she knew what she was doing cause I did not know what the hell I was doing. It was awkward and wasn't what you call good sex.
Orbow wrote...
Well it really depends on how upfront the girl is, some guys find it a relief when the girls are taking the "steering wheel" as the pressure of "Oh god don't mess up and get in trouble" is lifted off are/there shoulders. So if the girl is taking the incentive then if said girl is going at a nice slow pace and working her way up then yes, guys will like it. But go all 100% a guy will feel over well-med...sometimes.

Mostly depends on the guy. Honestly when you think about it, for starters, you got a male virgin, he prob doesn't care if she's a virgin/experienced or not, he's gonna get laid what the fuck should he complain about. Next, again depending on the guys personality he'd either be for or against her being the more aggressive in sex. Personally, I'd want to be the aggressive one. She can be either a virgin or not.
Ayanami00 wrote...
What a rare occurence!!!!
But I am here to ask , as a non-virgin girl, If virgin guys like it when a girl is more agressive towards sex? Like... Do guys get intimidated if a non virgin girl tries to seduce them?

If you're hot and you're seducing someone, guys (virgin or not) don't really give a shit as long as they get poon... (Esp. when they're horny)
Aggressive is kinda okay...but it depends...
Since I have no experience at all I would like the girl to be a bit aggressive (virgin or not I don't really care, just faithful or not).
Ayanami00 wrote...
What a rare occurence!!!!
But I am here to ask , as a non-virgin girl, If virgin guys like it when a girl is more agressive towards sex? Like... Do guys get intimidated if a non virgin girl tries to seduce them?

Well for me i would like but if she is agressive all the time like during sex and during normal time like dating etc,In short being dominant in everything,I think I would be alittle turned off by it.I do enjoy some measures of meekness and submissiveness here and there.

Lol I think most guys wouldnt know if the girl is a non virgin unless the girl actually tells them. and not really minding the seduction,but most likely it wouldnt last long
It's fine with me because I don't have any experience with it anyway so it would be better if she would take the lead and be aggressive. (ROAR) :D
I think it'd all depend. Some guys like it, some guys don't. If a guy is a bit inexperienced, but interested in the matter, the best thing a girl can be is a bit more aggressive/forward about the matter. However, if a guy is shy, and kinda... how to say... "wimpy", than it's best not to try anything aggressive, as you may scare him off. Again, it just all depends.
Monster Girl
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