Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

(This is a joint post starring: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Stepping into her mansion Kudzu and Razta found themselves tracking sand on her red rug, and looked at each other and then to Louise hoping she didn’t notice. Breathing a sigh relief as she continued into the house. Durran shook his head at them as he walked past them holding his clogs that he had already shook the sand off of.

They met up with Louise in the living room and found Louise focusing. With her wand held firmly, she chanted the incantation mentally. As the portal opened after an entire minute, there was a small portal that opened before Razta. “Hurry up, it’ll close any second now.”

Razta turned to Kudzu who gave him a nod. “I will try and get you into Origin,” he said before turning back into the gate. Then he walked through the portal just as it closed. Durran smirked as he looked to Kudzu.

“Half expected you to charge through,” Durran joked.

“Wouldn’t be smart. Some pieces might not have made it through.” said Kudzu rubbing his neck. “So how long are we stuck here?”

Louise fell on her knees abruptly, panting. She was sweating profusely. Her emerald pupils were clearly strained from the lack of energy. After several moments, she pulled herself up; standing straight. “...About five hours? I believe I may minimize it to three hours by singing a song to the heavens, however,” she stated, she was clearly run dry by these spells.

“So about these laws… in Origin,” began Kudzu. “What has changed? I have been in the outlands for far too long.”

“Things will be hard for you as far as Origin goes for a while. Since we just attacked them, and all. Though the elder is a women with a head on her shoulders. Razta pleading your case might work. Until then you are better off with us.”

“Perhaps I should show you some videos of this world’s martial arts or something till then,” Louise grinned, speaking jokingly after chuckling.

“Videos?” asked Kudzu curiously.

“You shall bear witness to it – in due time,” Louise replied. Then approached a small round table to the side, to pick up an item. A small black device, to be more specific. She then approached the door. “Wanna have lunch with me? May as well try otherworldly cuisine while we’re here, yes?”

“I could eat I suppose,” answered Kudzu followed behind Louise. Durran was curious as to what this black device was, but figured that it would be explained shortly. Following Louise outside the two warriors looked to their hostess.

“Oh my, I wonder who’d do that to my rug… ” Louise wondered out loud, as she turned to meet the eyes of the two behind her – just as they were about to leave the premises. “Who lacked the common sense to take off their sandals?” She asked, with an out-of-place smile.

“Must have been Razta…” said Kudzu looking to Durran for back up. Durran picked up on this and nodded.

“Yes that boy has little sense in terms of manners…” replied Durran.

Louise’s smile was replaced with what seemed like a devilish grin. Of course, for someone such as Louise; picking up lies from a person’s mere expression was as natural as breathing air. “Oh dear, is that so, now? Then, you two should’ve taught him… you know, as the adults? Why not clean up the mess in the young one’s stead? Adults have to look after the mistakes of those that comes after them, yes?” Louise said, using words like daggers to convince the two swiftly and poisonously. “A father should clean up after their children,” she added, her lips stretching ever wider to form a grin, she had them cornered now.

“I’m no good at cleaning,” answered Kudzu looking at his hands. “I might end up causing more damage.”

“I see,” Louise said, apparently dejected and sad. “Then, your share of food will be deducted accordingly!” She said, smiling again, one way or the other; Louise would deal with troublemakers accordingly. “Let us be off, then.” Louise then begun to stroll again. Kudzu grumbled but knew there was little he could do about it. Following behind Louise, they made their way back to the beach. This time there were less people around.

“I think I like the beach. No places like this in the cursed lands,” said Kudzu looking out to sea. There were strange ships sailing by in the distance.

“I’m glad that you appreciate my beach. Too bad I can’t go surfing just yet...” Louise then peered towards the fine looking surfing boards. Ah, how sad and unfortunate. What was wrong with staying a bit more longer? Oh well – Louise felt. She’d be doing all sorts of activities if not for the lack of time. Time was indeed precious – Louise was convinced for the first time. A person who always had so much time on her hands, started to feel the lack of it for the first time ever.

“Is that what those people are doing?” asked Kudzu seeing the young people carving up the waves with their boards. It looked rather difficult, and for a man of Kudzu’s size he would need a huge board.

“You are able to do that?” asked Durran.

“Yes, and yes,” Louise answered casually, giving a rather enthusiastic nod. “It’s one of the many sports of this world; which is quite fun. It even tests your sense of balance,” she informed, the sport of riding the water was of much interest to Louise initially. A person with an adventurousness in her such as Louise – could not resist trying it out herself. She even tends to host surfing race contests sometimes and takes part in it herself.

“Any sports that would suit me?” asked Kudzu quite interested for some reason.

“Well, we do have a huge board for the likes of you,” Louise said, revealing a surprising fact as she pointed to the tent containing the surf boards. “But who knows, they say people prefers to have a big and tough guy around for soccer. Oh, actually, I’d say boxing would be perfect for you,” she added, as if remembering something. “In this world; there are laws against using excessive force against people; but boxing let’s one through that. However, magic is out of the window.”

“Hmmm, I’d have to pass then. I find the best fights are when you give all you got. No point in holding back,” answered Kudzu. Thinking back on how he spared Selanus he smirked. “Not that I don’t know restraint… so what do we have to eat?”

“Rules of restraints are only put in place to avoid apparently †˜pointless’ deaths, from what I know,” Louise stated as a matter of fact. This world was truly against death, especially in public, or †˜on the surface’ of things, anyway. “We’re going to that restaurant,” she continued, facing the seaside restaurant. It was entirely made from her profits. Even the chefs hired were hand picked by herself. “Let us be on our way.”
This is a group post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, BagMan, Ezlare, Galahad Milsl, Katsucha, Nooby2, and Valentine_KiS5.

Luna awoke to the cold floor of a cell. The walls, floor, and ceiling were formed of stone, and the bars a thick metal. Other than the occasional guard passing by it was dead silent. She was left alone with her thoughts, well almost alone.

"Ooh, tough break kiddo," Sonata teased. "I don't speak to you for a couple of days and you end up getting caught? Guess you really do need me!"

Luna's eyebrow furrowed at the sound of Sonata’s voice, "Can't have a moment of silence with you around, can I?" She responded groggily. If It weren't for the searing headache she would be tearing her a new one. "What the hell happened?" She questioned, the last thing she remembered was falling off Soul and being caught.

“You were captured, and imprisoned of course. Let’s hope you will be useful,” said Edile as she walked out in front of the bars. The rest of the group filled in behind her. “How much do you know about Cain? I’m doubting much.”

She struggled to her feet with a vague smirk. "Hell if I know, the guy isn't the most sociable person in the world." Luna responded.

“Then there is little that I need from you,” answered Edile. She could already tell that if Marian was willing to leave her behind, that she must not have much information. “You knights can question her all you like.”

“My turn!” Owain cheered popping out from behind Edile. He leant up against the bars of the cell nonchalantly looking at Luna. “How ya doin’ muscles?” Owain asked beaming.

"Let's see, I have a searing headache, cuts and bruises from that fight, and my ass aches like hell. What do you think?" Luna retaliated though lightly feeling her arms. "M-Muscles...?" She thought. "What do you hope to accomplish by coming here? You a sore loser?"

“I’m hurt, muscles, our match hasn’t been decided yet, you didn’t win anything. If that busty blonde chick hadn’t gotten in the way I would have creamed you,” Owain said, still smiling.

“Anyway that’s beside the point,” Owain’s grin turned into a smirk, “How’s about we get you out of that cage eh?”

Luna went from a glare to a raised eyebrow. "...What are you getting at?" She questioned.

“I don’t think you’re a bad guy, Muscles,” Owain said. I mean, 8/10 isn’t half bad Owain thought.

Luna was skeptical about the man, but judging judging by his...expression he seemed sincere. What reason would they have to kill her? She was already in captivity.

"Alright, alright out with it; what do you want?" She snarled.

“World peace?” Owain said half-jokingly, enjoying the conversation immensely.

"Hardy-fucking-har, little man." Her patience was running thin as the man continued to beat around the bush.

“Hey, hey, there’s no need for that, I’m throwing you a bone here,” Owain voiced, “Fight for me,” he practically ordered. Owain’s tone of voice dramatically changed in that split second.

Luna could hardly process what he just offered her, she wouldn't ever think to betray Charlotte and the others, but judging by her position and the way the army carried on, she wouldn't have any other option; no one was coming back for her and she knew it.

“Now I know what you’re thinking,” Owain began, “Who the hell is this beautiful and yet not quite right in the head knight and why does he think I would help him? Well the answer is quite simple, not only do you not have any other choice, unless you are actually enjoying yourself down here, but you also get the added bonus of being around me,” Owain smirked, “I don’t think there are any negatives with this deal, but wait! There’s more! I also know that you’re wondering: once he lets me go what’s stopping me from stabbing him in the back, and well, the answer is quite simple as well: absolutely nothing! However, I’m willing to trust you. So can you do the same for me?” He finished, offering a hand to Luna through the cell bars.

"Shit..." She mumbled, chuckling seeing that she was backed into a corner. "Holy shit, you really are stupid!" She broke out laughing at the man.

“I get told that a lot, but I really do think quite carefully before doing stuff like this,” Owain laughed along, “Maybe I really am stupid!” His hand still reached into the cell, stretching further, practically demanding Luna to shake it.

She sighed and shook her head, "You know how to back someone into a very deep corner, I'll give you that, blue eyes." She responded with with a chuckle. "Alright as much as I'd hate to, I'm in, on one condition." She said as she eased her hand to his.

“I’ll see what I can do, name it,” he said gripping Luna’s hand tightly and shaking it firmly.

"I work independently, so don't be so quick to order me around." She advised, remembering how hard it was to get any breathing room with Marian around.

“As long as you still do some of the things I ask you to do, I don’t have a problem with not ordering you around, hell, I barely order anyone around, can’t speak for Dia though,” Owain laughed, “As long as you still call me captain,” he said his thumb up in the air, “Or Owain, either works, I don’t really mind.”

She smirked, admiring the man for his skill as a whole, Luna wouldn't have thought of turning a captured soldier to her own side, she would have either let him rot or cut them down in their own pride-- not that Marian took prisoners anyhow.

"Any second thoughts kid? That's a big step switchin' flags like that. Sonata asked. "What about Charlotte?" Luna scowled for a moment, implying she stepped onto a sore topic. She herself didn't know what to do on that matter. "Heh, gotcha. Well I'mma keep tabs on you kid...don't get yourself killed, there's two of us in here. She finally said as she vanished, leaving Luna's head as silent as ever.

"Don't you worry," Luna thought. I don't plan on it.

“Elder, let muscles free, she won’t be causing any more trouble,” Owain said to the Elder.

"My name is Luna by the way, enough with calling me muscles." She responded self aware of her figure. "You wish you could lift a sword as big." She scoffed.

“Mine is though…” Owain said, drawing his greatsword, admittedly unable to lift it without two hands, he had no trouble with it.

“She may leave with you only when she leaves the village for good.” answered Edile. “She may have already forgotten, but she killed one of ours. That debt stands.”

“You heard her Lunnie, can’t do anything that the boss doesn’t want me to do,” Owain shrugged, “You can hold out in there for a bit longer right? I’ll visit again”

"Bah. Don't keep me waiting," She said as she sat down on the floor legs and arms crossed. "I meant it when I said that I was claustrophobic earlier."

Muscles can be cute huh? Owain thought, surprised.

“She is lucky the laws here make no sense,” answered Arkasia sarcastically. “I would have executed her already.”

“Hey now Dia, that’s no way to treat a lady,” Owain grinned, knowing full well that Arkasia wasn’t playing around.

“Well, like it or not she is some kind of asset for the team. I mean really, she could just throw giant rocks to the front lines!” Masaki said with a big smile on his face.

"...I can already tell I'm not gonna like you." She replied sternly. Luna's eyebrow twitched at the comment.

“Shu’p Masaki,” Owain said hitting him on the head.

“Wh-wh-what!? I was just trying to lighten up the mood. She did get left behind by her friends for no good reason, no? They can still rescue her if they want to.” Masaki said while rubbing his head.

“This is why you don’t plan, but I can count on you to lift the supplies I suppose,” answered Arkasia remembering his and Razta’s first training exercise. “Wait we are missing a few aren’t we? Where are Razta and Adelina?”

“Razta… got kidnapped, which is why I need as much help as I can get, he was taken to Raskana,” Owain said sadly, “Adelina is pretty hung up about it.”

“We will need to take what we have, time will be of the essence.” answered Arkasia. “The severely wounded need to stay here.” Reymond grimaced as he knew that probably meant him.

“Sir, what are you doing here?” said Adelina walking up to the group.

“Just picking up some extra help,” Owain admitted, smiling.

“So you are already planning to do something about my boy, eh?” said an older man walking in behind Adelina. He was a muscular man and in shape especially for his age. “Here I thought I would have to pull the water works out.” As he noticed Owain’s armor he reached out his hand for a shake. “The name is Zelis, Zelis Sonnellion.”

“You must be Razta’s old man then?” Owain asked taking the hand that was offered anyway.

Zelis felt the metal of the armor and smirked admiring the metal work. With the situation Zelis was strangely calm.

“Yes, that’s me.” answered Zelis. “I understand you people think my son was taken to that dreadful place, Raskana?”

“That’s what we were told anyway,” Owain said.

“Then you will be needing steel. The weapons your companions are using look like scrap.” answered Zelis. “Follow me to my shop. If you are going to save mine I would rather you all go with some quality gear.”

Owain was taken aback by the offer, “Wow,” he said, “Thanks, this should be a real help.”

“Perfect,” answered Zelis. “You all come when you are ready. This one knows where to go.” Zelis turned and headed out of the guard building to return to his shop. Adelina looked into the cell that they were all crowded around.

“I hope you don’t mean she is the extra help.” said Adelina as she looked at Luna.

“I do mean,” Owain said looking directly at Adelina, “You have a problem?”

“She happens to be in a cell for a reason,” answered Adelina. “Or did Charlotte sneak in a head wound I don’t know of?”

“No head wound,” Owain said, “Trust me Adelina.”

“I’ll just sleep with one eye open,” answered Adelina.

"Hey now, as crazy as it sounds I'm here to help," Responded Luna.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” she answered walking off. Reymond, and the others behind her as she left, leaving Owain, Masaki and the elder. Owain sighed and waved as he followed behind the group, “I’m sure we won't be too long Luna, hang in there,” Owain said before taking his leave.
“Don’t take it too hard. She’ll come around...eventually.” comforted Masaki as he waved and walked off as well.

“We’ll meet up later Owain,” said Morgan sticking next to Edile for the time being. Owain nodded before leaving with his group.
This is a group post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, BagMan, Cinia Pacifica, Ezlare, Galahad Milsl, Katsucha and Valentine_KiS5.

Edile cast a judging gaze down on Luna that made her feel a bit uncomfortable. She wished that she would just say what she wanted to say and leave her be.

“Feeling remorse is a good start, but you are far from forgiveness. I simply decided I would give you the same chance I gave others before. Don’t make me regret it.” said Edile.

Luna sighed. "Well that's a first," She said. "You're quite the merciful one aren't you? Gotta say though, if you were either Cursed or Scion I could count myself dead, so I guess I should be grateful there."

She stood up and walked to the metal bars of her cell staring Edlie in her eyes with a dead serious expression on her face. "I don't like this anymore than you do old timer, but you said it yourself; you gave me a second chance, so my sword is your sword." She stressed.

“Better watch who you are calling old child,” answered Edile. “I probably have more years left in me than you do.” She laughed as she turned away from Luna placing her hands behind her as she walked away, her guardians following close behind.. Ezekiel snickered and gave her a grin as he followed behind Edile, Morgan, and Bael.

Luna was taken aback by the guardian's demeanor, there was something about that man that threw her off. What a strange man... She thought.

Louise’s portal opened above the main street gathering the attention of a few guards that passed by. As they readied their weapons a man fell out crashing into a food wagon. Fruit rolls in various directions as the wagon splintered. Razta leaned up holding his head tenderly. Picking himself up he wiped the melon off of his body.

“Razta? We had reports that you were taken to Raskana.” said one of the guards lowering his weapon.

Razta fought the urge to vomit as he finally found his proper balance. “Its a very long story.” he answered. “Where is my team?”

“They were last headed for your father’s shop when I saw them last. They were determined to rescue you.” answered the guard. “That wasn’t too long ago. You may still catch them there.”

Razta nodded and ran off down the main street. The guards looked at each other confused for a moment before returning to work.

Walking into the Zelis’ shop they saw the old blacksmith cooling a weapon he was working on. Steam rose from the waters to the ceiling. Zelis grinned at his work. As always there were no impurities in his work, and the steel stood strong.

“I like this place already,” Owain commented, seeing the steam.

Boss and his steam fetish. Masaki chuckled as he saw the display of swords on the wall.

Wiping his brow he finally noticed the group entering his shop. Placing the sword inprogress down he took off his gloves and apron setting them on the table next to his work station. His shop wasn’t very spacious. Zelis preferred to live modestly, and let the quality of his weapons speak for his shop rather than its appearance.

“See you have an appreciation for the forge,” he said smiling. “So see anything that you like?”

“I’m not sure, I’m looking for a shield,” Owain admitted. Zelis looked at Owain’s armor mulling something over. “That seemed like aryeon earlier...mind if I take another look at your armor?” asked Zelis.

“Do I need to take it off or what?” Owain asked.

“Yes just a gauntlet or something,” he answered.

Owain unstrapped his left gauntlet, handing it over to the smith. Holding the glove in his two hands he ran his fingers over the metal, confirming his earlier suspicions. “I don’t have anything made of this in stock, but I can have it ready in a days time.” answered Zelis. Reaching up to the wall he took a sturdy steel shield from the wall. “Use this in the mean time.”

“I don’t have to pay?” Owain seemed surprised.

“You are a friend of my boy, and a member of our military now as I was told. These are all on the house. For all of you.” he answered. “Give em’ hell for me.”

Arkasia raised a brow at this and smiled. Selecting a exquisite looking katana from the wall. The wood was cherry wood with gold leaves on the handle. Taking it from the wall she peeled the blade out as the blade seemed to sing.

“May I have this one?” asked Arkasia. Zelis looked at Arkasia and smirked. “An eye for detail I see. One of my finer pieces as well. But I feel you can put her to good use.” Arkasia took that as a yes and ripped the blade out completely, and giving it a test swing before sheathing it swiftly.

“Don’t you need two of them, Commander?” asked Adelina.

“No, one is fine. Its how I used to fight after all. It actually feels a bit better to me now.” Arkasia answered holding the weapon in her left hand. Learning to fight with a second sword was all Krieg's idea in the first place. She wanted to distance herself from him further.

Reymond brought his sword up to Zelis. “Can you give this a little love?” he said placing the sword on the counter in front of Zelis.

As the mage laid the weapon on the table Zelis scanned it quickly. “This is in serious disrepair.” said Zelis. “You sure you don’t just want a new one?”

“No this one is fine,” answered Reymond. Zelis knew not to press the matter to much. It was obvious that Reymond had some sort of emotional attachment to the blade.

“I’ll do what I can,” answered Zelis taking it to the back with his other to-be-repaired weapons.

Adelina looked over each sword and shield carefully, but fell in love with a matching set that caught her eye. The sword fit into a sheath connected to the shield so the blade could be pulled out while taking defensive stance. It was just up her alley. “I will take these,” she said pulling the set off the wall.

“I’ll stick to my own weapon,” said Katya not particularly impressed with the selection. She had to admit that the smith had a particular amount of skill with non-spiritual armaments.

Anastas hid a smirk as he looked at Katya, he expected something like that out of her. Stepping forward, he held out his saber. ”Could you reproduce this with a more sturdier metal?”

“Hmmm I have to obtain some metal for your captain’s shield. I’ll just fetch some more and make it from that. How does that sound?” answered Zelis.

”That’ll do just fine.” Anastas replied, nodding with a smile of appreciation before looking back at Katya. From his expression, she knew he was implicitly asking her to reconsider but she would not give in easily.

“Ugh, fine you can sharpen it, but nothing else,” said Katya defeated and placing the sword on the table. Zelis laughed at her stubborness.

“I’ll treat it with respect.” he answered taking both weapons to the back of the room.

“Can I ask you something sir?” Masaki asked while holding his gauntlet. “Have you ever seen any other gauntlet that looks exactly like this?” He said as he gave his gauntlet to Zelis.

Zelis was happy to have so many people in his shop. It was often a job spent in solitude, and even though he had no problems working by himself. It was still nice to see so many new faces. “Hmmm I can’t say that I have, but it surely looks spiritual. Perhaps you should ask the hermit, Leon Zarek.” answered Zelis.

“I see!” Masaki said with an excited tone and continued, “Does he live nearby or somewhere else?” Masaki asked once as he put on his gauntlet back.

“I can take you there later,” answered Owain. “He happens to be an old friend of mine, and the man that made this armor.”

“Perfect! Let’s go then!” Masaki said anxiously. You sure can’t wait eh? He said Later. TouTetsuOh said with a poker face. I can tell that you can’t wait too, TouTetsuOh. Masaki thought with a grin. Oh shut it you. Want me to devour you, huh? He threatened. Ohh, Scary~ Masaki laughed.

“Excuse me, you think you can just fix up my sword?” Ari said as she approached Zelis placing her sword on his counter.

“Another repair job huh?” said Zelis taking the weapon in his hands. “This was made with care. The repairs needed will be minimal, easy job.” Zelis took the sword

“That reminds me,” Owain said as an afterthought, “Muscles might need a new sword.”

“Muscles?” asked Zelis.

“Nevermind,” Owain dismissed, “But could you make a sword? Like a really really big sword?”

“How big are we talking? I’ve made some swords that would make your head spin.” answered Zelis.

Owain scratched his chin. “Bigger than anything you’ve made before?” Owain mused.

“Wait here…” said Zelis walking to a back room. Walking back out he had a large blade slung over his shoulder. Eight feet long and a formed from a foot thick slab of steel that was more like a cleaver than a sword. “Something like this?”

“Perfect,” Owain said, giving a thumbs up. It was just then Owain realised, “I’m going to have to carry that until Luna gets out aren’t I?” he complained.

“Just pick it up when you need it.” said Zelis. “No one will be taking this thing easily.”

The front door to the store opened, and Zelis turned his attention to it. “Welco-” he began before his eyes opened wide.

“Razta?!” exclaimed Adelina seeing him standing right there in the doorway. The group turned to the doorway stunned. Here in the midst of preparing to charge into the thick of enemy territory to save him. He shows up like nothing had happened.

“So you weren’t taken to Raskana?” asked Arkasia. “Perhaps he dealt with this kidnapper?”

Razta scratched the back of his head as he prepared an explanation. Adelina rushed him wrapping her arms around his waist. After the way Adelina had been acting he had to admit this surprised him.

“Save the sappy stuff, and explain boy!” yelled Zelis.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a joint post between: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

When the trio entered the restaurant, they were immediately escorted to their table. A large and spacious booth seat with a large wooden floor separator. It was mesh so that one could see through it only half way. The booth stood three steps above the rest of the floor, and like the rest of the restaurant; there were no windows. Only open air, and a gorgeous view of the ocean. The roof was formed of woven straw that was supported by wooden beams. Pillars that held up the building were smooth with orange lanterns hand on them to provide light for their patrons.

“This is quite the spot, even enough for me to stretch out,” said Kudzu doing just that. The fresh open air was pleasant.

“I expected you to be more of a… savage,” said Durran as he looked at Kudzu.

“Quite nice, yes?” Louise said, as if praising herself. “I had it designed this way specifically… there was a plan to make this with transparent glass materials alone… that would hardly make this place stand out, however,” she added, reminiscing the times when it was still in planning stages. Too bad, she felt. Glass-materials would make it glisten in the morning, at least. It’d be far too fancy and off-theory, however.

“That would also get very hot during the summer months,” commented Kudzu. “So you own this place do you?”

“This entire area, specifically. In fact, this was my private beach. I only publicized it as I was leaving for your world,” Louise answered. There was no reason for her to leave it as it was, after all. Louise wouldn’t to make use of her assets one way or the other. “It’d be a waste not to make money off of it, you see,” she added with a smile.

“Clever,” answered Durran as he looked at the area. The sun was starting to set at this time, and this place made the perfect place to sit and watch it. A woman dressed in a white blouse and black knee skirt walked up to the table and power politely. “Madam Louise, what will you, and your guests – be having this evening?” She asked preparing to write down the incoming orders.

Louise didn’t even need to take a peek at the menu which was handed to her. The maid knew that she wouldn’t, but it was a part of her job to take courtesy and manners into consideration. “Shrimp, scallops, lobsters. Well, the usual, I suppose? Oh and… ” She ordered, then motioned a finger to the maid. The maid then leaned to Louise with her ear, and Louise whispered something, unbeknownst to Kudzu and Durran. Who knows what devilry was cast with the few words she spoke.

“I-I understand. Please wait a moment, your orders will be prepared immediately,” the waitress said before walking away. Durran and Kudzu eyed her suspiciously, and looked after the waitress scurried off. Something was definitely up.

“What was that about?” asked Kudzu taking the more direct route.

“Nothing important~,” Louise replied with a menacing grin. “Just doing what’s appropriate.” At such a moment, the device that Louise laid over the table before her starting ringing with a strange music. It was nothing like anything that Durran or Kudzu had heard in their entire life. Louise casually picked it up, and clicked a button, seemingly, and placed the said device beside her left ear.


Durran and Kudzu looked at her confused. Louise suddenly started talking into some strange device on her ear, and something or someone was apparently talking back. Durran slid closer to her and got a closer look at the device.

“Ah, Mizuki, good day to you,” Louise spoke, apparently conversing with… someone else? “A troublesome man? Ah, so you contact an old friend just to deliver an ominous news. How unlike you,” Louise spoke teasingly with a big smile. Unlike the usual Louise, this was a far rarer sight. Louise seemed truly happy at the moment. “I shall call you back soon. I’ll deal with him… perhaps,” she continued, apparently irritated, but only very slightly.

Just as Louise hung up the phone and placed it back to its spot at the table, a handsome man walked up to them. He stood behind Kudzu, wearing a fine black tuxedo along with a pair of black pants, his white shirt peeked out as the first button was undone. It was a very formal look. Louise assumed that he came off straight from a meeting at work.

“Fancy meeting you here, Richard,” Louise greeted with her eyes closed; in a relaxed position, to the man who was profusely sweating, did he run his way here after catching wind of Louise’s arrival? Who knows. All she knew that news travelled exceedingly fast in this world via the internet.

Kudzu turned around hearing the man standing behind him. He looked weak and pampered, exactly the type of man Kudzu despised. But as an acquaintance of Louise he would resist the urge to lay him flat.

“Miss Louise, a-about last time,” Richard begun, apparently trying to justify… something. “W-We’re really not like that!”

“Please. You know my secretary is already too good a woman for you,” Louise replied, taking a sip of her orange flavored drink. “One woman for companionship, another for power and influence? That’s all that you have in mind. I believe you don’t see anything beyond that ambition of yours,” she added, cruelly and frankly. Each words felt like daggers thrown to the vital spot of the man. “Polygamy… isn’t to my tastes, I had hoped you to have figured that out, Richard.”

“B-But I-”

“Besides, my secretary did explained the situation; lying won’t change a thing,” Louise smirked playfully, apparently having him cornered with words alone, now. “I gave you a chance out of pity, that whole… alliance and marriage for merging companies, and the likes are all trash-talk to me. So please, do us a favor and take your leave. We do not want any more melodramas out of you,” Louise kindly yet bluntly requested of the apparent gentleman in shambles, after saying all that she had to say about him. She was better off forgetting him at this rate.

However, Richard wasn’t about to give up just yet. He approached Louise, and grabbed her hand, attempting to pull her up. There was a mysteriously monstrous force disallowing him from forcibly pulling Louise up, he held onto her, and spoke regardless, “I’ll take you to her, and I can then prove it that she lied to you!”

How desperate is this man? Louise thought, finally looking into his face – rather, glaring with a grim look; disappointed heavily at her ex-boyfriend. Why she was she even an ex-boyfriend? She did she bother with him? Out of pity? No. Louise was seeking a way to deal with her trauma, too. She gave him a chance, as a fair lady may do, and he failed her. Possibly, it could also be Louise’s way of alleviating her boredom. Possibly. The end-result was more annoying than ever.

A blade pressed against the man’s throat hard enough for a thin cut to be made. The blade he used was shorter and couldn’t be seen where they were. The man began to tremble as he felt the blade began to press harder, the trickling blood ruining his shirt. Letting go, he backed away from Louise, who didn’t seem to move an inch.

“Who the hell are you?!” yelled the man as he tried to put distance between him and the blade. A large hand rested on his shoulder. Moments later he was dangling from the ground.

“P-put me down this instant! Do you know who I-” He pleaded. Kudzu tired of his grumbling stood and threw him out one side of the restaurant. His body skidded across the ocean water before he sunk.

“Can he swim?” asked Kudzu.

Louise shrugged. “Rich kids are always taught the essential skills; probably – yes,” she answered, uncaringly. It is as she said, wealthy children are always taught the essentials, such as self-defense, for instance – except that they are still no match against true warriors. They’re also taught to have other hobbies, such as playing classical music instruments such as violins or pianos, or horseback riding, etc.

“Too bad,” answered Durran. The waitress returned to them with some drinks while their food was prepared. Hearing something strange she looked around. “Do you hear screaming?”

“Nope,” answered Kudzu. “Must be a bird or something…”

“Must be,” Louise too, answered, nodding sagely with her eyes still closed.

“O-oh, well your food will be brought along shortly…” she said slowly inching her way away from the table.

Conversing about the many different things in the new world helped the trio to pass the time. After a while the waitress walked over with a tray full of food. As she placed the food she nervously looked at Kudzu. In front of Louise she placed a large plate of shrimp alfredo, and in front of Durran a grand portion of scallops on coconut rice.

Then she placed a small plate in front of Kudzu. A sardine over a small scoop of garlic rice. Kudzu looked down at the plate with a scowl. As he looked up to Durran and Louise who were already digging in.

“Hey, hey what is this nonsense?” asked Kudzu eying Louise from across the table.

“Oh my, you said that you’re bad at cleaning. So, I figured that cleaning a plate would be just as tough?” Louise answered, as if a matter of fact with an innocent look on her face. “Or, is cleaning suddenly your best forte?”

Kudzu chuckled and lifted the entire plate to his mouth. Pouring in the entire meal he swallowed it in one gulp. Showing her the empty plate he smirked. “Doesn’t seem to be a problem here,” he answered.

“Ah, how sad. You should’ve enjoyed that more slowly; you wouldn’t be getting anything like that ever again. Maybe. Probably,” Louise uncaringly replied, while having her food slowly, carefully, and in a more ladylike manner after picking up the fork and spoon.

“There are other ways to obtain food in this world,” said Kudzu standing up. Durran continued to eat his meal ignoring Kudzu’s plight. Seeing his †˜ally’ enjoying his food only helped to fuel Kudzu’s fire faster.

“Bah!” said Kudzu walking away from the table.

“This world revolves purely around money,” Louise stated as Kudzu took his leave. She had no idea if he heard her, however. Just asking for a †˜favor’ wasn’t the brightest of the ideas as people often followed the famous statement †˜stranger danger’.

“I don’t think his method will involve anything needing money,” said Durran.

“If he uses force I’d have to end up covering for him. How troublesome,” Louise responded to the statement, premonitions of issues coming to her head. Was this divine intuition?

“Let’s just hope that he doesn’t get involved with what, law enforcers later?”

What could be worse than that?

In the distance, Louise could see Kudzu standing in front of a large palm tree. Grabbing the base he crouched and used his brute strength to rip the tree from the ground. Then with his gauntlets he began to grind the bark down

“Hey… !” Louise stood up straight from her chair at the sight. Her cool expression dropping right off the bat. That thing did cost money. Of course it did, it was a decorative piece for the beach. She walked with stern and firm steps towards Kudzu, and stood behind him with a scowl. “That’s my property you’re harming!”

Seeing Louise approaching he simply continued working. With time she could begin to see what he was making. A large harpoon. “The sea is just a bounty of food!” Kudzu exclaimed. Grabbing the pole he began to sharpen the end. Looking out to the sea he scoured the surface for signs of life. Smirking he took off his shirt and threw it to the side. Then he ran to the end of the beach and launched into the air before slamming into the sea.

Durran walked up behind Louise. “I guess this is what happens when you deprive a beast of food…” said Durran.

“Ah! Jeez! I get it already, I’ll order more food, so calm down,” Louise gave in, with her hand over her forehead, she couldn’t continue to see more of the savagery. The troublesomeness was beyond control. What was he, a problem child? Who knows what kind of inconvenience Kudzu would cause to her customers, if this was kept up. As the owner, it was the first thing she couldn’t allow, regardless of excuses. It was one of her principles. Then there was the issue of the tree, too… a loss is a loss. “Ugh, I guess what they say is true: the master is responsible for their servant’s faults.”

Durran laughed at this. “I suppose this makes us under your charge now? Mistress?”

“I’ll have you two work to the fullest, just so you know,” Louise replied, giving a sigh, before making a smile, somehow.

“If only it could always be like that,” answered Durran.

“Say, how long do you have – till you lose your sanity, just like him?”

“There is no way to tell. Me and Adair were the first of our kind,” answered Durran. “The last time I checked up on him in Masario he was showing early signs. My time might be near as well.”

“So that’s how it is,” Louise replied with a faint sign of sadness. No one could last as long as Louise. Everyone would eventually leave her. She knew this, and yet continued to socialize. What lied after it was what she’d think is a natural tragedy. All things have a start and an end they say, but it never applied to Louise’s life. “Suddenly, time feels so precious, yet so short.”

“That is why we make the most with what we have…” answered Durran. Suddenly a large stick poked out of the water. Then a large mass began emerging from the the water. A small whale with a stick protruding from its side. Kudzu came after it pushing the large beast onto land.

“He’s done it now,” Louise said, apparently about to wallow in despair. “I feel the need to have him dragged back to the mansion now.”

“He’s rather heavy…” answered Durran. “Perhaps simply take us somewhere less conspicuous before more people take notice.”

“I’ll have him teleported to the mansion,” Louise said, taking another deep sigh, before taking up her wand. And so, a portal opened below Kudzu – who, confounded – fell into it in the blink of an eye, and vanished. Another portal was then conjured for Louise and Durran to head over to the establishment.

“And after that I was sent back here…” answered Razta. Adelina looked at his neck seeing the searing marks that he mentioned. His story was adding up, but she honestly had trouble believing that him and Louise caused a representative and a spawn of Cain himself to defect.

“You said he called himself an avatar?” asked Zelis. “And what was your father like? That must have been quite a shock!”

“He was almost just what I thought he would be...I think that’s what made it more believable.” answered Razta. “He was unbelievably strong, but he wasn’t hot headed like you would expect.”

Owain was still surprised Razta had made it back, especially after hearing his story. Owain had been silent since Razta had arrived but he felt that now it would be appropriate to speak.

“It’s good to have you back Razta, don’t go disappearing on us again,” he said.

“I don’t plan on it. Bastard caught me off guard, but in all...some good came out of this I suppose.” answered Razta. “I think that my father would be willing to join us.” After they all filled him in on what was going on their side, he realized they needed all the muscle they could muster.

“Convincing the elder of that won’t be an easy task.” answered Arkasia.

“I convinced her to do it once, I could probably do it again,” Owain offered his services.

“A representative is a different story. I have never met Kudzu in person. But we don’t have any intel of the outlands of the cursed lands for a reason.” answered Arkasia. “The man did his job, and he did it well.”

“I find that rather bothersome since they have more than enough on us…” said Reymond.

Leaning against the wall, away from the group, Anastas turned to Katya who stood beside him ”You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this Representative, would you?” He asked quietly.

”Me and my partner met him on the way here. He was †˜grilling’ some soldiers for insubordination. We assisted him with hunting down what he came there for, and then we went on out own way.” answered Katya.. ”This man is indeed as strong as they are making him to be at least.”

”I see. . .” Anastas replied, thinking to himself for a moment. ”And your partner? Somebody we should be concerned about?”

”He wasn’t completely useless I suppose,” answered Katya. ”But he didn’t seem particularly interested in anything except that man over there.” Katya tilted her head towards Razta nonchalantly.

”Heh.” Anastas murmured in intrigue. ”So your partner was the one who abducted Razta then?” He was getting interested but also concerned about what sort of crowd Katya had involved herself with.

”If it wasn’t I’m not sure who. Our deal was that we find our targets together, and then go our separate ways.” answered Katya. ”From what Razta says I’m guessing he is probably dead by now. Katya added looking around the room. “Which means I don’t have much to return to back home. Our boss happened to be my partners aunt. Which means as of now I’m out of a job.”

”If this Representative really is that strong, I wouldn’t doubt he’d taken them both out.” Anastas responded. ”Still, better he left with his family rather than be left to grieve.” He had somber expression as he thought about it. ”I’d prefer if you went back to your village but I can imagine if I left you, you’d still chase after me.”

”You could always make this easier you know, and just come back with me.” answered Katya.

”Not while I’m still under contract.” Anastas said sternly. ”With how things seem to be going, it won’t be finished anytime soon. . . If you’re that impatient for me to return, perhaps you should just stick with us until it’s all over.”

”Not like I have much of a choice. Marian got a good look at me. I won’t be safe in the cursed lands.” she answered. To be honest she wasn’t all that heartbroken. Sitting around at the village was boring her to no end. “I’ll stay with you all for now.”

Anastas stayed silent, he imagined how hard it would have been for her working along with the cursed. He scowled at the thought but dismissed it quickly, deciding he would go take a breather outside.

Katya closed her eyes and looked away from him as he passed, wearing a sour expression as he seemed displeased with her decision. She didn’t know why she was expecting him to be in higher spirits, and it hurt a lot more than she thought it would.

“So what is your story?” Masaki asked Katya.

She looked at him with narrowed eyes. “Piss off,” she answered. Masaki slowly eased away from her seeing that she wasn’t the talkative type.

Owain burst out laughing, barely managing to stay upright, clutching his sides. “Smooth,” he said to Masaki between breaths. Arkasia and the others found themselves chuckling along with Owain. Katya got fed up with all the light spirited fun and walked out of the shop.

“It seems our little group is growing faster than I thought it would,” said Razta. “Once Louise and the others join us we will be in even better standings.”

“What makes you think Louise is joining us?” asked Arkasia. “She may have saved you, but that doesn’t make up for anything with me. She is the same as Kreig to me.”

“I agree,” Owain said, “I don’t want anything to do with her.”

“It may have been in an indirect way, but she is responsible for Nero’s death.” answered Arkasia. “When we meet again we talk with blades.”

Owain snickered, “Try getting that stuck up bitch to wield a blade and I’d be amazed.”, She did have nice tits though Owain added, mentally.

“Its a figure of speech,” answered Arkasia with a laugh.

“Do you plan to kill her?” asked Razta.

“I’m not as merciful as the elder. I do not take betrayal lightly.” answered Arkasia. Razta remembered all the stories about Arkasia, and saw now that none of it was exaggeration. Owain was just helping to fuel the fire, and Ari with her silent rage was doing the same. These three were baying for blood.

“Zelis, now that your boy is safe does that mean that we now have to pay for these weapons?” asked Arkasia. Zelis stroked his white and black beard in thought.

“I suppose not,” answered Zelis. “I’d rather have you all battle ready. I have more than enough money.” Zelis looked Razta over, and found that his dagger was missing. “Where is your dagger, son?”

Razta smiled at Zelis still referring to him as his son even after he met his real father. He would always treat this man as such as well. “I lost it during the whole ordeal,” answered Razta.

Zelis grumbled a bit under his breath. “I suppose you will be wanting a new one?” asked Zelis. This wasn’t really a question as the man began drawing up the plans for one before Razta answered.

Razta smirked. “Yes that would be good. I promise to keep a better hold on this one.” answered Razta.

“You better,” answered Zelis continuing his sketch.

Suddenly the curtain to the shop opened and three guards walked in looking around at the warriors in the room. “The elder has requested an audience will all of you in the morning.” announced one of the guards.

“Tell her we will be there,” answered Arkasia. The guard nodded and stepped out of the shop. “I guess that means she wants to get this show started earlier than I thought she would.”

Owain cricked his neck. “I can’t say I’m not thankful for that,” he said.

Ari felt tense for some reason. So much had happened, and she had just been going with the flow. At the front of all her thoughts, she worried about her sister. She hadn’t seen her since the attack on Raltese, and each passing battle reminded her that she could be on the front lines.

“Ari are you alright?” asked Reymond who noticed Ari’s dismal look. She shook the thoughts out of her head.

“Yes, please stop worrying about me.” she answered. Even though she was sure he meant well, his constant worry was beginning to become annoying to her. She was thankful when Arkasia spoke up and interrupted his attempts.

“For the next few days I want you all to relax. Gather your thoughts and deal with anything that will distract you out on the battlefield. Leave your feelings here. I need soldiers out there on the field.” ordered Arkasia. She more than anyone knew that many of them hadn’t known true rest in a while. Rest was as important in training as anything else.

“I think that I will visit the temple...its been a while.” said Masaki getting serious all of the sudden.

“That is fine, but take someone with you so you don’t get lost,”joked Razta.

“Oh no, it’s not like I’ll get lost or anything. I still remember the way to my Temple, probably.” Masaki said unsurely.

Anastas walked back in after clearing his head, and looked around for Katya who was no where to be found.

“I’m sure that Anastas would be happy to help you,” said Arkasia.

“With?” asked Anastas a bit skeptical.
Selanus wasn’t sure what he was doing now, looking up at the great gates to the forest of Origin. Only a few days ago, he had come in under an alias and kidnapped Razta, no doubt there would be some who knew what he had done. Nevertheless, he had nothing else to lose at this point and this had been the only place he could think when he had wanted to get away from Raskana.

He had gotten past waycastle Tahir without much problems, his specialized pack weighing him down only slightly as he travelled the landscape. Nights had been a time for solemn contemplation, sitting around a small fire as he thought of what to do from here on and that had led to this, standing here by himself.

As he expected he was found out almost instantly. Two, no four figures now surrounded him. Their hoods and masks not offering much in the way of assurance. Raising his hands he showed that he was surrendering.

“You have some gall coming back here after trying to take one of ours.” said once of the guards drawing his spear. The others drew various weapons. Sword, daggers, and a bow from the looks of it.

“What have you come for? Your allies have already been chased out with their tails between their legs.” said another guard.

”I seek asylum,” Selanus said, shaking his head at the mention of the cursed members. ”and they are no allies of mine. Not anymore...”

“Heh, seems like a lot can happen in a few days.” answered a guard. “We take him into the guard cells for now. Edile will decide what to do with you.”

Nodding his understanding, Selanus had meant it when he had raised his arms.

“This way,” said a guard as he began to walk towards the gate. The other three brought up the rear to make sure Selanus didn’t try anything. From Selanus’ expression they had little reason to use excessive force. The man was broken down. Whatever happened to him must have been traumatizing.

As he was escorted he noticed severe damage to the fence that once protected the city. He had noted how sturdy it looked to him before. Whatever did that must have had some incredible strength. Guards were working on it, but even with their spirits it would take some time to repair. As they walked through the camp Selanus noted the unmistakable scent of blood. That was when he noticed the cursed refugee camp was supposed to be right here.

”Where… where is Grigore? What happened?” He took a look around, searching for his mentor. ”Who did this!?

“Your friends killed most of the cursed refugees. The survivors have been given shelter in the residential district.” answered a guard. “As for Grigore I believe he survived. He was also the reason that anyone survived at all.” Selanus’s jaw tightened upon hearing those words.

“Speak of the devil.” said another guard as the spotted two people talking to Elder Edile in front of the guard house. One was Grigore and the other was a blonde woman that Selanus hadn’t met before.

“Move it!” said a guard from behind Selanus. Selanus hadn’t even noticed he stopped walking. The guards ushered Selanus over towards Edile.

“This is the man responsible for Razta’s disappearance.” said a guard pushing Selanus forward towards the elder. He almost stumbled but was able to keep his balance somehow.

Edile brought a hand to her chin as she examined Selanus. Grigore looked at Selanus with a weak smile, but said nothing. The woman next to him followed his example save the smile. Selanus noted the new appearance before nodding at his mentor solemnly.

“You remind me of Razta when I first met him,” said Edile. “That was a long time ago, and he has grown so much since then. He was so full of hate back then, someone did a terrible thing to that boy.”

”Hate is only half of what fills my heart.” Selanus said softly, a sort of resignation had been added into his speech ever since the incident.

Edile bent over looking him in the eyes. It made Selanus feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t look away. After what seemed like an hour she pulled her glance away from him. “Razta was returned to us alive and well. This man had no place in the attack.” said Edile. A guard opened his mouth to object but was silence by a glance from Edile. “I will leave him to you Grigore. Don’t let something like this happen again.”

“Yes Elder Edile,” said Grigore bowing slightly. Edile and the guard left the three alone, as Edile gave orders to the guards. The guards saluted and ran off back towards the gates leaving the village.

“You sure got lucky, kid.” said Grigore as he looked to Selanus. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he could see that something was eating him up inside. “What happened?”

”She’s gone Grigs.” He closed his eyes slowly, the whole scene replaying in his minds eye for a moment before he had to crack them open again, staring at his mentor with a defeated look. ”She’s gone and I couldn’t do anything…”

Grigore covered his face with his hand. “Come with me. Let’s not make you go through this here, alright?” suggested Grigore. The girl next to him looked at Selanus with a certain degree of pity, but it was almost unnoticeable. Selanus hefted his pack and fell in behind them, shoulders slumped.

“This way,” said Grigore as he started for the buildings they were given. It was unfortunate that this had to happen for them to gain even temporary residence in the city, but he knew that Edile had every right to be cautious.

As the leader of the cursed refugees Grigore was given his own office so that he could regulate from there. Today he didn’t have anyone that needed to talk to him so he used that time to talk to Edile and secure supplies. The papers he still needed to fill out were scattered on a desk.

“Helena can you leave us alone for a bit?” asked Grigore. Helena simply nodded and walked out of the room closing the door behind her. Turning to Selanus Grigori walked to the front of his desk and leaned on it.

“Who was it?” asked Grigori.

"One of the reps... Kudzu. He... he ripped her apart." Selanus had settled into an empty chair and was cradling his head in his hands. "I won't rest till the man is dead."

Grigore closed his eyes in thought for a moment. “I can’t say I didn’t see that coming.” answered Grigore. “I warned her about her experiments before.” Grigore looked at Selanus and sighed knowing what he was about to say wasn’t what he wanted to hear. “Your aunt played a dangerous game. This is the price she paid Selanus. It’s one of the reasons I left…”

Selanus remained silent, gazing at the older man, contemplating. "She was all I had. I would've followed her into hell if it was asked of me. I don't blame you, not after all you've done for me but those responsible, they will suffer." Wisps of shadows began to crawl across his coat, responding to his emotions.

”You are young Selanus. You don’t need to go throwing your life away.” answered Grigore looking at the spirit energy building up inside Selanus. “I take it you have seen what she is like?” Grigore noticed that he was holding a bag with Kristina’s name on it. It was same he remembered she held her research notes in.

Selanus nodded, eyes hollow. ”As much as I didn’t want to believe it, it’s all there. It’s hard to stomach.”

“Did anyone see you take those?” asked Grigore. Selanus shook his head in reply, ”No, I don’t think so. I want to find out what exactly she was working on. As much as I detest it, it’s her legacy. I won’t let anyone have it.”

Grigore stroked his chin and looked at Selanus. “I hope you are right.” he answered. “Well lets find a place to hide that. We shouldn’t have you walking around with it.”

Selanus wordlessly lifted the bag, getting up to follow his mentor. Whatever it was, the things in that bag were not to fall into anothers hands but his own. Helena who was waiting outside walked up to the two. ”Who’s the girl?” He quipped, also curious about the woman following Grigore.

“This is Helena, Helena this is Selanus. He is the nephew...of an old friend. Guess you can call him the son I never had.” answered Grigore patting him on the shoulder.

Helena looked Selanus over and then turned back to Grigore. “What are we doing now?”

“Thats hardly a proper greeting.” answered Grigore with a doting tone. Helena sighed.

“Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you.” she said not really caring if it sounded sweet and sincere.

”Same to you.” He hadn’t come here to make friends, to play nice with the people around him. Treating people cordially was a far cry from what he could manage with the current situation.

“Helena may not act like it, but she is Scion.” added Grigore. “We had a...misunderstanding, and the elder ordered her to help us out. Things have been just peachy ever since. Right Helena?”

“Has he always been this sickeningly annoying, Selanus?” she asked.

”Ever since I’ve known him.” Selanus had raised his eyebrows ever so slightly at the mention of her allegiance but he couldn’t stop a wry smile from popping on his face for a brief moment before he punched Grigore lightly on the arm.

Grigore laughed and returned the sentiment, but Selanus was sure that was going to bruise. “So!”he said rubbing his hands together. “You hungry boy?”

”I’m not too hungry, unless you’ve got some roast going?” He replied hopefully, food would help his mood, especially if it was roast.

”There is a place I can take you to that serves up a good roast.” offered Grigore. He looked to Helena knowing that she was probably hungry too. He had dragged her around all day, and they never had time to take a break. “Both of you come, my treat!” he said.

Selanus could only wonder how his mentor could still be so high spirited but acquiesced to the request. He really could use a good meal right about now.

As they walked through the town Grigore led them by quite a bit. Helena and Selanus walked quietly making sure not to lose him.

“I really hate that about him,” said Helena looking at Grigore.

”Hate what? The unshaved beard? I’ve seen worse.” Shrugging, Selanus replied somewhat offhandedly as he followed behind both of them.

”He is holding it all in. Just like he told me not to do. answered Helena. ”He has been doing nothing, but running himself into the dirt lately.”

”I know. I’ll help him any way I can, the man’s just that way.” Selanus sighed, staring at the back of his mentor. Grigore turned realizing he was leaving the two behind.

“Hurry it up!” he yelled back beckoning them with his hand. The two quickened their pace catching up to Grigore by the time he entered a restaurant. The two stopped and looked at the sign. †˜Boar on the Spit’.

“Ah. this place again.” said Helena walking in. The smell in the air was enticing and it was all that was needed for Selanus to amble in, taking in the place around him. As he walked in he saw a large man standing behind the counter, and wiping it down.

“Ah, Grigore. You haven’t been here in a while.” said the man finishing the counter. “Three of you today?”

“Yes, give us two boars we will be taking it with us.” answered Grigore. The man nodded and turned to walk into the back room. There was faint talking, but they couldn’t make out what was being said.

“Hope you both brought an appetite,” said Grigore turning back to Selanus and Helena.

“They always give way more than you need,” complained Helena. “Why do we keep coming here?”

”Better more than less and saving some for later sounds good.” Selanus said, ”and roast is justice.” The last bit was said in a voice only he could hear.

Helena eyes him up strangely hearing him mumble something to himself, but paid it no mind. Moment later the muscular man stepped back out holding two large sacks and placed them on the counter.

“Go ahead and take a seat anywhere. We will be over with your food when it is ready.” said the man. Grigore waved at him and the three moved to sit at one of the open tables. The place wasn’t especially busy with what happened a few days prior.

Once everyone was seated Grigore began looking over the drinks. “So you drinking some ale Selanus?” asked Grigore nudging him.

Selanus nodded ever so slightly, this sequence all too familiar and making him recall the two recent bar trips. He tried his best to suppress the emotions, answering Grigore with a forced ”Every now and then.”

“I avoid the stuff. Apparently I am a very angry drunk.” replied Grigore.

“More physical than violent,” answered Helena. “Letting you go home with that waitress was entertaining enough though.”

The look on Selanus’s face said it all but he knew that Grigore needed to let off some stress. The life out here would push even someone like him to the edge. ”Only one? You’ve mellowed, Grigs.” Selanus chuckled, ribbing the older man.

”Can’t be a warrior in all situations,” answered Grigore.

”I don’t find many occasions not to be a warrior.” answered Helena. You? She turned to Selanus.

”I am when I need to be, that’s all.” He replied, not really liking the direction this conversation was going. ”It’s easier if I don’t have to think about it too.”

”And kidnapping is just normal business huh?” said Helena. ”I know the father of the boy you took. You’re lucky he made it back fine or I would have ran you through at the gate.”

“Calm it Helena.” said Grigore.

”He’s alive?” Selanus said in surprise before slamming the table with his fist, the cutlery rattling at the impact. ”Then it was for nothing! He glared at Helena, ”You could’ve tried. There’s a reason why I managed to get out of here with him anyway.

“You protect your aunt with that same strength? And you wonder why she isn’t here now.” she said with a smirk.

Eyes flaring red for a second, Selanus looked at Grigs then back at Helena. ”Say any more of that and you’ll be looking having your own innards for lunch.” He reclined in his chair, giving her a smug look.

”We haven’t eaten yet. You might make for some good exercise before though. It will be over before the foods ready. answered Helena standing up and walking for the door, Selanus followed close behind.

”Have you idiots forgotten the laws around here? said Grigore yelling after them. “Bah! I’ll let a guardian deal with it!” Grigore sat down in his seat and raised his hand. “Bring me some ale!”

Stepping outside Helena led him to an alley and turned to him. “Well you gonna just stand there? Having second thoughts?” she taunted. Helena slid her spear from the holder on her back and held it ready.

Selanus reached into his coat and pulled out Nadir, unsheathing Fenrir at the same time. Snapping Nadir up, he loosed a quick shot at Helena. The gun barked and the bullet sped towards her. Spinning her spear she blocked the bullet, but the force was too much, and knocked her off balance.

Stepping back she spun her spear once and held it in proper position. †˜Not bad, she thought staring him down. Selanus looked as something flickered near her feet, and she disappeared a second later. As his eyes focused she reappeared right in front of him.

Her spear flew at him and slammed into his side, knocking some of the wind of him. He grit his teeth as the pain flared throughout his body. “Don’t go easy on me now. You won’t last long…”

Selanus snarled as he called upon Astaroth and he immediately felt an immense surge of power fill him. ”You have found excellent prey again, I see.” He nodded sharply at Helena in response, already feeling his spirit beginning to stalk her. The hunt had begun in earnest.

Helena stabbed her spear into the ground and placed both hands on her chest. As the light faded Helena stood there holding her spear and sword. Ornate silver armor adorned her body as a valkyrie helmet formed. Narrowing his eyes, Selanus reevaluated her threat level, feeling the power in the air.

“You aren’t the only one that has tricks.” said Helena with a smirk. ”Interesting. Testing our mettle against her will be most enjoyable.” Selanus could feel it through the link with her but couldn’t help but growl at his partner. ”Be serious for a bit, we can have fun over her corpse later.” Visibly perking up, his partner gave a murr of appreciation before turning her attention back to Helena. Selanus shook his head in exasperation before likewise focusing on Helena, calculating how to deal with her now.

Swapping Nadir for Cerberus, he raised the shotgun and flooded the chambers with spirit. The first barrel sputtered but the other two glowed and released their payload, the shells roaring towards their target. Helena covered herself from the roar of Cerberus, but the force was enough to crack even her armor. As she recoiled she felt a sharp pain in her back. A soft giggle sounded in her ear, but as she turned no one was there. Turning back to Selanus, he was wearing a knowing grin. Gritting her teeth she spun her spear once as it began to shine brightly.

“I’ll start taking you seriously now,” she said holding her spear at the ready. Selanus raised two grenades in response, the contents fizzling as they reacted to his spirit energy. One fizzled and died but the other started to glow an unhealthy green and he raised to throw it but faltered momentarily, the strain over the past few days coupled with his spirit form taking its toll as he blacked out for a moment.

The grenade fell from his hand and it landed not too far from his feet, already beginning its final countdown. Helena shot the energy from her spear at the grenade vaporizing it before it could go off.

“The hell are you doing?” asked Helena. “Is this what you call a fight?” Glaring at her, Selanus could only manage a weak retort. ”I don’t need… your help. Not you, not anyones.” He put a hand on the wall to steady himself, Astaroth finally appearing as she eyed her masters condition with slight concern.

She looked at the burn mark on the floor then at Helena questioningly before fading out of existence. Helena eyed the spectacle curiously. She hadn’t expected that he could cause a cross over even if it was on this small of a scale. As Astaroth left, Selanus instantly felt a void and he sucked in a breath, trying to make his way out of the alley.

Grigore placed a hand on his shoulder steadying him. “I think you got some of that anger out.” said Grigore.

”Anger… not meant for her.” Selanus managed, still breathing heavily.

“Thank you Helena.” said Grigore to Helena through spirit signal.

“You owe me for this one.” she answered back in the same way.

“Let’s get you somewhere where you can rest,” he said looking at Selanus who looked half dead already. The tired man grunted in reply, even more bitter as he reviewed his most recent failure.
This is a joint post between: Valentine_K1S5 and Mills Bomb

“Are you sure you know where you are going?” asked Anastas. “I can get us back easily, but you at least have to get us there.” They had been wandering through the forest for a while, but had seen no signs of the temple. Anastas was close to suggesting that they give up on this venture.

I know it’s here somewhere. Masaki stopped and crouched down in front of a giant tree. An arrow sign was seen pointing left. There you are. He then stood up and walked to the path that the arrow pointed. “Follow me.” Masaki started to run.

Anastas spotted the faded sign and hoped that they had finally arrived. Taking off after Masaki he caught up to him as they ran through the forest. It was only a few moments before a path of stairs leading up a hill came into view, and atop that hill a ragged looking temple. The forest had began to stake claim of it, as weeds climbed its surface.

“Are you sure this is the place?” asked Anastas wary of the derelict looking ruins as they began up the stairs.

“Yeah, “ Masaki pointed to a small hole that they passed. “That’s the place where I rest when my mentor was sleep teaching.” They arrived at the top of the stairs. A vast vines covered temple with a very large building in the middle. I’m home. He said to himself as he crouched down and punched the ground with his gauntlet. A loud gong can be heard from the central building.

“. . . That shouldn’t be working anymore. Or could it be.” He suddenly dashed to the central building with great speeds. Anastas prepared his bow as he walked in behind Masaki.

“Is someone still living here?” asked Anastas. He didn’t know if Masaki could even hear him. He mainly said it to himself.

Oi Masaki, no one is alive other than you two in here! TouTetsuOh said as Masaki enter the building. Everything was clean, no vines had entered the room. There was a gong in the middle. Masaki sighed. “I guess you can still sense our spirit energy, Mentor.” He walked up to the gong and touched it. It’s been that long, huh? TouTetsuOh commented. Yep, that long and even after his death he’s still watching over me. Masaki focussed his spirit energy to his gauntlet. The four purple gems glow brightly. Masaki then punched the gong. A loud deafening sound was produced. Purple gems on the four corners of the room lighted up the room, various carvings on the walls was visible showing countless of lighting fast punch and kicks. Masaki sat down with a satisfied smile and said to Anastas as he entered the room, “Welcome to the Temple.” As a carving of his gauntlet started to appear on the gong.

“What in Veres’ name is that gong?” asked Anastas putting his bow back in its hold. “This must be where you trained I’m guessing?”

“Mentor called it a Spirit Gong. It reads known spirit energy. I guess you didn’t notice that the ground that I punched was actually a button that is directly connected to this gong.” Masaki paused and stood up. “Oh and my mentor is buried right below the gong, so that he could still protect it.” Masaki crossed his hands and noded.

“That is a little...odd. But its not my place to judge.” he answered nodding to the gong in respect. “From the looks of this place you must have been here by yourself. Did you not have other students here?

“Yeah, surprisingly someone or something kept the central temple clean. Last time I went here there were a lot less vines than the ones you’ve seen outside. It is a seemingly dead religion but you’ll never know what’s out there. Maybe there’s another hidden temple like this that has more people learning and taking care of it than here. Ahaha~” Masaki laughed and slowly looked down. It’s alright, Masaki. You don’t need to hold it back. TouTetsuOh confronted. What? I’m not going to cry you silly. Defended Masaki.

Anastas furrowed his eyebrows. He could understand what Masaki was going through, this temple was practically his home. ”Who knows. The world is a large place, all you can do is look.” He tried to reassure him.

Masaki took a deep breath, “Anyway, “ Masaki stood up and continued, “Want to help me clean this place up a bit? I mean I know that it’s already clean but why not make it even cleaner!” Said Masaki confidently.

“You brought me all the way out here to clean?” said Anastas drearily as he looked at the condition of the temple. “It’s only going to get back to this condition once we leave you know?”

“Well, yeah. Still! it’ll make the old man happy. Ahahaha~” Masaki laughed. “First of all, let’s just put these items on the floor back on the place they were.” Said Masaki as he took a few rubble and pieces of ceramic plates from the floor and put it near the northern purple crystal.

Anastas sighed and began to help Masaki clean the abandoned temple. There was broken training equipment scattered across the floor. Most was made of of wood so he put it all in a pile in a circle pit outside, and started burning it.

Strange, I never seen this panel before. Thought Masaki as he looked at a panel right on his mentor’s tomb. The color and the picture were slightly different. It was blank and looked like it was recently added. Masaki pressed the panel and he suddenly slides down the tomb. “WHAAAAAA!!!!” He screamed as the floor and panel returned to it’s original position.

Anastas turned and looked around. “What was that?” said Anastas out loud. After seeing no commotion he shrugged and went back to burning the trash.

As Masaki slid down the dirty slope he slammed onto the ground hard and rolled into a pile of rocks. Rubbing his head he slowly rose back up holding his side. As he reached out for a wall to steady himself he pressed a switch. Reacting with his glove the room sprung to life opening holes in the ceiling that let in light from somewhere. Before Masaki there was a circular room formed of ancient stone. In the center of the room there was a display case with an object wrapped in cloth.

Ha! You’ve finally entered this room, Masaki. Said TouTetsuOh as Masaki walked to the center of the circular room. “What the hell are you talking about?” Masaki asked as he put his hand hand on the display case. His gauntlet throbbed wildly as it approached the case. “So, whats under the cloth? My gauntlet never responded like this before my entire life.” He asked as he tempted to punch the display case open. Just break the glass and see. TouTetsuOh chuckled.

“Well, Alright I guess.” Masaki clenched his fists and punch right through the display case. He pulled the cloth out and there it was, TouTetsuOh’s missing half. A gauntlet that looked exactly like the one Masaki wearing. A seemingly dragon shaped glove with small fangs on the tip. 2 pair of light purple gems on each side with a crooked shaped blade on each side, the blades were seemingly connected with the small fangs on the head of the gloves which is the back of Masaki’s Palm. Behind the plate where it holds the purple gems was a loose set of tight spiral shaped dull blades that opens up like a flower.

“So you kept this hidden from me.” Masaki commented as he took the gauntlet and quickly put his hand in to the open gap. The spiral blades closed up and †˜ate’ Masaki’s hand. Your mentor asked me to never tell you until you’re ready. Well, you still are not ready for it but you managed to find it your self. TouTetsuOh sighed. At least you didn’t go berserk after you wore it. That’s a start. TouTetsuOh sighed in relief.

“Now how can I get out of here?” Masaki spread his arms open, embracing the nice cold air. The gems on both of his gauntlets shine. Easy, Just look up, you’ll reach it somehow. TouTetsuOh teased. “Ha! You silly.” Said Masaki as he made a circle using both of his hands. The spirit energy bursts out of his gloves, shaking the ground also. Flaming blue spirit energy coated his gauntlets. He started punching upward and spirit dragons hits the wall above him. Masaki countlessly punched the air, delivering countless of blue dragons to the wall.

Cracking the wall and the ground bit by bit. “SOU!” The dragons grew larger. “HA!” Masaki prepared to jump as he kept delivering the spirit dragons to the wall. “RYU!” one last punch was delivered and a spirit dragon five times larger than the previous one flew fast, Masaki jumped up and formed a kick into his large spirit dragon. Boosting his kick up and broke through the wall. Masaki landed right at the top of the temple. Leaving dust and a loud spirit explosion behind him.

Great job, Masaki. You’ve managed to use the Go Hakku Shin Ken. TouTetsuOh complimented. “So that’s what it called huh? I can’t really explain it. It just came right through my head. Did mentor did this before or what?” Masaki asked as he looked through the horizon. Yeah, he managed to leveled a mountain with it. Masaki laughed at TouTetsuOh’s comment. “Whatever you say sir, whatever you say.”

As the dust cleared Masaki noticed Anastas standing below him. An arrow trained on him. Anastas lowered the bow and sighed as he noticed it was just him. “What in Veres’ name are you doing? Didn’t you want to clean this place up?”

“Nope, I’ve found something better.” Masaki jumped down and landed on his feet. The gems on the gauntlets on his hands still shone bright. “Apparently someone was still hiding things from me.” Masaki laughed.

“I see. Well does that mean we can go now?” asked Anastas hoping that his new plaything would satisfy him for the day.

“Nope, we’re still cleaning!” Said Masaki happily.

Anastas sighed again and rubbed his temples at the work that was to come.
Selanus woke with a start, hand immediately going for his gun but only finding empty air, his hand twitching for a moment as he calmed his nerves. Cold sweat beaded his forehead and he wiped it off with the edge of his sleeve, finally realizing he was in someone’s home.

Moonlight streamed through an open window and provided enough vision for him to make out a few features in the room. Personal effects, books and documents were strewn around the place. A simple dresser sat in a corner upon which his equipment lay. Pulling himself out of bed, he winced as the spot where Helena struck him smarted, a bruise already formed.

His trusty hat was also there, lying over Fenrir and he sweeped it up, adjusting it in the dressers mirror before nodding slightly. The night was quiet and he looked out the window, seeing no one in the streets below. The household was also silent, Grigore or even Helena or whoever lived here gone off to sleep due to the time. Needing some fresh air to clear his mind properly, Selanus slipped out but not before grabbing his guns, leaving the grenades and Fenrir behind.

He plunged from the window and quickly shifted into shadow form, landing silently and muffling his footsteps as he walked through the empty streets, head clouded in thought. Many thoughts scrambled for his attention but the distressed young man couldn’t properly find a solution to most, if not any of them. He hadn’t known how long he had walked for, just quietly pacing along in the city of origin as he struggled for answers but looking over his shoulder, Selanus found that he wasn’t in the section of the city which the refugees now stayed.

As usual, his spirit was quick to find him during moments alone and a cloud of inky darkness started spewing from his coat as she made herself known but said nothing. Her presence was reassuring, even though he was still stewing at her over the fight earlier. Earlier? How long ago was that indeed. Remembering what Grigs had said about the massacre, he sent Astaroth out to seek the site with the most bloodshed and she was happy to oblige, guiding him ever so slightly with spirit signals.

Sneaking through the patrols of Guardians had been similar to his escape with Razta and he soon found himself at the former refugee camp, if it could even be called as such. The ground was furrowed in many places, patches of earth thrown up as if great claws had ripped them out, structures half destroyed and rubble covering much of the open ground. The ground itself was soaked with blood, the very earth dyed red. Cleanup of the place hadn’t been thorough but at least there weren’t any exposed bodies.

Selanus took off his hat upon witnessing the wanton destruction wrought, silently giving a mourning prayer for the departed. Sure, he was a bounty hunter but never would he participate in such genocide. Especially not against innocents. The air was heavy with the stench and although Astaroth was currently revelling in it, he could not bring himself to feel the same way and left. He would help Grigs deal with this, it was the very least he could do.

Strolling through the streets once more, he found himself in a familiar street where he had been with Katya. A sad smile graced his features at the memory, where for once, he didn’t have to think about the orders given to him or the more gruesome details of the hunt. The food stalls he had once patronized were closed at this hour but bars and like were still open, and his stomach chose that moment to growl. With nothing for nourishment over his time asleep, he hadn’t even gotten to eat that roast, Selanus walked past a few bars looking for something to eat until Astaroth started talking to him furiously, pointing at a particular bar.

Selanus furrowed his brow, wondering what had caught the spirit huntress’s attention but walked into said bar soon after. The place itself was pretty nondescript, dark lighting and a few patrons left. The bartender gave him a look as he wiped the countertop, but it was probably due to his outfit. What did catch his attention, however, was the man sitting at the end of the counter. In particular, a very familiar man that had managed to soil his suit at Raltese. The ranger.

Anastas looked up to the new arrival as Demyan seemed to remember his accompanying spirit, giving him a look as if trying to recall from where. It wasn’t until the bartender grunted at Selanus that he realised that he had been staring at the ranger for some time from the doorway and he made his way in, still looking to fill his stomach with at least something.

He scowled as he pulled settled in the seat one down from Anastas, and ordered whatever hot food the bartender could scrounge up at this time of night along with a pint of ale. As the man left, Selanus glanced over the ranger, noticing he was drinking a cup of milk. Milk.

Selanus snorted and chuckled in spite himself, the sight a bit too much for him to stomach after all that had happened over the past few days. Fighting for his life, seeing his aunt get butchered and now the only guy who had managed to hit him drinking milk in a bar. Astaroth herself was just gawking, equally as floored.

Anastas could hear the man chortle but didn’t much react, just a glance back at him and a sip from his drink. ”Raltese is a far ways away from here. Shouldn’t you have taken tail with your Cursed allies?” Anastas asked with no answer in particular.

Again with the allies. Why did everyone have to associate him with the reps because of one incident? Looking at Anastas out of the corner of his eye, he gave a half hearted answer in return. ”I’m only with them when I need to be but I doubt that will happen again anyway.” He paused, the bartender bringing a simple plate of roasted potatoes and similar vegetables along with the pint and Selanus hungrily dug in, famished.

The conversation, if it could be called that, just stayed that way until he was done eating and he dropped a smidgen of the energised spirit into the ale as per custom, enjoying that familiar fizzling sounding. When it was done, Selanus took a swig and let the alcohol run through his system.

”I see you’re looking alright. Have any women trouble lately?” Asked Selanus, turning around in his bar stool. Now that he was feeling better and good after all that, the memories of Raltese could be focused on in greater clarity along with Katya’s obsession with this guy.

Anastas turned and gave Selanus a look as if it was territory best left untread but decided to humor him either way. ”If you could call it that.” He replied briefly, taking another sip of his milk, ”It’s more so the past coming to haunt me.”

”She wouldn’t stop badgering me about you though.” Selanus titled his mug slightly at Anastas, the ale sloshing. ”Need to get here earlier, could’ve missed you. All that. I even dressed her up for when she did meet you.”

”Oh?” Anastas raised a brow and turned himself to face Selanus, ”So you were the partner who accompanied her here.”

”What, she didn’t tell you? I suppose you were the only one in her eyes anyway.” Selanus shrugged at Katya’s attitude, though couldn’t really fault her since they did live mercenary lives.

”Only that you were the one who kidnapped one of my team mates. Although he was returned back, she thought you had gotten yourself killed by a Representative there. Guess even she can underestimate someone.” Anastas replied, the conversation had caught his attention quite a bit.
Visibly grimacing, Selanus’s countenance turned sour at the mention of Kudzu and he tightened his grip on his mug. ”That was…” Selanus wanted to rage. The man had unknowingly reopened his wounds but what could one expect from a stranger. ”It was a disaster. Your friend, that operation. All of it. Me surviving? I bet he didn’t bother to kill me, leaving me to wallow instead.” He spat the words out in distaste, ale no longer tasting as it did moments before.

Anastas, despite the body language, listened intently to his story. ”That wasn’t it though, was it?” He recognized the look in Selanus’ eye, a look he once shared. ”. . . Tell me about them.”

”I want to know why she did it. Why indeed…” Selanus thought about why this man was actually listening to someone from the opposing side, about the questions in his head and like a dam, they burst through. ”Why.. Why wasn’t anyone else there for us? Why did our representatives kill our refugees? Why didn’t you kill me back at Raltese!? WHY!?” Selanus slammed the mug back down on the countertop with some force and the bartender shot him a warning look, even as other patrons turned to look at the small commotion. ”Why was she killed… and why am I telling you all this.” He said, clutching his head between his hands as he leaned on the countertop.

Anastas sat there, unphased by Selanus’ sudden outburst. Pausing for a moment to think, he downed the rest of his milk before setting it back on the counter. ”Because you need someone to listen to you.” He replied bluntly, ”You keep those questions and the pain behind them locked up in your heart and they eventually break out, just like now.” He knew because he had gone through the same.

”Life is cruel. You want answers, something to make sense of all this. Sometimes there aren’t any. Sometimes the pain just can’t be solved by spilling more blood.” Anastas’ expression began to grimace as he thought back to his earlier years.

”I want some resolution to all this and if killing Kudzu is the way to it, then so be it.” Selanus murmured, his face a mask of anger if one could see it. ”I would’ve killed you too, you know. If I had been in your place, mercy would have been at the bottom at the list.” At the time, Alma had been more important to him than this nameless archer.

Anastas could understand where he was coming from, losing someone is always hard no matter the person. ”You hate that man, the representative that killed her, don’t you.” He asked rhetorically, the answer was as plain as day. ”He has a son. One that’s only started to reconnect with him after many years. What do you think will happen to him once you’ve had your revenge?”

He paused for a moment to let him take in what he had said. It’s a vicious circle. One that only us as humans choose to suffer from. Do you think the elk is concerned with getting back at the wolf? No, he accepts his loss because he knows deep down, that is life. You cannot live without loss and sadly, sometimes we lose a lot.”

Selanus’s coat bristled for a moment as if alive and Astaroth phased in, using the shadows rolling off to form a body and scowled at Anastas. ”Wise words, wolf but you forget that we are hunters as well. We do not simply back down, that is for the weak. My masters life and the hunt are all that I care for on this plane.” she said, glaring at where she sensed Demyan would be. ”I had thought you similar to one such as I.”

”The weak, ey?” Anastas sighed as he rested his chin on his hand. Leering over at Astaroth, one of Anastas’ eyes began to blow a bright yellow, as if Demyan were ready for a standoff. ”Do not believe I would be so close minded as yourself. Being a hunter is more than just about the hunt.”

Astaroth merely giggled at being called that, true to her nature. ”Indeed it is, wolf. For the hunt is eternal. It does not matter whether it be blood, riches or glory, though spilling blood is most enjoyable. I am its embodiment, would I let such trivialities stop me? I will aid him however long he remains a hunter. My master can be quite cruel though, he won’t let me out.” She poked Selanus in jest, though the action must have looked pretty awkward to outsiders.

Uttering something in another language the two were not familiar with, Anastas closed his eyes and upon opening them again, the sign of Demyan’s presence was gone. ”You asked me why I did not kill you in Raltese and so I ask you this. Would you rather I did and let those close to you suffer instead as you do now?”

Selanus brought his head out of steepled fingers, looking up at the ceiling as he was lost in thought for a moment, shaking his head with a little smile. ”It’s funny you should say that, Scion. I was only looking out for my own, that’s all. I won’t say you’re wrong. No, it couldn’t be better said because now, I have no one to live for.” He took a long drag from the quickly draining mug, almost empty as it were.

”I would not have had the same compunctions, but that doesn’t mean I like doing it. After all that has happened, I don’t think I have it in me but so long as I don’t see him, I think I can manage.” Astaroth had already retreated by then but he could feel a tiny hint of disapproval from her.

”Well I can’t force any more than that from you, it’s at least better than what I have done.” Anastas replied, almost getting ready to leave. ”Still, if you’re intent on paving a trail of blood, I’d suggest you lay your ambitions further than simply revenge. Cut the madness at it’s source.”

”Only those responsible should feel my hate but Razta is the cause of all this, at least in my eyes.” quipped Selanus. ”I don’t intend to go looking for trouble anytime soon.” He drained the last of his ale and got up, putting some coins on the counter to pay for his meal and drink, together with Anastas’s milk.

”Don’t think this changes things too much between us, Anastas.” Selanus said, using Anastas’s name for the first time. ”I’m still working out where we all stand with the shit that’s gone on in my life but you? I guess you’re not so bad, compared to the rest of them.”

”Hmph, well I’m not much like them at all, just a mercenary for hire.” He smirked, flicking down the counter a coin into Selanus’ pile, ”and not one that accepts charity from a man whose name I still haven’t caught yet.”

Selanus gave a genuine laugh, something he hadn’t done for some time. ”The names Selanus.” He replied, with a tip of his hat. ”We’ll settle that fight next time and send my regards to your girlfriend, that should be enough for her..”

”Well, Selanus.” Anastas said as he got up from his stool, ”This has been interesting to say the least. Good fortune to you until we meet again.” Giving a nod, he walked out into the night.

Watching the man go, Selanus then noticed the patrons around him sporting nervous looks and the bar was a tad bit more empty than before. Of course, Astaroth. He sighed, dropping a few more coins into the pile on the table. Let it be known that Selanus wasn’t so heartless, even if his spirit was. The bartender quickly scooped up the coins and he went out, moving back towards the re established refugee area.

The streets were almost pitch black by this time but he managed and Astaroth floated into his vision again, wings beating in agitation. ”Why did you not fight him after that? I was waiting. His spirit, it was interesting.” Selanus proceeded on, not seeing the need to reply with the answer so obvious.

She growled and kept pace, questioning him once again. ”What about him? Our quarry? He is still ours by right, his life was in our hands.” Her master slowed down, honestly thinking about what to do with Razta. The man had simply been a target, a victim of circumstance but he had also been the cause of Selanus’s current predicament. Kudzu was without a doubt, abhorred by him but the younger man hadn’t really done anything other than by being there. It didn’t stop the feeling of dislike creeping into his heart, however.

”I see that you have not gone all soft on me.” Astaroth remarked haughtily, sensing his emotions through their link. ”For once, I agree with your benefactor. We should have ended him when the chance presented itself.” Selanus really did not want to discuss this with her so soon, moving swiftly back to his accommodations as his spirit continued her tirade. She was indeed that slight bit more considerate towards him now after what happened but this side of her probably wouldn’t change, ever.

A short time later, he arrived back at the house and climbed in through the open window with ease. By now, his spirit had gone off somewhere, retreating back into the recesses and he breathed a sigh of relief. Feeling listless, he grabbed his equipment and a cleaning kit, sitting at the dresser as he began the calming routine. As he wiped down Cerberus, he once again thought back to his aunt and his heart pricked itself again.

Meeting Anastas had been helpful, he hadn’t expected the Scion to humor him and he himself hadn’t counted on engaging in such a conversation with the man. The words uttered along with Astaroth’s own did matter to him, he pondered as he cleaned out the three barrels with a practised hand, but it was always easier said than done.

Lost in his own thoughts, Selanus continued cleaning the inherited weapon as he reminisced about his life. The man had been steadily growing more miserable with each pass and set the gun back into its pile in frustration. He plucked the bone flute from his pack, the instrument miraculously surviving up till now. He sat by the window and began playing the only tune he was gifted with and knew, improving with each attempt.

The hymn fit his disposition and the grieving man poured his sorrows into the music, the sad song resonating within the empty room and flowing outwards. It was on a night like this that he had last seen Alma as well, and he reached up with a hand towards the moon as it beamed down at him, clasping thin air. The cycle of killing shouldn’t have to continue but the flames of anger always seemed to rekindle whenever he thought about one thing. That he would never see their smiles again.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

Falling through the portal into Louise’s house, the whale fell through first landing in Louise’s indoor pool. The pool turned red as the beast’s blood strained it. Kudzu fell in after splashing into the crimson water. Swimming to the side of the pool he found Durran and Louise looking down at him.

“You didn’t have to go that far. Do you have any inkling as to how much that one tree costs?” Louise said- no, almost yelled. Or was it that she was lecturing? Perhaps, she was simply mad as any rich master would when they find a servant who break an expensive decorative. Strangely enough, something such as a tree was the cause. It was a decorative regardless, but much more larger than any ordinary ones.

As Kudzu listened to her lecture his stomach roared loudly. “All you have to do is plant a new one right?” said Kudzu lifting himself out of the water and sitting on the side. Looking at the floating whale in the center of the pool. “You have a place I can cook this thing?” asked Kudzu.

“It costs m-o-n-e-y. And it’s expensive. You may not understand, but the currency rates are nothing like your world, and it takes time to grow them, too” Louise said as she pressed the buttons on her small device. “Sit tight, I’d rather have a chef cook that whale up; I’ll just let you have all of that,” just as Louise said that, she started speaking to someone – mysteriously – via the strange, black and slick item. After she spoke a few words and hung up on her call, she looked down at Kudzu. “Take that thing up, we’re gonna have it carried outside for the cooks to deal with it,” she sighed. That was the price of exacting †˜appropriate’ punishment? Oh, she would bear no more of that!

“At least the food will not go to waste,” answered Durran. “Will the chefs really be able to work with this thing though?” Kudzu got back into the water and pushed the whale to the edge. Then lifting the beast onto his shoulder he made his way for the back door so he wouldn’t bring the beast through Louise’s house.

“This man is just like his son in many ways, It’s surprising seeing that they have not been around each other before now. I guess it’s just in the blood,” said Durran with a chuckle.

“I suppose, †˜like father and son’ they say. Genetic studies also points towards the same conclusion,” Louise said before walking off. “Now, about the cleaning and laundry… ” Louise then turned to look at Durran. She scanned his appearance from down to top. “That thing isn’t even worth cleaning,” Louise sighed deeply. Just how many times does this mark a long sigh from her, today? Who knew. “I don’t want my †˜bodyguards’ wearing dirty ragged clothes,” she stated, as if reluctantly doing so. “Come with me.”

“Bodyguards?” Asked Durran before he thought back at what happened at the restaurant. “I suppose you have a point.” He acted on reaction, but everything he had done even before that restaurant was with Louise in mind. Even Kudzu had assisted before. Kudzu more than likely did it simply because the man annoyed him.

“Well, that’s the excuse I’ll be using to the authorities of Masario to keep you two around, if possible,” Louise replied in response to Durran’s words, rolling her eyes. Would that even pass for an excuse? She may simply needed to hide them from the suspicious eyes eventually. “I personally don’t want to lose sight of you; since you may lose your sanity at any given time, honestly.”

Following Louise throughout the house, he was amazed at just how easy he would probably have gotten lost. “Where are we headed?” He asked following close behind her.

“To the dressing room,” Louise said as she climbed up another set of stairs with Durran. Taking about three more turns before reaching their designated room. There were rows of clothes and dresses hung up for display as Louise switched the fluorescent bulbs that were embedded into the ceiling – upon entering the apparently dark room. “This is usually where I keep my attires for this mansion,” she said as the door automatically closed behind them. The door was particularly comparable to a vault’s lock. “This room is especially designed to block out dust and other problematic particles in the air for the well-being of the clothes preserved here,” she explained as she started taking stroll among all the rich-looking wares hung for display. It was a room full of her pride and joy – a marvelous collection of fashionable dresses of trends from many generations. Louise was always up to date with fashion, hence such an assortment of wears were accumulated here.

Louise soon reached a part of the section in the corner, and ushered Durran to look into it. “It’s rather… small, but this is the men’s section here,” Louise stated. There was indeed a long array of gentlemen's’ clothes of different colors. Ranging from tailcoats to particularly… strikingly high quality tuxedos. It obviously included the more recent fashions of the world too. Louise even hand-picked clothes of good brands, or well, the brands she preferred. These were all gathered just so she could †˜gift’ something to her lover of the time, or provide an appropriate attire for parties to men, just in case. Even then, the sheer volume of wares was overwhelming regardless. The amount of the ladies’ dresses in the room, however, was at least thrice the amount.

“Why would you have a men’s section in your own wardrobe?” Asked Durran.

“For butlers, servants, spares for men to use in parties and uh… t-to give my lovers presents from time to time,” Louise said, her cheeks painted rosy red mid-way as she articulated her words. “Oh, and I allow guests to borrow from here if they’re in need of an attire in a case of emergency. Say, like, a drink stains their fine attire; which would simply be terrible, yes? Hence †˜spares for men in parties’.”

“Lovers huh?” Said Durran looking over the suits. “Hopefully they weren’t all and pathetic as that man I saw today.” Going through each of the suits he found a black jacket, black slacks, a white shirt, and a crimson red tie. The red just stood out to him for some reason. “I think these will do,” he said.

“Well, you can see why I’m still single,” Louise sighed, and what followed was her usual and casual shrug. “I just can’t seem to find someone that clicks with me, so far,” she stated with a hint of sadness. “Partially, it’s my fault because I’m still traumatized by that incident… at least, I feel that I still am.”

“It was my fault! Not yours!” Yelled Durran losing his usual calm demeanor for a moment. He shut up a moment later looking away from Louise. Though he could feel her gaze burning through him.

“I disagree,” Louise said, after taking a moment to ponder about the incident. She also had to shove aside the feeling of utter surprise, too. “It’s me who’s ultimately unable to forget it. Somewhere deep inside my heart; I’m still scared… of bearing a child again,” Louise added, cupping the air over her chest with her feeble-looking hands. Rather, she pulled those words out, somehow. She could feel her body quiver with fear as she soon held her own shoulders when the memory of the sensation of the piercing beam came to mind. Could she ever get over it? Was time truly a companion that healed all wounds? It sure didn’t succeed, so far. Even after centuries had passed, that one little incident changed her entire future. For good, perhaps.

“In the time I have left. I want to show you the man Cain should have been,” he said turning to Louise. His eyes reddened from crying. Wiped clean, but easily identifiable tear streaks were on his face.

Louise turned around, as if to avoid that piercing gaze that once stole her heart in the past. “I already know,” she smiled, remembering few fond old memories. “What he should have been, and what he should not have become,” she continued, picturing the old Cain she once thought of, as her lover. “And why he should be put to rest, too,” she added, then took a few steps before turning her head with a wry smile. “That’s why I have to go to him, correct?”

“Yes, even now I can hear him calling,” answered Durran. “When the time comes I am not sure what will happen. But I will fight alongside you if I am able.”

“I’m surprised, honestly… for Cain is able to do that despite the incredible distance,” Louise stated with surprise. Magic and spiritual power was truly a mystery, especially after Louise came across science. “Those are signals surpassing countless light years. Either way, I’ll be counting on you, Durran.” There was a rather sweet and loving tone in the way his name was pronounced as Louise walked off. “Get changed, and then come when you’re done.”

Durran blushed slightly as she said his name, but she was already out of view by the time his cheeks had flushed. As the door closed he took off his yukata carefully and put on the suit. Folding his old attire he set it on the floor beneath the suits in the closet.

“Oh right,” Louise said, apparently having came back for something. She thanked the heavens that Durran was done changing by now. “Pick out that suit on the very back. It’s large enough for Kudzu from what I can see,” she said after reminding herself of it, then strolled away once again.

Looking back into the closet he saw an extremely large suit. Just what kind of lovers did Louise have? He thought before shaking the image from his head. “Got it,” he answered grabbing the suit on the hanger and folding it over his arm. Then he walked out to where Louise was waiting. Then the two walked to where Kudzu was supposed to take the whale, the smell of it cooking floated down the halls.

“I am surprised that they were able to prepare such a beast,” said Durran.

“It’s possible as long as you can pay up for the hassle,” Louise replied coolly as if it was obvious.

“I suppose money truly does rule this world,” answered Durran. “But outside of battle, I’m afraid I have little else to rely on to make money. This world doesn’t seem profitable for a man like me,” said Durran.

“Well, there are heavy use for talents of battle; just not officially if not for sports,” Louise stated as she thought of all sorts of affairs this world runs under. “It’s just a sophisticated and a more refined world, but complicated as a result. People finds their own way, one way or the other. I feel like our world is bound by the influences of magic and spirits; it’s hindering the evolution of human minds, unlike how it is here; technology has certainly brought a large array of possibilities to light.”

“A world without spirits…” said Durran mainly to himself. “I would like to learn a bit more about this world.”

“Oh right, I was supposed to show Kudzu anyway,” Louise said, remembering how she mentioned a few big names of the existing technology, but didn’t show yet as promised. She wanted to show it, just to prove that this world was much more different than the world they originated from.

“Perhaps you can fill us in while he eats,” replied Durran. “He sure seemed hungry. It might be a while before he’s done.”

“Haha, Louise chuckled. “Well, watching the television while eating is a popular habit in this world. I’ve done so myself a few times, albeit it’s not quite the proper manner at all times,” Louise said, remembering how she used to watch videos via the computer while eating. This was common especially to people lacking time. Some others would either choose to do it for having entertainment while eating, while the rest would choose to be more traditional and eat across a table with their respective family.

“Television?” Asked Durran. “Maybe those are the things that were up in the walls of that restaurant? The moving photos.” They moved into the living room where there was a long black couch with gold trim.

“Ah, so you’ve noticed them on the restaurant, after all,” Louise responded with a grin. They would be eye-catching to people unfamiliar to them, such was the case with Louise, too. The televisions used to be mostly colorless when Louise came around, however. “You might’ve missed one of them here, since most of them here comes down from the ceiling upon a press of a button on a remote controller.” To demonstrate, she grabbed a remote from the transparent table. A large television soon slid down from a slit in the ceiling and rested above the fireplace at the press on a button.

“So with this you can play the pictures from other places?” Asked Durran.

“Well, technically, yes. The televisions displays videos, recordings, and various feedbacks all divided in different channels. Each of these channels are businesses run by different companies in reality; they make their own shows or †˜purchase’ licenses to other shows, and provide the rights for other performers to air and appear in their channel in order to gain viewers,” Louise answered and explained. She then pressed a button on her remote to start up the device. “Performers are able to display their talents and abilities here,” she said, refraining from mentioning that she was one of the performers appearing in there up until some time ago.

Durran rubbed his chin as she scanned through the channels. This world inside the box was interesting. Some were works of art that moved as if they were real people. Louise called these †˜anime’.

“Aaaand… here they are,” Louise said, as she entered a certain channel. What Durran could see was a sight of war. Soldiers shooting rifles and other firearms while making efforts to hide behind remains of walls. Soon after, a slim, arrow-like projectile – from which fire oozed out rapidly from its back – went past said soldiers on the sky before a large explosion occurred.

“Woah…” said Kudzu biting on a huge hunk of grilled whale on a shish kabob. “Was that the missile thing?”

“Yes, albeit it’s a more weaker version compared to the other that exists,” Louise answered, considering it was just a missile from a jet fighter… there were definitely stronger and more destructive missiles in existence.

That excited Kudzu more than anything. “People sure have some interesting things in this world. Makes you want to start training even harder,” answered Kudzu before taking another satisfying bite of his meal.

“I doubt we can achieve destruction on that scale, but it does seem fun to at least try,” said Durran humoring Kudzu. Kudzu let out a deep laugh.

“Oh, that other missile coming on screen is the nuclear warhead,” Louise said with a grin. The destruction was of a massive scale, just the sound transmitted via the television was explosive enough to send shivers down the spine.

As Durran listened in to the details about the weapon he was shocked. “These people hate each other that much? Not only do they destroy entire cities but they ruin the environment as well…” said Durran. “Makes you think that we have a little bit better than the people here.”

“Haha! No. Not quite, this world is far more peaceful. I suppose you can call this the side-effect of the evolution of technology. Bad products are made side-by-side with good products,” Louise stated with a laugh. One thing she hadn’t told these gentleman was that the entire show they were seeing was but an act. A gesture of technology. The entire explosion programmed and made to look realistic via computers… how could Kudzu or Durran believe that? She had already explained that the channels featured †˜shows’ which were merely works performed by actors, anyway. It was up to them to figure the rest “Besides; the Cursed land has done research to make evil items, and the destruction they can cause are hardly possible with bare hands of the people of this world. I don’t think their members hardly hold the rights to criticize a world that has almost completely nullified wars between nations for many years now.” Each person in the Cursed lands held their own spirits. Even if they required a powerful demonic spirit such as Cain’s spirit to fuel their existence; each still possessed powers enough to make an ordinary band of army seem like nothing before a squadron of Cursed people.

“This peace… seems wrong some how,” answered Durran. “Maybe it’s just my imagination,” Kudzu handed Durran a stick of whale.

“Enough of this serious talk. Weren’t we supposed to be relaxing until we go back?” Asked Kudzu. “How long do we have left by the way?”

“Still leagues over that world,” Louise said with a shrug, not convinced by Durran’s thoughts… whatever they were. What was it that he hated so much? This world had so much more to offer in exchange for no existence of magic. Why did he prefer magic so much? It was all because of magic that she had to go through so much. It was the only reason Cain lost his sanity. Louise would rather not have magic and spiritual properties and would never wish to live long enough to meet Cain. Too bad her fate had other ideas for her. “About thirty or so minutes I believe,” she answered Kudzu.

”She’s right, even fake peace is better than the muck we are in right now,” answered Kudzu putting an arm over Durran’s shoulder.

Is it? Durran thought, but smiled and nodded to Kudzu. “We should probably discuss how we will handle things when we return.”

“Well, there is literally no way to gain true peace,” Louise said. This was fact itself, regardless of arguments. Conflicts will likely never cease to exist – considering how the human minds are structured to begin with. “There is never a way to please everyone. You just have to live with what pleases the general public,” she added with yet another shrug. “...Right, I’m not sure if we should even go to Masario first, or the Origin. We’ll probably stir issues regardless, it seems.”

“Origin seems like the safest course,” answered Durran. [/b]“The elder is more likely to listen to us than anyone in Masario.”[/b]

“Well, I’d have the settle the deal with Masario eventually. It may wait, I suppose,” Louise replied. “Not like the church can do anything but worry about pointless stuff like getting their hands on powerful beings for pawns.” The church was annoying like that, to Louise.

“The church…” answered Durran. “We were always told to avoid them if possible. They have eyes where you never expect them to.”

“Sounds serious,” said Kudzu finishing off the last of his meal.

“Yeah, they tend to observe so much that it’s like abusing others’ privacy. They treat me as a decorative. I don’t quite like them,” Louise openly stated her distaste for the church. They’re a recluse bunch and they don’t report their state of affairs to Louise, at all. That in itself was an insult to her position, and herself. Who do they think they are?

“Privacy is a luxury that powerful people don’t have,” answered Durran. “They will always want to make sure that you have their interests in mind.”

“Well, at least I have it all here,” Louise said, proudly. This mansion was built in such a perfect manner, after all.

“As far as I can tell,” said Kudzu. “That weird guy seemed to find you easily.”

“I’ve announced it on Kirakiratter, maybe that’s why. At least I was able to talk to Mizuki due to that.” Not that they could understand what that was, but she said it anyway.

“What the heck is Kirakiratter?” Asked Kudzu.

“A social service that I’m able to access with this device,” Louise said, momentarily showing her cell phone that she still held on to.

Kuzdu reached out and grabbed the phone lightly in his hand. It was so small that he was unable to use the options on the phone. His fingers pressing multiple buttons at a time. Durran laughed at the man as he tried to figure out the device. Kudzu sighed giving up as he handed to phone back to Louise.

“What else can that thing do?” asked Durran as he stood next to Louise looking at the screen of the phone. There were many icons that Durran had no clue about, but he had to admit this thing was pretty interesting.

“You can †˜call’ people as you two have witnessed earlier. Regardless of distance; you can speak to a person with a device like this, as long as you have their information stored here,” Louise explained, showing the display screen before pulling her out her list of contacts from the said phone. “There are other functions that comes with these things. Every one of these phones have different builds, and the applications for other than calling are usually added for the sake of making them more promotable,” she continued further, showing icons of the other applications dubbed as †˜apps’ for short. “That said, there are also games in these things… and the internet, with which I access the Kirakiratter. Also,” she then had the phone lean more towards Durran, and there was a strange noise from the device. It was a shutter noise. “They can be used to take pictures,” she then showed the display screen to the two closely. Durran’s picture was taken, the quality seemed to be top-notch – as expected of Louise – her phone seemed to be expensive indeed. The picture was crystal clear. She could also listen to music with the phone… but she didn’t bother to bring that up. For many reasons untold.

Durran looked at the image of himself in wonder. Such a device would surely be convenient in their world. Spirit signals were a dangerous, and taxing thing to keep up. This thing seemed to have no risk involved.

“Alright if you two are done chatting up, we have things we need to do on the other side,” reminded Kudzu.

“Just a minute, I still have to discuss something with my friend, and I’ll have to dress up too,” Louise said, looking down to the bikini she still wore. Going around the mansion in a bikini was a strange idea to begin with, yet it was something new to go along with.

“Why can’t you just go in that? Looks like it provides excellent movement,” answered Kudzu looking at the outfit from a fighter’s perspective.

“...Please, I am a proper lady. I have no obligation to fulfill the lust of a pervert like you,” Louise said with a clear and angry frown before sighing. “What a barbarian,” she commented with a †˜hmph’ as she turned and took her leave for the room.

Kudzu laughed as Louise stormed out of the room. Durran turned to scold the man, and found Kudzu with his hand raised. Laying on the couch with his head resting on his hand he peered over at Durran.

“I’m not interested, lover boy,” answered Kudzu, laughing. “I’m much younger than you, but that part of my life is done with already.”

Durran blushed. “What are you talking about?” Asked Durran.

“This puppy dog love you are going through,” answered Kudzu. “You’re trying to hide it or something? If so, you are terrible at it.”

“I’m not hiding anything,” answered Durran.
Waking up groggy Selanus was tempted to simply stay in bed for the rest of the day, but the growl of his belly moved him. He pulled his aching body out bed, his free hand going to his head as a migraine hit. Establishing a connection with Astaroth, he could feel a trickle of her power. A soft tinkling laugh told him she was there but it felt like he was looking through inky darkness.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Hey you awake yet?” called Helena from behind the door.

”Yeah…” He grumbled, opening the door ever so slightly. Arching an eyebrow, he regarded her with a bit of suspicion. He had the bone flute hidden away in his pack, rushing to put it back as soon as she had knocked.

“You need to eat something,” said Helena. “Put something on and come down stairs.”

Not having much apart from the clothes on his back when he left Raskana, he followed her down. Surprised that he followed her down Helena eyed him for a moment before continuing down. “You sure didn’t bring much did you?” asked Helena.

”I didn’t have time to take anything but the things you saw on me.” Selanus replied curtly, taking note that he needed to send his suit for a cleaning again. It was long overdue and even the ends were slightly singed, small patches dotting the suit.

“We’ll just get you new clothes around here. You look depressing in that stuff.” commented Helena. “Colors †˜do’ exist you know?”

Selanus scoffed, thinking how he would look wearing a coloured shirt or suit within his cloud of shadows. Ridiculous. ”Black is the only thing that looks good on me.”

“Thats boring,” answered Helena. “Not going to force you though..” One moment they were at each other’s throats and next, she was giving him fashion advice. Women, he’d never understand them.

”I’ll think about it. I need a set once this is in the wash anyway.”

The two entered a small dining room that Grigore was preparing for a meal. Greeting his mentor, Selanus moved to grab a small pint and filled it with some alcohol, customary flask dropping the condensed spirit into it. He took a chug, that familiar burn going down his throat and he sighed in content.

“Well that is rather dangerous,” said Grigore as he began serving up the roast, and vegetables onto plates. “Alcohol without eating first always messes me up.”

”I’d say that is the point Grigore,” answered Helena. ”But that is assuming I know this man better that you do.” Grigore sighed and finished serving up the food.

“You have been out for a day and a half,” said Grigore. “How are you feeling?”

”Better, I didn’t realize it was that long.” Selanus replied curtly and choosing to ignore the comments about alcohol. Not knowing he had been out for so long, he refrained from telling them about last night’s midnight venture and chose to focus on the food in front of him. Nothing could compare to a plate of good roast. ”Food smells great though. When’d you learn to cook, old man?”

”You lose your memory too? asked Grigore. ”We got this food at the restaurant and I got extra to last us. Though that place is more like a butcher than a restaurant. “

"Here I thought you could finally cook something edible. Should've known the roast is a lie." Selanus said with a chuckle, already starting to dig in.

”I don’t know how to cook either. The only thing I need to know how to make is a solid weapon.” answered Helena cutting her food up into bite sized portions.

Selanus sighed but didn't really mind chef duty. "Guess I'll be the one cooking for us three then. You should learn to cook something though." He said, pointing at Helena with a fork, continuing to munch away happily.

”Most men are domesticated anyways.” joked Helena. ”I can just find some guy to cook for me when I settle down.

Selanus harrumphed, swallowing his food before replying. "With that attitude, it'd be interesting how you'd actually find such a man." He joked back in jest.

”It isn’t all that hard. If you really put your †˜back’ into it,” said Helena playfully. Mainly just to screw with him. Grigore laughed at the two’s conversation, and finally made himself his own plate of food.

”She is a piece of work, huh?” replied Grigore.

This woman. "Indeed. How did you end up saddled with the old man, Helena?" Selanus asked, curious himself.

Helena laughed at this. “Yes why don’t you tell him, old man.” said Helena.

“Well...it started like half a year ago?” asked Grigore.

“Sounds about right,” answered Helena.

“So around that time, I was still getting the refugees organized so that we could start asking for the things we needed. At that point I already had my Origin citizenship.” began Grigore. “Helena had been living here for some time before, after being ran out of her own village by the cult.”

“Needless to say I was a little blind with fury at the time.” added Helena resting her hand on her chin.

“Right..” answered Grigore. “Well when she found out who I was she attacked me. Couldn’t trust a man of my rank to reside in the city. So we fought, and were apprehended by the guard. Several eye witnesses saw her start the fight so I was freed. She was to be exiled from the village.”

”I was lucky that Grigore was the softy you see today,” chimed in Helena.

”I was able to convince the elder to let her stay, but she was given the status of cursed refugee. answered Grigore. ”Think of it as a rehabilitation program…”

”I have made excellent progress don’t you think?” asked Helena looking at Selanus with a smirk.

"So you fought with a general? Willingly?" Selanus shook his head, not knowing what to say. "And this is you on a good day, I pity you when you met her, Grigs. I thought I was a handful." He silently agreed that someone who would fight a cursed general on their own had guts.

”He wouldn’t take me seriously. The whole time he merely deflected attacks.” said Helena.

”Where were that have gotten us? answered Grigore rhetorically. ”Expelled from the village.

"You're lucky he didn't. You'd be a smear on the ground instead of having this conversation. I figured that his reputation would have preceded him." Selanus remarked. "The old man never took me seriously either anyway."

”People here try to keep their nose clean of the affairs of cursed and divine.” answered Helena. ”That’s just the way they are. Of Course with all this happening the elder has to do something. We may even be asked to join when the time comes.”

"I don't want to do anything with anyone anymore. Your kind and my own have given me enough grief." Selanus said bitterly, "That doesn't mean I'm going to just roll over without a fight. I will join in, if I have to."

“No one said that we have to join.” answered Grigore. “I have a responsibility to the refugees here.”

Selanus took that tidbit with a pinch of salt, also not very eager to sully his hands with any of the two sides. Being neutral felt strange but not in a bad way. ”Alright then. I think I’ll just help you on that then. Not like I’ve got much to do.”

Grigore clapped his protege on the shoulder, sending a bit of the ale sloshing out of the mug. “Good! You can’t be gloomy all day, at least find something to do.”

”Well he could, and I’m glad that he wasn’t like you at all. I don’t think I could take two of you.” added Helena.

”I’m a different breed from him.” Wiping up the mess with a cloth, Selanus replied to Helena with a slight shake of his head. Deciding to busy himself along with Helena, he shot a wry smile at her. ”I’ll cook for the next meal then, and you can help me. Would be good, wouldn’t you say Grigs?” Selanus declared.

”Maybe, I wouldn’t have to get our food in town all the time, grumbled Grigore.

”I’m not interested in learning how to cook. So both of you can give the up. answered Helena.

”You can watch then. I thought you were a master of the furnace? The kitchen is one such. I’m going to bake after that, some therapy is necessary. Also, muffins make anyones day better.” Selanus shot back, slightly miffed that she would dismiss the notion without a second thought.

”Are you sure that you are a man?” asked Helena with a laugh.

”What, a guy can’t cook for himself? I could ask the same of you but then again, learning to cook was a necessity for me since I used to be on the move all the time.” Selanus teased back, reminiscing about his first attempt at cooking and how badly it had turned out. ”It was a step up from anything we had in Cursed anyway.”

”I heard that cursed had some pretty crazy drinks though,” answered Helena. The things those idiots must get into… Grigore chuckled remembering his younger days at the bars, but decided not to comment on them.

”I can give you a shot, if you want to try one now.” Selanus replied with a lift of his own mug. ”Packs a real punch. Got a representative drunk not too long back.” He continued, a smile of pride on his face. ”It’s similar enough to what I weaponize to create my grenade mixture. Really, you should try it.” He said enticingly.

”Sure lay one one me,” answered Helena looking forward to a challenge.

Selanus simply whipped out another mug in response, filled it with the same ale and condensed his spirit within that flask, pouring a small amount of its contents to mix into the mug. That familiar hiss and bubbling brought a smile to his face and he handed the mixture to Helena with a cocky smirk on his face. ”Lets see how you fare, Scion. You would be the first among them to try my drink.”

“The first huh?” she said looking into the mug. Swishing it around she lifted the mug before downing the contents, and slamming the mug down. Her head swirled for a moment but it quickly subsided. She admitted the drink packed more bite than she thought, but in the end it was brief.

”You lot in cursed must be weak,” answered Helena. Even Grigore was impressed that she was able to take even one of those. Selanus merely cocked an eyebrow in response, she was only at the tip of the iceberg after all.

”Now whip up another,” said Helena.

”Don’t you think you should slow down there?” advised Grigore.

”No problems with me. You took the first level no problem. Let’s step up.” Selanus said with a chuckle, treating this like a game. He took back her mug and filled it yet again, changing the ratio more this time as he poured in more of the condensed spirit with a grin. This time, the bubbling was more intense and the liquid started to change in color. ”There’s one more up from this but that’s when it starts to get dangerous. We’ll see how you fare first.” Eying up Grigore she brought the mug up to her lips once more, and drank the mixture.

This time the drink hit her harder than she thought it would, but luckily not hard enough to impact her speech or rational thought. “One more! Strongest you can make it...no sissy stuff.” she ordered.

Selanus looked at her with a face that said “You asked for it.” and went off to comply. The highest level wouldn’t be so easy for even him to make. It actually required him to concentrate, to not accidentally turn the brew into something that would disintegrate her insides. Uncorking his flask, he poured it yet again into her empty mug together with the ale. The mixture began to bubble violently and the colour from before only darkened. A faint hissing sound could be heard as the mug began to dissolve ever so slowly, not meant for this kind of concoction. He handed it to her, with a quick ”Bottoms up.”

Helena immediately slid the mug over to Grigore, and began to snicker and giggle. ”You still owe me right?” she said.

”You gotta be kidding me! The thing is melting!” argued Grigore.

”Weren’t you a man of honor or something. Being in debt to a woman can’t feel good…” she reasoned. Grigore grumbled and took the handle of the mug looking at the drink. Looking to Helena he saw her cat like smile watching him closely.

Sighing he eased the mug to his lips. After a few seconds of hesitation he knocked the drink back as the beverage burned down his throat. His eyes opening wide as the concoction decimated his senses he fought back tears and finished the last of the drink. Slamming the half melted mug on the table it cracked a little. The mug would never be usable again. Breathing out deeply a mist of spiritual energy slipped back his lips. As he began to giggle and hiccup.

Placing his hand on the table he looked seductively at Helena. ”S..what are you doing la-*hiccup*-ter?” Grigore said struggling to stay in his seat. Helena laughed at the spectacle, and decided to encourage him.

”Why nothing. I happen to be completely free this one night. What did you have in mind?” she said resting her head on her hand and looking into his eyes.

”Well I was ho-*hiccup*-ping me and you cou…” started Grigore before he fell out of his seat and passed out on the floor. His performance sadly short lived. Helena laughed as she got up from her seat.

”I will keep that one as ammo for a while.” said Helena victorious. ”I’m headed to bed. You can deal with him.” Helena waved as she headed upstairs to her room.

”Hey you made him drink it! Think you could help a little bit?” objected Selanus.

”And you made the drink. Deal with it.” yelled Helena as she closed the door to her room. Selanus cursed under his breath and moved over to Grigore who was sound asleep drooling all over himself.

”Come on…” grumbled Selanus picking him up under his arms and dragging him towards the stairs.
“Hey, you got a visitor!” said a guard passing by Luna’s cell. Luna was preoccupied in the process of keeping herself in shape. She was in the middle of doing push ups on the floor of her cell, she was armorless-- she wore naught but pants and her tanktop showing off her figure and according to Owain-- muscles... Droplets of sweat rolled down her face and body as she finished. She heard a guard say that she had a visitor, it was obviously the captain--she would think, it’s not like anyone else would want to visit her.

“Yo,” Owain said coming closer to Luna’s cell. “Whoa!” Taken aback, Owain yelped in surprise at the sight that awaited him, “I’ve seen them before but they sure are impressive,” he grinned.

“Hmm?” Luna questioned raising an eyebrow, confused as to what he could possibly mean. “W-What, my muscles…? What do you mean you’ve seen them before?” She glared at him trying to recall a scenario where her body was in display in the presence of this man.

Owain raised a hand in dismissal towards Luna, “That isn’t important, what’s important are those abs you have on display,” he said exaggeratedly.

“So what?” Luna said simply.

Owain smiled knowingly, the hand raised in front of him turning into a thumbs up in Luna’s direction. “Nice!” he said maintaining the smile.

Luna looked away from Owain’s direction. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed, it was that she’d never gotten a compliment on her muscles alone from a soldier apart from her body. “Well... thanks.” She replied in an attempt to maintain her cold nature.

“Hey now, no need for acts around me,” Owain said, “Anyway, we should be getting you out of this thing soon,” Owain said looking regretful all of a sudden, “But I have a feeling you’re not going to like some of the punishments in Origin.”

“As if being in a stone box for a few days wasn’t punishment enough.” She replied as she crossed her arms in frustration.

“To be fair, you did kill somebody,” Owain said rubbing the back of his head, “I’m pretty sure Arkasia would think it’s only right to execute you, you’re lucky we’re in Origin really.”

She sighed, Luna had expected to die in a number of ways, execution was definitely not on the list. “What exactly are they…?” She almost regretting to ask.

“Well y’see,” Owain began, “They make killers talk to the family of those they’ve killed,” Owain let out a small sarcastic chuckle, “As if killing didn’t make you feel bad enough,” he said somewhat darkly.

Luna pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation, among the many things she was able to do, talking to a pleading, angry, halfway to furious person as they were mourning a loss was not one of them. The way they whined annoyed her, she’d had plenty experience of this back in Agreyus, though something felt different about that time that made her uneasy.

“Shit.” She mumbled.

“Yeah,” Owain smiled sadly, “That would be my reaction too. Still I’d rather this than execution, there’s nothing more hypocritical than killing people who kill people to show killing people is wrong.”

Luna nodded in response, she still looked a bit irritated. “I’ll take a fight over some political garbage any day.” She replied.

“I’m with you on that one sister,” Owain said chuckling, “The guards should be coming in a bit, I’m just here to make sure you do this thing properly.”

“Fine, fine; I’ll try not to rip out their hearts in the process.” Luna said indifferently but managed to sneak in a chuckle.

“My, what an honest citizen you are,” Owain grinned, “First it’s not ripping out people’s hearts and the next thing you know, you’re helping old ladies across the road or giving out directions when asked.”

“Oh? Is that what comes with being a knight, Captain?” Luna responded in sheer sarcasm, mocking Owain and his position as a knight. Chivalry never did agree with her as a whole, Luna thought its concept was dead.

“Hardly,” Owain smirked, “Most of the knights I knew were bastards, ego comes with the armour some say.”

“Tch, figures.” Replied Luna. “Some of the guys back in Agreyus would shit bricks to become a knight. Even if they were lucky enough to make the cut, they thought they were invincible.” she chuckled.

“To be fair I’m not exempt from the whole ego deal,” Owain laughed, “I am pretty damn special.”

As the two stood around making small talk a pair of guards walked up behind Owain.

“Ahem, please step to the side sir” said one of the guards to Owain. As Owain turned to them he could see another group of people standing behind them. There were even a few kids with them. ’This must be the family. thought Owain as he moved out of their way standing against the wall. The guard nodded in thanks.

Luna looked on at the group a bit confused . She didn’t know any of these people, but the young boy who was with them glared at her with a hatred that would put even herself to shame. A woman placed a hand on the boys head trying to soothe him. Luna could see the fury in his eyes, something that was all too familiar to herself. This must be what Owain was talking about...great. Luna concluded.

“Why did you have to go and kill my dad!” yelled the boy as tears streamed down his face. He gripped the bars so hard they were turning red.

Luna took a seat onto the cold concrete floor to get down to the boy’s level, she knew this was going to be lengthy and had to let them down easy. She sighed and wore a sincere face, something she had not wore in a while. “I did it...because it was my job,” She responded coldly, she looked down onto the ground as if she was sorry but her expression said otherwise. “I hate to break it to you kid, but that’s the way things go in this world, unfortunately. You will eventually lose someone you hold dear and there will be nothing you can do about it.” she continued. She crawled towards the boy and grabbed the bars same as he was. The mother held the boy away from the bars as she approached.

“I know th-”

“You don’t know anything.” spat the mother of the child. “But you will learn everything about the man you killed before you leave here.” Tears streamed down her face as she gripped her boy’s shoulder. “His name was Indraneil...and he was a great father...we met when I was 19. We had a good life together.” she began. She went on in detail through the years, and after her the rest of the family told their story. The father about how he raised him, and his brother when they grew up together. At the end the son tried his best to tell her about his father, but stopped halfway turning too emotional.

Luna has been through this type of dilemma, she’d seen this before-- all of a sudden memories began swarming in her head, was it Sonata? Was she replaying every foul memory Luna had of her? Yes, bearing witness to the mother and child, pure anguish in their eyes. The experience was a sense of deja vu. She looked down at the engagement ring on her finger, the pearlescent silver still shining from all that time ago, she did indeed see herself within the two. Biting her lip Luna continued bearing with the mental images.

“...I know I can’t easily appease for what I did just by saying sorry but,” Luna finally responded, her moonlight silver hair covering her face as a stray tear swelled up on her eye. The memories were weighing down on her more than she thought. “I know what it’s like to lose someone to a monster such as myself…” She revealed as more tears swelled up in her eyes.

Owain scowled, Luna describing herself as a monster bothered Owain. No one should ever call themselves something like that, he had thought but he held it in, now wasn’t the time.

“The Beast of Agreyus was my nickname, y’know?” She continued, “I got that name from killing at least two-hundred men in one day. But I did it to survive, damn it!” she figured she could appease them by revealing her past, something she’d only done for Charlotte. “You wanna condemn me? You wanna hate me? You wanna loathe me? Fine. But remember that your husband got off lucky from this cruel fucking world!” It wasn’t long before tears were finally rolling down her face, her red pupils could be seen through the darkness of her cell-- she broke down to her knees and wept. “I-I’m sorry, okay?!”

The mother kneeled down to Luna’s level. “We forgive you. The elder saw that you could change. We will give you that chance to change.” she said wiping the tears from her face. “Though we will never forget, and we know you will not either. We will shoulder this burden with you.”

Luna looked up at the mother with droopy eyes apologetically but turned away from her gaze as she did not want anyone to see her lose her way. “Thank you…..” she said nodding, she could feel Sonata cooing with absolute pleasure, there was something unusual about her now, she was less talkative and much more lustful, this anguish was exactly what she was looking for. ”What...was that just now…?” Luna thought to herself, she didn’t know what the purpose of the images that were shown to her.

“You can let her go today. I think that she will learn from this,” said the father.

“Are you all sure?”

“Yes,” answered the mother calming her still weeping child. The family gave one more look to Luna before they walked away. The guard walked up to the cell and looked at Luna in her pitiful state.

“You sure got lucky,” said the guard.

"Don't get your hopes up," Luna said as she looked up to the guard with a wide, sinister grin. "I'm only doing this because I have beef with the Cursed army. That's all." Her tears and anguish suddenly disappeared, replaced with a smile that belonged to a psychopath. "If I have to put up an act to get out of this place and fight, I sure as fuck will..." She snarled. Was it a facade? Was it that Luna wanted Owain and the guard to forget everything they heard? If so, the woman was experienced at repressing her feelings. Either way she was free from her prison.

Owain began to loosen his gauntlet. Removing it, he ripped some of his shirt sleeve and offered it to Luna. “You look a right state,” he said smiling kindly, “Here, wipe your face.” Owain wasn’t fooled for a moment by what Luna had just said, She was no actor, there was no way of those tears being fake.

“Tch.” Luna snatched the makeshift napkin from Owain’s grasp and turned away as she wiped her face. She couldn’t bear to look the captain in the face, not in this state. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She replied in an attempt to savor every bit of dignity she had left.

Owain chuckled, “Girls aren’t cute when they cry.”

“Something I have heard you say before,” said a voice walking down the hall. As Owain turned he spotted a familiar head of light brown hair. “I was told to release her, and take her to Arkasia. You will be under her care.”

Owain nodded towards Morgan. “Looks like you’re finally getting out,” Owain said turning to Luna, “You okay now?”

“Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Luna replied. “Let me out already, this cell is starting to give me chills.” She said to the girl.

“From what I hear Arkasia won’t be much better,” answered Morgan with a chuckle.

“Is that the one that suggested execution? Oh, I know her type.” Said Luna vaguely referencing Marian.

“You’re wrong,” Owain said suddenly serious, “There’s no one like Arkasia.”

“Hmm? You seem to have an attachment towards her.” Luna responded. “Is she that decent of a leader that you worship her?”

Owain tightened his fist at the mention of an attachment to Arkasia, “She’s the best leader Scion ever had and ever will have.”

Luna noticed the captain’s sudden change in attitude and realized she stepped onto a sore subject and decided to drop it. “Whatever,” She said closing her eyes, turning away from Owain. “She always did give us trouble in recent battles, she seems like the respectable sort.”

Owain’s fist unclenched. “Yeah…” he said absentmindedly.
Owain and Morgan walked through the town behind Luna to make sure that she didn’t try to take off. Owain seemed confident that she wouldn’t, but Morgan wasn’t letting them take the chance. The villagers that were out helping clean up the town casted glances at Luna and the group. Most felt at ease once they knew that Morgan was there keeping a close eye on Luna. A few even waved to her. A greeting she returned with a smile.

“They sure have a lot of respect for you Morg,” said Owain noticing the people’s reaction.

“People feel better when a guardian is around,” answered Morgan. “In the side villages the guardians have status near the elder, and can act on her behalf.”

Luna kept her pace similar to the two, eying the passerby villagers in indifference. She scoffed as they darted looks at her and wrapped her hands around the back of her head as she walked. “...Talk about holding a grudge.” She mumbled as she gazed at the wreck that used to be a village.

“They are just wary of you. There has never been much trust for the cursed, but they tolerated them. This event just further confirmed their fears.” answered Morgan.

“Hmph, it wasn’t supposed to play out like this...well, the way I pictured.” Responded Luna. “Usually we don’t spill any blood unless we have to-- usually.”

Owain snorted, “The cursed never play fair,” Owain smiled sardonically, “Of course what happened in Masario was warranted bloodshed, obviously slaughtering almost everyone in Raltese was necessary,” Owain laughed darkly, his tone overflowing with sarcasm and anger.

Luna scoffed and shook her head at the comment. “Well now that I think about it, those bastards are a bit sadistic. Especially Soul.” She scratched the side of her head as she grinned.

“That fucker owes me money,” Owain said suddenly grinning again.

“M-money?” asked Morgan.

“He wrecked my old armour, I’m not letting him off lightly the next time we meet,” Owain said, seriously determined. Morgan sighed knowing that she would challenge Soul regardless of her warnings.

Arkasia and the others were given a place near the barracks to stay. A pretty sizable house. Four of the rooms were set up with two beds, while two of them only had one. Arkasia claimed a single room for herself, and gave the other to Owain as her second in command. The living room was spacious with oak floor, and ornate carve walls that stretched to a point in the ceiling. A earthy green rug covered the center of the room, and a small fire burned in a fireplace that lit the room dimly. Arkasia was seated upon a brown couch and writing something down on a pad in her lap.

As Owain, and the others entered she set the pad down on a small wooden end table next to the couch. Standing up she looked over to them spotting Luna with them. “She was released early?” asked Arkasia.

“I’m as surprised as you are,” Owain said, “The people of Origin are very merciful.”

“Too merciful,” answered Arkasia glaring at Luna. Luna turned away, avoiding Arkasia’s glare and crossed her arms rebelliously.

“Be that as it may, I trust her and I think we need her help,” Owain vouched, patting Luna on the back. You’ll never get her respect if you act like that, he thought.

“We will know in time.” answered Arkasia.

Owain hit Luna lightly on the head, “Introduce yourself, you’re acting like some rebellious teenager,” he said in a scolding manner.

Luna winced from Owain’s touch, as it offended her in some way, given her resentment for men. With a sigh she begrudgedly introduced herself. “...Luna.” She responded low and vague.

Owain hit her again, harder this time. “Properly,” he said simply.

“Tch.” Luna clenched her fist in an attempt not to completely knock Owain out cold. She sighed before introducing herself in a much clearer tone. “I am Luna Marcell…” She said once more. “I’d say it’s nice to meet you all, but I already know most of you.” She continued once she got a good look at everyone. “I guess it’s nice to meet you all without me swinging my sword at you…” She said simply in a half joking manner.

“If you would rather do it that way, I’m more than happy to oblige.” she answered with a smirk.

“I don’t think that’s necessary,” Owain said, unsure whether either of them were truly joking, “That was much better Luna,” Owain said rubbing her head. “Did you have something more to say sir, or am I free to go?”

“No nothing, I am just going over what supplies we will need.” answered Arkasia. “I’m not sure what to do with myself now that I don’t have a stack of papers eating up my free time.”

Owain laughed, “I guess you’ll need to find a hobby,” he said, imagining Arkasia taking up gardening or chess. The thought made Owain smile.

“Hmmm maybe you are right. Or maybe I just need to get laid.” she said chuckling. Morgan almost screamed but covered her mouth as red crept across her cheeks.

Luna shook her head and quietly giggled. “Most women get stressed out when they haven’t had their daily dosage of man, I suppose.” Luna joked.

“Guess I’m not like most women,” answered Arkasia.

“Oh?” Luna questioned while she put a hand on her hip. “But you did just say--”

“Let’s stop talking about this!” yelled Morgan.

Owain put his hand to his face and sighed, “Come on Morg, let’s grab a bite,” Owain said putting his hand on her head.

“Captain,” Luna called out to Owain. She stared into his eyes as if she wanted to say something.

“Mmm?” Owain questioned, wondering what Luna wanted to say.

She did not want to say aloud, and judging with the way her face was, she gave him an expression that would say “forget everything you heard”. She nodded at him hoping he would get the message.

Owain smirked before turning away. “Come on Morg, I’m starving,” he said to the the girl beside him.

“What about Marcell? She is in your care remember, Owain?” said Arkasia.

“Siiiiiirrrr,” Owain complained, dragging out the word.

“Is that a problem, Captain? I thought you were pretty great?” Luna teased, quoting Owain from earlier. She remained monotone, but the emphasis of the joke was still noted.

“Have fun you three.” said Arkasia walking out of the house.

Owain glared at Luna, he was doing her a favour by keeping mum about what took place in the prison cell and this was the thanks he got?

Luna grinned for a moment at Owain and patted him on the back. “Don’t worry, I’ll try not to third wheel it...” She whispered to the man putting a thumbs up.

Owain sighed, “I suppose that’s the best I’ll get huh?” he said, more to himself than anything.

“It’s not that big of a deal. Maybe seeing the village will be good for her anyways.” answered Morgan. [/b]“As long as she can deal with the looks. Those will take a while to get rid of…”[/b]

Luna closed her eyes and sighed for a moment to think of the villagers and how much they would probably hate her guts, but why wouldn’t they? They have just about every right to, given that her “comrades” practically pillaged the place. “It’s fine, I’m used to things like that.” She knew this was coming the moment she accepted Owain’s proposal anyways.

Owain sighed again. “Lead the way Morg,” he directed in a melancholy tone.

As Morgan walked through the streets she saw that Owain was in low spirits for some reason. ’He must have really want to be alone with me. Maybe he had something important to say! she thought as her mind began to wander as she found herself heating up and blushing once again.

“Morg, you’re really red,” Owain noticed, “You ill?” he asked putting his hand on her forehead.

“Ah! I’m fine!” she exclaimed surprised by his sudden touch.

“You sure?” Owain wanted to confirm, “You feel hot.”

“I’m hot?” mumbled Morgan thinking Owain was talking about something else for a moment. “N-no I’m just fine!”

“If you say so, I just don’t want you collapsing on me,” Owain said, poking Morgan in the ribs. She laughed and pushed him away as she bumped into Luna.

“Oops, sorry Luna,” said Morgan.

“Klutz,” Owain teased.

Luna nodded in acceptance of Morgan’s apology. This was still all too strange for her, just switching flags like that. Now she was having casual conversations and eating food with her former enemy. She suddenly thought of what the Cursed would be doing at this moment. No, not the time to be thinking about them… she thought to herself while she shook her head. “So...any idea where we’re going?”

“That restaurant again right Morg?” Asked Owain.

“Yup!” answered Morgan.
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
(This is a joint post between BlinkXPoke and TheLoneGentman)

Soul and the others were well out of the forest, and on their way back to the waycastle. Everyone was exhausted including Soul. Keeping such a large form for that long was stressful on his body, but he pushed himself through the fatigue. Though his slowed pace was very noticeable.

“Soul I think we are safe now. We can walk a bit if you would like to rest.” offered Marian. Soul’s right eye slid to the back of his head and looked at Marian and the others.

“You all look worse than me,” said Soul. his voice was warped and each word came along with a click of his bizarre jaw. “I’ll have us at the way castle soon. Just sit tight.” His eye slid back to proper condition.

“Thank you, Chief Soul…” Sonya said wearily while still riding on Soul’s back. She was worn out from the battle. Though it was the first time in a while she felt such excitement while fighting, it recently sunk in that Luna was no longer with them. Why did she defy Marian… Why’d she leave us, especially Charlotte? I thought Luna at least be loyal to her… Sonya became lost in thought, wondering about the people she was acquainted with who all suddenly disappeared. Where is Selanus, as well…? Shouldn’t he be helping us, to avenge Alma? She felt that there was some personal connection between Selanus and Alma, thus his depression, but the details of how she was killed was still unknown to Sonya. She was still under the assumption that someone may have assassinated her.

“Cheer up kid, shits gonna happen.” said Charlotte patting her on the back. “What matters is what did as we were ordered. Which means Cain won’t be at our throats.”

“Yeah, I suppose…” She wouldn’t dare to question orders from Soul and Marian, but Sonya wondered where Cain would fit into this puzzle. All she really knew about Cain is that he stays in seclusion in his castle. She shrugged off the thought, though, suddenly longing for more rest. “Are we almost back?” She asked, wanting to rest in a secure room after all that has happened.

“We will be there soon enough,” answered Marian.

As they approached the waycastle Soul leapt over the gate and grinded to a halt on the other side. Luckily for him there was plenty of room to land on the bridge. Laying down exhausted he let the passengers on his back off. Breathing heavily Soul began to revert to his human shape.

A group of soldiers ran up to Marian as she climbed off. “Things didn’t go well I take it.” asked a soldier.

“They never do,” answered Marian. “We completed what we set out to do, and that is enough.”

“We have a situation here as well.” answered the soldier. “We received word that Prison Raskana was attacked, and the warden was killed.”

Marian gritted her teeth. “Was anything taken?”

“A prisoner that they had recently captured,” answered the soldier. “And some files from the warden’s office. They were taken by her nephew, Selanus.” Charlotte hearing this laughed under her breath.

Hearing Selanus’ name set off something in Sonya. “Wait, why would he do that? The prison is run by his aunt, right? Kristina, was it?” She knew a bit from her father. He mentioned it a few times when there was company by some government officials.

“That boy is becoming troublesome indeed.” she said. Soul had just finished cracking his bones back into shape and formed clothing over himself from his own skin.

“What do you want to do about him?” asked Soul rotating his shoulder.

“Nothing for now.” answered Marian. ”Who ever did this was powerful. Any word on who did it?”

”No the prison riot saw to that…” answered the guard.

“Heh, understood. Then I’m going to take a nap.” said Soul walking off in the direction of the barracks. Marian stood lost in thought for a moment thinking about what she should do. Selanus was digging himself a deeper and deeper hole, and eventually nothing she could do would save him.

“What do we do now, Representative Marian?” Sonya asked in a disheartened voice. She was exhausted from the recent battle, and very worried about not only Luna and Selanus, but the Cursed Army in general. Two elites have left their ranks, and they had suffered some seemingly major defeats in recent memory.

“We got out point across.” answered Marian. “I wasn’t planning to lose anyone, but I can’t say that I wasn’t prepared for it.” Marian turned to Sonya seeing the worry in her eyes. “You were close to Elite Luna I take it?”

Sonya lowered her head as she reminisced about previous conversations she had with Luna. “She was fun to talk to… I thought we could be friends.” She answered honestly. She and Luna had been close comrades, having participated in some battles together, and Sonya was comfortable fighting alongside her, and even just chatting with her given the opportunity.

†˜You will probably see her again,” said Marian. “Well with her attitude maybe not…” Marian’s thoughts seemed to drift off a bit before she came back to Sonya. “We all lose…” started Marian. “Man I suck at this…” Bruin walked up to the two interrupting.

“Mind if I take it from here Representative?” asked Bruin leaning in between the two of them.

“Sure,” answered Marian taking her leave, and trusting Bruin to handle Sonya.

“Marian isn’t really good with the whole consoling thing,” said Bruin. “And apparently I’m not good with the whole fighting thing. I got a bit messed up out there.” Bruin smiled ear to ear. “But like Marian said you will probably see that meat head again.”

“I really hope so…” Sonya was still somewhat depressed, but wanted to try to be optimistic. She understood that sacrifices had to be made in order for victory to be achieved. “It’ll be fine in the end… It will all pay off soon enough…” She mumbled, convincing herself. Her loyalty remained unshaken, but her will was somewhat damaged by the losses. Bruin’s words lifted her spirits a bit, though. “Thanks, Bruin…” she murmured softly. “Perhaps we should train more for the next skirmish. You won’t get so beat up next time!” She giggled a bit, and a small smile returned to her face. “I need to practice better techniques, too…” Sonya murmured to herself, taking out the small magical doll she had used once before in combat from her pocket. It hasn’t proven useful yet, so she decided that she wouldn’t use it anymore, keeping it just as a reminder of home.

“You got it kid,” Bruin said kindly tussling Sonya’s hair. He saw that even though Sonya was fighting in the thick of it, she was still a kid at heart. He questioned the reason that she was with them, but it was Soul himself that picked her. He had no room to question it. “Let’s get inside, it will be late soon.”
“Oi, Luna,” Owain huffed, poking her in the face with a leg of boar, “You with us?”

“What the he-- yeah, I’m still here. What is it?” Luna asked.

“You just looked like you in another world,” Owain said before taking a bite of the leg he had used to poke Luna with.

“It’s nothing, I was just thinking to myself.” Luna replied as she crossed her arms and scanned the scenery before her. She never really got the chance to take in the sights when she and the army arrived to the Forest, she was only taken with her mission. Origin was so much more serene compared to Agreyus.

“Tell us a little about you Luna,” said Morgan nibbling on a piece of meat. “Maybe it will help you get used to this a little easier.”

Luna let out a stifled chuckle before quieting down. “There’s nothing about me you’d want to know.” She said simply.

“That can’t be true.” answered Morgan. “Everyone has a story. Not all of them are happy, but all worth telling.”

Luna sighed knowing she probably isn’t going to get out of Morgan’s curiosity. “Fine if you’re so damned interested, don’t say I didn’t warn you though.” She replied. Luna sighed once more to find an area of beginning. “So, I grew up in a small village by the name of Eisenrock; lived on a farm, had two people raise me, kind people.” She said almost smiling. “It was my eighteenth birthday and I grew bored of village life so me and a good friend ran off to join the military...” She continued, her fingers tapped against the table the group sat at.

“So, there was this...person, if you would call him that-- he harassed my family and I to no end. After my first day in training, he and his friends decided it would be smart to come into my cabin dead at night and...do things to me.” Luna had to clear her throat as she grimaced having relive that memory.

Owain closed his eyes, his story had been similar, if more happy. He knew what it was like to deal with abuse as well, though hardly on the scale he imagined Luna was talking.

“Desperate men do desperate things,” Owain said, taking another bite out of the meat. Morgan was caught at a loss of what to say. She couldn’t imagine that people would go that low.

“Mnm, I know that now.” She replied. “Thing is, I wasn’t this fucker’s only victim; my friend, she was too-- only he murdered her and covered it up. Wanna know the reason why I carry around this sword? He forced me to pick it up or else I would be kicked out for disobeying an officer or some stupid shit like that. Can’t complain, it paid off.” She continued, rubbing her arms as she did. “Months later I graduated, and I’m somehow still alive. I’m not sure if you heard of him, but he was also scum. His name was Hammond, a highly respected general in the cursed army. I had to escort him for my first battle. So afterwards he offers me a job to personally guard his daughter…” She sighed before continuing. “A warm bed, new armor, higher rank, all in one package...in exchange for sex, of course.” Her voice got darker with each sentence, she ran her hands along her arms as if she were cold.

“You don’t have to say anymore if you don’t want to, Luna,” Owain said a gentle smile on his face.

“That is terrible…” said Morgan placing a hand on Luna’s shoulder. “I can’t start to know what you went through, but here with us. You won’t have to go through anything like that again.” Morgan was beginning to understand how the elder though. Each and every person had reasons for why they turned out they way they did.

Luna nodded. “Yes, I know...I made sure of that.” Her face shifted to a devilish smirk, but it hinted sadness. “I wasn’t as strong as I am now. †˜Sides, those Cursed bastards were too afraid of coming near me after hearing what I did to that guy and the General.”

“Whatever,” Owain said, taking a swig of ale, “The past doesn’t matter, the present and the future are what you should be thinking about.”

“Right,” Luna responded, a hand was rested on her chin. “Then there’s Sonata--my spirit-- who won't shut up about it, so I’m forced to relive those entire four years almost every night, very much literally.” She replied indifferently. “But it doesn’t matter, I’m alive and living life the way I want to live it.” Luna said almost nonchalantly.

“That’s all that matters,” Owain said, downing the ale in a few final swigs, “Ah, that hit the spot,” he sighed contentedly.

It was a quiet and awkward walk home for the three after the conversation at dinner, but luckily the stares that were there earlier were now busy enjoying the night life. Soon they arrived back at the house and opened the door. Razta and Adelina were talking on the couch in the living room, but quieted down when they heard the other come in.

“Ah, you are back. Along with?” said Razta looking over to them.

“This is Luna, our new teammate,” Owain said, “Get along with her, okay?”

Razta stood up and walked over to them. Looking her over he remembered her from the battle at Raltese. “If the captain can trust you. I will atleast give it a try.” said Razta reaching out his hand for a shake. Adelina scoffed at this and focused on the flames from the fireplace.

“Well besides Owain and Morgan, you’re the most forgiving person I’ve met here so far.” Luna remarked as she gripped the man’s hand.

“Where are the others?” Owain asked.

“Hmmm, Anastas and Masaki went to bed early. Apparently they cleaned Masaki’s old temple and ran themselves ragged. Reymond went to your friends lab. Haven’t seen that pale girl anywhere. Arkasia was gone when I got here, and Ari has been in her room for a while.”

“I might head off myself, I’m pretty beat,” Yawned Owain, he planned on getting some exercise done in his room before resting.

Suddenly the door opened behind them and in came Arkasia carrying bags. It was obvious that she had been doing some serious shopping. As the group looked at her they noticed something was †˜off’ immediately. Where there was once long flowing hair, it was now cut to just above her shoulders. She wore a black tube top with a thick metal belt on her waist, and a long sleeve jacket that had thick black fur on the cuffs. Long white stockings started mid thigh and lead down to black heels.

Owain smirked, ”Looking good Dia,” he said, gesturing a thumbs up before heading across the common room to his room, chuckling all the way.

“It suits you,” Luna spoke up nearly smiling, her cheeks slightly flushed red. She was quite fond of Arkasia’s new look apart from the one from earlier.

“Making my way through the forests let me know it was getting too long. Its more practical this way.” she answered dismissing the compliments. “Just wasn’t foolish enough to do it with just a sword.”

Adelina pulled her long braid in front of her and shrugged. “Never bothered me much.” she said.

“We’ll see how you feel when we start training in the morning.” said Arkasia. “I recommend you all get some rest.” Arkasia laughed loudly as she walked to her room.

Razta smiled and started a fire in his hand before clenching his fist and putting it out. “There is nothing like Arkasian training.” said Razta to Luna.

“Oh? What’s that like? I’m sure it isn’t as brutal as training back in Cursed.” said Luna with a vague chuckle.

“I guess you will find out tomorrow won’t you?” said Adelina finally getting up from the couch. Making her way over to Luna she scowled. ”I offered to keep an eye on you tonight. So we will be rooming together.”

“Lovely...” Luna replied returning the glare to the woman.

“I don’t think that will be necessary.” said Morgan trying to defend Luna. Adelina turned her gaze at Morgan.

“Believe me it is.” answered Adelina before turning back to Luna. “You ready?”

“Not like I have any choice.” Luna replied running a hand through her hair. Razta sighed as Adelina showed Luna to their room. After everyone else had left it was just Morgan and Razta.

Opening the door Adelina let Luna in first and then followed behind. The room was simple. Wooden floors and walls. Two single person beds sat parallel on opposite sides of the room, with clean white sheets and blankets. Adelina had her personal items next to her bed. Shutting the door behind them Adelina walked to her bed and sat down. Luna walked over to what she assumed was her bed and tested the covers, it was nothing to compare from the beds at Raltese but it beats a prison cell any day.

“So... Adelina right?” Luna asked awkwardly unable to become accustomed with the pleasantries.

“Yes,” she answered. “And you are Luna. I’m sure Reymond will be overjoyed to see you when he gets back.”

“Hmph, I’m sure. Poor kid was probably traumatized that time.” Luna replied as she revisited the time in Raltese; causing her to laugh internally.

“He’ll be fine. He has been through tougher times.” answered Adelina. “You should get some rest. Arkasia surely isn’t going easy on you tomorrow.”

Luna sighed as she sat onto her bed, she removed her armor and boots to become much more comfortable. Her sword propped onto her shoulder as she sat upward in her bed. she held it close whilst shutting her eyes to slumber. “No peeking at me, now.” Luna said smugly to Adelina after closing her eyes.

“Seen it all before.” answered Adelina laying down in bed and closing her eyes.
Stepping up to Owain’s room she heard some kind of commotion from behind it. Heavy breathing and counting. Reluctantly she knocked on the door as the sounds stopped, and she heard Owain making his way to the door.

Opening the door, Owain was pleased to see Morgan behind it, albeit it was slightly embarrassing that he was topless and covered in sweat.

“What’s up Morg?” he questioned.

Blushing slightly she gathered the courage to speak. “J-just wanted to talk. I can’t sleep.” she answered.

“That’s fine, I haven’t been able to sleep much lately either,” Owain grinned, “Come in.” Walking in it smelled of sweat, but it was something that she could over look. After all they grew up together. Sitting down on the edge of the bed she sighed.

“That girl has had it rough…” said Morgan.

“Who? Luna?” Owain asked, starting a squat routine.

“Ya...I mean even I have had to do similar things to get by. But she had it a lot harder than me. She was forced to do those things.” answered Morgan.

“She’s a tough girl,” Owain said confidently, before coming to a halt mid-squat, “What did you just say?”

“She had it harder than me?” answered Morgan.

“Before that,” Owain said, holding the awkward frozen position determined not to let it go.

“Oh...it was a long time ago. I needed supplies and didn’t have the money.” she answered looking away from Owain..

“Ugh,” Owain said sounding hurt, crashing to all fours, he bore the aura of a defeated man.

Something hit him lightly on the back of the head. “You’re an idiot you know that right?” said Morgan resting her spirit hammer on his head.

Owain grinned pouncing on Morgan, “Thought you could fool me like that huh?” he said, making an attempt to tickle Morgan while he still had the element of surprise. Moving his fingers for her sides he was so close to his coveted tickle spots. Morgan scrambled to find room, and brought her hammer down hard on the top of his head. Owain went limp.

“Oops!” she exclaimed sliding from under him.

“I’m okay,” Owain said in a pained voice before passing out completely. Sitting on the bed she sighed and dispelled her hammer. Tucking her feet under her she placed Owain’s head on her lap.

“You could to learn to be more considerate.” she said knowing that he couldn’t hear her.
Arkasia’s wake up call came earlier than anyone was ready for. Groggily and weakly the warriors were walked out into the forest far away from the village. Arkasia had already cleared this up with the guards. So there would be no annoying interruptions during her training. When they reached a large clearing Arkasia ordered them to line up. Arkasia could only smile looking at all the tired faces as she walked the line.

“Got some good rest I see?” said Arkasia with a smile. She had purposely told them to go and have fun knowing most would stay up late having fun. The only two who seemed awake enough to train were Anastas and Masaki who had went to sleep early last night.

“Yes ma’am~ Got my other half and now ready to do some laps~” Said Masaki happily.

“Since we have a few new faces I want to see what I have to work with. We’ll start with you Ms. Marcell.” said Arkasia. “Step forward and stand here.” she tapped her foot where she wanted her to stand. Luna raised an eyebrow and stood where Arkasia directed, curious to what she was planning.

“I understand some of us have some problems with this one here. So I’ll give you all a chance to clear the air.” said Arkasia looking to the others. Surprisingly she found Owain’s hand raised already. Adelina growled seeing she missed her chance.

“No fair you already knew what I was going to say.” said Arkasia. “Fine, you get first crack at her.”

“I know your shtick Dia,” Owain grinned stepping up to the plate, “Sue me,” he said chuckling.

Owain cricked his neck, “Don’t get me wrong Luna, I don’t have any problem with you,” he began, “But our battle isn’t over yet.”

“Hrm, I figured you’d want to continue where we left off. We haven’t really had time to finish, interference and all.” Luna replied as she shot Owain a smirk.

“This time, Blondie and Soul aren’t here to save your ass,”[/colour] Owain said winking at Luna.

[color=#800000]“Hmph, not that they needed to.”
Luna replied as she drew her sword and stood at a readied position towards Owain. “Let’s go blue eyes, I picked up on some new tricks when I got here and I’ve been aching to try them on someone-- namely you, of course.” After saying this Luna darted towards Owain, like a flash of light she appeared in front of the man swinging her sword in a sideways motion, cutting into Owain’s side.

Owain grinned, feeling the impact of the blow slip under his guard. It wasn’t that Owain was slow, Luna was just naturally faster.

“Oof,” Owain grunted with the considerable blow, “That all you got?” Owain taunted

“More where that came from…” Luna replied, a blank expression on her face as her voice remained monotone.

Morgan winced when she saw Owain take the hit. Wanting to step in and assist she felt herself growing more anxious. However Arkasia stood in front of her.

“Let them fight this out.” ordered Arkasia. “I’ll stop it before it gets serious, and you can tend to your boyfriend’s injuries then.”

“H-he is not my-” started Morgan, but the clash of steel cut her off.

Owain jumped back from Luna’s attack, his eyes glinting, “Honestly Luna, are you even trying?” he asked, feigning that he was unaffected by the attack.

“That naive attitude of yours is gonna get you killed one of these days.” replied Luna, even though they are only training Luna still had the habit to treat Owain as an enemy.

“Naive am I?” Owain questioned, smirking. Before Luna even had time to react he was in front of her, striking her in the stomach with his blade, no longer holding back.

“Ugh…” Luna reeled in pain from the strike. “That’s...it? A strike to the gut? Honestly Cap, I think you’re the one holding back.”

“Heh,” Owain chuckled, “There’s more where that came from,” he said in a voice mimicking Luna’s own.

Luna took this chance to grab Owain by the collar of his armor to get a few cheap hits in. She held her sword in one hand and Owain in the other as she struck him, one attack was blocked by his shield and the last two grazed him. “Look at you, like a damn turtle hiding under it’s shell!” Luna teased, she smirked as she enjoyed seeing her rival falter after all the passed trash talk.

“Talk to me again when your spirit can help you do more damage than you can on your own,” Owain said grinning, That attack had hurt, but no more than the previous.

“Tch, you use your spirit as a crutch. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to touch me.” Luna replied while she gritted her teeth.

“Just taking advantage of my assets” Owain grinned, thinking of Nimue, “Now, have at you.”

Owain broke free from Luna and struck through her guard his attack hitting home, in the exact same spot as before. Luna staggered back to check her wound, it was much deeper this time.

“Hah...haha...haha, I haven’t bled like this in a while,” Luna began giggling uncontrollably as she felt the blood ooze it’s way out. She smiled widely at this, the Captain was truly a strong opponent, someone she had not faced in years.. “Now this is getting fun…!” Luna dashed forward and swung her Zweihander for his abdomen, it scraped his shield and grazed his side.

“Try again,” Owain said, only slightly wincing from the pain. It was enough to distract him however, his next attack was clunky and slow, allowing Luna to easily dodge it.

“Guh,” Owain groaned in disappointment. Luna counter attacked with a downward slash but was completely knocked back, the recoil caused Luna to jolt backwards. Seizing the opportunity Owain reached out a glistening wet hand, readying his spirit energy he fired three lances. One was avoided by Luna’s quick movements but two pierced her and carried through.

“Guh,” Luna was knocked back by the two lances if not pierced by them. She ended up coughing up a bit of blood from the impact. “Not--ngh...bad, Cap. Glad to see you’re not holding back anymore. Was it because I’m a woman that you feel like you gotta pull your punches? Don’t make me laugh!” She shouted, the fight was starting to get exciting for Luna. She dashed for the Captain once more and connected a hit this time, she slashed for his sternum. Owain moved his shield in time but the impact of the blow reverberated across his body, aggravating the wounds Luna had already given him.

He was slowing down, he could feel it, the difference in the two’s ability to take hits was too wide. Owain made a slow swipe for Luna but it was easily deflected.

“Agh,” Owain shouted in frustration, faster, he had to move faster. Though Luna stopped him in his tracks as she took another swing at him, the wind whistled as her Zweihander cut through the air; making contact with Owain’s chest.

While unmoved and undented, the blows impact was incredible, Owain was brought to his knees at the sheer strength of the attack.

“That was a good one,” Owain said, lifting himself back up with sheer willpower, “But I’m not done yet.”

”That will be enough!” yelled Arkasia walking up to the two warriors still entangled in combat. “You both fought extremely well. You may be useful after all Ms. Marcell.”

“But sir, I’m not done,” Owain complained despite his state.

“Of course you aren’t. On the battlefield you aren’t done until you or the enemy is dead. This is simply friendly[i] training, however.” she said with a smile and nodded to Morgan who rushed over to Owain’s side.

Owain sighed, before sheathing his sword and shield and offering a hand to Luna, “That was one of the best fights I’ve ever had, good show,” he said, “Thanks for worrying about me,” he whispered to Morgan next to him.

“How you enjoy these fights I will never know..” she said under her breath before she began to whisper to herself. A bright light began to gently swirl around Owain healing his wounds.

After she sheathed her sword into the scabbard, Luna’s sadistic smile disappeared reverting to her emotionless canvas of a face. She stared Owain in the eye for a moment before revealing a sweet smile to him as she gripped his hand. In Luna’s terms this meant she had the utmost respect for someone. “You’re not too bad yourself.” Her face returned to normal before jabbing Owain in the arm in respect.

Owain jabbed her back similarly, “We should get a drink some time,” he laughed, feeling Morgan’s calming energy working wonders on his wounds. After she was done healing Owain she turned to Luna with a stern expression.

“Stay still,” she said walking up to her whispering the same as before. “I hope we won’t need to do this type of thing again soon.” she said. The bright light began to heal Luna’s wound as she looked at the cuts begin to close and heal over. There were small scars, but they would heal with time.

“You’ve gotten way better at that Morg,” Owain said patting her on the head.

“I owe it all to the elder,” she answered. “She knows more about spirits than anyone I have met.”

“Well now I owe you one,” Owain grinned at Morgan, “Name it,” he said, offering Morgan something in return for healing him. Standing with her hands on her waist and chest puffed up she pouted.

“No more fighting between you two.” she said. “We are supposed to be on a team.”

“If you say so,” Owain agreed, “Although I thought you might want me to actually do something for you.”

“L-like what?” she asked blushing her mind wandering again.

“I dunno,” Owain shrugged, “Foot rub? Massage? Things like that,” Owain suggested

“Alright that is enough talking,” said Arkasia cock blocking a mother fucker hard. “Luna and Owain rejoin the line. Morgan you stay there.” Looking to the line her eyes rested on Reymond. “You have made some progress since we last met.” said Arkasia. “Please come spar with Morgan, Reymond.”

“Wha- me fight?” said Morgan as she looked at Reymond who stepped forward.

“Hey now, Morg is no fighter,” Owain objected.

“Then I need to make her into one. If she can’t protect herself, she is just a liability.” answered Arkasia.

“I can protect her,” Owain continued to protest.

“And you will end up just like Nero,” answered Arkasia. “I told him to leave me, but that fool insisted. All that earned him was an early grave!” Arkasia wiped a stray tear before anyone could see it. “So I’m going to train you all so that you never have to depend on anyone else, but together you will be unstoppable.”

Owain’s fist tightened but he said no more in protest. It was clear Arkasia was set on doing this. Owain had always fought with Morgan when they were younger and he had always won, but then and now were different. The thought of Morgan battered and bruised, or worse, from fighting frightened Owain more than he dared to let on.

Luna placed a hand on Owain’s shoulder to calm him, maintaining a blank expression. She could tell how the man must’ve felt, he had it deep for Morgan. “She’s got this.” Luna told Owain in an attempt to reassure the man.

“All those swordfights we had better have paid off!” Owain called out to Morgan.

“I haven’t fought in a while, but I’m no push over either!” replied Morgan. Reymond chuckled and looked at the two.

“How nice it must be to have your own cheerleader,” joked Reymond. “Ladies first, I shall allow you to make the first move.”

“You may start when you are ready,” said Arkasia stepping out of the way.

Morgan moved her hands along the air as she formed a bow out of golden light. Catching it she drew the bow as an arrow appeared. Morgan smiled at the form of the bow, and looked over at Reymond.

“Not bad, I see you can do more than healing arts.” said Reymond flipping open his divine grimoire. Focusing as the pages began to flip rapidly. Three swords came into existence in a flash of light and began to circle Reymond protectively.

“Let’s make this a good fight.” said Remyond. Morgan nodded and primed her bow aiming for Reymond narrowing her eyes. Anastas frowned at her clumsy technique. Firing off her bow the arrow veered off course sticking into a tree a little ways off. The speed of attack whizzing past him was enough to make him lose focus and cost him a blade.

“Scared of that pot shot Reymond?” taunted Adelina. Smirking Reymond dismissed her and waved his hand firing off both blades at Morgan.

Owain flinched, not wanting to see Morgan get hurt. Both blades struck through her, but no wounds were made. The bow she had before vanished as she fell to her knees.

“That will be enough Reymond, thank you.” ordered Arkasia. Reymond made a beckoning motion as the blades retracted out of her and vanished.

“Is that why you chose me commander?” asked Reymond.

“Partly, I also know you are a softy with girls.” joked Arkasia. Morgan looked at her hands as the spirit energy flowed back through her body. Losing that for even just a moment scared her more than anything.

“We will be fighting people capable of doing worse than this.” said Arkasia kneeling next to Morgan. “We can never become too reliant on our spirits. Understood?” Morgan slowly nodded. Standing up and turning to the rest of the group as Reymond rejoined the line.

“I had a moment of weakness myself.” spoke Arkasia. “My link with my spirit was never as important to me as the blades in my hands, but that became my crutch. We must all overcome our individual weaknesses if we will survive to see this war end.”

Owain quickly moved to where Morgan was. Reaching out his hand he spoke, “You’re okay Morgan, you’re just fine.” Morgan stood up and hugged Owain almost crying as she realized just how weak she still was.

Owain held her tight, stroking her hair as she almost cried into his chest, “We’ll get stronger,” he said “Just you wait, we’ll both get stronger.”

After they were done with the †˜introductions’ Arkasia put them straight to work. Running drills, and practicing formations until their muscles felt like jelly. Arkasia even did all of these exercises with them, but she did it with a smile.

“Come on pick it up Razta and Owain. You call yourselves men!” yelled Arkasia running ahead of the two.

“She isn’t human…” said Razta running drenched in sweat.

Owain laughed hearing this, pushing himself harder in order to keep up with Arkasia, “Welcome to hell, Razta, also known as my life for the first two years of joining the military.”

“This is quite normal actually, my mentor did hell lot more.” Said Masaki as he followed the two with a smile.

“You’re not normal Masaki,” Owain chuckled. After saying this Luna easily trotted past Owain and the group and looked back at him with a slightly smug expression.

“Better hurry up, Captain, you’re falling behind.” Luna teased as she quickened her pace

Owain just smiled, keeping at his already fast pace, not rising to Luna’s bait.

“I guess so, I’ll see you guys later then.” Masaki said sadly as he ran farther ahead.

Razta smiled at how the team was fitting together. Despite a few people not getting along. Luna was fitting in better with the team than he thought. “Looks like you made a good call captain.” said Razta.

“Do I make any other kind of call?” Owain joked.

“Adelina told me all about the hot springs incident, maybe that wasn’t one of your best choice,” joked Razta.

“I regret nothing,” Owain laughed, remembering the images he had saved in his mind and grinning.

Masaki slowed his run and said “I thought that you were going to the bathroom back at the hot springs, boss.”

“Mean shits,” Owain agreed, smirking. Razta clammed up hoping he didn’t just get his captain killed.

Luna slowed her pace and double backed to the group, she had a questioning glare on her face. “...Hot spring incident? [i]What hot spring incident?”
Luna stared daggers at Owain after saying this.

“I heard someone broke into the girls bath,” Owain said, “From… uh… Adelina.”

“Is that so? Then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind telling me how you’ve seen my abs before that time in the jail.” Luna replied keeping her eyes planted on only Owain.

“Now you’re just putting words in my mouth,” Owain said sounding hurt at the accusation.

“Oh, am I?” Luna said sarcastically.

“Of course you are,” Owain said confidently, “You should trust your captain,” he said patting Luna on the back before picking up his pace and leaving her behind.

“Tch, son of a bitch.” Luna muttered before turning her stare to Razta. Razta turned his gaze away from Luna as he tried to outrun her. Suddenly flames enveloped his feet and he dashed faster than Luna was ready for leaving only her and Masaki standing there dumbfounded.

“Well, I guess some people just doesn’t want to be slow. Or they’re probably hiding something.” Masaki patted Luna’s muscled back and dashed after Razta and Owain.

Luna pinched the bridge of her nose and prayed for patience, as hers was running thin, she could even hear Sonata as she silently giggled at her cluelessness.

Ari, Morgan, Adelina, and Morgan ran together a little ways behind the leading group. Reymond looked strangely at Adelina knowing she was faster than this.

“Why are you back here with us?” asked Reymond looking her over. He noticed a weirdness in the way she was running. Taking off her gauntlet she showed that she was wearing weights under her armor.

“Well doesn’t that make me feel better…” joked Reymond. Ari began to run to keep up with Adelina and slowly passed by Reymond.

“Now thats the spirit Ari,” encouraged Adelina. As the three increased their speed Morgan began to fall behind, and almost stumbled trying to keep up.

“H-hey hold on!” she yelled trying to slow them down.
Arkasia’s wake up call came earlier than anyone was ready for. Groggily and weakly the warriors were walked out into the forest far away from the village. Arkasia had already cleared this up with the guards. So there would be no annoying interruptions during her training. When they reached a large clearing Arkasia ordered them to line up. Arkasia could only smile looking at all the tired faces as she walked the line.

“Got some good rest I see?” said Arkasia with a smile. She had purposely told them to go and have fun knowing most would stay up late having fun. The only two who seemed awake enough to train were Anastas and Masaki who had went to sleep early last night.

“Yes ma’am~ Got my other half and now ready to do some laps~” Said Masaki happily.

“Since we have a few new faces I want to see what I have to work with. We’ll start with you Ms. Marcell.” said Arkasia. “Step forward and stand here.” she tapped her foot where she wanted her to stand. Luna raised an eyebrow and stood where Arkasia directed, curious to what she was planning.

“I understand some of us have some problems with this one here. So I’ll give you all a chance to clear the air.” said Arkasia looking to the others. Surprisingly she found Owain’s hand raised already. Adelina growled seeing she missed her chance.

“No fair you already knew what I was going to say.” said Arkasia. “Fine, you get first crack at her.”

“I know your shtick Dia,” Owain grinned stepping up to the plate, “Sue me,” he said chuckling.

Owain cricked his neck, “Don’t get me wrong Luna, I don’t have any problem with you,” he began, “But our battle isn’t over yet.”

“Hrm, I figured you’d want to continue where we left off. We haven’t really had time to finish, interference and all.” Luna replied as she shot Owain a smirk.

“This time, Blondie and Soul aren’t here to save your ass,”[/colour] Owain said winking at Luna.

[color=#800000]“Hmph, not that they needed to.”
Luna replied as she drew her sword and stood at a readied position towards Owain. “Let’s go blue eyes, I picked up on some new tricks when I got here and I’ve been aching to try them on someone-- namely you, of course.” After saying this Luna darted towards Owain, like a flash of light she appeared in front of the man swinging her sword in a sideways motion, cutting into Owain’s side.

Owain grinned, feeling the impact of the blow slip under his guard. It wasn’t that Owain was slow, Luna was just naturally faster.

“Oof,” Owain grunted with the considerable blow, “That all you got?” Owain taunted

“More where that came from…” Luna replied, a blank expression on her face as her voice remained monotone.

Morgan winced when she saw Owain take the hit. Wanting to step in and assist she felt herself growing more anxious. However Arkasia stood in front of her.

“Let them fight this out.” ordered Arkasia. “I’ll stop it before it gets serious, and you can tend to your boyfriend’s injuries then.”

“H-he is not my-” started Morgan, but the clash of steel cut her off.

Owain jumped back from Luna’s attack, his eyes glinting, “Honestly Luna, are you even trying?” he asked, feigning that he was unaffected by the attack.

“That naive attitude of yours is gonna get you killed one of these days.” replied Luna, even though they are only training Luna still had the habit to treat Owain as an enemy.

“Naive am I?” Owain questioned, smirking. Before Luna even had time to react he was in front of her, striking her in the stomach with his blade, no longer holding back.

“Ugh…” Luna reeled in pain from the strike. “That’s...it? A strike to the gut? Honestly Cap, I think you’re the one holding back.”

“Heh,” Owain chuckled, “There’s more where that came from,” he said in a voice mimicking Luna’s own.

Luna took this chance to grab Owain by the collar of his armor to get a few cheap hits in. She held her sword in one hand and Owain in the other as she struck him, one attack was blocked by his shield and the last two grazed him. “Look at you, like a damn turtle hiding under it’s shell!” Luna teased, she smirked as she enjoyed seeing her rival falter after all the passed trash talk.

“Talk to me again when your spirit can help you do more damage than you can on your own,” Owain said grinning, That attack had hurt, but no more than the previous.

“Tch, you use your spirit as a crutch. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to touch me.” Luna replied while she gritted her teeth.

“Just taking advantage of my assets” Owain grinned, thinking of Nimue, “Now, have at you.”

Owain broke free from Luna and struck through her guard his attack hitting home, in the exact same spot as before. Luna staggered back to check her wound, it was much deeper this time.

“Hah...haha...haha, I haven’t bled like this in a while,” Luna began giggling uncontrollably as she felt the blood ooze it’s way out. She smiled widely at this, the Captain was truly a strong opponent, someone she had not faced in years.. “Now this is getting fun…!” Luna dashed forward and swung her Zweihander for his abdomen, it scraped his shield and grazed his side.

“Try again,” Owain said, only slightly wincing from the pain. It was enough to distract him however, his next attack was clunky and slow, allowing Luna to easily dodge it.

“Guh,” Owain groaned in disappointment. Luna counter attacked with a downward slash but was completely knocked back, the recoil caused Luna to jolt backwards. Seizing the opportunity Owain reached out a glistening wet hand, readying his spirit energy he fired three lances. One was avoided by Luna’s quick movements but two pierced her and carried through.

“Guh,” Luna was knocked back by the two lances if not pierced by them. She ended up coughing up a bit of blood from the impact. “Not--ngh...bad, Cap. Glad to see you’re not holding back anymore. Was it because I’m a woman that you feel like you gotta pull your punches? Don’t make me laugh!” She shouted, the fight was starting to get exciting for Luna. She dashed for the Captain once more and connected a hit this time, she slashed for his sternum. Owain moved his shield in time but the impact of the blow reverberated across his body, aggravating the wounds Luna had already given him.

He was slowing down, he could feel it, the difference in the two’s ability to take hits was too wide. Owain made a slow swipe for Luna but it was easily deflected.

“Agh,” Owain shouted in frustration, faster, he had to move faster. Though Luna stopped him in his tracks as she took another swing at him, the wind whistled as her Zweihander cut through the air; making contact with Owain’s chest.

While unmoved and undented, the blows impact was incredible, Owain was brought to his knees at the sheer strength of the attack.

“That was a good one,” Owain said, lifting himself back up with sheer willpower, “But I’m not done yet.”

”That will be enough!” yelled Arkasia walking up to the two warriors still entangled in combat. “You both fought extremely well. You may be useful after all Ms. Marcell.”

“But sir, I’m not done,” Owain complained despite his state.

“Of course you aren’t. On the battlefield you aren’t done until you or the enemy is dead. This is simply friendly[i] training, however.” she said with a smile and nodded to Morgan who rushed over to Owain’s side.

Owain sighed, before sheathing his sword and shield and offering a hand to Luna, “That was one of the best fights I’ve ever had, good show,” he said, “Thanks for worrying about me,” he whispered to Morgan next to him.

“How you enjoy these fights I will never know..” she said under her breath before she began to whisper to herself. A bright light began to gently swirl around Owain healing his wounds.

After she sheathed her sword into the scabbard, Luna’s sadistic smile disappeared reverting to her emotionless canvas of a face. She stared Owain in the eye for a moment before revealing a sweet smile to him as she gripped his hand. In Luna’s terms this meant she had the utmost respect for someone. “You’re not too bad yourself.” Her face returned to normal before jabbing Owain in the arm in respect.

Owain jabbed her back similarly, “We should get a drink some time,” he laughed, feeling Morgan’s calming energy working wonders on his wounds. After she was done healing Owain she turned to Luna with a stern expression.

“Stay still,” she said walking up to her whispering the same as before. “I hope we won’t need to do this type of thing again soon.” she said. The bright light began to heal Luna’s wound as she looked at the cuts begin to close and heal over. There were small scars, but they would heal with time.

“You’ve gotten way better at that Morg,” Owain said patting her on the head.

“I owe it all to the elder,” she answered. “She knows more about spirits than anyone I have met.”

“Well now I owe you one,” Owain grinned at Morgan, “Name it,” he said, offering Morgan something in return for healing him. Standing with her hands on her waist and chest puffed up she pouted.

“No more fighting between you two.” she said. “We are supposed to be on a team.”

“If you say so,” Owain agreed, “Although I thought you might want me to actually do something for you.”

“L-like what?” she asked blushing her mind wandering again.

“I dunno,” Owain shrugged, “Foot rub? Massage? Things like that,” Owain suggested

“Alright that is enough talking,” said Arkasia cock blocking a mother fucker hard. “Luna and Owain rejoin the line. Morgan you stay there.” Looking to the line her eyes rested on Reymond. “You have made some progress since we last met.” said Arkasia. “Please come spar with Morgan, Reymond.”

“Wha- me fight?” said Morgan as she looked at Reymond who stepped forward.

“Hey now, Morg is no fighter,” Owain objected.

“Then I need to make her into one. If she can’t protect herself, she is just a liability.” answered Arkasia.

“I can protect her,” Owain continued to protest.

“And you will end up just like Nero,” answered Arkasia. “I told him to leave me, but that fool insisted. All that earned him was an early grave!” Arkasia wiped a stray tear before anyone could see it. “So I’m going to train you all so that you never have to depend on anyone else, but together you will be unstoppable.”

Owain’s fist tightened but he said no more in protest. It was clear Arkasia was set on doing this. Owain had always fought with Morgan when they were younger and he had always won, but then and now were different. The thought of Morgan battered and bruised, or worse, from fighting frightened Owain more than he dared to let on.

Luna placed a hand on Owain’s shoulder to calm him, maintaining a blank expression. She could tell how the man must’ve felt, he had it deep for Morgan. “She’s got this.” Luna told Owain in an attempt to reassure the man.

“All those swordfights we had better have paid off!” Owain called out to Morgan.

“I haven’t fought in a while, but I’m no push over either!” replied Morgan. Reymond chuckled and looked at the two.

“How nice it must be to have your own cheerleader,” joked Reymond. “Ladies first, I shall allow you to make the first move.”

“You may start when you are ready,” said Arkasia stepping out of the way.

Morgan moved her hands along the air as she formed a bow out of golden light. Catching it she drew the bow as an arrow appeared. Morgan smiled at the form of the bow, and looked over at Reymond.

“Not bad, I see you can do more than healing arts.” said Reymond flipping open his divine grimoire. Focusing as the pages began to flip rapidly. Three swords came into existence in a flash of light and began to circle Reymond protectively.

“Let’s make this a good fight.” said Remyond. Morgan nodded and primed her bow aiming for Reymond narrowing her eyes. Anastas frowned at her clumsy technique. Firing off her bow the arrow veered off course sticking into a tree a little ways off. The speed of attack whizzing past him was enough to make him lose focus and cost him a blade.

“Scared of that pot shot Reymond?” taunted Adelina. Smirking Reymond dismissed her and waved his hand firing off both blades at Morgan.

Owain flinched, not wanting to see Morgan get hurt. Both blades struck through her, but no wounds were made. The bow she had before vanished as she fell to her knees.

“That will be enough Reymond, thank you.” ordered Arkasia. Reymond made a beckoning motion as the blades retracted out of her and vanished.

“Is that why you chose me commander?” asked Reymond.

“Partly, I also know you are a softy with girls.” joked Arkasia. Morgan looked at her hands as the spirit energy flowed back through her body. Losing that for even just a moment scared her more than anything.

“We will be fighting people capable of doing worse than this.” said Arkasia kneeling next to Morgan. “We can never become too reliant on our spirits. Understood?” Morgan slowly nodded. Standing up and turning to the rest of the group as Reymond rejoined the line.

“I had a moment of weakness myself.” spoke Arkasia. “My link with my spirit was never as important to me as the blades in my hands, but that became my crutch. We must all overcome our individual weaknesses if we will survive to see this war end.”

Owain quickly moved to where Morgan was. Reaching out his hand he spoke, “You’re okay Morgan, you’re just fine.” Morgan stood up and hugged Owain almost crying as she realized just how weak she still was.

Owain held her tight, stroking her hair as she almost cried into his chest, “We’ll get stronger,” he said “Just you wait, we’ll both get stronger.”

After they were done with the †˜introductions’ Arkasia put them straight to work. Running drills, and practicing formations until their muscles felt like jelly. Arkasia even did all of these exercises with them, but she did it with a smile.

“Come on pick it up Razta and Owain. You call yourselves men!” yelled Arkasia running ahead of the two.

“She isn’t human…” said Razta running drenched in sweat.

Owain laughed hearing this, pushing himself harder in order to keep up with Arkasia, “Welcome to hell, Razta, also known as my life for the first two years of joining the military.”

“This is quite normal actually, my mentor did hell lot more.” Said Masaki as he followed the two with a smile.

“You’re not normal Masaki,” Owain chuckled. After saying this Luna easily trotted past Owain and the group and looked back at him with a slightly smug expression.

“Better hurry up, Captain, you’re falling behind.” Luna teased as she quickened her pace

Owain just smiled, keeping at his already fast pace, not rising to Luna’s bait.

“I guess so, I’ll see you guys later then.” Masaki said sadly as he ran farther ahead.

Razta smiled at how the team was fitting together. Despite a few people not getting along. Luna was fitting in better with the team than he thought. “Looks like you made a good call captain.” said Razta.

“Do I make any other kind of call?” Owain joked.

“Adelina told me all about the hot springs incident, maybe that wasn’t one of your best choice,” joked Razta.

“I regret nothing,” Owain laughed, remembering the images he had saved in his mind and grinning.

Masaki slowed his run and said “I thought that you were going to the bathroom back at the hot springs, boss.”

“Mean shits,” Owain agreed, smirking. Razta clammed up hoping he didn’t just get his captain killed.

Luna slowed her pace and double backed to the group, she had a questioning glare on her face. “...Hot spring incident? [i]What hot spring incident?”
Luna stared daggers at Owain after saying this.

“I heard someone broke into the girls bath,” Owain said, “From… uh… Adelina.”

“Is that so? Then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind telling me how you’ve seen my abs before that time in the jail.” Luna replied keeping her eyes planted on only Owain.

“Now you’re just putting words in my mouth,” Owain said sounding hurt at the accusation.

“Oh, am I?” Luna said sarcastically.

“Of course you are,” Owain said confidently, “You should trust your captain,” he said patting Luna on the back before picking up his pace and leaving her behind.

“Tch, son of a bitch.” Luna muttered before turning her stare to Razta. Razta turned his gaze away from Luna as he tried to outrun her. Suddenly flames enveloped his feet and he dashed faster than Luna was ready for leaving only her and Masaki standing there dumbfounded.

“Well, I guess some people just doesn’t want to be slow. Or they’re probably hiding something.” Masaki patted Luna’s muscled back and dashed after Razta and Owain.

Luna pinched the bridge of her nose and prayed for patience, as hers was running thin, she could even hear Sonata as she silently giggled at her cluelessness.

Ari, Morgan, Adelina, and Morgan ran together a little ways behind the leading group. Reymond looked strangely at Adelina knowing she was faster than this.

“Why are you back here with us?” asked Reymond looking her over. He noticed a weirdness in the way she was running. Taking off her gauntlet she showed that she was wearing weights under her armor.

“Well doesn’t that make me feel better…” joked Reymond. Ari began to run to keep up with Adelina and slowly passed by Reymond.

“Now thats the spirit Ari,” encouraged Adelina. As the three increased their speed Morgan began to fall behind, and almost stumbled trying to keep up.

“H-hey hold on!” she yelled trying to slow them down.
Arkasia’s wake up call came earlier than anyone was ready for. Groggily and weakly the warriors were walked out into the forest far away from the village. Arkasia had already cleared this up with the guards. So there would be no annoying interruptions during her training. When they reached a large clearing Arkasia ordered them to line up. Arkasia could only smile looking at all the tired faces as she walked the line.

“Got some good rest I see?” said Arkasia with a smile. She had purposely told them to go and have fun knowing most would stay up late having fun. The only two who seemed awake enough to train were Anastas and Masaki who had went to sleep early last night.

“Yes ma’am~ Got my other half and now ready to do some laps~” Said Masaki happily.

“Since we have a few new faces I want to see what I have to work with. We’ll start with you Ms. Marcell.” said Arkasia. “Step forward and stand here.” she tapped her foot where she wanted her to stand. Luna raised an eyebrow and stood where Arkasia directed, curious to what she was planning.

“I understand some of us have some problems with this one here. So I’ll give you all a chance to clear the air.” said Arkasia looking to the others. Surprisingly she found Owain’s hand raised already. Adelina growled seeing she missed her chance.

“No fair you already knew what I was going to say.” said Arkasia. “Fine, you get first crack at her.”

“I know your shtick Dia,” Owain grinned stepping up to the plate, “Sue me,” he said chuckling.

Owain cricked his neck, “Don’t get me wrong Luna, I don’t have any problem with you,” he began, “But our battle isn’t over yet.”

“Hrm, I figured you’d want to continue where we left off. We haven’t really had time to finish, interference and all.” Luna replied as she shot Owain a smirk.

“This time, Blondie and Soul aren’t here to save your ass,” Owain said winking at Luna.

“Hmph, not that they needed to.” Luna replied as she drew her sword and stood at a readied position towards Owain. “Let’s go blue eyes, I picked up on some new tricks when I got here and I’ve been aching to try them on someone-- namely you, of course.” After saying this Luna darted towards Owain, like a flash of light she appeared in front of the man swinging her sword in a sideways motion, cutting into Owain’s side.

Owain grinned, feeling the impact of the blow slip under his guard. It wasn’t that Owain was slow, Luna was just naturally faster.

“Oof,” Owain grunted with the considerable blow, “That all you got?” Owain taunted

“More where that came from…” Luna replied, a blank expression on her face as her voice remained monotone.

Morgan winced when she saw Owain take the hit. Wanting to step in and assist she felt herself growing more anxious. However Arkasia stood in front of her.

“Let them fight this out.” ordered Arkasia. “I’ll stop it before it gets serious, and you can tend to your boyfriend’s injuries then.”

“H-he is not my-” started Morgan, but the clash of steel cut her off.

Owain jumped back from Luna’s attack, his eyes glinting, “Honestly Luna, are you even trying?” he asked, feigning that he was unaffected by the attack.

“That naive attitude of yours is gonna get you killed one of these days.” replied Luna, even though they are only training Luna still had the habit to treat Owain as an enemy.

“Naive am I?” Owain questioned, smirking. Before Luna even had time to react he was in front of her, striking her in the stomach with his blade, no longer holding back.

“Ugh…” Luna reeled in pain from the strike. “That’s...it? A strike to the gut? Honestly Cap, I think you’re the one holding back.”

“Heh,” Owain chuckled, “There’s more where that came from,” he said in a voice mimicking Luna’s own.

Luna took this chance to grab Owain by the collar of his armor to get a few cheap hits in. She held her sword in one hand and Owain in the other as she struck him, one attack was blocked by his shield and the last two grazed him. “Look at you, like a damn turtle hiding under it’s shell!” Luna teased, she smirked as she enjoyed seeing her rival falter after all the passed trash talk.

“Talk to me again when your spirit can help you do more damage than you can on your own,” Owain said grinning, That attack had hurt, but no more than the previous.

“Tch, you use your spirit as a crutch. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to touch me.” Luna replied while she gritted her teeth.

“Just taking advantage of my assets” Owain grinned, thinking of Nimue, “Now, have at you.”

Owain broke free from Luna and struck through her guard his attack hitting home, in the exact same spot as before. Luna staggered back to check her wound, it was much deeper this time.

“Hah...haha...haha, I haven’t bled like this in a while,” Luna began giggling uncontrollably as she felt the blood ooze it’s way out. She smiled widely at this, the Captain was truly a strong opponent, someone she had not faced in years.. “Now this is getting fun…!” Luna dashed forward and swung her Zweihander for his abdomen, it scraped his shield and grazed his side.

“Try again,” Owain said, only slightly wincing from the pain. It was enough to distract him however, his next attack was clunky and slow, allowing Luna to easily dodge it.

“Guh,” Owain groaned in disappointment. Luna counter attacked with a downward slash but was completely knocked back, the recoil caused Luna to jolt backwards. Seizing the opportunity Owain reached out a glistening wet hand, readying his spirit energy he fired three lances. One was avoided by Luna’s quick movements but two pierced her and carried through.

“Guh,” Luna was knocked back by the two lances if not pierced by them. She ended up coughing up a bit of blood from the impact. “Not--ngh...bad, Cap. Glad to see you’re not holding back anymore. Was it because I’m a woman that you feel like you gotta pull your punches? Don’t make me laugh!” She shouted, the fight was starting to get exciting for Luna. She dashed for the Captain once more and connected a hit this time, she slashed for his sternum. Owain moved his shield in time but the impact of the blow reverberated across his body, aggravating the wounds Luna had already given him.

He was slowing down, he could feel it, the difference in the two’s ability to take hits was too wide. Owain made a slow swipe for Luna but it was easily deflected.

“Agh,” Owain shouted in frustration, faster, he had to move faster. Though Luna stopped him in his tracks as she took another swing at him, the wind whistled as her Zweihander cut through the air; making contact with Owain’s chest.

While unmoved and undented, the blows impact was incredible, Owain was brought to his knees at the sheer strength of the attack.

“That was a good one,” Owain said, lifting himself back up with sheer willpower, “But I’m not done yet.”

”That will be enough!” yelled Arkasia walking up to the two warriors still entangled in combat. “You both fought extremely well. You may be useful after all Ms. Marcell.”

“But sir, I’m not done,” Owain complained despite his state.

“Of course you aren’t. On the battlefield you aren’t done until you or the enemy is dead. This is simply friendly training, however.” she said with a smile and nodded to Morgan who rushed over to Owain’s side.

Owain sighed, before sheathing his sword and shield and offering a hand to Luna, “That was one of the best fights I’ve ever had, good show,” he said, “Thanks for worrying about me,” he whispered to Morgan next to him.

“How you enjoy these fights I will never know..” she said under her breath before she began to whisper to herself. A bright light began to gently swirl around Owain healing his wounds.

After she sheathed her sword into the scabbard, Luna’s sadistic smile disappeared reverting to her emotionless canvas of a face. She stared Owain in the eye for a moment before revealing a sweet smile to him as she gripped his hand. In Luna’s terms this meant she had the utmost respect for someone. “You’re not too bad yourself.” Her face returned to normal before jabbing Owain in the arm in respect.

Owain jabbed her back similarly, “We should get a drink some time,” he laughed, feeling Morgan’s calming energy working wonders on his wounds. After she was done healing Owain she turned to Luna with a stern expression.

“Stay still,” she said walking up to her whispering the same as before. “I hope we won’t need to do this type of thing again soon.” she said. The bright light began to heal Luna’s wound as she looked at the cuts begin to close and heal over. There were small scars, but they would heal with time.

“You’ve gotten way better at that Morg,” Owain said patting her on the head.

“I owe it all to the elder,” she answered. “She knows more about spirits than anyone I have met.”

“Well now I owe you one,” Owain grinned at Morgan, “Name it,” he said, offering Morgan something in return for healing him. Standing with her hands on her waist and chest puffed up she pouted.

“No more fighting between you two.” she said. “We are supposed to be on a team.”

“If you say so,” Owain agreed, “Although I thought you might want me to actually do something for you.”

“L-like what?” she asked blushing her mind wandering again.

“I dunno,” Owain shrugged, “Foot rub? Massage? Things like that,” Owain suggested

“Alright that is enough talking,” said Arkasia cock blocking a mother fucker hard. “Luna and Owain rejoin the line. Morgan you stay there.” Looking to the line her eyes rested on Reymond. “You have made some progress since we last met.” said Arkasia. “Please come spar with Morgan, Reymond.”

“Wha- me fight?” said Morgan as she looked at Reymond who stepped forward.

“Hey now, Morg is no fighter,” Owain objected.

“Then I need to make her into one. If she can’t protect herself, she is just a liability.” answered Arkasia.

“I can protect her,” Owain continued to protest.

“And you will end up just like Nero,” answered Arkasia. “I told him to leave me, but that fool insisted. All that earned him was an early grave!” Arkasia wiped a stray tear before anyone could see it. “So I’m going to train you all so that you never have to depend on anyone else, but together you will be unstoppable.”

Owain’s fist tightened but he said no more in protest. It was clear Arkasia was set on doing this. Owain had always fought with Morgan when they were younger and he had always won, but then and now were different. The thought of Morgan battered and bruised, or worse, from fighting frightened Owain more than he dared to let on.

Luna placed a hand on Owain’s shoulder to calm him, maintaining a blank expression. She could tell how the man must’ve felt, he had it deep for Morgan. “She’s got this.” Luna told Owain in an attempt to reassure the man.

“All those swordfights we had better have paid off!” Owain called out to Morgan.

“I haven’t fought in a while, but I’m no push over either!” replied Morgan. Reymond chuckled and looked at the two.

“How nice it must be to have your own cheerleader,” joked Reymond. “Ladies first, I shall allow you to make the first move.”

“You may start when you are ready,” said Arkasia stepping out of the way.

Morgan moved her hands along the air as she formed a bow out of golden light. Catching it she drew the bow as an arrow appeared. Morgan smiled at the form of the bow, and looked over at Reymond.

“Not bad, I see you can do more than healing arts.” said Reymond flipping open his divine grimoire. Focusing as the pages began to flip rapidly. Three swords came into existence in a flash of light and began to circle Reymond protectively.

“Let’s make this a good fight.” said Remyond. Morgan nodded and primed her bow aiming for Reymond narrowing her eyes. Anastas frowned at her clumsy technique. Firing off her bow the arrow veered off course sticking into a tree a little ways off. The speed of attack whizzing past him was enough to make him lose focus and cost him a blade.

“Scared of that pot shot Reymond?” taunted Adelina. Smirking Reymond dismissed her and waved his hand firing off both blades at Morgan.

Owain flinched, not wanting to see Morgan get hurt. Both blades struck through her, but no wounds were made. The bow she had before vanished as she fell to her knees.

“That will be enough Reymond, thank you.” ordered Arkasia. Reymond made a beckoning motion as the blades retracted out of her and vanished.

“Is that why you chose me commander?” asked Reymond.

“Partly, I also know you are a softy with girls.” joked Arkasia. Morgan looked at her hands as the spirit energy flowed back through her body. Losing that for even just a moment scared her more than anything.

“We will be fighting people capable of doing worse than this.” said Arkasia kneeling next to Morgan. “We can never become too reliant on our spirits. Understood?” Morgan slowly nodded. Standing up and turning to the rest of the group as Reymond rejoined the line.

“I had a moment of weakness myself.” spoke Arkasia. “My link with my spirit was never as important to me as the blades in my hands, but that became my crutch. We must all overcome our individual weaknesses if we will survive to see this war end.”

Owain quickly moved to where Morgan was. Reaching out his hand he spoke, “You’re okay Morgan, you’re just fine.” Morgan stood up and hugged Owain almost crying as she realized just how weak she still was.

Owain held her tight, stroking her hair as she almost cried into his chest, “We’ll get stronger,” he said “Just you wait, we’ll both get stronger.”

After they were done with the †˜introductions’ Arkasia put them straight to work. Running drills, and practicing formations until their muscles felt like jelly. Arkasia even did all of these exercises with them, but she did it with a smile.

“Come on pick it up Razta and Owain. You call yourselves men!” yelled Arkasia running ahead of the two.

“She isn’t human…” said Razta running drenched in sweat.

Owain laughed hearing this, pushing himself harder in order to keep up with Arkasia, “Welcome to hell, Razta, also known as my life for the first two years of joining the military.”

“This is quite normal actually, my mentor did hell lot more.” Said Masaki as he followed the two with a smile.

“You’re not normal Masaki,” Owain chuckled. After saying this Luna easily trotted past Owain and the group and looked back at him with a slightly smug expression.

“Better hurry up, Captain, you’re falling behind.” Luna teased as she quickened her pace

Owain just smiled, keeping at his already fast pace, not rising to Luna’s bait.

“I guess so, I’ll see you guys later then.” Masaki said sadly as he ran farther ahead.

Razta smiled at how the team was fitting together. Despite a few people not getting along. Luna was fitting in better with the team than he thought. “Looks like you made a good call captain.” said Razta.

“Do I make any other kind of call?” Owain joked.

“Adelina told me all about the hot springs incident, maybe that wasn’t one of your best choice,” joked Razta.

“I regret nothing,” Owain laughed, remembering the images he had saved in his mind and grinning.

Masaki slowed his run and said “I thought that you were going to the bathroom back at the hot springs, boss.”

“Mean shits,” Owain agreed, smirking. Razta clammed up hoping he didn’t just get his captain killed.

Luna slowed her pace and double backed to the group, she had a questioning glare on her face. “...Hot spring incident? What hot spring incident?” Luna stared daggers at Owain after saying this.

“I heard someone broke into the girls bath,” Owain said, “From… uh… Adelina.”

“Is that so? Then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind telling me how you’ve seen my abs before that time in the jail.” Luna replied keeping her eyes planted on only Owain.

“Now you’re just putting words in my mouth,” Owain said sounding hurt at the accusation.

“Oh, am I?” Luna said sarcastically.

“Of course you are,” Owain said confidently, “You should trust your captain,” he said patting Luna on the back before picking up his pace and leaving her behind.

“Tch, son of a bitch.” Luna muttered before turning her stare to Razta. Razta turned his gaze away from Luna as he tried to outrun her. Suddenly flames enveloped his feet and he dashed faster than Luna was ready for leaving only her and Masaki standing there dumbfounded.

“Well, I guess some people just doesn’t want to be slow. Or they’re probably hiding something.” Masaki patted Luna’s muscled back and dashed after Razta and Owain.

Luna pinched the bridge of her nose and prayed for patience, as hers was running thin, she could even hear Sonata as she silently giggled at her cluelessness.

Ari, Morgan, Adelina, and Morgan ran together a little ways behind the leading group. Reymond looked strangely at Adelina knowing she was faster than this.

“Why are you back here with us?” asked Reymond looking her over. He noticed a weirdness in the way she was running. Taking off her gauntlet she showed that she was wearing weights under her armor.

“Well doesn’t that make me feel better…” joked Reymond. Ari began to run to keep up with Adelina and slowly passed by Reymond.

“Now thats the spirit Ari,” encouraged Adelina. As the three increased their speed Morgan began to fall behind, and almost stumbled trying to keep up.

“H-hey hold on!” she yelled trying to slow them down.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

“Thank you, I’ll leave it to you, then,” Louise spoke, apparently standing above the staircase. She wore a black dress – it was reminiscent of a corset – along with a black and pink skirt, that seemed really short; showing her milky white and slender pair of thighs – unlike the norms of Masario. Her hands were clad with black long gloves, and her legs; with black-lace stockings; she most likely wore garter underneath the skirt. “A live concert, you say? I apologize, but I hardly have to time appear on one of those now,” she said to her friend on the other side of the phone. “I have to take leave now. Take care,” she hung up as she then approached Durran and Kudzu on the living room.

“Alright, let’s be on our way, shall we?” Louise suggested, looking down on the two.

“You decide on where you want to go first?” Asked Durran.

“Mnm,” she nodded in response. “We’re going to Masario, first,” she said, then turned to Kudzu. “I apologize, but you’ll have to wait a bit more till your reunion – with your dear son,” she said, not quite providing a bow along with it. Louise then cupped her hands over her chest. Closing her eyes – focusing and concentrating – her ties to the rest of the environment; the nature and the world – was cut off. Her form soon glowed with a silvery light as she begun to sing a forgotten song sonorously, of which the lyrics were of a language known not to people. Louise needed to gather more spiritual energy, just in case. Even if she had enough to teleport back to that damned world; she’d be completely sucked dry by her World Gate spell when it’s ultimate version is put to use, since she had already exhausted her powers while fighting the avatars not too long ago.

“I guess I’ll be on guard detail for a little longer then,” answered Kudzu with a grin.

Louise stopped singing. Apparently, she gained the powers she required now. Regardless of what world she sang from, she could always connect to the Heavens and borrow spiritual powers from there. “Glad to have you around,” she replied nonchalantly before taking up her beloved gold wand – which shined with her magical force of power. She then begun walking down the stairs at last, and pointed her wand straight. Straight towards the two gentlemen down before her.

“Ken, gyolf, hagaras, soyl, beorc, daeg,” Louise chanted with every steps she stood. “Vasasu, son, wyad,” she further chanted as she came down. The oval shaped rift finally opened behind the two, and Louise then walked into it. The other two following her into it.
Monster Girl
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