Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a joint post starring: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise found herself satisfied with the royal suite of the inn. The bed was enough to rival her bed back at the castle, and that was no small feat; she didn’t need to warp back to Masario, for now. It was more than just good news; she’d be able to ignore the unnecessary hassle of dealing with… certain clingy women. Sadly, with all the noise outside, she was unable to enjoy it. Placing her hands over her ears with a look of irritation; she slowly muffled her way out of bed to see what was going on.

“Ugh, and so early in the morning too,” Louise cursed the perpetrators behind the source of the annoying noises – looking towards the window. However, instead of finding anything outside, she found a presence from around the forest, instead. “That thing sure doesn’t know when to give up,” Louise said, sensing Soul’s approaching presence. Creating ruckus seemed like Soul’s only specialty, so far. Indeed, very barbaric – as expected of a Cursed felon.

There was a knock on the door, and a voice called in. “Ma’am, please stay in your room,” said a female voice. Louise assumed that it was the manager that she met when she bought the room, but she didn’t care enough to remember the voice, just yet.

“Will do,” Louise replied. She didn’t raise her voice. Groggy, sleepy, and much more grumpy than anything; Louise didn’t feel like speaking properly to anyone, just yet. Her tone wasn’t so proper and ladylike. With a hint of laziness still lingering over her expressions; she walked up to the window – while rubbing her eyes – to peer down on the streets.

Suddenly, Louise could hear a faint voice humming behind the door. She warily turned to the door; feeling slightly weirded out, and called out to the manager. There was no response, and the humming continued. Then, there was a sound of something hitting the floor. The sound was wet, as if the carpet was soaked, or something.

“Is… someone there?” Louise asked, tentatively. She looked around, cautiously. In a situation where the town is about to be raided by the cursed bunch; there was no telling what was about to occur. Unfortunately, as she had just awoke – there was no way for her to gain any insight in regards to the situation, thus she acted gingerly. She wasn’t in top form just yet, either She picked up her wand hastily, to ready herself for anything. It really helped her feel calmer, despite the already-composed aspect of herself.

With two swift strikes the door was cut into four even pieces that fell to the floor. A woman in a purple dress with red vertical lines on the top section walked in. Her hair a bright crimson that moved with a floaty feel as she entered. She held a hat in her left hand, and in her right a long wavy familiar sword in her right hand. Her face was the same as that woman she fought on the roof in Raltese.

Louise’s lips curved into a smile. “We meet again,” she said, looking up to her appearance, and the change. “You sure changed, in what little time that had passed,” she commented, especially after witnessing the hair. Something definitely had happened to her. There was a glaring similarity to Cain’s other †˜avatars’ that Vejovis spoke of, or rather, the avatars she met before arriving to this place. Regardless, her confidence was peerless, just as her beauty was. With her wand at bay; she wouldn’t feel powerless against an intimidating figure. Not that she is much too different without a wand in her attitude.

“Have we met?” asked the woman standing across the room from Louise. “I was told that I was to escort the woman in this room. That is all.”

“I see. So, becoming one of his avatars makes you lose your past memories, or is it a complete transfiguration?” Louise wondered openly before her; exploring the various possibilities without care; as if this person wasn’t so dangerous as she actually seemed to be. “Cain sure does interesting things, sometimes,” Louise’s mind was calmed, so to say – after the deep slumber – for which she wasn’t finding herself enraged from even remembering Cain’s name. It turned out that her mentality is finally back to its usual tendencies. “Regardless – where am I to be escorted?”

“You are coming peacefully? I was told this would be a lot harder than this,” replied the woman lowering her sword. “We are going to Cain, of course.”

“Well, before I consider coming peacefully – may I know why I’m beckoned by your lord, if anything?” Louise asked. Considering her judgement – from observation of her words so far – this woman hardly knew anything. Other than abiding by the orders. However, in a one of a thousand chance; a possibility lied that she could provide an appropriate answer. Thus, Louise’s inquiry. There was hardly a chance that she’d say anything descriptive, it seemed. A misfortune she’d be required to cope with, unfortunately.

“They also said you were a talker. Oh ho ho” she said with a laugh. “Cain said that you were ready now. Whatever that means.”

“Hmm, I’ve allied myself to a different faction,” Louise begun, apparently assessing a situation, “I must honor them and not leave this land, to respect their wishes – for once,” Louise said sagely as she spoke, then gave a sly look. “I may not leave without a fight, it seems,” of course, Louise wanted to go. However, she’d make it look as though she was forced away to their land; abducted, so to say.

“You want to fight?” asked the woman raising her sword once again. Placing the hat on her head.

“No, just wreck this room, and we’re free to leave,” Louise shrugged. She needn’t fight a barbarian, just yet. Perhaps after gaining favorable amount of information; she’d consider destroying this freak of nature for her personal satisfaction… which she couldn’t really pull off in her current state, she remembered. “I’m not interested in battling right after awakening – it’s bothersome,” she stated with absolute honesty. “They sent you – as you’re strong enough, yes? Higher probability that I’ll most likely be forcefully dragged. So the wiser choice is to go with the flow.” With the curse in her spirit; Louise could hardly put up a prolonged fight against a fighter of great caliber, anyway. Her drowsy eyes would also get in the way.

“Wreck the room…” responded the woman looking around at the fancy surroundings.

“...You have fine tastes, it seems,” Louise smirked, taking her reaction in consideration. “Then, the window shall do. Onlookers may thus assume that I was forced to escape via the window.” This way, she could perhaps come back to this lovely room. A good plan, indeed.

“No, no I can do this,” she answered giving her sword a test swing. Then on the next she slammed her blade into the floor cracking it as the wood began to splinter. Nails shot out from extreme pressure of the blow. With one more the floor caved in and furniture sunk into the floor as the walls buckled and gave way.

“...You just wanted to test your strength, didn’t you?” Louise said, not sure what to make of this person. She felt slightly disappointed; this woman seemed to be a simpleton. The personality is far more altered than she had initially assumed. There’s also the loss of the room. Perhaps it was inevitable. She was ill-fated this year, truly. “Well, after you,” she gestured, for the lady to lead the way.

She hummed a song in satisfaction as she smiled at the hole she made. Walking past Louise she looked out the window. “You wanted to make this authentic right? We can’t just walk out of here.”

Louise shrugged yet again. “However you wish to do this.” With a pit that large; it didn’t quite matter anymore. It’s not like Vejovis is unaware of her mobility spell. Anyone who knew her, would assume that Louise blew a hole in, instead.

“I heard you had a way to zip from place to place,” said the woman. “How about you teach me that? I’m a fast learner.” The woman smiled wickedly and licked her lips.

Louise frowned. “It’s not something just about anyone may learn,” Louise stated, apparently displeased at the words of… heresy? “If you need me to take you anywhere – I may attempt, however.” Indeed, she could. If, perhaps, this person before her could provide her the mental imagery via transmitting a signal of demonic energy; Louise could pick it up, analyze, and perceive the picturesque imagination in mind.

“Perhaps it would be faster to show?” She said as she began grabbing at her abdomen. She dug her fingers into herself and pulled hard as it began to open slowly. Teeth filled the gap as the opening formed a grotesque mouth up her abdomen. “Once this mouth gets a taste for spirits I can remember it for a while. Go ahead, show me that technique!”

“I refuse; I don’t want to,” Louise puffed a cheek. It was her specialty; why should she be teaching such a precious spell to someone else? She wasn’t obligated to do so! How preposterous! A void in the belly, however? What a grotesque sight indeed. How unladylike to have a second mouth – seemingly more gluttonous than the upper one. Women only needs two mouths, not three, she felt.

“You’re so stubborn!” She said pouting as her mouth closed. A tongue ran up the opening sealing the void shut. “Fine if you get us out of this room and to the the outer plains, I can work with that.”

“The plains outside, hm? Very well,” Louise said, accepting, putting down her frown momentarily. She pulled her wand up. After a moment taken to do a mental chanting; a portal opened itself before the two. It didn’t take so long as the plains were just outside the village Louise walked in, beckoning the avatar of Cain to follow along. The woman hurried along into the portal after Louise as they vanished into the portal.
This is a group post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and BagMan.

Whatever was going on the guards seemed to be distracted on the other side of the city. Owain and Adelina had no trouble making to Leon’s house. No guards stopped them, and they saw no sign of fighting.

“What exactly happened to Razta?” Owain asked as they neared the house.

“By the time I got there Razta was already out-cold. It was that gun-toting punk from Raltese,” said Adelina. The venom on her tone was evidence that she was more than a little bitter from her defeat.

“That guy huh?” Owain mused knocking on the door to Leon’s house. The door opened in a flash as if someone were waiting by the door the entire time. Leon tore Owain in by the arm and dragged him to the back of his lab. As Owain’s head stopped spinning a set of armor was laid on the table in front of him.

“It’s perfect!” he yelled laughing loudly. Adelina made her way in past the piles of books and supplies towards the back where Owain was dragged off to.

“So is this it?” Adelina said looking over the bronzed armor. “Seems less protective than your previous armor.” Leon seemed to snap into position next to her.

“To the naked eye perhaps!” exclaimed Leon. “But along with the decreased weight, this baby is far stronger!”

“Honestly I was expecting something… bigger,” Owain said, somewhat disappointed.

“Bigger isn’t always better Owain,” answered Leon. “If you are going to be going up against representatives you are going to need to be more than a big ol’ rock!” Suddenly there was a loud howl that shook some of the things off of Leon’s shelves. “What is going on out there? I didn’t think we were having another festival already.”

“Apparently the cursed are attacking,” Owain said, running his hand over the armour, “Which is why we came straight away.”

“Well tell them to keep it down,” complained Leon. “I have work to do in here.”

Owain laughed, “Sure I will,” he said chuckling, “Now… How does this thing work?”

“I made it for Nimue to flow through easier than before. Its the same system you are used to,” answered Leon.

“Huh?” Owain said, already beginning to strap the armour on to himself, “Gonna take awhile to get used to this.” Owain felt the accustomed surge of power flow into his suit of armour, the steam circulating around it. This was what he had paid for. Reaching his limit he put his foot on the breaks.

“Yeah,” he said, “This is what I’m talking about!”

Leon took off his gloves and set them on the table before wiping his brow. Looking at how the armor fit he was proud of his work. Taking a quick walk around him he made sure that the spiritual energy was moving around properly.

“Now you may notice that this one is a little more...spiritually malleable.” answered Leon. “Your spirit can hold more energy inside of this model, but it isn’t made to be filled to full. This extra breathing room is meant to make it more stable. Keep in mind that over charging the suit will cause it to rapidly overheat and you will need to release it.”

Adelina looked at Owain in his new armor. †˜He is lucky to have such a skilled friend’ thought Adelina. She never would want a suit so bulky, but she had to admit that Owain pretty skilled with it. “Are we ready to go captain?” asked Adelina.

Owain looked at Adelina, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile, “We should be, thanks again Leon, you’re the best,” he said patting Leon on the back.

Leon stretched as he felt his spine snap back into position. He hadn’t even slept those three days, and now he really felt it. “Anything for you buddy. It was fun anyways.” answered Leon. There was another loud crash that shook the house sending a beaker falling to the ground. Its contents began to each and erode the floor.

“Bah now I have to clean that up…” said Leon walking towards the mess.

Adelina stepped around whatever the concoction was and made her way to the door. “If we hurry we can pick up on his trail,” said Adelina as she ran outside. She expected Owain to catch up soon.

Owain cricked his neck. It had been too long, he thought, since he had worn armour. Running to keep up with Adelina Owain left Leon’s house.

Running through the town it didn’t take long for the two to reach where Adelina had lost the man the night before. Stopping to examine the ground Adelina picked up the empty canister the man used.

“What’s that?” Owain asked, bending over Adelina.

“This is what he used to make this sort of smoke screen,” answered Adelina. “The man was crafty if nothing else, and he moved faster than anything I’ve seen before.” Putting it in her side pouch she continued running forward with Owain close behind. Looking for anything else that she could use to track him.

“Having trouble,” said a man from a nearby alley. Adelina knew the voice immediately. He had a red dragon mask on his face and blonde hair flared out behind it. He was dressed in a blue and gold yukata. “He was probably headed towards Raskana, I think you will need more than just the two of you. Don’t you think?”

“Who are you?” Owain asked suspiciously.

“A concerned citizen,” answered Balan with a smirk. “Call me Balan.”

Owain snorted at this introduction, “Raskana eh? Honestly I was hoping I’d never have to go there,” he said almost shuddering at the prospect.

“I have seen that man around before. Your boyfriend wasn’t the first man he has taken from here.” answered Balan. Adelina grabbed her forehead and sighed. “It would be suicide to go alone, but we can’t afford to wait.”

“You’re right, but what about the others, and what’s going on here?” Owain said conflicted, “As captain I can’t very well leave them behind.”

“Then we deal with this, and then move on. But I won’t wait a moment after that.” answered Adelina. “Regardless of what happens in this battle.” Balan laughed and vanished into the alley as the two were distracted with each other.

“I’m sorry about this Adelina, I promise we’ll get Razta back,” Owain said sincerely, “Now… let’s try and find the others.”

“That howl was coming from the direction of the front gate, and that was where most of the guards were heading. Why don’t we start there?” suggested Adelina. “We have a knack of ending up in the thick of it. If that holds true we will find them there.”

Owain nodded and began to move. Adelina was right, the longer Razta was gone the worse the chance became of saving him.
This is a group post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, BagMan, BlinkXPoke, Ezlare, Galahad Milsl, Katsucha, and Valentine_KiS5.

Ari and the group followed the crowds of guards towards the front gate. They had a feeling of what the howl was, but no idea of what they were going to do about it. Ari looked behind her to Masaki and Reymond who were close behind. Their lives were in her hands. As the arrived at the gate they saw that guards were chanting furiously. The walls that were made of wood began to grow rapidly making a large spiked net.

“Impressive,” said Reymond looking at how perfectly in sync they were. The gate was twice its previous size in seconds. Masaki on the other hands was on the ground with his ear pressed firmly to the soil.

“Some kind of animal?” he said as he felt the vibrations from the beasts movements.

“I thought you realized by now that it is Soul?” said Ari in disbelief.

“You know the guy that almost had you for an afternoon snack?” joked Reymond.

“It might be him, but this time it sounded bigger.” said Masaki.

“Just what we need,” said Anastas walking up behind them. “A bigger Soul.” Ari turned to Anastas and found a pale looking woman standing behind him. As she was about to ask who she was a loud crash sounded behind her. Turning quickly in response she saw the gate buckle as a loud crack rang out. From behind the gate she saw a large red wolf. Bigger than any creature she had laid eyes on before. It was big enough to see over the two story gate with ease.

With one more charge he knocked the gate down and looked around at the guard that had their weapons pointed towards him. Grinning he breathed deeply as he howled into the sky. The sound was almost enough to deafen.

“Yep, that’s not the thing that nearly turned me into dinner.” said Masaki as he covered his ears. The rest of the group did the same. As the howling stopped the beast leapt past the guards running towards the cursed refugee camp.

“After him men!” yelled a guard as the group took off running after the beast. Anastas looked up noticing a familiar figure leaping along the rooftops. The man that arrested them the night before. Suddenly there was the loud sound of breaking glass next to them. From the elders house a woman flipped out from the broken glass and landed not to far from the group. Marian looked at the party cursing under her breath.

“I’d swear you lot were following us just to get on my nerves,” said Marian slowly stepping back and preparing to fight if they pressed their number advantage.

“You!” Masaki shouted as he focused his spirit energy to his gauntlet, the spheres on his gauntlet shine lightly. Reymond placed a hand in front of Masaki knowing that he was prone to running ahead.

“She isn’t alone,” warned Reymond. Moments later a familiar blonde leapt off a nearby roof landing next to Marian. Charlotte swinging her crossed blade smiled at the opposing group. Her elites filled in behind her running out from an adjacent alley.

“Sorry we are a tad late, took the scenic route.” joked Bruin.

“A walk would be nice if you Cursed bastards weren’t bloody everywhere,” Owain said having rounded a corner at top speed.

“Hey you were the guy at the spa! Thanks again for that!” he said waving. He didn’t even look like he was here to fight. That all changed when another howl echoed through the forest from the direction of the Cursed refugee camp, and screams rang out. Everyone on the cursed tensed up at took up arms.

“Looks like it’s dinner time,” said Charlotte with a smirk.

“What do you mean? What’s going on?” Luna looked back at Charlotte.

“Negotiations failed, so we kill the refugees. Did you not pay attention at the briefing?” answered Maria annoyed.

Luna didn’t intend for the mission to go this awry, she tensed up as she looked to Marian. “C’mon Rep, we really aren’t going to kill innocents are we? Don’t you think that’s a bit fucked up?”

"Luna..." Sonya spoke softly. It unsettled her that Luna was going against Marian, especially at a time like this.

“Of all people I didn’t expect this from you. Fall in line soldier or go protect your precious refugees. I’ll have Soul deal with you the same way.” Marian answered coldly.

“Tch. This isn’t the way, this is how wars are started!”

“Exactly,” answered Charlotte with a grin.

“Not you too, Char…” She looked to the ground, transfixed to what she was hearing. Luna knew well that the Ouroboros were the aggressors of the war but she thought the people within were misunderstood; once again, she was wrong about who her friends were.

“We can talk about this later Luna. We have other things to worry about right now,” said Bruin keeping his eyes on the enemy.
“I agree,” said Reymond as two black orbs formed in his hands. Gently releasing them they rolled past the party towards Charlotte and the others. As they slowly made their way over Charlotte laughed.

“Was that a dud?” taunted Bruin.

A stroke of realization came over Luna as she turned her attention to the source of the books. “I fought that man at Raltese” She said. “I remember you…” She growled at the memory. She aimed her sword one-handed at Reymond.

A dark aura emanated from Reymond. “I was a different man then,” he answered.

“Hmph, I can see, you aren’t trembling in your boots this time.” She joked. Luna then turned to Ari and Anastas, glaring at them. “I also intend to pay you two back for that time as well. l get claustrophobic, y’know.” She turned her attention back to Reymond with a sigh and took a starting step before blasting into a dash towards him, as she closed the distance between her and Reymond she swung her sword in a downward motion sure that it would make contact, unfortunately the man took a swift sidestep, dodging Luna’s blow.

“Hey, hey, hey” Owain said eyes wide, “Aren’t you forgetting? Our battle isn’t over yet muscles,” he revealed still running, before coming to a halt before Luna. Owain grinned as he felt his palms wetten, dripping with water, before two lances of water shot towards Luna. “How’s that for ya?” he asked still smiling.

Luna was pushed back feeling the pain of the blow. As she looked deep into the man’s face she would have recognized those blue eyes anywhere. “Tch, a word of advice, Knight... You fucked up.” She growled, remembering him from last time.

“Oh?” Owain raised an eyebrow. Charlotte appeared in front of Owain in what seemed like a flash of light. Grinning in his face she swung her sword for his side. The blade cut into his armor, but not as deep as she wanted.

“I guess not all knights cut as easy as that big oaf,”[/color] said Charlotte.

“Tch,” he cursed, feeling the impact of the blow, “Can’t have a proper fight with you cursed fuckers,” Owain said in dismay.

[b]“Now that wouldn’t be any fun would it?”[/color] said Charlotte roughtly pulling her blade free and jumping back away from him. Dashing past Owain, Adelina didn’t give Charlotte the time to land. Spinning she bashed her shield into her face. As she stood dazed holding her face Adelina grabbed her arm and lifted her over her shoulder slamming her on the ground. Stomping her foot into Charlottes shoulder she focused on where Charlotte was squirming. Then with a well placed pull she snapped the arm.

exclaimed Charlotte. Adelina smirked as she held on to her arm looking down at her.

“Don’t have to pull my punches anymore,” said Adelina referring to their tussle in the spa.

The ground began to stir as a golem rose from the dirt and rocks behind Ari. “Let’s go Gai!” she yelled as she drew her sword. She was determined to end this quickly.

A guard stumbled across the battlefield and towards Adelina and Charlotte. He had a strange expression on his face. A expression of pure happiness. Raising his spear he lashed out at Adelina. Adelina was barely able to dodge in time, and was forced to give up Charlotte.

“What is the meaning of this?” asked Adelina. The guard only giggled in response. Sonya blew him a kiss beckoning him over. The guard turned and returned to Sonya. Bruin chuckled at this display. That guard was far more useful than he appeared. Charlotte rose to her feet as a sharp pain shot through her arm. The arm was dislocated.

“Time to earn my pay it seems,” said Bruin stepping out from the group with a small ball of fire in his hands. The fire grew in size as Bruin focused on it, but as he clapped his hand he only succeeded in putting out his own fire.

“Perhaps you should study a bit more before attempting that again,” said Marian. Bruin clapped his hands several more times in frustration.

Katya looked at this battle and sighed. “Is this a joke? Why are we wasting our time here Anastas?” asked Katya. Anastas pulled back an arrow and started picking a target.

“I keep to my agreements.” answered Anastas. Katya sighed once again.

“Fine then lets just finish this quickly.” said Katya as she move one hand around in a circle. A snow cloud began to circle the cursed group. Anastas fired three around into the winds path. The arrows split off attacking the three elites guided by the wind.

Marian looked across the way at Katya. “Looks like we have more traitors than I thought,” she said quietly. Forming three scissors in her hand she flung them in an upward arc. As they moved one vanished short of its target. The other two sticking Reymond in the chest. Stumbling back blood stained the front of his shirt as he fell to a knee.

Masaki looked at Reymond stumbling back, ”You didn’t just, “ Masaki breathed. Stay calm, he’s fine. TouTetsuOh added. By the way, the woman that hypnotized you is there you know. He added again. First her †˜body guard’ Masaki dashed closer to bruin with his gauntlet ready. He sliced downward with an open palm, stunning the man followed with an blow on his chest using Masaki’s elbow. Kishin Goutetsuko! Masaki shouted as he land a fast punching blow on the man’s chest once more.

Bruin was caught off-guard by the man’s speed. Getting smacked over head with an open palm he barely realized the elbow to his chest before he was sent flying back into the dirt. Reymond tilted his head up glaring at the enemy. Wiping some blood off his mouth he smeared it on the pages of the dark grimoire. The orbs he sent out before grew large and shot off heading for Charlotte and Luna. As they approached they rapidly became unstable and exploded sending them both flying back with a violent force as they skidded across the ground.

The screams that were resounding from the cursed refugee camp had stopped. In that instance the ground began to shake.
This is a group post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, BagMan, BlinkXPoke, Ezlare, Galahad Milsl, Katsucha, and Valentine_KiS5.

"W-What's happening?!" Luna exclaimed completely oblivious to the situation.

“I interrupted Soul’s lunch,” answered Marian. As the tremors became louder Soul came into view.

“Move to the main street!” yelled a familiar voice from a rooftop. Looking up Owain saw it to be Morgan.

“You’re heard Morg!. Men move it!” Owain yelled, for once following an order he was given and running towards the main street. As the group retreated into the street an older woman came into view. Even though she appeared old she had a determined look on her face.

“Ma'am you must clear the area. It isn’t safe here,” said Reymond. The woman scoffed.

“Watch and learn boy,” she answered. Soul turned the corner hard sliding across the slick stone street and smashing into a cluster of shops. Then scrambling to his feet he ran off towards the group. The woman focused for a moment before the ground split open and thick branches spiked up and stabbed into souls chest and neck stopping him in his tracks. Soul howled and writhed in pain.

Morgan landed next to the woman a moment later. “Good work Elder,” said Morgan.

“I’m not getting too far in age it seems,” replied the woman looking up at Soul in her trap. After a bit more struggling Soul’s body began to morph into a different form. Melting through the branches he took his original form breathing heavily. The rest of the cursed filled in behind him.

“We finished what we came here to do, its time to leave.” ordered Marian. Soul smirked scratching his arms viciously blood starting to flow down his arm. Then it began to bubble up from the cuts and swell up. Swinging his arm as bone spikes jutted out from the flesh. With one swing he cleared the branches out of the way.

“Not for me...I came here to eat, and I’m still hungry!” he shouted. Morgan stepped back seeing this grotesque display.

“What is he?” she asked instinctively reaching for her sword. It always helped her steady her nerves in tough times.

“Just an abomination, our hospitality has run out. Kill them all.” ordered Edile. A laugh came from one of the nearby rooftops.

“Mama Edile hasn’t given that order in a while,” called out Ezekiel. Bael stood next to him looking down on the two parties with his blind gaze.

Half tempted to leave Soul to his own mess Marian looked around at their situation. Even though she hated to admit it. Their best chance of living at this point was to support Soul.

“Men prepare to engage!” ordered Marian.

“Guards up people, I want us to give the Elder our full support!” Owain dictated, drawing his sword. Adelina raised her shield and nodded.

“Nothing gets through,” she confirmed tightening her stance.

Soul glared down the front line as a tendril shot out and stabbed an Elite through the chest. Picking him into the air he was dragged into Soul’s body. Breaking the Elite’s bones and ripping his muscles apart Soul grew in size as he consumed the unfortunate soul. Then getting on all fours he his bones began to snap.

Charlotte and Sonya looked at Luna who was lost in thought. Charlotte waved her off and walked past her. Sonya looked away from her knowing their lives were on the line, and this was giving her quite the thrill. Turning to her puppet she seized his chin before tossing him to the ground. With two strikes she put him down with a smirk. Wrapping her whip around herself giggled looking across the battlefield at her future playthings.

Charlotte looked at the line of defense they had lined up. It reminded her too much of the battle at Raltese. Of course she had Emma and Alma backing her up then. Now that she thought about it. Where the hell †˜was’ Emma? Dismissing the thought for now she gripped her sword and dashed for the front line of defense. Stabbing forward she slips past Owain’s defense again and attacks the same side as before cutting a little deeper.

“Slow and steady little knight, I’ll peel off that shell.” she taunted.

“Ugh,” Owain grunted, as the impact grew closer to his body, “Well,” he grinned, “I guess it’s only fair seeing as I’ve seen you without yours,” Owain put his thumb up into the air, “Nice tits by the way.”

“Count yourself lucky, they might be the last ones you see,” she said jumping back away from him as Adelina charged in to help drive her back.

Something whistled towards them as Charlotte pulled her sword back. Adelina dashed behind Owain and brought up her shield deflecting one of Marian’s scissors. At the same time Soul yelled out in pain. Adelina looked confused as one of Marian’s scissors were stuck in Soul’s back.

“These people are crazy.” said Adelina to Owain.

“I don’t think that’s it,” Owain snarled, holding his side. He concentrated on pumping the energy he had lost in his first attack back into his armour. He felt some energy pour into it, steam pouring out of the armour.

“Dammit!” Owain shouted in frustration, still clutching his side from where he had been hit, “Not enough, it’s not nearly enough.”

Adelina charged off as Ari ordered her golem to follow suit. Singling out an Elite who was out of position Adelina slashed him from shoulder to hip. As she jumped back Gai stabbed forward nailing the man to the floor. Then with a swing of his mighty spear he covered his and Adelina’s retreat. As they returned to the front line yet another golem rose up from the ground joining their ranks. This time wielding a large shield.

“Good work Ari!” exclaimed Adelina looking back to Ari only for a moment before focusing on the enemy again.

“Hey, Captain you alright?” Ari asked as she kept focus on the enemy.

“I’m fine Ari, just keep focused,” Owain said, grimacing in pain

Anastas ran along the rooftops and knocked back and arrow as he took aim for the enemy back line. His aim was perfect and his arrow flew true, but as it approached Bruin moved taking the shot to his shoulder instead of his chest.

Edile nodded to Ezekiel and Bael before dashing in and engaging the enemy. She was fast for a woman going on in years. Luna lost in thought barely heard the footsteps as they approached. Raising her sword in defense just in time she deflected the blow before swinging to push her back. Edile flipped back and landed as Bael chanted. A small blue orb of water circled Ezekiel for a moment before the pale man vanished into darkness.

As Marian surveyed the battle her head began to hurt. All she could see was wasted resources and time. To make matters worse without the distraction at the refugee camp the guards were soon to surround them. Hearing footsteps behind her she realized they had less time than she thought.

As if on cue a ring of light shot out from an alley bouncing off five guards before hitting the ground next to Marain. In a flash of light Emma stood next to her.

“You are late,” said Marian. Emma gave no response and simply drew her sword. But even with Emma there Marian knew that they needed to retreat. Sending out a spirit signal to the group she issued the full retreat order.

Soul growled in response as he looked over the enemy. He wasn’t close to being satisfied, but looking back at their numbers he knew this wasn’t a fight they would survive. Taking a deep breath he inflated his body and his flesh began to tear until he was a large orb of flesh. Then it took form or the large wolf they saw before.

“They are retreating!” yelled Adelina. Masaki charged forward to try and stop. Sonya spotting this whipped at the man’s legs tripping him up and then whipped him again across the face. Charlotte grabbed Sonya by the waist and threw her up onto Soul’s back. Marian smiled as she teleported to the scissor that she stabbed into Soul earlier. The rest of the group scrambled onto Soul behind her.

“No you don’t.” said Anastas as he took aim for Soul’s eye and firing an arrow. Sticking Soul in the eye sent him into a frenzy and the turned slamming into a building before taking off. Luna grabbed onto the side with all she had. As the retreated through the village they passed the horrific scene at the refugee camp.

Hearing the screams was bad enough, but this was different. Bodies of men, women, and children were scattered about. There was no mercy given to anyone. Some had been left for dead clinging to life. Stunned by the scene Luna released her grip and fell slamming into the ground. Noticing too late Soul turned to see that Luna was surrounded.

“Leave her,” said Marian without any hesitation. Soul growled as he turned and took off jumping over a fence before fleeing into the dense forest.

“Like I said...no exceptions…” said Charlotte closing her eyes and turning away from Luna.
This is a group post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, BagMan, Cinia Pacifica, Ezlare, Galahad Milsl, Katsucha, and Valentine_KiS5.

“Drop the weapon,” said one of the guards. She had four guards around her all with spears ready to impale her on command.

"Tch..." Luna was left bereaved by the sight, her so-called comrades left her to her fate. As much as she wanted to gut every last soldier in front of her, enough blood has been shed today; besides-- after today’s events she's washed her hands of the Ouroboros. A loud thumping sound was made as Luna willingly dropped her sword onto the ground.

"No point in dying for dogs..." She grumbled coldly as the sounds of Soul rushing through the forest faded away.

“Glad to hear it.” said Edile walking towards her with Bael and Morgan behind her. “Ezekiel take her to a cell, and have the men start the burials. Move the surviving refugees to a shelter inside town. Morgan begin healing the wounded.”

Luna was surprised when a figure appeared before her looking into her eyes. They flashed for a moment before she felt herself lose consciousness. Ezekiel caught her as her body went limp and walked off towards the guard building. As passed Anastas and Katya he grinned before making a zipping motion to close his mouth.

Anastas smirked and gave a nod in acknowledgement. ”With everything that’s happened just now, following up on us would be the least of their concerns.” he thought as Ezekiel continued off.

As the group assessed their injuries and breathed a sigh of relief Owain looked to his men. †˜These people aren’t close enough to being ready for a raid on Raskana...’ he thought. As much as he didn’t want to wait, he also had his own injuries to address as well. As a leader he couldn’t leave his men here. As his eyes rested on Adelina he saw that she was likely of the same mind.

“I won’t wait captain, make a decision.” she said bluntly.

“You know we don’t stand a chance of getting Razta back in this condition,” begrudged Owain.

“You don’t have to come,” answered Adelina. Reymond eyed Adelina and stood up after the worst of his wounds were taken care of.

“I’m in.” Reymond said holding his chest. Adelina sighed as she looked at him in his poor condition.

“I’m going to let Razta’s father know what happened, but after that I’m leaving. Make sure Reymond stays here.” said Adelina before walking off. Reymond turned to Owain.

“We aren’t going to let her go alone are we?” he asked.

“Of course we aren’t,” Owain sighed, “More trouble than she’s worth I’m telling you.” Owain shook his head, “I meant what I said, in this condition we don’t stand a chance,” Owain grinned, “We need more help.”

“If it were Morgan, you would do the same thing,” said Reymond with a smirk.

“T-this and that are hardly related,” Owain said chopping Reymond in the head.

From the corner of his eye Owain spotted a guard detail escorting someone who was on horseback. Dismissing it as someone from Origin at first before he noticed who it really was. His eyes open wide as he rushed over. The others followed as they realized this as well.

Arkasia was dead tired barely able to hold onto the reins of the horse. As the group stopped in front of Owain, they helped her climb off the horse.

“We’ll aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” said Arkasia looking at Owain in his new armor. The bags under her eyes said that she hadn’t slept in days.

“Sir!” Owain rushed to Arkasia, “I- What happened? Are you okay? Why are you here?” Owain’s flurry of questions was poorly articulated in surprise. Arkasia raised her hand to silence his barrage of questions.

“Where is Louise?” asked Arkasia looking around at the group.

Owain’s eyes narrowed to a scowl, the air around him growing darker, “Beats me,” he said looking away from Arkasia, “She was around here somewhere.”

“I was betrayed, she is not to be trusted.” she answered. “Krieg may have been working for Cain, and he has seized Arkasia from me, and Raltese is occupied as well. And…” Her head was spinning, and she stumbled a bit as she was reminded of the events in Raltese.

Owain grabbed her as she stumbled, “It’s not like I ever trust anyone without good reason,” Owain smiled kindly, “I never liked that old timer,” he laughed, “You don’t have to worry Dia, I know I’ve said it countless times but: my sword is yours.”

“One of the only ones I have left…” she answered using him to steady herself and stand up on her own. “Nero has fallen.”

Owain’s smile left his face. Instead a look of pure anger filled it, “Who did it?” he questioned, his voice calm, however this was clearly not the case, “Who killed him?”

Ari felt a pain in her chest hearing that Nero had fallen. ”Who was it that killed Sir Nero!” Ari asked still unable to believe Nero was dead.

“Veldin, an attack dog of Kreig.” answered Arkasia. “You may have met him once or twice. They ambushed me in my office, and there was a boy with him. Must have been a new addition, but his skills were something else. I was disarmed and surrounded before I knew it. Nero saved me...but paid for my safety with his life.”

Masaki wanted to say something but he was terrible with things like this. He figured that he would rather avoid angering someone. Anastas barely knew him, but from what he saw he was a good man. The last two knights of Arkasia were the ones that would feel this loss the most.

“He deserved better than that,” answered Reymond.

Owain balled his hand into a fist, shaking furiously, but bit his lip to avoid saying anymore.

“We’ll make them pay for what they have done.” Ari simply said.

“Agreed, but first we need a plan.” answered Arkasia. “We don’t have the numbers to match Kreig at this point.”

Owain lifted his head, seeming much calmer than a few seconds ago, “Dia you’re concentrating on the wrong side of this equation, we’ll never get anywhere fighting our former allies,” Owain closed his eyes, concentrating for a few seconds, “We should still be focusing on beating the cursed down.”

“Which is exactly what they want,” said Edile approaching the group from the side. Her three guardians were also beside her. “But we also can no longer play completely neutral in this. Not when my people are in harms way.”

Arkasia turned to Edile. “Does this mean you are siding against Cursed? Finally tired of just watching?” Arkasia asked in a spiteful tone.

“We may be willing to lend you aid, but you aren’t with Scion anymore.” she replied. “These is little in the way of mutual gain. But hearing what you Scion are doing doesn’t make me feel at ease going to them either.”


“We’ll fight Cain on our own terms, but you all are welcome to join our ranks.” answered Edile.

Arkasia thought for a moment. This was as good as offer that she was going to get, but there was a condition that must be met. “I must keep this group under my command.” said Arkasia.

“Granted,” answered Edlie. “Anything else?”

“Ahem,” Owain announced his presence, “If I may?”

Edile turned to the young knight curiously. “Speak your mind.”

“Two things,” Owain said, “First of all, that musclehead you have in custody, I want to talk to her,” Owain waited for a response.

“You can come along with us to the interrogation if you wish,” answered Edile. “And second?”

Owain raised a finger and pointed directly at his childhood friend, “Morgan,” he said simply, “We need a strong healing spirit user like her.”

Edile looked to Morgan who was fighting back a smile. It was obvious that she wanted to go with them. “Morgan is a guardian in training,” answered Edile. “You would have her risk her life further with you?”

“Not without her consent obviously,” Owain smiled, “Morg, you wanna tag along with me?” he directed this question to her. Morgan gave a quick look to Edile.

“I want to go,” she answered looking Edile in the eye with confidence.

Edile turned away from her and sighed. “Granted,” she answered. Morgan lit up with a bright smile and walked over to the group.

Owain grinned, “Welcome aboard Morg,” he said.

“Glad to be here,” she answered still wearing her grin. Arkasia looked at the scene and smirked. “This will be no pleasure cruise. I will be running you all ragged.”

Owain yawned, “Nothing new then,” he said, teasing Arkasia.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a joint post starring: TheLoneGentletits and Cinia Pacifica.)

The two stepped out of the portal into the endless fields of green that surrounded Origin. The woman looked around as if she was a bit lost, but soon she saw something in the distance that caught her attention. “I was supposed to meet them over this way,” she said as she began walking off in a seemingly random direction.

“Uh-huh,” Louise nodded weakly, not very convinced. It almost felt as though she came up with that response just now. Was she really an avatar of that Cain? The difference between the personality she displayed, and that of Adair differed to a large degree. Then again, considering the man in kimono she met back at the village – there’s also a large gap in terms of similarities to note. Durran and Adair seemed to similar, for some reason, at least their outward behavior, anyway. Louise walked – her mind somewhat lost in reverie – after the crazed lady in slow and elegant steps, yet kept a pace that didn’t allow her to fall behind. †˜Them’, huh? I tagged along with the intention to meet Cain, and perchance attempt to wrap our business once and for all. I hope this plays out to my favor. If not; I’d still learn invaluable information for future use.

“There they are!” exclaimed the woman waving her sword high into the air. In the distance two figure ran towards them at a breakneck pace. As they approached, Louise recognized the two immediately. They were the two men that she caught in the destroyed town before. Considering her previous thought in which these two were included; she couldn’t help but think, speak of the devil.

“Yvette, you were not supposed to meet us here,” Durran said as he slid to a halt. The other man went a little past them and looked into the distance to make sure that they weren't followed.

“Well I forgot where to meet you, you are here now and that is all that matters,” answered Yvette. Blythe turned to Louise looking her up and down.

Louise sighed, so she did made that up, after all, she thought. Obviously, from how she pointed from thoughtlessly looking around; that was to be expected. How could avatars of that Cain could be so careless? Then again, Cain wasn’t incredibly intelligent to begin with – as far as she remembered. Something about him did made people want to follow him, however. That was the sign of a leader.

…Of course, she ignored Blythe’s analytical gaze.

“Doesn’t look like there was much of a struggle,” said Blythe, sounding disappointed.

“Do you wish to see me stained in blood that badly?” Louise said, with one of her eyes closed as she pulled her hand up to the corners of her mouth that smiled like a sweet devil who got her own way. It was her victory. Albeit childish; Louise wouldn’t miss a chance to relish the feeling of bliss that comes with winning, be it a sparring bout or a trivial matter. “Am glad to disappoint you, then,” she added with a gleeful grin.

“Bah! Let’s just get moving already,” he said as he focused an enormous amount of spiritual energy into his left hand. The wind began to pick up violently whipping the tall grass around. Faster and faster the wind flowed past them until they began to left slightly off the ground. Then the wind carried them all off in a torrent of wind.

Passing over rivers, forests in the landscape, they climbed over the mountain near the border to the cursed lands. At the speed they were going; it was unlikely that anyone would be able to track them. The force made it hard to even breathe. Soon, they began their descent as the wind glided them down. In the distance, a tower of rock came into view. Atop it it was jagged with a system of paths and bridges running about it’s sides.

“I am not familiar with this large establishment… the world sure changes fast,” Louise commented as the group fast approached the rocky tower. Not when she used to be actively traveling throughout this world, anyway. She wondered what information she could dig out from here.

Landing on top of it, Blythe controlled his wind to gently set them down. A woman with glasses and light brown hair was awaiting them. A pipe hung from her lips and a dark red jacket rested on her shoulders. She wore a striped white and and red top with tight black pants. A serrated blade was sheathed on her right.

“Welcome, High Priestess,” said the woman as she took a long drag of her pipe.

“Good day to you, may I know your name?” Louise returned the greeting, only to end up curious about who the figure before her was, as she raised her eyebrows. She seemed somewhat like a researcher. No, definitely a researcher – Louise concluded as she scanned her figure from below to above. Such people were almost always interesting, as they usually seemed to know more than others. What wonders did she learn throughout her years of experimentation? Louise wondered.

“My name is Kristina Dahlem,” she answered with a slight bow. A group of soldiers behind her also bowed. “I need to run a few tests on you before you proceed. We have to make sure you are at your best after all.”

Louise pursed her lips as she pondered for a moment. “Mnm… may I know the nature of these †˜tests’, please?” She inquired, feeling rather skeptical. Ready? Ready for what? A mysterious situation, as if facing culture shock, she couldn’t help but prepare a barrage of questions in her mind. Chances are, they’d analyze the nature of her powers – which may not be so good a thing.

“Simply running your spirit through its paces, nothing to invasive,” answered Kristina. “I understand that something happened that I’m supposed to check. You are in good hands with me.”

“Oh, is that so? Then, what am I to be †˜at my best’ for, though?” Louise asked another question, seemingly curious. However, she needed to learn why she was brought here in the first place. It has to be more than just meeting with Cain. It could even be a big fat lie, who knows.

“That I don’t know. I just do as I am instructed,” answered Kristina. Durran walked next to Louise and tapped his foot.

“He isn’t the easiest person to deal with… this is just a precaution,” added Durran.

“There’s just something about it – that I am not so fond of – here,” Louise said, frowning. Her eyes closed as if she is deep in thought. “I suppose a lady simply never prefers the feel of being looked inside themselves.” At the same time, if she needed to progress and learn more about the Cursed; she’d have to play along.

“Well you came all this way it would be a shame not to continue,” said Blythe standing right behind Louise. “What do you have to be afraid of?”

“Haah,” Louise sighed. “There’s hardly a chance for you men to understand,” Louise replied with a perplexed face. After a few moments of silence... “Very well. I’ll play along for now,” she conceded.

Kristina smiled and stepped to the side. “Right this way then,” she replied as her soldiers cleared the way as well.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

As Louise walked through next to Kristina she looked around at the interesting architecture of the place. It was formed from the rock of a large mountain, and supplemented with smooth carved out stone. With a closer look she could see cells lined up on all of the outer parts of the jail. The only way to the center part that they were on were the guarded walkways.

“Welcome to Raskana,” announced Kristina. “No criminal has ever escaped these walls.” As she talked about the place she was filled with pride. “But besides a prison this place is the forefront of spiritual research.”

“An interesting establishment,” Louise complemented with honesty. Albeit the word †˜prison’ rang a bell to an unpleasant memory where Krieg imprisoned her for a small period of time. A stigma of shame she’d hardly get rid of… in time, it’d surely disappear, however. And if she succeeded in what she wished for; she’d need not worry much more. “Are these cells enchanted with some kind of an imprisonment spell?” Louise curiously inquired. Some kind of a magical, or rather, demonic presence escaped these cells. Being put inside them wouldn’t be so well an idea for those that are weak.

“Ah you feel it do you? I can adjust things easily with the materials the cells are made out of,” answered Kristina. “The area naturally makes it easy to hold Scion at bay,” Kristina was always eager to talk about the spiritual sciences, but she began to think it wasn’t a good idea to tell all her secrets.

“Are we almost there?” Asked Yvette tired of all the talk.

“Yes, it’s just up ahead,” answered Kristina a bit annoyed. Heading into the central tower, they took the first door to their left. The inside of the building was nothing like the outside. Grey smooth stone lined the wall, while onyx colored stones tiled the floor. There were lights every two steps that were implanted into the floor within cubes glass. The inside of the room was no different. A large rectangular room with the same decor as outside. Truly, it gave off a very research institute-like vibe, Louise thought.

A strange table sat in the center of the room. There were restraints neatly placed on it as well. A table with various tools was to the side of it. And everything was impossibly clean.

“Please lay down on the table, and we will get started,” said Kristina.

She asked so many questions already. Yet, Louise felt tempted to ask even then. This somehow made her hesitant, and somewhere in her mind… she was afraid. There was a very bad premonition from just viewing the table. Especially with those restraints in place. Who in their sane mind would agree to readily and unquestionably get locked and chained over a table, anyway? It simply screamed unfathomable number of grostesque operations and experimentations from what she could foresee. “W-What will you be doing to me in there… ? I mean, there are restraints, even… !”

“They are there for the protection of us and you,” answered Kristina. “After all I’m dealing with †˜you’. We cannot be too careful.”

Preposterous! She cursed internally at the researcher who was rather calm. Was it because she was truly speaking her mind, or a well-put act? She’d figure out soon after proceeding with this glaringly dangerous ordeal. “Alright then.” Reluctantly, Louise pulled herself up over the table with an innocent look on her face. Of course she couldn’t trust the others here. She had to, however, do it their way, anyway. She was heavily outnumbered in her current state. Moreover, she herself agreed to come here. While she did so in order to learn about them, she didn’t expected something such as this. How disgraceful, but she’d have to bare with it. For now.

As Louise laid across the table Kristina was taking off her coat in favor of a white lab jacket. Placing her pipe on the table she then grabbed two gloves from a box, and placed them in a pocket on her coat. Walking over she began to strap Louise in. One belt across her chest, one across her waist, and a last across her legs. She squirmed in return. Apparently uncomfortable.

“This won’t take but a second,” said Kristina trying to reassure Louise. Reaching into her pockets for the gloves she snapped them on before going for the table of tools. Picking up a needle and vial she drew a pinkish liquid into the needle. Then with two gentle flicks of the needle, she squeezed a little of the medicine out to get out the air bubbles.

“This will help you relax a bit,” she said walking back over to the table and grabbing a cloth soaking in alcohol to clean the wound. After wiping the sight of the injection, the cool air sent a chill up her spine. Swiftly and skillfully she jabbed the syringe in and injected the full dose of sedative. It was only a few seconds after which Louise began to lose her consciousness.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a joint post starring: TheLoneGentywent and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise woke up in a bed. Slight cracks of sunlight stirring her from sleep. Her body lacked any form of attire; covered with only the blankets. Her eyes still somewhat blurry; she sat up in bed, looking around. It was a modest-sized room, but well-decorated, even by her standards. Well, her past standards, anyway. A clean, wooden floor with an ornate red and black area rug. A large oak desk sat in the corner of the room with quill and pen just waiting for when it was needed. An old familiar armoire sat across from that, and as her eyes traveled around the room she caught a shadow on the floor. A quaint room indeed – according to Louise.

Suddenly, a figure caught her eye; after she traced the shadow she witnessed. A man with crimson red hair stood looking out of the window. He wore a long white shirt and black pants. Sliding out of bed, Louisely mindlessly walked over to the man, and wrapped her arms around him. She knew exactly who it was, but her body wasn’t hers to control. This was a memory of a time long ago. A vision.

“Oh? You’re awake already?” Asked Cain looking at Louise, who was now bound to his side.

“Mhm,” Louise murmured. Not quite having the ability to even control her speech. It was as if her true self was bound directly inside her mind. Her brain itself acting as a cage. A strange experience, rather, a new one, at that. What a peculiar situation! However… this wasn’t so bad… why did it felt like this? She wondered earnestly. This behavior from Cain was very... nostalgic. “How long had you been awake?” The Louise of the past smiled sweetly. Almost too sweetly for her current self’s tastes. A very loving Louise. How rare.

“Not long, I was just thinking about a few things,” answered Cain. “Wouldn’t it be great if none of us were given this responsibility? If we could all just live as we did long ago. If all the spirits just died. Things would have been much simpler.”

“Indeed. I wish this world’s residents were never born with spirits,” Louise replied, in agreement. Albeit it was a bit too sudden to talk about something so big. She wondered why he was in such a mood so early in the morning, but didn’t quite bother to ask as she knew what he planned.

She was particularly mean to her spirit at times due to its mischievousness. However, she never truly hated it at that time. In a way, she was grateful to Ishtar – for whom she could meet Cain, but she couldn’t say this to him and ruin the mood with disagreement. After all, she too agreed that in general, spirits being bestowed to everyone in the world wasn’t the brightest of fate’s ideas. It was both a blessing, and a curse. “Life would’ve been much more simple. I do admit that it may be slightly boring, however,” Louise responded. It seemed that she was still the kind to easily be bored. The current self of Louise nodded deeply in approval of how she was. It was as if she approved of herself. A strange feeling. Then again, she always knew, that – she was the best.

“But if I’m with you… I’m sure that even a boring time would be… acceptable.”

However, her current self hastily changed her mind of her notion of approval with a disappointed expression, accompanied by a scowl and an evident pout. One wouldn’t be able to see her facial expressions, unfortunately.

Cain turned to Louise, and embraced her before they shared a deep and passionate kiss. From here, Louise’s mind revisited various times with Cain. Each seemed to be more precious than the last. The time when they first met, seemed to come back again and again. Cain was just a normal man at that time. She was years older than him, but the quirky man seemed interesting to her. He had sought her out shortly after she helped establish the Scion’s religion.

“So, what do you think? If anyone is going to make something of this mess. I want to make sure that it’s at least a half-good plan,” said Cain looking to Louise.

“Wouldn’t Scion, and your assumed religion just create two big extremes against each other?” Louise replied, thinking hard about the matter. “I’m not so sure if it is half-good, even.” She answered with her index finger placed under her chin as she assessed the plan. They’d simply take out their hatred on each other eventually, would birthing a regime really be a wondrous idea? Louise was highly doubtful on this matter.

“We will be the two extremes either way. Hopefully, this way we can be an organized extreme,” Cain answered with a laugh. “As long as man exists there will always be war.”

“I suppose it is alright in that manner,” Louise shrugged, giving up in the argument. She couldn’t quite stop this man even if she disagreed. “I’d rather the cursed beings be civilized and well-mannered, I suppose,” she added, giving a smile; mentioning the good sides as if to make herself feel better about it, while indirectly providing good ideas – or rather, hints – for Cain to focus on in the near future. “Someone has to take it up, yes? May as well be those of good heart,” she said. “However, I do think wars may be avoided. Easily, in fact. It simply requires a keen eye and a very diplomatic mind.”

“Heh, government has never been one of my strong suits. I suppose I have some studying to do. Perhaps I can elect some representatives to help me out,” answered Cain. “If things go as planned this may be a little too much for just me to handle.”

“Well, a government was never run by a single person to begin with. Monarchy or not; it was never carried out with the aid of a single being. Results were brought forth by collective forces at work behind the scenes – always,” Louise replied. How’d the Scions fare with just a Queen, anyway? Of course she needed to have other figures alongside her – namely advisers, and officials to facilitate the Queen’s influence. “In the Scion, we have a bunch of people who were supporting and advising the formidable Queen – an old friend of mine – who has probably passed on by now. I wonder who the new Queen is…” Louise earnestly wondered, rumors hardly helped developing an opinion. Perhaps she should discreetly pay a visit one day. Then again, going there wasn’t so great an idea; Louise dreaded the possibility of the church catching and restricting her, however. They treasured Louise to what one may call, a dangerous degree. They may not ever allow her to leave. Louise learned – after taking her leave of Masario for the first time – that freedom was in itself; a great treasure to have.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

From afar, she watched as Cain formed his religion. His goal back then was simply to get all of those who were born cursed to have some sort of understanding of the world around them. His flock grew quickly, and word of him spread to every corner of the cursed lands. Just as fast as the curse of Ouroboros spread. This curse forced people to seek shelter with powerful spirits. Even though this wasn’t how Cain wanted it to go. The curse ended up the reason he gained most of his followers.

“Now more than ever we need unity!” Cain preached, or rather, yelled out. He stood upon a podium looking out to a crowd of his followers. Louise stood nearby behind a pillar of a nearby building. She wore a silver gown that glimmered ever so prettily. “This is why I elect that we gather up those among us able to shoulder the burden. On our backs we will lead the weak to a new life. Free of suffering or fear. Where one can dream and achieve their dream. This curse will not claim one more person if I can help it!” Of course the crowd cheered, that was what they wanted to hear. Cain himself wasn’t even sure if he could deliver on his promise, but he’d be damned if he didn’t try. After talking to the rest of his people he made his way over to Louise.

“So how do you think I did?” He asked a bit nervously.

Louise smiled warmly. “Mnm!” She nodded sagely. “It’s the birth of a new leader – a promising one, at that,” she claimed, with reassurance of her remark. “But you should be more honest. Say that you’d try, rather than promising boldly,” she added. This would be forgivable because Cain was but a new and inexperienced leader; one wouldn’t put so much of a blame for failing to do what he tried to. “Since, if you do happen to fail with said promise; you’d be making a poor impression of yourself, upon your dear followers,” she advised. As one would say; behind every man’s success lies a woman’s aid.

“Then, if I must be more bold, I might want to start somewhere else first,” said Cain as he got down on one knee. Holding out a box he opened it to show a ring with a large crystal that shone in every imaginable color. “Will you marry me Louise?”

“Eh… ?” The arms that were so neatly folded over her chest as she coolly leaned against the pillar – in an elegant fashion – dropped subsequently as the feeling of disbelief seemed to have washed over her mind; wide-eyed. Her cheeks – no, her entire face was tinted with a deep rosy pink uncontrollably. It was the third time in her life that she felt this way. A feeling that blossomed rapidly from the very deep depths of her heart. “A-Are… are you certain that you’d be fine with someone such as I…?” Louise asked as she looked down, clearly flustered and embarrassed as both her index fingers pressed against each other; twirling. She could hardly look directly into Cain’s eyes at that moment. She was, however, happy from the bottom of her heart.

Cain looked up into Louise’s eyes and smiled. “I couldn’t imagine asking anyone else,” he answered, a blush of his own showing. “Who else would put up with me, anyways?” Cain chuckled a bit. “But you know...I’m still waiting on that answer.”

The curves of her lips rose. They rose high. As high as they possibly could. It was the most charming, and the most happiest smile she ever showed. Even her current self admitted; she couldn’t top it off with even her elaborate acting skills. A natural expression would always triumph over an act – no matter the amount of depth added. While experience, and learning to replicate an expression from experience helped profession actors to make themselves convincing; it was never quite enough. “Mnm,” she nodded. “Of course, I will marry you,” she raised her hand, waiting for Cain to have her ring finger adorned with the lustrous ring. Who knows how long she waited for such a moment. How many years she secretly dreamed and envied other brides across the world. She dreaded the possibility of never ever marrying, even. She was a being far different from others, after all. Who knows how long this person would live- no, she thought; she’d rather not think about that. All she needed to focus was on her happiness now. It was something very pleasant to look forward to.

Sliding the ring on her small finger, he was glad that he guessed the right size. As the ring took its place on her ring finger, he stood up and held Louise close. Tilting his head before kissing Louise. It was a deep and long kiss. The few followers that stuck behind broke into applause after witnessing the proposal.

Throwing everything that was on his desk to the floor – he grabbed at his hair. Papers and ink stained the once-clean floor. Louise entered the room hastily; just in time to see the aftermath of his rage.

“I’m not getting through to them, and some are even blaming me for the curse,” said Cain looking down at his desk. “What am I doing wrong?!”

“Calm down. Throwing tantrums never solves a problematic issue,” Louise made a statement as she ran up to the desk with an expression that displayed her anxiety. “Why not take a break? Perhaps a breeze of fresh air may be better for a change?” She formed a suggestion after taking a moment to ponder; perchance the poor ruler could be appealed by the sound of refreshments, and take his mind off the arduous matter.

“Ugh, maybe you’re right,” Cain answered. “I’ve been thinking about nothing but this for weeks on end…” He stood up and walked over to the window, undoing the lock and opening it. The night sky was full of stars, and a gentle breeze soon blew in. Taking a few deep breathes, he began to calm down.

Louise walked; proceeding next to Cain’s side. She smiled as she looked up to gaze at the night sky abound with the gleaming stars – all the way to the very dark horizon; the glowing stars were truly in full bloom – how magnificent. Louise was very fond of the stars in the skies, always – regardless of the past, present, or future, most likely. “Beautiful, are they not? Stargazing is something I’d never grow bored of,” Louise uttered softly as she watched.

“Promise me something,” said Cain looking out to the stars. Louise abruptly heard the sound of droplets of water hitting the floor – which broke her smile as she peered down wearily, but only for a moment. Looking up, she saw tears streaming down Cain’s face. “Watch these stars with me, until there is not one left in the sky.”

“Yes, I shall be with you. So, don’t worry,” Louise answered earnestly, and softly to his ears in order to pacify him – as her arms wrapped around his firm yet slender body – her head fell to the side of his arm. Despite feeling an ominous feeling from Cain’s spirit; she ignored it. It was nothing to think hard about. He was of the cursed, a person who is a host of a sacred spirit such as Ishtar wouldn’t be so happy with it. However, she’d have to live with the burden. And she was absolutely fine with that. It was hardly a big price to pay for the happiness she gained in return. She didn’t even want to think about anything bad at such a time. Everything felt so bright, so serene, and peaceful. This was perhaps what resulted of love. Was this what one may call †˜the happiness of a woman’? She sure hoped this was what it meant. Louise, however, felt that she experienced such a feeling a little too late. Better late than never, they say. Literally everything felt nice and good. She felt as though she could forgive anyone, see those dreaded in a better light, and admire everything around her. How truly joyous indeed. Just by being by his side, she felt infinitely merry..

What could possibly go wrong?
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
[This is a joint post starring: TheLoneGentlefeels and Cinia Pheelifica.)

A stinging pain tore at Louise’s shoulder. Blood trickled down her arm rapidly, despite the fact that she applied all the pressure she could. Her silver glittering gown cruelly stained badly. Emotions ran wild – of both her past self and her current self – all she could think about was getting away to safety, and secure a considerable amount of distance for a proper getaway. As she dashed through the forest, she didn’t care what direction she ran in, she just wanted time – to try and sort herself out. Both physically, and mentally.

“Come back!” Yelled a voice after her. It was Cain, but not the man whom she loved. This man was twisted into something else entirely.

Louise cringed, and peeked to the back while she desperately ran forward, albeit awkwardly. Her injury gave rise to pangs of pain that hindered her body’s performance heavily. Staggering, she found herself almost tripping due to a small line of root that lied before her foot, which made her stumble. She sweated profusely, and feared the most at every passing moments that felt like an eternity. What did she do to deserve this predicament?

She could hear Cain’s advancing steps as he grew closer and closer, but no matter what she did; he seemed to know just which direction she took to escape. Weighing her options – she knew that she’d need to leave to a place that no one else in this world could ever find her. As she focused on the most powerful version of the World Gate spell she could muster. This wouldn’t be so easy, not with the inflicted wound she received not too long ago – her speed in chanting was horribly delayed, especially due to the stinging feeling of pain. It felt as though her recitation of the long incantation may come to a cessation instead – if Cain caught up. The hole in her shoulder was yet to close up despite her spirit’s wonders in the realms of healing powers. Concentrating wouldn’t be so easy.

At such a point in time – she felt an intense pain that shot through her body.

Louise looked down, very tentatively, and hesitantly. Her expression instantly drooped as she looked. With an ear-splitting thunder; there was a blinding flash of lightning in the clouds. Her face turning dark, grim, and pale from fear. With a look of uncertainty; Louise forced her pupils to gaze at her new-found wound.

What she found was… a hole that tore right through her rounded belly. The beam went past through her abdomen mercilessly.

“A-A… a… a…” tears welled up in her eyes. The pain slowly started to sting. However, that pain didn’t ring a bell to her. It was nothing – especially to a person like her. A person who had never learned of the fear of death. Perhaps, its due to this lack of experience – that led to her being so careless and relaxed. She forgot that her unborn child would not possess the very same disposition of immortality – just like her. “I-It can’t… be…”

She muffled her hand around her abdomen slowly, hesitantly, and with a hint of hope. No, unbelievable, how could it be? How could this happen?!

However, regardless of how much she denied in her mind repeatedly. The coldness of reality was as harsh as ever.


She yelled from the top of her lungs as she faced the cloudy sky. There were occasional flashes of lightning. The strands of salty water gushed down – past her white, porcelain; doll-like face. It was as though the said doll was stained. Stained by tears. Along with crimson red blood. More so than ever – her heart was shattered with a hammer – to an unimaginable number of shreds and pieces.

Cain walked up slowly with a twisted grin across his face. “Where do you think you’re going? There are still stars in the sky, aren’t there? You promised me!” His face, though heartless and cold, showed streams of tears. As if his inner self was somewhere locked away inside, but the horror of what he had done, had no room for forgiveness.

“...You’re not the one I made the promise to!” Louise yelled, – with all her emotions, she yelled, as loud as she possibly could. With the ingredients of despair; anguish, grief, melancholy, hatred, gloom, and lastly, emptiness – that invaded her very heart and soul, all at the same time. The lightnings curved and raged on violently – as if mourning to the tragedy that took place below. Louise’s voice resonated deeply, clashing with the trees, woods, leaves, flowers, mountains, and the surroundings – as if they were the only witness that bared the sight of the horror and tragedy that took place.

That was enough to make even Cain wince, but he soon recovered, starting to walk towards Louise again. “If you come back now, I will still forgive you. Things can be just like they were…”

“Not after what you did,” Louise replied, her breathes deep and heavy. The injury was no laughing matter, a direct hit such as that took more out of her than she assumed. However, even then, she forced the words in her mind out of her mouth; “I do not share the same sentiment. No more! Things may never be the same,” Louise said, somewhat regretfully as she slowly stood up. A hand held the deep wound gushing with deep crimson red blood – the other, held a silver shining wand. “It was wrong to begin with. No matter how much I wish. A man and a woman – from the Cursed and Scion – was never meant to be!” Just as she said so, the wand begun to glow even brighter. Falling in love might’ve been her biggest misfortune for her, to begin with – a sick and twisted joke made by fate on the whim – she concluded. Who’d know that it’d lead to such a terrible climax before the curtain fell on the story. Consider all that had happened ever since she met Cain – it seemed like a gigantic †˜calm before the storm’ scenario, now that she thought about. It’s as if she grew a pair of wings, and soared high up in the heavens – enjoying the joys of flight merrily – only to lose them abruptly, and fall down to the dirt-filled earth below. Falling down from grace along with it, perhaps.

Louise – due to her inexperience – never foresaw this kind of an ending to her love life.

“What, are you going to fight me?” answered Cain with a smirk.

“Tch,” Louise cringed yet again, considering her deep wound. Even with her regenerative properties bestowed by Ishar; there was no way to actually engage in a battle with one who is already imbued with such immense cursed spiritual energy. The power she felt was simply over †˜immense’ to begin with. Meanwhile, on the other hand, was Louise – who admittedly – was not only injured, but was also in a wreck mentally. While she could rival him with her spirit’s powers; she wasn’t in particularly in a state where she could pull them through. At the end of the day, somewhere deep down in her heart; a portion of her couldn’t bring herself to hurt the man she so loved. For the first time – Louise noticed just how problematic this feeling truly was. It made her feel absolutely pathetic about herself now. It was a conflicting feeling.

“Not when I have a funeral to attend,” she replied. Another droplet of tear fell. With it, a large rift flipped open in the blink of an eye. A face full of melancholy, mixed with more than just grief and despair was what Cain witnessed as she departed. What Cain might’ve noted the most… may have been a hint of rising madness.

“Goodbye, Cain.”

Cain immediately charged towards Louise; intent on stopping her from leaving, but as he reached her, the astral gate closed along with his former lover. In anger, he shouted, firing a beam that tore through the trees. Then he fell to his knees, continuing his pained screams.

The air was cold as the winds of winter set upon the city. Old aristocratic-styled buildings were covered in white fresh snow. As a man who was carrying some firewood home for the fireplace walked by. As he passed by a particular alley, he heard something that stopped him in his tracks. Soft crying that carried into the street. Turning towards the source of this murmuring; he set the wood to the side. As he investigated, he came across a woman crumpled up on a wall. Blood coated the snow under her. She had sustained a serious injury to the stomach.

†˜How is she still alive?’ He thought as he kneeled. “Ma’am, we need to get you to a doctor,” he said. “I’m going to pick you up, okay?”

Louise gave a slight nod, apparently in so deep a pain that she was hardly able to articulate a word, nor think straight. She could only cry from the pangs of pain that she felt. Her vision was blurry. Blurry with tears, but she could still make things out from looking closely; the man had simple facial features, and short black hair.

Gently reaching around Louise’s back and legs; the man lifted her off the ground. As he did, he became covered in blood. Looking over her, he saw that she was in worse shape than he thought. He wasn’t even sure that he could make it to the doctor before she bled out, but he had to try. Walking out of the alley, he left his firewood behind; trudging through the icy streets.

He made it to the doctor in about an hour, and was rushed to the back room ahead of dozens of other patients. As the doctor examined her, he actually saw that her injuries were less serious than he feared. Still, to be sure, he continued the examination.

“Heartbeat is normal, and she’s breathing. Whatever did this must have missed her vitals somehow. This is nothing short of a miracle…” said the doctor. “But...there was no way to save the child. I am sorry.”

“It’s okay. I knew that already, anyway,” Louise replied, she could no longer feel the hint of a life in her womb, after all. Besides, what kind of a baby could survive that kind of an attack? Her eyes were all but dry now. She was tired. Tired of crying. And tired of thinking. She was tired of everything. She didn’t even feel like thinking anymore. Telling her that the baby couldn’t be saved is like rubbing salt to the wound now.

“Do you have a family that we can reach?” Asked the man that carried her there.

“None that I know of… ” Louise answered, shaking her head before looking away towards the window. Her voice was very dry and coarse. She didn’t feel like speaking, either.

“Then you’re free to stay with me, until you recover. Or longer if you need,” answered the man.

“Thank you.”
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

Durran touched a hand to his face and felt a slight dampness. †˜Why am I crying?’ He thought to himself, as he looked towards Louise laid on the table. Looking at Yvette and Blythe, he saw that they looked more bored than anything. Wiping his face clear of tears he looked to Kristina who removed her hand from Louise’s forehead.

“That was deeper than I was planning to go, but I assume that is what you all wanted to see?” Asked Kristina. Durran nodded and walked over to the table to get a closer look at Louise. Tears were streaming down the sides of her finely-shaped head. Her skin was pale, but more than that; she was waking up. Kristina rushed over to her side alarmed.

“That’s not right. She should be out for at least a few more hours,” she said turning to the table to grab another dose. “Better safe than sorry…”

Her eyes opened, albeit slowly. The emerald pupils glowed with a silvery light. “Run a few tests, huh?” Louise spoke, her voice coarse and dry as she looked over to Kristina.

Kristina was startled by Louise’s voice and dropped the syringe. It broke on the clean floor; spilling its contents. “This was all part of the examination,” answered Kristina. “We had to make sure your memories were intact.”

“Is… that so?” Louise asked, tilting her head.

“Bitch, who the fuck gave you the permission to look into my past?” Her tone completely changed. It was loud, yet she didn’t yell. It was fear-instilling. Bone chilling. Her expression only held a big frown, yet her eyes seemed as cold as snow.

“Cain did,” said Blythe from across the room. “He sure screwed you over back then didn’t he?” Blythe smirked.

“Fuck his incompetent shit,” Louise replied, dripping with vulgarity with each and every words she uttered. “He fucked you over royally too, bastard,” Louise she continued. Showing a grin of her own, her teeth showing, even. “By allowing you to be born, that is. Because I’m gonna fucking wipe that face of yours – especially that smile – off the freaking world.” More so than the glowing eyes, the light enveloped her entire figure now. Louise drew her arm up, pulling it into the air. She clenched her fist with force. “Hah!!” A terse and violent yell escaped her throat. As if breaking something. There was a loud cracking noise of a breaking glass. Yet nothing seemed to have broken, physically. In the place of the empty space appeared a golden wand. “Prepare to die.”

“Now this is what I was waiting for!” Exclaimed Blythe as a wind started swirling around him. Durran looked to Blythe, and took a step back.

“There is no use trying to remedy this situation,” he said drawing his sword ready to defend himself. Yvette jumped energetically as she swung her sword around like a child. Kristina used this distraction to make a break for it.

Tch, that bitch. I’ll fucking murder her after I’m through with these imbeciles. I have her spiritual energy pattern marked, anyway, Louise thought before facing the others. She raised her wand. The gleaming silver light spiraled around – all climbing up to the tip before she flicked it. An ear-deafening noise rang, clashing heavily against the walls. There was an explosion. Not once, but twice. More so than the jarringly loud and ear-ripping noises, the pressure shattered the walls and bright, light-embedded floor apart as debris soon rose up from below.

The floor gave out under them as Blythe and Yvette were caught in the explosion. By the time the destruction was finished; the whole room collapsed on the room under them. Louise looked down to the rubble in the dark room that was barely lit from the few working lights. The debris began to shake violently as it was sent flying in random directions by the wind. Yvette and Blythe climbed out as Durran slid down a fallen slab of stone.

“Not bad…” Blythe responded wiping some blood off his lip. Gritting his teeth the wind circled around his foot building pressure quickly. Leaping slightly off the ground, he spun unleashing all of it in a paper thin strike. Ripping through the walls; it passed through Louise in a deep gash before cutting into the wall behind her. Luckily, it wasn’t able to make a clean cut and dissipated before it got too deep into her flesh.

Not my dress, again… Louise thought, looking down at the cut that her pure white dress took. She’d be sure to take revenge. For her precious dear dress. Well, it was the same white one-piece. It was precious regardless!

“That was some crazy explosion! I want to do that too!” Yelled Yvette as she ripped open her second mouth. Its teeth moved hungrily. Absorbing the energy from that explosion that hit her; she learned a bit about how it worked now. The mouth licked its lips happily.

Durran was confused as to what he should be doing, but ultimately, his own heart decided for him. Walking out in front of Louise he took stance glaring down at Blythe and Yvette.

“I knew you would pull some shit like this,” said Blythe. “I’ll just cut you down along with her!”

“Bastard, what are you trying to pull here?” Louise asked, only her eyes shifted towards Durran as she inquired with rage and intensity. “Men are simpletons. The only time they’re able to rack their foolish gray matter is when they try to use women for their selfish ambitions,” Louise stated. “They’re all sick, and despicable.”

Durran didn’t turn to Louise as she cast her curses at him. He was well aware of how she felt, and was fine accepting her scorn. “Keep thinking that, as long as you stay alive,” he answered. Running his hand along his blade it glowed a deep blue. Sheathing it before ripping it out quickly he sliced a trench in front of them. It went the length of the room and separated Louise and him from their enemies.

“Well aren’t you calm for a mere avatar?” Louise stopped speaking, and her sight returned to Blythe and Yvette again. Her body glowed with power. Power she hadn’t used in so long. Flicking her golden wand, another round of explosion occurred. Accompanied by a series of loud noises and blasts that damaged the interior designs of the large establishment further.

Getting knocked around by the explosion, it sent them crashing down yet another floor, but the explosion destroyed the trench that Durran had made. This time, using his wind to slow his fall Blythe stopped himself and Yvette from being covered again. Gritting his teeth, he knew that they had no advantage in this small area. Smiling, he looked at the hole in the back of the room. The combination of his previous attack and her explosions gave him just what he needed. Hurricane force wind swirled around the room, and caused a vacuum that sucked everyone out of the hole in the back of the room. Blythe allowed Louise and Durran to fly out of control while he held on to Yvette and flew her to a walkway. Then he floated using his wind as he tried to find Louise in the chaos.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a joint post starring: TheDerpGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise was sent crashing into a pillar and rolled around it painfully before smashing into some cell bars and crumpling to the floor. As she got herself onto her feet. She saw no sign of Durran. “Tch, that wind is still swirling there. The spiritual power is definitely active even now,” Louise assessed the situation as she cringed. I forgot, that bastard led us to this place by manipulating wind. I should’ve fucking figured that.

Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed her, and a symphony of noise filled the prison as prisoners began to call out. “Hey get me out of here would ya?!” Exclaimed a dirty man from behind the bars.

Louise, however, angrily shoved the hand away with a dead serious look. “You fucking piece of filthy shit. How dare you touch me with that dirty hand? I’ll end you.”

“C’mon don’t be like that! You have no idea what its like here. I didn’t even do nothing wrong!” He pleaded as he kept his grip on her leg.

That’s what they all say. “I’m not interested, and nor am I going to bear with you – touching me as you please,” Louise replied, then forcefully pulled her leg away, before stabbing it with her heel. “I might[/i] come back after I’m done in my business, however,” she said, in a very respectable and refined tone befitting an aristocrat. Completely polar opposite to her rude and aggressive behaviour, before she walked away.

“That cold heart can’t net you many friends!” He insulted after her.

Despite Louise’s kind words at the end, she wasn’t treated any better, after all. She did intend to come back and free them. Well, she intended to do so a moment ago, anyway. Not anymore. “I have many far influential friends throughout Masario, though. What would you know?” Louise spoke with pride and confidence, with a smile. Her anger from the misery of her dreams cloaked only temporarily as she boasted her influence. The man retreated to the back of his cell cursing under his breath. The other prisoners didn’t bother to ask after that display either.

Louise then faced the other way – the direction at which the tornado violently razed its surroundings rapidly. She walked forward – gathering the sacred power from within her; she prepared for one spell. It was her most favorite, yet most unused spell. Destructive, yet attractive. Something so alluring, yet so dangerous. It was time for it to debut, after a long time, once again. She didn’t know if it’d work, however. She hadn’t fully stabilized with Ishtar, just yet. She was raring to go, however. Louise chanted sonorously under her breath. The aura that danced around her body intensified; making her shine with bright silver light, more than ever.

Just before she flicked the wand, she noted an issue; the amount of power was too great. Her body hasn’t adapted to it, yet, after all. Before she flicked the wand, the enormous energy caused the weight of her body her rise. She staggered, and the wand was flicked in the wrongest manner ever. The prisoners didn’t know what went on inside Louise’s slender figure, so they could only see a person stumbling strangely before casting a spell, apparently. They may have laughed at the poor display that Louise gave. †˜May’ have, anyway. Louise wasn’t sure due to the emerging noise of magical powers welling up from the floor.

That said laugh, on the other hand – would be their last.

The effects of the spell begun. The tremors, the shaking, the noises, the screams – the terror – had all but just begun. And Louise didn’t plan to stop after this, either. All her mind thought of was trying again. She wouldn’t rest till she paid Blythe and the others what they owe from her. A large sphere of light formed evident from the crippling ground, and it was ever expanding. It sucked in the prison. Little by little, it absorbed up to three entire floors. Well, a more apt description would be †˜eaten’ up, according to Louise. It was as if a hungry black hole had emerged to claim its fair share of food. Except that it was absolutely white – the complete opposite. Of course, Louise had to jump and sprint to an extent to escape the effects herself; she was far too close. Not because the power would harm her – her own magic can’t quite harm her – but because she’d soon have no floor to stand over.

Floating around; looking for Louise, Blythe narrowly avoided a large blast that devoured part of the prison cell block. Whistling at the destruction, he tried to make out his target after the smoke cleared. Sadly, since her spell was cast remotely he had no way to track her save for his own eyes, and that proved not to be enough.

Yvette however, who had a taste of the High Priestess’ spirit already found it quite easy to locate her. Jumping down the destroyed panels she ran her hand along the length of her sword. Landing in front of Louise she smirked slamming her sword on the floor as a shockwave shot out. Severing the connection between Louise and Ishtar she hoped to change this fight around.

Assumed Durran as he heard the loud metal sound ring out. Gritting his teeth as he held onto a ledge for dear life he pulled himself up. Grabbing onto a pillar that ran up the floors of the prison he kicked off it climbing to the floors above him. As he landed he found himself behind Yvette. He felt his spiritual power drain as he approached her and scowled.

“What is the point of fighting her now when she is so close?” Asked Durran trying to talk some sense into his former comrade. Sadly this fell upon deaf ears due to her bloodlust that was focused solely on Louise. He shook his head and readied his blade.

While he talks to her… Louise turned about, and dashed. I may as well distance myself from this wretch! With her curse now broken; she was way faster than before, especially since her past experiences and abilities have returned – her physique too, had recovered. Taking swift leaps and smooth jumps were hardly an issue to her. Taking a look back, there was a good amount of distance now. She didn’t feel so affected by Yvette’s trick. Now, she could finally concentrate.

With all the commotion, it made it easy to find Louise. Floating at a safe distance he looked on at the battle; biding his time, and waiting for his chance to strike. Yvette knew that letting Louise get too far away was a deadly mistake, and gave chase. As she started running her foot got caught on a rock sending her falling face first into the ground. Blythe slapped a hand over his face witnessing this.

“Owww!” exclaimed Yvette getting up on her knees and rubbing her face. Durran in this moment dashed in, and slashed at Yvette horizontally. She was barely able to react by falling to the side abandoning her blade. Bringing the blade to her throat he waited for her next move as he looked up to Blythe. Blythe, meeting his gaze decided that Yvette wasn’t worth saving.

“She’s all yours,” he said grinning as he shot off towards the other side of the prison. Yvette turned yelling out a spew of curses. Durran spun his blade catching her chin a trickle of blood running down her neck. Reminding her of her situation. Suddenly in between them there was a flash of light. An explosion went off twice rapidly sending Yvette off the ledge, and Durran slamming into a wall.

As Yvette fell she disappeared into the chasm below. It was unknown if she was alive or dead at the point. Durran sat crumpled against the wall the blade stabbing him in the abdomen. He was breathing through pained breaths. As there were no other threats to Louise he had done his job. Pulling the blade out he set it to the side on the wall.

Louise stood before him. “I hope you’re ready for more. This isn’t over, you know?” She had no intention of just letting Durran go scot free, just because he helped her out.

“It will never be done,” answered Durran. “I will not resist. Do as you will.”

“To think that you won’t beg for your dear life… I see that you’re not as insane as your two comrad- former comrades,” Louise spoke, insulting all the other avatars. Not that she spoke without thinking; they were truly insane, the lot of them.

“They are young and foolish,” he answered. “Out of all the avatars. I believe I was the first.”

Louise’s expression changed. She became the upstanding person she used to be. Once again. She gave a pleased smile, apparently veiling her furiosity. “Mmm… I take it that it’s my victory. Since I won; I think I have at least the right to reap the benefits? I’d love to have you spill every little details you know of,” she stated. She hadn’t forgotten her initial goals despite the unwanted memory trip that far surpassed the limits of her tolerance.

“I know many things, you must be more specific,” Durran answered.

“Well, how about starting with you avatars?” Louise begun questioning. She’d keep asking, as much as possible. To get a clear picture; she’d have to depend on Durran’s knowledge. Who knows whether he’d lie or not. She’d simply have to go figure.

“We are born of Cain,” began Durran. “Originally we were made with the intent of ruling on his behalf. But we are broken, and unfinished. Over time we become as crazed and dangerous as the man that created us.”

“What happened to Agreyus after I… you know, had to leave it?” Louise asked, her expression saddening, as she remembered the events that took place before her departure.

“Cain retired to his castle. He refused for any reason to leave, and allowed his senators to make whatever decisions they saw fit. The land became corrupted, and the principles he strove so hard for crumbled. He knew he was going mad and sealed himself away despite this,” answered Durran.

“So I have to end this myself, after all… ” Louise sighed. She partially felt responsible. She hadn’t noted Cain’s fall to insanity sooner. Perhaps she could obstruct it if she came to a realization sooner. However, she was blinded by her feelings and emotions. She always wondered what would’ve happened if she could somehow stop Cain from losing his mind – some time after she left, and had time to think about it all. “Which of you avatars are still sane, so far? There are four of you in total, yes?”

“No, there are two more that you don’t know of. They, however, know you very well,” answered Durran. “As for which of us are still sane. There are two, but do not misunderstand sane with safe.”

“So, who are these two that I don’t know of? Actually, do tell what the individual roles of all of you are,” Louise had to know. There was no other way around it. She’d have to deal with all of the rest eventually. She’d erase anyone related to Cain from the face of this planet in due time – it’s what she decided.

“One changes his name with the wind. I do not know if he has changed his name. The last I met him he was called, Balan,” answered Durran. “The other Echidna, is what you would call the executor.”

“Wait… Balan? Dear lord.” Louise placed her right palm over her forehead. How could she not notice? He didn’t seem anything like an avatar to her, at all. Does Vejovis know this? Is he intentionally using an avatar to further fulfill his ambitions? It’d explain why he knows so much details regarding the cursed side. Perhaps he knows more than he claims. That damned sneaky rat. To hell with his idea of balance!

“I take it you met him?” asked Durran.

“That I have indeed; when I went to visit Vejovis. He seemed like a loyal subordinate. Looks sure are deceiving,” Louise explained. Only thing she needed to confirm was whether Vejovis is aware of this invaluably important information.

“Cain is very cautious of Vejovis, but Balan is the most cunning of us. He won’t betray him until the time is right,” replied Durran. “May I stand?”

“No, stay down,” Louise coldly answered. “I’m paranoid, you see. Blame Cain for that,” she added, with a innocent expression full of glee. While this was true; it wasn’t quite the case this time. “How does the Cursed plan to deal with the Scions? They must have a trump card, since they barely seem to find the Scions as a threat now, so far.”

“We don’t need to deal with the Scions. They will destroy themselves,” answered Durran.

“Mn, how so?”

“Only Adair knows that,” answered Durran. “He might be out of reach now.”

“Tch, that fucker,” Louise scowled with a look of utter madness, but it soon reverted to her usual ladylike expression. She should’ve asked questions to that scoundrel while she could. “Ahem,” she attempted to clear her throat. “So, let’s say I let you live… what do you plan to do? You’ve already betrayed your lord.”

“If you would have me,” answered Durran still sitting down. His wound had slowly began to heal over. “This blade can still have a purpose.”

“W-Well… ” Louise begun, looking away, “I-I still hate you… but I won’t mind using you, at least.”

“Understood,” answered Durran. “What do we do now?”

“I’m ending you along with Cain, just so you know,” Louise said, making a frown. “Know that as you walk my side.” Durran chuckled and grabbed his sword before quickly sheathing it.

“I suppose that means I can stand up now?” Durran asked.

“I suppose so,” Louise replied, dropping her face-ruining scowl with a sigh. “As for what we do… I was hoping to check up on that avatar who fell down. I can’t be sure that she is dead. There’s also that scientist I want to go after…” She said, remembering how she sweet talked her into letting her run a few tests.

“Yvette isn’t dead,” answered Durran standing up. “Finding her might be harder than finding that strange woman. But it is your choice.”

“Hmm… she is more dangerous than the scientist. May as well go after her,” Louise answered. Durran took Louise in his arms, and jumped off the walkway into the chasm below.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

Durran jumped back and forth on the walls as they made his way down. Once he landed, he allowed Louise down on her own two feet. The cave was dark and humid. As Durran looked around, he tried to sense Yvette, but she was hiding herself well.

“You sure she’s around here?” Louise said, looking around. There was a faint spiritual signal, but that was about it. It was far too faint for Louise to confirm Yvette’s presence. “It does seem like a place befitting her, at least… ”

“You don’t have much of a choice when you’re thrown off a cliff,” Durran answered. “She’s around here somewhere,” Durran began walking into the deeper parts of the cave. The small amount of water that trickled down from the rivers fell into the lava and steamed up the area. It made them sweat almost instantly. It was particularly irritating for Louise, for which she wished to be done with this wretch and take leave of this humid place.

As they moved through the cavern, Durran abruptly stopped. Turning to a pile of rocks his eyes narrowed. Gripping his sword tight the sword began to change shape into that of a large hammer. With a mighty swing; he turned the rocks to dust revealing a hidden path.

“She ran this way and wrecked the path behind her.”

“What’s with your former comrades, anyway? They talk so big, but runs away with their tails tucked,” Louise asked as she reminisced; Yvette and Blythe seemed incredibly arrogant with how they wished for a good fight, especially with those twisted smiles tained by the mad bloodlust.

“Avatars always keep something from their old memories. The strongest emotions. Duty, love, or pride. A reason to live,” answered Durran as they walked down this new path. “I’m sure you have something like this.”

“Something like a reason to live, or a strongest emotion – that you’re referring to?” Louise asked as she walked with Durran.

“Exactly,” he responded. “There used to be more of us. I’ve had a lot of time to observe.” Up ahead Durran could hear heavy breathing and slow clumsy steps. They were closing in on her.

“Would you like me to handle this?” Asked Durran.

“You should know from seeing my past what I have in me,” Louise said, with a hint melancholy in her face. It was muddled with a small smile. “I have gained a new reason to live, though,” she added. “I’ll provide support if need be.”

“Then may I ask a favor?” Asked Durran.

“And that is?”

“Make it quick, she has suffered enough,” Durran replied as he walked off towards the source of noise holding his blade ready. As Louise followed behind she saw Yvette holding her side using the wall as a support to hold herself up. When she heard them approach she tried to increase her pace, but fell to the ground.

“Even if you tell me to… my blast my have the rubbles cave us in, possibly,” Louise said, unsure of what may occur. “Oh, I forgot that I can still move us back above any time. How would you exactly want to have her finished off? Could try your blade if you’re so confident.”

“Confidence has little to do with it,” he replied Durran rested his blade on Yvette’s shoulder. She stiffened up as the cold steel touched her skin.

“Find peace young one…” he said as he lifted his blade and held it in two hands. Yvette began to sing a song she knew well, and with a perfect strike Durran parted her head from her body. Her torso slumped over as blood pooled beneath.

“It’s done,” he answered swinging the blood from his blade and sheathing it in one quick motion.

“Then, next would be the irritating scientist,” Louise said, raising her wand sky-high. With a rift opened; they two jumped in on it to find themselves above over the ground again.

As the portal closed there was a faint clicking sound that came from Yvette’s corpse. Her second mouth’s teeth flailed around randomly as it began to eat the blood soaked rock. Convulsions took hold as the body accepted the nourishment. Her hand flailed out and seized her head. Dragging it across the floor and into place she firmly held it on her neck. A searing heat began to connect the flesh, but something was off. Looking down she saw her back.

Grabbing her head firmly she spun her neck with a loud crack. Smiling a wide grin her mouth on her stomach began to open wide. Standing awkwardly on her broken legs a portal opened in front of her. Falling forward she vanished from the area.

This is a joint post between:
TheLoneGentleman and nooby2

Making his escape from the forest of Origin had been less trouble for Selanus than he had originally anticipated, apart from that one incident with Adelina. He had made his escape posthaste, arriving at the waycastle within a day of riding or two. Meeting Grigs hadn’t been an option with his quarry but a letter with information had been prepared for him, for what it was worth.

Without having to wait for anyone, and near damn running himself ragged he soon found that the prison was within view. He had never felt more drained in his life. He forced his body to stay in shadow mode for dangerous amounts of time, but he couldn’t let that woman catch up. As he arrived at the gates he saw something fly overhead and land on the roof. He assumed that something important was brought in via flight. Alarms would have been going off otherwise. The slam of the drawbridge opening brought his attention to the guards approaching him. Breathing hard he was glad to see them coming to receive Razta.

“Another successful mark” said Selanus as he handed him over to the guards. Cuffing him immediately they tied him to a pole that they used to drag him. The shackles began to glow as soon as they clamped as they sapped his spiritual power. Selanus was used to seeing prisoners treated this way, yet something felt wrong this time. Razta was probably the hardest one to catch yet. Something about how easy this was felt unsatisfying. Following the guards into the prison he wanted to see what cell Razta ended up in.

At the sight of their quarry being taken, Astaroth began to mutter under her breath. ”You’re going to just let them take him?”, she hissed, This one is much more than the simple prey we normally hunt, follow them.” She floated around Razta, her wings beating in agitation.

Selanus thumbed Razta’s dagger as the guards dragged him away, falling into step behind them. For once, he agreed with Astaroth. Razta wasn’t just a simple mark, that he was a member of Arkasia’s circle meant he was of some import at least. Besides, the look on Razta’s face when he wakes up was going to be priceless, Astaroth positively purring at the thought.

As they walked through the passages of Raskana, Selanus kept a lookout for Kristina. His aunt would’ve heard about his return and the prisoner by now, so strange it was that she wasn’t there to greet him. Scoffing snidely, Astaroth gave him a look filled with disdain. Selanus dismissed her, questioning one of the guards to his aunts whereabouts.

Suddenly, Astaroth filled his vision as she floated between Selanus and the guard, glaring at him. ”This is our kill. I did not grant you my power for you to simply give our prize away, even if it’s to your benefactor.” The displeasure was palpable in her voice as she spoke to him, eyes filled with no small amount of anger.

Selanus sighed and nodded, curious as to what was to happen now before turning his attention back to the guard, waiting for his reply. Astaroth huffed and floated over to her prize, eyes shifting around as she guarded her quarry, her rage sated for now.

The guards carried him through the center building and then using the walkways on the side of the building took him to the west block cells. After arriving at an empty cell a guard who was awaiting them opened it up so that the two could take Razta inside. Selanus upon looking inside the cell could tell some modifications had been made. The outer walls were covered in slightly glowing runes that resonated with the shackles around Razta’s hands and neck.

“So what’s all these for? Did my aunt request them?” Selanus pointed a finger at the luminous runes, curious. “I want to make sure they’re merely for containment.” The strain of bringing Razta back was getting to Selanus, his body starting to feel heavy. He leaned against the wall, watching as the guards shoved Razta inside.

“Your aunt put them in herself,” answered one of the guards. “This one gets special treatment it seems. Not like I know what these do though.”

”Interesting.” Selanus mused as he eyed Razta on the ground, “Will she be coming down here or is she occupied with something? I’ll go find her if that’s the case.” Suddenly there was a loud explosion that came from the center building. Seconds later a spirit signal flashed to all cursed in the area.

“We have an escape in the center tower, approach with caution and see that all prisoners are kept in their cells!” yelled Kristina yelled in Selanus’ head. The guard closed Razta’s cell in a hurry and sped off for the central tower. Razta began to stir as he opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Selanus standing there, but he was too weak to even speak.

Considering his current condition, Selanus decided to stay here rather than investigate, making sure that the cell was closed properly. Better he stay here to watch his quarry, Kristina could deal with the escapee. Astaroth smiled in approval at his decision, totally uncaring about the alarm.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman,Nooby, and Cinia Pacifica

Kristina was sure that she had pinged Selanus when she sent out that signal. Rushing to around where she sensed him she was glad to find her nephew standing next to a cell. Suddenly there was another explosion from the tower that sent debris slamming into one of the walkways sending many guards to their death below. Kristina was still in her lab coat when she called out to Selanus.

“When did you get here?!” she exclaimed before stopping next to him. Looking into the cell she saw Razta tied up and smiled. “Well at least there is some good news today.” Selanus returned Kristina’s smile, though he was more concerned about what was happening.

“Yes, it was quite a bit of trouble to retrieve him. What’s going on? Am I needed?” He checked his equipment just to be sure, eyes on Razta for a moment before refocusing on his aunt, eager to go.

Durran and Louise stepped out of the portal and came out on the top of the center building. Feeling a huge amount of spiritual energy near one of the cells, Louise ran to the side to get a good look. Across the way and a little lower than them they spotted the crazed scientist. But not only was it Kristina, there was a man beside her – a man she knew she saw before. He must not have made much of an impression on her, but out of the corner of her eye she spot a rather burly man making his way for Kristina and her companion.

That’s, that one man from Sir Owain’s squad… was he kidnapped sometime after I was brought here? Louise thought. Louise would teleport to close in and take the woman in lab-coat out. She right now, she was curious, and decided to observe instead. It seemed that the woman was rather very interested in particular to this man. Louise wondered why. Perhaps she could learn something via observation. Albeit, Louise and Durran were too far away to be able to hear a word of the conversations taking place.

“No we need him,” said Kristina with a smirk. Unlocking the cell with her skeleton key she walked over to the weakened Razta and tilted his face up by the chin. Reaching into her lab coat she grabbed a collar. Selanus had seen them more that enough times to know what was going on, merely raising an eyebrow in response.

“Well, he’s not going anymore in that condition,” remarked Selanus, moving over to aid his aunt. “Where do you need him?”

Snapping the collar around his neck she undid the rest of his shackles and let him fall to the floor. “He will be what he was intended to be before. A weapon.” she answered. “I wanted to experiment a bit with him, but I’m out of my other subjects. He is already prepared for this.” Kristina sent a signal to the collar and it began to heat up around his neck searing the skin. Razta clawed at the collar as he coughed up black miasma.

Louise frowned, albeit only slightly. “Is that what they use to control slaves here?” Louise turned to Durran, asking.

“Kristina is who is responsible for those weapons you have seen in the past.” answered Durran. “The way I was told. Those collars control the weapons with spirit signals.”

“Hmm, that would mean that she may turn the prisoners into an army any time,” Louise commented, it was an interesting yet a crude invention on this Kristina person’s part.

Keeping an eye on Razta, Selanus readied Nadir in case, a resounding click as the weapon loaded up with spirit. Astaroth was fuming again, screaming silently at the collar and what it was doing to her precious prey. He wasn’t particularly worried about Razta but knowing what the collars did to people, it was better to err on the side of caution.

Soon Razta’s body began heating up to match the collar. The flesh stop burning at that point. Kristina looked at him strangely. “Now that wasn’t supposed to happen…” she backed up as Razta stood up on his own two legs grabbing at the collar with his right hand breathing heavily. With each breathe a thick black miasma flowed out.

Kristina touch a finger to her head and sent out a stronger signal than before. The collar heated up once again as Razta winced, but soon after his own body heat caught up again. Kristina pulled out her gun, and took aim for Razta.

“Put him down, I have no use for a weapon that won’t follow commands.” said Kristina. Selanus snapped his gun up before Kristina could shoot and fired a bullet right past Razta’s head, grazing his cheek.

“The next shot will be between your eyes, hunter. Behave. I didn’t run all over the country only to have you killed over some collar.” Selanus warned, his mood getting worse.

Louise’s patience was dwindling. Should she attempt to save him, or not? Even if she did attack; that wretch would simply use the man as her shield. How troublesome for a situation. Louise clenched her fist… not sure what to do. The miasma she sensed – but could hardly see due to the distance – was also an issue to be concerned about.

“I believe this situation will resolve itself,” answered Durran sensing a presence fast approaching. The bloodlust from this person was immense.

“Is it due to that approaching presence?” Louise thought out loud. There was indeed a killing intent that loomed across the air.

“Selanus I told you to put him down, now isn’t the time to be soft!” yelled Kristina squeezing the trigger aiming straight for Razta’s face. Three round spit out of her shotgun two of them hitting their target, but as they hit the shells melted on contact, and simply hit Razta with blunt force. Hitting with such force however that Razta was flipped smacking his head against the stone floor.

“Dammit,” said Kristina loading up three more rounds. The sound of footsteps echoed next to Kristina. Believe it to be more reinforcements she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Good restrai-” she began before she was cut off, and flew past Selanus before rolling to a stop. Her entire body ached as flames danced on her clothing. Kudzu stood before Selanus looking down at him with a very displeased expression. Through his narrowed eyes Selanus coud feel nothing but murderous intent from this tower of muscle.

“...Huh?” Louise uttered; confused, looking at the incredibly tall man who stopped the wretch at her tracks. “Know him?”

“Representative Kudzu…” said Durran looking over the edge at the man. “A man of incredible strength.”

“I see. I’m quite certain I saw the man beside the scientist before… I can’t put a finger on it, however,” Louise said, racking her head; trying to remember. As she scoured her memories a shot echoed across the chasm, and Kudzu dashed towards Kristina. In the blink of an eye a mighty punch sent the scientist flying a few yards. Durran raised a brow at the scene.

“That was unexpected,” he commented. As the man that was with Kristina protected them they exchanged words. “A warning shot?”

“Tch, I’m not so sure when to attack that wretch now,” Louise said, apparently irritated. “I sure hope he doesn’t take my kill just like that,” she added, pursing her lips uncomfortably while biting her index finger’s nail softly.

Selanus glared at Kudzu, backing up until he reached Kristina. Checking her condition, he furrowed his brows in anger. “What’s wrong with you Representative?” Selanus asked darkly, there was no way he would be walking out of this unscathed if Kudzu was pissed but throwing his aunt halfway across the room, Selanus wanted to open the man up from neck to groin for that. Astaroth was with him, a feral grin on her face.

“This †˜weapon’ is my son, boy,” he spat as flames gathered around his gauntlets. Looking to the side to find Razta breathing his expression stayed unchanged. Thick blackness was filling the cell as Razta tried to catch his breath. “I will have that harpy’s head, so stand aside or be burned along with her.”

Selanus grit his teeth so hard, he could practically feel them cracking. The revelation startled him, confused over how or why his aunt had done such a thing. Surely, she had known better but then again, her experiments were always brutal. He could feel Astaroth baying for blood, anyones blood. Kristina’s, Kudzu’s, Razta’s. It didn’t matter at this point.

He looked down at the woman in the coat, his only benefactor and anchor for most of his life. She had taken him in and given him freedom, purpose and most importantly, a place to belong, at her side. Even if her deed was done long ago, it didn’t erase her sins. It didn’t erase what good she had done for him either. The armored giant in front of him seemed insurmountable but he had to try.

“You can try it but only she knows how the collars work. Your son, that miasma will kill him.” Selanus said, watching Kudzu for a reaction. Picking up his aunt, he smothered the remaining fires on her coat before resting her against the wall. He then stood in front of her protectively, eyes hard.

“Why would I trust her now?” asked Kudzu. Kristina cracked her eyes open and looked up at Selanus before looking over to Kudzu.

“I-I can disable it!” she pleaded. Kudzu gritted his teeth as he looked back and forth between his son and the wretch in front of him, disgusted as she pleaded. “You have thirty seconds.”

Kristina wasted no time scrambling to her feet and going into the cell. Covering her mouth as she avoided the thickest of the miasma. Forming a spiritual coating on her hand she tapped the collar draining it of energy. The metal instantly cooled, and Razta slowly came down from the intense heat his body was displaying. wiping her brow she exited the cell.

“See I-I told you I-” started Kristina. Kudzu grabbed her face and held her into the air. She scratched at his arm furiously as she struggled to breathe with his hand covering her entire face. Grabbing her shoulder with his other hand his flames began to envelope her.

“No!” Selanus screamed at Kudzu, only making it halfway to her before Kudzu, with all the power in those huge arms, tore her in half. Gripping her head and right shoulder set them aflame before dropping the two halves.

“This evil will not continue...no more.” he said as he dropped the severed pieces to the ground to continue burning.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a joint post starring: TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica and nooby2.)

“Tch, so he did it after all...” Louise commented. “Damn him.”

“Shall we move in now?” asked Durran.

“I believe it’s a little too late to do anything now,” Louise answered. “I’d at least greet them about now, I suppose,” she added, buckling up to leave the sightseeing spot.

“You bastard!” Already he feel could Astaroth coming out, his rage seeping through and turning his vision red. She squealed with glee, the visceral action enticing her to greater heights. Shadows began to tumble from Selanus, coating the walls like oil. The hatred he now held for this man was palpable.

“What’s wrong boy? We put down monsters before. What is the problem now?” he said walking towards Selanus clenching his fists.

His eyes glimmering red, Selanus forced himself to answer the monster in front of him with words. “She was nothing but kind to me. And you are right, there are no problems.” Straightening his hat within the roiling darkness, he let the shadows take over, his weapons out to face Kudzu.

[b“You fight for a woman who would rip families apart? Even this prison is just a ruse to gather unwilling subjects. How low will you fall boy?”[/b] said Kudzu.

His words lanced through Selanus’s heart, cutting through the haze.He had known, for far too long, that the jobs, the errands, they were despicable yet for Kristina who had given him so much, he would have done so. People would have only seen one side of her. They wouldn’t know about the other. They wouldn’t care. They would judge her based on that but he knew. Selanus truly knew and so, he fought.

Letting out an unearthly snarl, he let Astaroth loose, the inhibitions on her finally free for the first time since the day she awakened. The shadows pulsed out from his form, tendrils extending towards Kudzu as Selanus flew at him, blade aimed for his neck. His spirit revelled in the freedom, howling as they melded.

“She was family to me even when my own didn’t care!” Selanus screamed in fury, eyes blazing.

Turning his right gauntlet outward sparks shot out as he blocked the attack on his throat. Kudzu admired the attack full of emotion and purpose, even if he was misguided. With his left he straightened his hand as he chopped downwards for Selanus. The boy narrowly dodged to the side as he aimed his gun for a headshot on Kudzu.

Covering his face just in time he incinerated the bullet as it approached his face. Flames flared up behind Kudzu as four arms punched around him simultaneously at Selanus. The shadowed warrior flipped back before fading into the shadows and putting some distance between them.

Selanus didn’t have time to react as Kudzu rocketed forward, a flaming fist primed. Barely bringing up his sword up in time, Selanus gritted his teeth as Kudzu slammed his arm into him, the heat almost unbearable. The guard was futile, as in the next instant, the sword began to melt and warp from the heat and force and Kudzu’s fist went through, slamming into Selanus’s chest with enough force to fling him.

Selanus slammed into a pillar and slumped in a sitting position. His vision a little hazy as he scrambled to his feet. Suddenly he felt something metallic touch his hand. His aunt’s gun, Cerberus. It must have been knocked out of her hand when Kudzu surprised her earlier. Pretending to still be confused, he waited as Kudzu walked towards him. Then lifting the gun he took a pot shot at Kudzu’s upper body, Cerberus roaring as its three barrels discharged. Kudzu was able to block two of the shots but one slipped past grazing the side of his head.

Kudzu flared his hand open and grabbed Selanus by the chest. Selanus chuckled, knowing that this was it. “Do it then.” He said quietly to Kudzu, his consciousness already fading. About to ignite the boy he hesitated as he calmed his flames. Then he slammed Selanus twice into the ground with such force that web like cracks began to form on the stone. Selanus’ body went limp as his shadows dissipated. Releasing him, Selanus hit the ground unmoving.

“Come for me all you want boy,” said Kudzu, “I’ll accept all your hatred.” Turning his back on Selanus he walked into the cell and looked down on his son. Reaching down he grabbed the collar and snapped it before throwing it to the side. Then he lifted his son, slinging him over a shoulder. He could feel that the boy was at least breathing, and that was enough to give him hope. Walking out of the cell he was surprised to see two figures approaching, looking on at the scene. Both he recognized instantly as Louise and an Avatar of Cain.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

“That wasn’t so nice, stealing my prey like that,” Louise said, looking at Kudzu. She smiled sweetly as she spoke, which was somewhat scary, or so it’d be to most men – as she completely hid her anger behind the expression that masked her true feelings.

Turning to look at the remains of Kristina he smirked. “I deserved the kill a little more than you I suppose,” he answered. Seeing the two of them together was still a bit strange. He would need to approach the situation carefully.

“Pray tell, what is this child to you?” Louise said, ignoring his statement, as she eyed Razta who was held in Kudzu’s arm.

“My son,” he answered simply. “The bitch stole him from me for her twisted experiments.”

“Ah, I see,” Louise replied. “He is – regardless – one of my comrades from Scion,” Louise said. In reality, Louise didn’t care – not a single bit. However, she had to piss someone off today. This man took her prey, anyway. She wouldn’t settle for anything else. Razta was technically a comrade, that she acknowledged. She’d take him along with her after dealing with this face.

“You plan on taking him back from me?” he asked raising an eyebrow. “Regardless of sides in this stupid war I plan to take care of family first.”

“I figured. Not that I care, honestly. Think of it as a price for taking my kill,” Louise smirked, her wand at bay, apparently. A glimmering aura appeared around her. Durran placed his hand upon his hilt and stood slightly in front of Louise.

“Women these days are nothing, but trouble,” he answered turning and placing Razta gently on the ground. Turning back to Louise he grabbed his right shoulder and rotated his right arm to stretch it. Then repeated this on the other side before snapping into his stance with his fists at his side. Flames climbed from his knuckles up to his elbows. “What is the point of this? Some grudge?”

“Please,” Louise begun. “Men are just selfish simpletons,” she stated, apparently calm and composed. “Are you misunderstanding? I don’t care about your family issues; I’m taking back that person who is a member of the Scions now,” her smirk widened, as if she was simply toying with words. “That is all,” with that, her tone completely changed to a more ruthless and oppressive manner of speech.

“And you have the gall to call me selfish? My wife died, and I spent years believing my son the suffered the same fate. I see the Scion are still as heartless as ever.” said Kudzu. Closing his eyes and breathing deeply his flames began to grow brighter. “Come!”

“Hmph, I couldn’t even have a family due to your dumb leader. What the fuck do you know? At least you had one,” Louise replied. “Don’t talk about hearts while you’re at war; it’s pathetic. You aren’t the only one suffering.”

“If you understand then why do you stand in my way?” asked Kudzu.

“Because” Louise said with a sweet smile. “We’re at war, and that person here is of our side now.” Louise then looked towards Durran and whispered. “Try to keep him at bay while I cast a spell.” Louise then concentrated her spiritual power, which swirled around her intensely.

Kudzu could feel something was coming, but not from where. Right in front of him the was a flash of light that triggered into an explosion. Barely able to raise his arms to shield his face he was pushed back from the blast. The explosion also sent Razta flying lifelessly down the path.

“Son!” yelled Kudzu looking back to him. For a moment Kudzu thought that might have killed him, but it was enough to wake him from his cold spell. Weakly using his arms to pick himself up he stumbled to his feet. As his eyes adjusted he saw a large man looking at him with a worried expression. Behind him he saw Louise and another man he didn’t recognize. Grabbing his neck tenderly he felt the burn from the collar.

“Where is this…?” he said stumbling over to the group. As he walked over he lost strength in his legs and fell. Kudzu caught him and held him up.

“I got you, don’t try too much right now son,” he said. Razta froze and pushed him away with all he had.

“High Priestess, who is this?” Razta questioned looking at the man. He never knew his father, and this man was a stranger to him.

“He claims to be your father. I came here to retrieve you, but he’s getting in the way,” Louise explained. “I’m only doing this because I know that you’re of the Scions. However, if you decide otherwise; I shall stop.”

The whole reason Razta joined up in the first place was to find answers, and this was the closest he had been his whole life. This man had little reason to lie, but Razta was a bit overwhelmed.

“Can you bring this man with us?” asked Razta.

“He is a representative, you know.”

“If something happens I’ll take responsibility, and you can send him where ever you want,” answered Razta. “If you didn’t free me. It means he did. I want to know why.”

“Argh,” Louise said, ruffling her hand past her brilliant blonde long hair. Why is it that such puppy-eye looks from Razta ruined her fighting mood? She was far more forgiving than she thought, sometimes. Louise sighed, then looked to Kudzu. “What about you?”

Kudzu silenced his flames. “I have no objections,” he answered. “It beats fighting for no reason.”

“Jeez! Everyone just does what they like,” Louise exclaimed under her breathe, apparently pouting. In truth, she simply wanted to let off her steam somewhere from all this, ever since she saw her dreadful memories again.

“This wouldn’t have been a worthwhile fight anyways,” added Durran. “This man trained most of the representatives before he went into seclusion. We might not have walked away unscathed.”

“Not sure if it matters if I am scathed…” Louise sighed yet again, then shrugged. “Well, I’m out. This area is rather sickening.” Louise raised her wand. “However…” Louise looked down to herself. Her dress was in ruins. “Ugh,” there were tatters on the one-piece, dirt, and worst of all, it revealed her breast more than it should. “This is so not ladylike,” she muttered to herself. “I apologize, but we’re taking a trip to my private mansion first.” She then chanted a spell before creating a portal below them for teleportation; taking the others along with her.

“Wait what mansi-” began Durran before he was cut off as they all fell into the portal.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby

Shouting. Pain. Scorching Heat. He awoke to an unholy cacophony, unsure of what happened. Pain flared in his chest, a starburst of agony. He clutched at it, hand coming away sticky with dried blood. An effort to stand up faltered, a hacking cough bringing more searing pain. Dazed, he rested against the stone, eyesight bleary as it tried to refocus and failed. He could hear the alarms going off, a resounding klaxon blaring like some malevolent spirit. That sound, yes… Yes, he was in Raskana.

His garbled mind tried to piece things together, but everytime he did, a sharp pain would spike and he would wince. So he opted to sit there, quietly until it got less painful. Still, the insistent alarm got the better of him and it was time to act. His vision was unfocused, specks of light swimming slowly in the air, pain almost causing his knees to buckle as he got to his feet. Taking an unsteady step, he placed a hand on the nearby wall for support, making his way towards the corridor of light up ahead.

Every fiber of his being screamed as he walked but he grit his teeth, pushing himself. The only other time this alarm had played was ages past, back when he had awakened. “Auntie... auntie must be handling this. There’s no way she would let this happen… I need to help her...”
With laboured steps, he could see that he was making slight progress towards the corridor. Shouting, raised voices and the sound of people running. Prisoners… the prisoners were having a jailbreak. Impossible. Trudging forward, he wondered why he was in prisoner blocks in the first place. He stifled a pained groan as his foot hit a stray tile, sending him to the ground in a heap.

His breath left on impact, leaving him gasping for air. His chest burned brighter with pain, like flaming fingers digging into his heart. He felt, no, knew that a few of his ribs were cracked or broken. He pulled his feeble body up into a sitting position, closing his eyes and trying to endure the pain. Cracking open an eye once most of it had passed, his blurry vision scanned the room around him as best it could, noting the amount of devastation it had gone through.

Cracked tiles and pillars, burn marks on most of the walls. One of the walls looked like it dangerously close to collapsing. And the blood. The blood that coated the floor, walls and everything between. As his gaze wandered, a slow drift amongst the shouting, he saw it.

A torn lab coat, parts of it singed and coated with blood, now ragged. A body or what was left of it. Split into two, it had been callously thrown aside, both parts some distance from each other. He squinted, trying to make out who it was and when he did, the pain, the memories, the agony, they came rushing back. Rushing back into Selanus.

He quivered with rage, stricken by his uselessness. Kudzu, the scum, he had torn her apart. Torn Kristina and his life neatly into two halves. His breath hitched in his throat as he crawled over to her, collecting both halves of the body, tears threatening to fall. Sucking in a laboured breath, he looked at his aunt’s lifeless features, burnt as they were, and ran a hand through her hair slowly, tenderly.

Selanus clutched her to his body, ignoring that spike of pain, holding his only relative close to him. Memories of her flowed through his mind, from when she had picked him up, spent her scarce free time with him up till she had sent him on that accursed quest. It was too much, too soon, too many things lost. He closed her lifeless eyes, laying his aunt to rest and he sat there, the world seemingly slow to a crawl as reality, his reality shredded at what was left of his heart. He stifled a gasp as he punched the ground, the torrent of feelings overwhelming him.

And so, he wept. The tears were hot, streaming down his ashen cheeks and dripping onto her lab coat. He cried, all of the sorrows of his life, in this one moment. From the rejection of his kin, his realization of what his powers meant, his solitude in life and Alma’s departure. Now this, this was too much for him to bear. They flowed freely, as if to wash away the blood that had stained his aunts coat but his emotion was not enough, his effort never enough. Until there was no more to give, he stayed like that, a broken man clutching at the fragments of his life, his anchor.
Like the grains of sand in an hourglass, they had slipped through his fingers. No longer.

Through his tears, he spotted the discarded Cerberus and felt despair blossom in him again. He screamed at the world, in all its unfairness, a howl of a wounded animal that reverberated through the prison it now felt like. He forced himself up, the white lance of agony bringing a grimace but nothing else. The dormant spirit, his spirit. Astaroth. She had remained silent but he could feel her presence growing, rising to the front. He could feel the newfound connection. Her strength was his, flowing into his being.

Appearing before him, she fanned her wings, spiritual feathers billowing in an ethereal breeze. The smile on her face was knowing, filled with a sad warmth as she drew closer, bringing Selanus into a tight embrace. Her words were soft, unlike her usual self, and contained no trace of malice or mischievousness. ”I will never leave you, Selanus. Never…” The last word was like a whisper on the wind, fading away quietly.

He accepted her, let her in, feeling her shadows, haughty and cold before, now fill him. They reached into every crack in his heart, filling it with a strange sense of warmth, sureness and a certain strength. She now hovered beside him, now as much a part of him as he, her. Selanus took one last look at the woman in his arms before rising, placing Kristina tenderly on the ground, retrieving his ruined hat in the process.

Astaroth grinned now and she floated along, picking up Cerberus by the barrels and handed it to Selanus. He stared at the gun in question and what it meant to wield it. To pick up the mantle of his aunt, if only temporarily. To make those that would cross him pay. He grasped the handle in a white knuckled grip, holstering the gun as his erstwhile companion gave a brief nod and smile in approval.

He wiped his tears using his sleeve and as he was about to leave, Selanus paused, looking at Kristina’s body. ”Goodbye..” He said faintly and with that, he tore himself from the accursed place, the place where his world had been destroyed. The pain was still there, would always be there and he intended to make those responsible pay.

But he had more important things to do, the klaxon ever present as it wailed. With no warden and the havoc from earlier, the prisoners were running from amok and the guards, hard pressed to deal with them without a commander. He nodded to Astaroth as they turned a corner, making their way to the Warden’s Office, broadcasting a spirit signal using their combined strength. ”All guards of Raskana, this is Selanus Dahlem. Your warden, Kristina, has been murdered and I will be assuming temporary command. We will get this prison break under control.” Raskana had been her pride and his home, and the guards his foster siblings. To see it descend into anarchy grated on him.

Down the corridor, he could see cells unlocked and prisoners running free, with the guards chasing or fleeing from them due to the sheer number. Astaroth licked her lips and propelled herself forward, an unspoken command from Selanus her trigger. She dived into the mob, slashing her blades with glee, but infecting wounds that would maim and not kill. The prisoners fell quickly into groaning heaps and the guards quickly rounded them up.

This process continued a few more times, until finally, they reached her office. He stepped in quickly, Astaroth already way ahead of him as she floated around the room. Kristina had two workshops, one which she showcased certain “inventions” to ranking members of Cursed and another, which she shared only with him. As he crossed the room, her wardens coat and Fenrir, the jagged blade, caught his attention. They were lying on her table, her rushing down in her lab coat meant that her workshop had been left hastily.

Selanus snatched them up and proceeded into the workshop, keying in a set of runes only he and Kristina shared. His aunts secrets would not be disclosed to anyone, ever. The unfinished projects would be hidden by him and no Cursed general or representative would take advantage of them, he intended to keep it that way. With a faint burst of spiritual energy, the doors opened and he stepped inside.

As he walked into Kristina’s workshop he felt the distinct feeling of residual spirit energy. Something he was used to in tinkering with grenades and other weapons. Something felt very wrong about this energy though. It felt almost close to the miasma. A darkness that choked at all it came in contact with. On the table was a skeleton of a small child. A collar was laid next to it, and it was warm to the touch. There were scribbled notes on a paper next to it:

“I have stopped the process right before the final stage in order to record the results. Depending on how long the person resists determines the amount of deterioration and strength of the miasma. While this means harder to control subjects will have increased results. This also makes them unstable and unusable for military use. I will be sticking to more obedient subjects that I can control with ease. Children are the easiest to prepare since their spirits are more malleable than adults. If only I had that child to work with...I primed his body at a very young age. He grew up with that malformation, and became one with it. Think of what I could do with the knowledge it holds! Selanus might be able to bring him back. If so my research will reach heights I never thought possible!”

His shoulders sagged as he read the note. Selanus had known all along that she had conducted questionable experiments, Kristina wouldn’t have become so prominent otherwise. She hadn’t conducted these experiments when he was around, most likely when he was on assignment but to have them staring at him in the face, it hurt. The inhumane scientist, the warm aunt. They were both the same person so yet why...

Wordlessly, he disintegrated the note and collected the various trinkets and projects she had left in the workshop. Once most of it was done, he went back to the collar, careful to avoid the darkness as even Astaroth steered well clear of it. His outstretched hand froze, conflict in his mind as a war was waged. Finally, he came to a realization and snatched the collar as quickly as he could. Kristina had taken all of him in and he would do the same for her.

As he got ready to leave the office and the prisoner alarm shut off, a guard rushed in eager to report to him. “Sir… We have it under control. A good portion of them escaped but the rest are in their cells or dead. The guards that aren’t wounded or dead are still on watch but we’re running ragged.” Selanus nodded, digesting the information before replying. ”Make sure that all our guards who require medical attention are seen to, the fallen shall be buried together in memory. The prisoners, they will require some healing as well but do that after our own are. Finally, retrieve my aunts body, this takes precedence for you. Take someone with you but get it done quickly. That will be all for now.”

The guard nodded his understanding, running out of the office after a quick salute. When he was gone, Selanus heaved a deep sigh and took a seat in his aunts chair. Fingers ran absently on the desk as he looked around the room, sorrowful once again. Astaroth laid a hand on his shoulder before fading, leaving him empty. With nothing else, he closed his eyes and fell into a dreamless slumber.

The next day, last rites were given to the deceased as well as his aunt. Her body was to be buried here where she had fallen together with her men. The prison would run itself, she had ensured that much and Selanus itched to be away, wanting to escape the bad memory. He had a horse already prepared and as much of her projects crammed into a special pack as he could.

A guard came into the office just as he was about to leave, knocking heavily on the door before coming in. “Sir, what happens now?” He fidgeted under Selanus’s intense gaze, yet again reinforced by Astaroth. ”I will be leaving but this letter, send it to Representative Marian. She will know what to do.” Slinging on all his equipment plus Fenrir and Cerberus, he jabbed a hand into Kristina’s coat, where Astaroth’s power seeped into the fabric, corrupting and turning it black. Satisfied, he put it on and the coat felt like it had always been a part of him.

The guard watched quietly, escorting Selanus to the gates as he mounted his horse. The drawbridge was lowered at his signal and he turned around to see that his guard had turned into a small entourage, familiar faces that he had spent many years with. Selanus saluted them and they returned it, and he snapped the reins of his horse. Taking one last look at Raskana, he rode out towards the forest of origin. The prison had always been his home, his fortress but now it had become what always was.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a joint post between: TheClassyGentleman and Cinia “C00l” Pacifica.)

With much poise and grace; Louise landed atop the streets, while the others fell with their faces hitting the solid white road abruptly as the rift opened in the sky. Durran, Kudzu, and Razta stood up, rubbing their faces clean; before they found themselves standing in front of a grand and otherworldly establishment. The building itself seemed to be four-stories tall. It had a particular aristocratic feel as the origination of the architecture was european; made apparent from the overall design and outlook. The manor was of bright white color. If one turned around; they’d see a tall black iron gate, with large walls surrounding the premises, and a fountain just behind the group. Far behind that, was an immensely blue sky. The breeze was pleasing, and held the scent of the ocean.

They stood just before the entrance to her abode. “Welcome to my humble seaside mansion. It was supposed to be a seaside villa, but my company made a surplus profit from its business. Therefore, I’ve decided to go grand and had a full-blown mansion contructed here for my persona leisure,” Louise explained with a smile full of pride. This wasn’t just any ordinary mansion despite how Louise phrased her words; it was definitely beyond the scope of the usual rich men and women in this world, but her companions were unaware of that. “You may not be visible due to the tall walls, but the beach is located just outside.” She then pulled the door open with a creaking noise. There was a wide and long red carpet stretched all the way past the large white staircase that curved to the left. There were many portraits decorating the walls, some of them were golden-framed portraits of Louise, in fact. Many unfamiliar faces were put up as well; both men and women alike. The interior design was elaborate with gold intricate-lines making patterns that one would enjoy appreciating from just viewing alone.

The air of wealth and grandeur danced across the hall – as Louise proceeded inwards to her private mansion, and disappeared leaving the men to explore. The three men walked through the house, they felt more than a little out of place. Kudzu himself was at a loss for words. Looking at the pictures and ritzy decor, the three felt they were in some house from a fairy tale. This is what happened when someone had too much money, and too much free time on their hands.

“How did we end up in a place like this?” asked Razta looking around. Durran took a sip from a tea cup and hummed its praises. “Where did you get tea?!” exclaimed Razta.

“You are too loud, boy,” answered Durran taking yet another satisfying sip. As they reached the end of the hall, there were a set of large glass windows. From there they could see a sea of blue beyond white sands. It was a relaxing view. Something none of these men had been treated to in a long time.

“Avatar, mind giving me and my son a moment to talk?” Asked Kudzu. Durran nodded and headed back into the house to try and find Louise. Razta and Kudzu began walking back for the front door talking as they went.

“You have become quite the warrior,” said Kudzu struggling to find a place to start. Razta kept quiet not knowing how to respond to the man at first.

“Why didn’t you try and find me sooner?” Asked Razta. The two left out the front gates, and began down the path that lead to the beach. The path went under the shadow of the house and stretched out to the white sandy beach. There were people laying out on towels and playing on the beach. There were sets of umbrellas, they wondered what they were even for. These people were nothing like the warriors they knew. They were so happy as if this world were free of conflict. The breeze brought the smell of the ocean in, as the relaxing sounds of ocean did wonders for the soul.

“I thought you were dead son… if I knew, I would have came right away. Even if I had to burn down the world to do it. You have to believe that,” answered Kudzu. “After your mother’s death, I was angry. I blamed the world for everything. I figured I would do the only thing I knew how to do right, and I let myself get lost in it. It kept me from thinking.”

“What brought you back?” Asked Razta looking to Kudzu.

“A woman told me that you were still alive, and well. That was all I had to go on. She told me to begin with Kristina, and I used my resources to delve into her secrets. When she found out she was being watched, she immediately went into covering her tracks. You having escaped years ago surely slowly drove her insane. That was why she searched for you, and brought you to Raskana. That, however, was her downfall,” he said. “The boy who brought you back was frenzied and careless. It was the easiest target I ever had to follow.”

Razta ran his hand over his neck. A scar was sure to form from that collar. “It will take a while to get used to this. But thank you.” answered Razta. “What happened to the woman that stole me?”

“I killed her,” answered Kudzu. “People like that shouldn’t be to continue living.” Razta wondered if everything would be okay now that she was gone, but didn’t keep his hopes up. He would always have to watch out. Suddenly while he was lost in thought he was blindsided, and sent flying before rolling into the sand. Rolling to his feet Razta looked to his father who was removing his gauntlets.

“How could you let some punk like that take you down?” Teased Kudzu. “I’m going to need to train you myself if that is your limit!” Flames appeared on Kudzu’s shoulders as he made his way for Razta. Razta stood up wiping sand from his mouth, and took stance as his body began to heat up. Suddenly his hand lit up as flames lit up his forearm. People began to crowd around from a safe distance.

“Do you think this is some kind of show? They haven’t had island fire performers in quite some time!” Said a man in the crowd.

“Weren’t they banned because of some accident last year?” Asked in response a woman.

“Who cares, this is pretty cool!” Exclaimed another woman who began furiously clapping.

“Oh?” Said Kudzu smiling. Razta looked at his hands surprised. He felt different than before, his spirit was no longer restrained. Focusing on the flame further, a horned halo burned in the air over his head, and flame-like wings blazed near his ankles. Razta could feel Ifrit lending him her power.

Kudzu smirked and let his flames free as they covered the length of his arms, and then in a flash enkindled his back as four flaming arms sprung out. Razta rushed Kudzu running at top speed. Every step he took left a scorched footprint. With a skip, he shot forward as all the fire from the other area’s of Razta’s body went into his right hand. Punching with his right, Kudzu used two hands to stop the punch. He was moved back three yards before he was able to stop. Kudzu was impressed.

Grabbing Razta by the arm, he spun once before throwing Razta towards the water. As he went into the water, steam sprung up into the air. Inside the smoke a orange glow peered out. Dashing out, Razta was once again covered in his flames. The crowd that was spectating began to cheer at the very believable display.

“These effects are top notch!”

“What if this is real? Would could be in danger!”

“What are you some kind of idiot?”

On the balcony that overlooked the beach Durran was watching the fight. He was surprised at how those two could just start brawling in a place with innocent people so close, but he wasn’t poised to stop them either. That was easier said than done.

“May I ask – what you two are doing?” Louise asked.

Kuzdu and Razta peered to the right. People seemed to have moved aside to form a path for her as she approached the two. She placed a hand over her hip. Her jet black bikini shined under the bright sun, it was decorated with a pattern of vivid pink on the top, and two lines of pink for her bottom. Revealing, sexy, and fashionable – for the beach. With her brilliant blonde wavy hair glowing under the radiance of the sun; her beauty was unmatched by the other women on the beach. There were men with red-faces, clearly.

Razta and Kudzu froze in mid-fight. Razta had just deflected a blow to the side and was going for a counter attack. “Looks like I was saved this time,” said Kudzu with a smirk. Turning to Louise, Kudzu whistled.

“Just a bit of sparring,” answered Razta truthfully. People around them began to whisper.

“Sparring? You mean that was real?” Whispered a man.

“I own this beach, and hence shall ban such barbaric activities here – in the public,” Louise declared, then faced the crowd. “Nothing to spectate here – no longer – please return to what you all were doing. Sincerest apologies for any inconveniences caused,” Louise said to the onlookers with a firm and strict expression, before providing a respectable and dignified bow full of her graces. The men and women left accordingly. Some were disappointed, some were annoyed, and some were surprised, others were too spellbound to think straight.

Louise soon approached Razta and Kudzu. “I’d prefer you two to relax instead of firing things up in this world,” she said, placing a palm over her forehead as if a stressful event had just passed. It was definitely risky for her business, that’s for certain.

“But this is relaxing…” answered Kudzu.

“It. Is. Not.” Louise replied immediately with a visible scowl.

“Did you say †˜this world’, Louise?” Asked Durran walking up behind them. “Just where have you taken us?”

“Mnm?” Louise turned to face Durran with an expression of confoundment before fully processing his words in her mind. “Ah, one of the worlds I’ve visited after I – admittedly – fled from Cain. You’ve peered across memories, correct?” Louise stated as if a matter of fact casually, before asking to confirm.

“You sure have a a lot of trust in us,” answered Durran. “What if we ran off, and caused an international incident?”

“Hah. People of this world may lack spirits and magic, but their technology can kill you – regardless of your spiritual prowess – in an instant if they ever try,” Louise stated with a chuckle, as if taking Durran’s words for a mere joke rather than a subtle suggestion of a threat. [color=#ff0088“Ever heard of nuclear warheads?”[/color] She meant to say only †˜warhead’, but added †˜nuclear’ as a joke. She was clearly aware that the use of nuclear warheads were strictly banned across this world.

“I can’t say that I have,” answered Razta. “But this place seems really nice. Why did you come back to our world? Seems like you have it all here already, and the people respect you.”

“I have my connections and achievements to many worlds; this is simply one of them,” Louise begun, with a shrug and a blank look on her face. “I went back to settle my score with Cain, of course. Old scars required treatment eventually. It got boring, too,” Louise elaborated, she could continue to live here, but first she needed to deal with Cain; otherwise she wouldn’t be able to move on. “Speaking of Cain,” Louise then raised her hand, and drew out a certain lustrous ring from her ring-finger, then handed it over to Durran. “You’re to hand this back to Cain,” she said, a hint of melancholy lingered about in her expression. “I am no longer wife; I’ve stopped believing to be his wife centuries ago. It had to happen; considering the events that transpired. This was the last time I wore it. It was preserved in my mansion in a jewelry box.” Louise then wore her sunglasses that reflected its surroundings – to cover her eyes. It was tucked into her hair, above the forehead initially – perhaps to hide a spec of tear that came out after parting with the ring. It brought back unwanted memories – always.

“Alright,” said Durran accepting the ring from Louise. He cringed a little from taking the ring back.

“Well, I didn’t see that one coming,” said Kudzu.

“W-What do you mean Cain’s wife?!” Yelled Razta. “That can’t be right…he is supposed to of not been seen in hundreds of years.”

“Oh. I suppose I forget – that there aren’t many aware of my past life, or my body’s constitution,” Louise smiled as she said so, much to Razta’s surprise. Her head finally clear from having her memories returned – and the curse broken – she was much more relaxed, and was remember the old times now – much more easily. “I was actually †˜old’ by the definition of the commoners and nobles alike when I had first met Cain, you know,” Louise explained, apparently feeling nostalgic – talking about good old times. “Argyreus was a name knew by none at the time,” she begun, as she faced the clear blue sky, picturing how Cain looked back then, her happy face turned more grim soon. “I happened to help him build up the Cursed side. Partially; I am to blame for a lot of the abnormalities that took place in that world – it’s another reason for which I felt the obligation to go back there. It’s my responsibility to deal with them, I suppose,” she stated.

“That is quite the history, then I guess that would make you my queen in a sense? Or should I say old queen?” Answered Kudzu. “After killing their main weapon production I’m sure they will be out for me.”

“We were taught that the elder spirits were passed on through the generations...That means that you simply lived all this time?” said Razta trying to make sense of things. “That is unbelievable.”

“Be proud my boy, you stand with legends,” said Kudzu proudly. “I didn’t think I would see the day an Avatar would defect though,” Kudzu stroked his beard. “Perhaps there is another motive?” Kudzu moved his eyes from Durran to Louise who was still in her rather revealing attire.

Durran simply ignored his comment. “So how long do you plan for us to stay here?” asked Durran looking out to the ocean.

“I want to relax a bit more. How about we leave tomorrow morning? Unless we’re supposedly in a hurry, anyway,” Louise answered casually, giving another shrug. “This world is full of surprises; I don’t think it’d harm to stay just a little longer.” Louise acted like a child who wanted to never leave her wonderland. Who could blame her? She came back from a hellish experience; being forced to reminisce through the worst of her memories. She soon answered Razta, “that I did. And now I have to guide humanity in that world due to my responsibilities… ugh. I hope Cain is able to put me to rest or something in the end. I’m tired of it all,” she grimaced as she confessed. Louise was truly tired with dealing so many things. Sometimes she wished she could rest in peace at last, but she knew deep down; that this was an everlasting job she was given to by Ishtar – she needed to do this. The level of this work was balanced with her enormous fortune and luck, anyway.

”The others must be worried about me,” answered Razta. ”If it’s no trouble, I would like to go back as soon as possible.” As fun as relaxing sounded he wouldn’t feel right knowing that the others were worried.

“Hmm… I’d have to negotiat- err, deal with the church regarding these two, too, I suppose,” Louise said, giving a nod to Razta; apparently coming in agreement, before looking towards Kudzu and Durran. “Maybe I’ll try to have them as my bodyguards?” Louise uttered as she pondered, placing her hand under her chin as she pictured the two in appropriate attires. Their charm may increase exponentially if this is done right…

“We leave in a few hours, then. There are some things I have to do first… like cleaning the dirtied clothes, and the company I own that sells fashionable clothes, too,” Louise said, she had her fair share of work whenever she returned here. Basic words of necessities, anyway.

Razta couldn’t wait that long. If they headed off into danger because of him he would never forgive himself. “Is there anyway you can send just me back to origin?”

“Me as well,” added Kudzu.

“Mnm, unfortunately I cannot send you, Kudzu,” Louise said, shaking her head. “Since there will be a lot of trouble, and I’ll have to resolve, or well, †˜face’, some issues involving the law for you. If I send Razta off now, then that means our trip – where we’ll all return together – will be delayed further, since I have to recover some spiritual energy. Crossing worlds is no little joke – young ones.”

“I’ll have to wait then...” grumbled Kudzu. “I suppose I could stand to explore your world a bit longer. These new clear weapons seem rather interesting.”

“Then, are we all in agreement of Kudzu’s opinion?” Louise asked for a confirmation.

“From what I know about your companions… They are all reckless. This is the best option,” answered Durran. Razta wasn’t sure if that made him feel any better hearing that a former enemy had that much intel on his friends, but if it helped him get home, so be it.

Louise gave a nod. “Come with me back to the mansion. I will not cast a spell in the public,” Louise said as she started walking, she held her black sandals in her hand as she trudged on the sea of sand.
Monster Girl
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