Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

Total Votes : 6,953
absolutely Sub!

can't stand dub anime
Subbed their alot better, dubbed just pisses me off ^^
Subbed Anime of course
Hmmm. I prefer subbed on most. Like for DeathNote, when I first saw it in English, I didn't like the voice actors. Sometimes they pick the worst people to dub so I mainly watch subbed.
i prefer subs because usually i watch anime which aired freshly and so it's better to watch them subbed [as they will be subbed 2 days after the actual airing on TV]
than to wait for a dubbed version. Which sometimes is unavailable or just plain dumb...
I am german and don't even like most of the german voice actors, or maybe i am just watching the wrong animes~
Subbed man..... i love japanese language
that is reason for me to only have subbed anime or hentai or anything
related to anime....
I first got started on dubbed anime, then i moved on to subbed. Definitely subbed is better, I like hearing the original voices. Although, in my extremely personal opinion, DBZ and FMA are two good dubs.
Subs on most. But then, with some of the anime, the voices don't have as much emotion as they should. I particularly grew up up with the dubbed version Berserk....And it was amazing. The J-Seiyuus though, weren't as in tune with the characters. At least, fer me. On the other hand, we have the extremely horrible dubs....God damned Fighting Spirit(First step, Hajime No Ippo). Give us Victorious Boxers with the original Seiyuus!
Been watching anime from kid with dubbed, I feel the horror/humor of it when I study at another country and hear the same voice from the different anime. Dub work best if it make people familiar with that anime. Sub work for one who like to hear the original voice actors. Especially with hentai >:D
vdp wrote...
Sub work for one who like to hear the original voice actors. Especially with hentai >:D

Dubbed hentai is totally OMGWTFBBQ?!?!?

There are rare gems in the dub world like cowboy bebeop, Fullmetal Alchemist and ghost in the shell. most others are trash
This can't even be considered a debate....
kenjiharima wrote...
Subbed preferred. Though there are times the DUBBED version is better than the subbed.

This is one of the best example.

i wish they kept the subbed version of the dude with hair and the dubbed black dudes voice
I only Liked Dubbed anime on Pokemon..but any other anime I prefer it on English Sub.:3
blacktornado wrote...
vdp wrote...
Sub work for one who like to hear the original voice actors. Especially with hentai >:D

Dubbed hentai is totally OMGWTFBBQ?!?!?

There are rare gems in the dub world like cowboy bebeop, Fullmetal Alchemist and ghost in the shell. most others are trash

Wow, it seems I need to watch Ghost in The Shell. I think I have watched Cowboy Bebeop (is it the one with unique DJ style anime about samurai?) and FMA is absolutely the best :D

To tell the truth, it really depends on which version I see first. I first saw Eureka 7 dubbed on Adult Swim, and I just can't watch it any other way. But on the other side of things, I saw first saw Code Geass with Jap voices and Eng subs, and when I first got a glimpse at the Dubbed version, I cringed.
i accidentaly voted dub. one vote less for dub and one more for sub i hate dubbed. i first started watching naruto on tv (us). once i got tired of waiting i watched it subbed on youtube and i never again liked it subbed
I prefer dubs, but most of them are shit so I generally watch subs. I dont want to have to be reading all of the time, I want to watch the animation.
2 words initial D the worst dub in history. Not only did they remove the great eurobeat soundtrack for a crappy rap-metal mix and they screwed the storyline up to boot.
DiggingForFire wrote...

To tell the truth, it really depends on which version I see first. I first saw Eureka 7 dubbed on Adult Swim, and I just can't watch it any other way. But on the other side of things, I saw first saw Code Geass with Jap voices and Eng subs, and when I first got a glimpse at the Dubbed version, I cringed.

This. If the series has a good dubbed version, such as the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series or Last Exile, then I'll tend to prefer whatever I see first. It's just weird getting used to one voice for a character, and then try to get it watch the same character with a different one. Prime example, for me anyways, is Spike from Cowboy Bebop. I first saw it in English and Steven Blum did an excellent voice acting job, so I associated Spike with Steven Blum's voice. When I watched it again in Japanese with Kōichi Yamadera doing the voice acting, it all felt weird.

Sadly though, shows with good dubs aren't as common as I would like.
Subbed is the better one.. :D
I like the japanese language but i don't understand it. :(