Are you a Lefty or a Righty, or maybe both?

Which hand is your dominant hand?

Total Votes : 208
Laggi wrote...
Extra Question: To make it a little more interesting, what item/object is the first thing you can grab from your non-dominant side?

Oh, you. Mah penis.
I'm a lefty, so it's my most dominant hand for most activities like writing, turning a screw, eating, etc.

Interesting enough though, whenever I play sports that DON'T require a racket, like basketball or golf, I'm right-handed.
jmason Curious and Wondering
I predominantly use my right hand at most activities. Though I use my left hand for my signature.
I'm a Righty, I'm a creative type of person.

And I can grab a Tissue, Chocolate box and my 00 Raiser from my right side.
I'm trying to learn how to write using my right hand so I can be ambidextrous, but mostly i'm a lefty for almost all the things I do.

But for some reason, when playing or doing an outdoor activity using hands, my left hand is powerful but has horrible accuracy, while my right hand is incredibly more accurate and balanced than my left, so I throw using my right hand even though it's less powerful
I'm a righty but I play the French horn, which requires keys to be pressed with the left hand.
Closest things to the left are a speaker, a pen, and a pad of post-it's.
Kaimax Best Master-San
I'm righty, and my right arm is pretty strong cause of that, Don't know why my Left hand is more technical than my Right.

It shows when I'm playing tennis, I usually use flat powerful hits and Volleys for my right hand, and my left arm will be useful to do drop shots, zero-shiki drop shot Back spins with a nice amount of spin in it.

Kinda do it with billiard too, I only use my right arm to break, the rest is with my left arm.

I suck at Basketball if I throw with my right arm, but it's the other way for my left arm.

Despite this I still cannot write neatly with my left.
I'm left-handed, but when it comes to airsoft, I use my right hand to fire the gun.
I'm rather ambidextrous, but I mostly use my right hand for writing. For using the mouse, I switch hands a lot because it's the #1 trigger of my CTS. For sports, it depends, but baseball/softball and most racquet sports I'm a lefty, and most ball sports (basketball, bowling, etc.) I'm a righty.

On my right, I can reach my microphone, some stress balls, a comb, a brush, and my totoro container.
Right handed.

I just noticed that I usually use my left hand to grab stuff, like a glass of water.
[font=Verdana][color=green]I'm predominately right-handed, but I can use my left hand if needs must. I was training myself to be ambidextrous, but have stopped doing it. I should really go back to training myself, tbh =P
I used to be righty my whole life but highschool second year someone told me to use my other hand, i used and.... wut!!!! O.0

but I bat, I golf, i racket, i punch, etc. wit my left side although I kick, I write, i cut with my right side but even though my domination is almost even on both sides u can notice a difference in my writtin when i use either hand (circles especially)

hands of a surgeon baybay!!!!!
Righty here. I'm pants with my left!
Right handed, though I've been fapping with my left to practice, just in case.

Other than that and typing, left is useless. All sports, writing, difficult rock climbing moves and just about everything else under the sun is righty. And the closest thing that's actually on my left is my speaker's remote.
I'm right handed, but I'm a lefty when it comes to...ya know.
I am a mix, I was originally left handed but you can't write in Chinese with your left hand so I switched. Now I write with my right hand but I do everything else with my left.
Aura-Desu Beautiful and Twisted~
I have equal use of both of my hands. while people tell me i do things like a left handed person i actually tend to favor my right hand.
When I was younger I used my left hand as much as my right. I use my right hand, I'm bad at using my left hand.
I'm ambidextrous, but when writing I almost always use my right hand. I suppose I'm that way with other activities as well.
When I was 3 years old my parents were building there home and had tools all over. My dad had left a table saw on the top of a cart and my brother tipped the cart over at me and crushed the fingers on my right hand so I learned how to do most things left handed
Monster Girl
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