Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby2

Sunrise came early and Katya awoke to Selanus checking over his gun. She was almost ashamed that he had awoken before her, but she didn’t care enough to comment. She slept in her undershirt and pants so she wasn’t worried that they had to share a room either. Both of them knew that this was a purely professional job. Taking a quick bath she changed into a clean set of clothes before returning to the room to get ready.

Selanus lobbed one of his grenades over as she got back, Katya deftly catching the object. "I made a spare for you to practice with, it won't blow up since it's a dummy." He went back to fashioning a trinket, a tooth he had pilfered yesterday being hewn away by his knife in slow strokes.

“Hmph, It was one time. I will not fail again.” she said holding the grenade tightly. The grenade froze over and she dropped it as it shattered into frozen dust. She quickly put on the rest of her clothes, and gathered her belongings. “Are you ready to head out?”

"There's more to it than flooding it with spirit, but that's a start." Selanus shook his head even as he finished crafting, blowing through the bone flute in satisfaction. "I've been ready for ages. Let's go." Katya turned walking out of the room with her things, and Selanus walked out swiftly behind her. As they walked out onto the bridge their horses were brought to them. Selanus had gone ahead and had them prepared. The two warriors hopped on and snapped their reins as their horses galloped off. They opened the gate to let them out, and swiftly closed it behind them.

In a few days time the dry lifeless canyons and desert gave way to grasslands, and soon thick forests and foliage. As they checked the map for landmarks they realized that the Forest of Origin was only a half a day’s ride away. Hopefully everything went to plan and their inside man would be waiting for them.

“Despite the setbacks we made it on time…” said Katya rolling up her map.

"Setbacks? It was a good experience." Selanus's ass was really sore, Katya not stopping for much rest as she rushed to the forest. Now he could barely feel anything at all from his posterior. "I need a massage once we get there, riding for so long is... Ugh... Terrible." He replied, grunting in discomfort.

“Don’t expect one from me.” she answered keeping her eyes forward. “We will reach our destination by the end of the day. You can have your rest then.”

Selanus rolled his eyes in reply, why did it feel like Katya took everything personally. It felt like she needed the massage more, stiff as she was. "I'll get around to it once I meet up with the old man. It's way easier to get around with him anyway."

“You know the contact already?” asked Katya. “That makes things easier I suppose. I have never met him”

"Yeah, I haven't seen him since auntie called me back but he's my mentor. Working in tandem with my spirit has never been easy but he's taught me a few tricks in managing her." Selanus replied with pride apparent.

“Is that so? Well I will see this man’s worth when we meet.” she answered.

"Well, you weren't in the army so you wouldn't know about him I suppose. The man's a legend, though I think he's mellowed somewhat from those times. Just a bit less likely to separate your head from your body is all." Selanus snapped the reins to spur his horse onwards, a sore ass wouldn't set him back from meeting Grigs.

The duo arrived at the first checkpoint before the main village. For a neutral area there sure was a lot of military. A large wooden fence was built in between a row of sturdy oaks. The fence was fashioned with thick long spikes that made climbing it look like suicide.. Selanus realized that his aunt wasn’t joking about Origin being hard to get in to. As he looked around he hoped that they weren’t too early for their rendezvous.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Selanus hoped that the sentries wouldn't ask too many questions regarding the duo.

“You two couldn't look anymore out of place.” said a familiar voice walking up behind them. “Your aunt could have at least sent you two with some more suitable clothes…” A tall man with black hair and a small kept beard on his chin stood next to them in line. Two tonfa were tied to his back, and he wore armor befitting the region. Red and gold cloth with fur tassels decorating it. A layer of fine scale armor was fitted into the set.

“Follow my lead you two.” he said walking ahead of them as their turn came up. The two guards looked at them man then up at Selanus and Katya.

“More refugees Grigore? You building an army or something?” asked a guard. His tone said he was joking, but his eyes seem to accuse.

“If I wanted to that I would have picked up some beasts while I was at it. They are here to work, and do their fair share.” answered Grigore.

“Is that so? Names?” First and last names.” asked the second guard to Selanus and Katya.

“Rurona Van,” answered Katya without batting an eye.

"Argus Valmark." Selanus replied, eager to get this over and done with.

“Can I see some identification?” asked the guard. Katya and Selanus handed over their forged paperwork from Kristina. Praying in their minds that everything went through smoothly. The guard looked over the paper for what seemed like an eternity.

“Alright it checks out.” said the guard placing both papers on a desk next to the checkpoint. Stamping both with a seal before handing them back. “You can go in. Please be on your best behavior,” warned the guard.

Selanus kept the documents, thanking the guards as he followed Grigore past the checkpoint, a wide grin splitting his face once they were far enough away from the guards.

“Glad to see Kristina hasn’t gotten any less cunning.” said Grigore. “Is she doing well?”

Selanus scoffed, “No different from usual. She refuses to take a break, even though she’s pretty much got an iron grip over Raskana. How about you, old man? Liking the life here better?”

“Things are quiet here, and I would like to keep it that way.” answered Grigore. “I hope my days of war are far behind me.” The refugee camp for the cursed wasn’t to far from the main gate. It seemed that the plan was to still keep a bit of separation from the actual city. As Selanus looked he saw that the conditions that they were living in weren’t glamorous, but there was something that he hadn’t seen in a long time. People were legitimately happy.

He turned to Grigore, brows raised. “You seem to be doing a pretty good job of it so far. Not many of our people know what its like to live freely.” At the very least, Selanus was happy that his mentor had found some peace from battle. Living on the battlefield for too long changed a man.

“Thank you, it didn’t come easy.” he answered looking around. “That is why I will not be involved in your plan. I’m sure you understand. From here on you are on your own.”

Katya eyed him up strangely. She knew as good as anyone that what he was doing was against Agresian law. If the king hadn’t already found out, he would soon. After that this was going to be a blood bath.

“You are a brave man Grigore,” responded Katya.

“I don’t want to get you in trouble either, not after all that you’ve done for me.” Selanus folded his arms behind his head, hiding his concern for his teacher. “Has no one come down to try you for leaving the army yet?”

“Not yet, I think I have Kristina to thank for that. But there will come a time when I must deal with it.” answered Grigore. “I will have to deal with it when the time comes. As will all of us who live here.” Grigore walked them to the end of the refugee camp.

“So we are allowed in the main city, but we are watch more closely than anyone. Even the Scion have it easier than us. So go with the mindset that everything you do is watched. Don’t act without thinking, alright?” advised Grigore.

“Sure, it’s not like I’m actually here for trouble… or am I?” Selanus snickered, quashing the thought mercilessly as it popped up. “The city should have places for me to relax and that’s what I’ll do for now. Too many things happening for my liking, I need to loosen up a bit. Know any good places, old man?”

“Well there is always the hot springs, restaurants, and all the other tourists attractions.” answered Grigori. “But I have actually taken up hunting. That’s what relaxes me these days. Why don’t you two take a walk down the main street. I’m sure something will jump out at you.”

“Pfft, tourist attractions.” Looking at his attire, it was far from being a tourist but if Grigore had pointed it out, then maybe he’d play the part. “Alright then. I’ll hit up the main street in a bit, Katya you coming?” Selanus asked her out of politeness, though judging from the past few days, it’d probably be a no.

“It may be better for us to find some more suitable clothes. We stick out like a sore thumb.” answered Katya picking at her collar.

Selanus stared at her for a moment, wondering if she was pulling his leg. “I’ll that up hunting offer of yours later Grigs, it’d be interesting to see what critters you’ve got around these parts, but for now, ciao.”

Grigs waved to the duo as they walked off in the direction of the village. “Sure thing,” replied Grigs with a smirk.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby2

Selanus had never been inside the main city before. Only the small side villages in separate forests. In comparison this place was a metropolis. Of course it didn’t have the tall buildings that the other cities had, but this theme of nature helped to relax you. He saw why a lot of people chose to make this their home. They had arrived rather early in the city so the shops were just opening up. The smells of the first orders of the day filling the air from the food stalls was enough to whet anyone's appetite.

“Oh boy, Grigs is going to be kept a long time cause I’m going to…” Selanus stretched midsentence, working out his sore muscles. “Eat… ah.. as much as I possibly can before heading back.”

“You will get fat,” answered Katya.

“Not if I burn it all off afterwards, which sounds just about right with what we’re actually doing anyway.” Selanus meandered amongst the shops, picking and choosing whatever caught his fancy, offering some to Katya as they walked.

Katya took a few things that looked normal enough, but left all the fried food to Selanus. She hadn’t eaten herself in a while so it was a good enough time as any to get in a meal. As they passed through the shopping district she spotted a clothing store. “This looks as good as any,” said Katya as she looked into the window. Looking around, she tried to take a gauge at the female fashion. †˜Ugh, skirts and dresses...’ she thought as she walked into the store.

Selanus followed in after her, mouth full. He had to look the part of a tourist too, maybe something flashy or special to the forest of Origin. He browsed through what they had on offer but couldn’t come to a decision, walking up to the shopkeeper for some help. “Hi, I’m looking for something me and my partner, any recommendations?”

The shopkeeper looked up and down at Katya closely. Katya almost began to feel uncomfortable. Walking from behind the counter the woman pulled out some measuring tape, and got her three sizes. Of course she didn't say them out loud. “I think I have something that will work for you.” said the woman with a coy smile. She turned to Selanus. “As for you, we have some casual suit i think you will like.” The woman pointed towards the suits before taking Katya to the dressing rooms.

Flipping through the suits, Selanus found a simple but stylish grey blazer. Pairing it with a set of pants, he waited for Katya’s dressing to be done. Looking down at his own clothing, it wasn’t too far off from what he had picked yet the blazer had a distinctive feel to it.

“I don’t know about this…” said Katya. Her voice was easily heard through the store. “It is a bit too...revealing.”

“Nonsense, with skin like yours. You need to show it off.” answered the store clerk. “Go show your friend. I’m sure he will agree.”

“No,” answered Katya simply.

With a playful push the store clerk sent Katya stumbling out of the dressing room. Katya was dressed in a black tube dress with teal lining the top and bottom edges. The dress went to just below her knees, but the boots she had on went slightly over that. The store owner even went through the trouble of putting her hair up in a ponytail with a teal hair tie. As the customers looked at her with awe a blush crept across her face.

Selanus whistled in appreciation, brows raised in genuine surprise. “If no one’s ever told you how good you look, then let me be the first to say you look absolutely fetching in that.” He called out to the shopkeeper and raised the clothes he picked, “I’ll take her outfit along with these, thank you for doing a fabulous job for her.” Turning back to Katya, he couldn’t help but tease her a bit more. “Since we’re all dressed up, let’s show the world what a wondrous couple we are.” He snickered, before heading into the dressing room to change.

“Hey who said I’m going to wear this thing?” said Katya to him as he passed by. But before she knew it they had already paid for their outfits and were walking out of the store. Katya looked down at her outfit and sighed. “This feels so flimsy…” she said.

Selanus said nothing, merely smiling in response as they walked down the street, grimacing as Astaroth made a particularly untoward comment towards Katya. Still, it was refreshing to be on “holiday” for once he thought, as he looked down as his new suit.

“Hey tell your spirit to shut up will ya?” asked Katya. “Its been going off since I met you.”

Selanus shook his head, muttering under his breath. “Now you know what I deal with every waking moment. Be happy she’s just chatting instead of trying other things. I don’t know why she’s in such a talkative mode recently though.” He shrugged lackadaisically, not really caring much about Astaroth’s actions anyway.

“It’s one thing after another huh?” she said sighing. “Let’s just find a place to stay while we are in town. We are ahead of our targets after all.”

“Indeed.” He said, shoulders dropping in agreement. They must’ve looked like an odd couple in the streets, asking random strangers for a good place to stay the night. Selanus bore in mind that he absolutely couldn’t trouble Grigore so this course of action would have been better.

“Well there is an inn not to far from here that has some good rooms. They can be a bit pricey at times though. The advantage is that its closer to main street.” answered a man who was carrying some lumber.

“Sounds good enough to me. it will save time on transit.” answered Katya. Without waiting for Selanus she started towards the inn following the man’s directions.

“Hey wait up!” yelled Selanus following close behind.
The Fall of Arkasia:

Meanwhile in Raltese...

Looking out of the large window in the back of her office Arkasia could see the road that headed towards Origin. She wondered how far Owain was at this point, without obstacles they should at least be half way there. Though she doubted anyone would be that lucky. Still, part of her hoped that Owain would take this time to relax a bit. Despite him being a knight he was still young, and had yet to enjoy his youth. Turning away from the window she decided it wasn’t a good idea to put off her paper work any longer. Just as she got settled in her chair and pulled the first paper off the stack there was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” she called out clearing a path through the papers so she could see who it was once they opened the door. As the door swung open a tall bulky figure came into view. Holding his side, Nero walked across the room towards Arkasia desk.

“Are you sure you should be out of bed just yet?” questioned Arkasia worried. The last thing she needed was him getting even more injured than he already was. She was shorthanded as things were now.

Nero rubbed his side tenderly. “I won’t be seeing any action for a while, but the doctors say that I can at least do this much.” he responded with a happy yet slightly pained smile.

“Well you better enjoy it while you can,” said Arkasia turning back to her papers. “Once the doctors tell me you are set for duty. I’m throwing you right back onto the front lines.” Arkasia flashed him a sincere smile.

“I wouldn’t want you giving me an special treatment now,” answered Nero returning the sentiment. He had come so close to death yet still had it in him for comedy.

“Oh? Have the energy to crack jokes. Maybe you are ready now?” said Arkasia with a twisted smile. Nero waved his hands furiously dismissing this suggestion. That made Arkasia laugh a little.

“So what did you come here for, Sir Nero?” asked Arkasia as she stamped a paper and set it in the †˜completed’ pile.

“I came to tell you than you need a break,” replied Nero. “The doctors told me you haven’t really been out of this room for days. They are more worried about you than me right now.”

“Unavoidable, there is a lot of work to be done. This area was damaged so much in such a short time…” answered Arkasia. Nero sighed and looked at the paperwork piled up on her desk.

“I can see that, but you need to take a break every now and then.” replied Nero.

“I’ll think about it. Is that all?” answered Arkasia.

“I suppose so…” answered Nero.

“Then you are dismissed,” answered Arkasia returning to her work. Nero saluted and turned heading back out the door. Arkasia admired his attempts to get her to relax, but there was simply too much work to consider it. With any luck she would be done with the requests for aid, and emergency supplies by sundown.

A knock at the door had woken her from slumber. Lifted her head of the desk she groaned as she realized she had fallen asleep doing paper work. Looking behind her she saw the sun setting in the distance. She had lost so much time. Standing up she stretched and started towards the door. Another knock echoed from the door, this time more demanding and impatient. Grabbing her sword from the desk she was ready to discipline who ever was behind the door. As she approached it however intuition halted her in her tracks. Eying the door suspiciously she began to draw her blade.

“As cautious as ever,” said a voice from behind the door. The voice sounded familiar to her for some reason, but she couldn’t pinpoint the reason. Suddenly a large force hit the door and cracked the frame. Arkasia ripped her blade from its sheath and dashed forward. Leaping she spun in with an overhead hoping to catch the aggressor off guard. As she cleaved through the weakened door her sword hit something hard and metallic, and moments later a force knocked her back shattering what was left of the door frame.

Flying back Arkasia tapped the ground flipping over her desk and grabbing her second blade. As she landed there was a glint of metal to her left. Leaping up slightly she parried the attack with her drawn blade sending her into a spin. Then using the attackers momentum she smacked him hard with the sheathed blade in the back of the head. This sent the attacker falling forward onto their face.

Arkasia scoffed at the attempt and swung hard with her sheathed blade at the second attacker. The shethe flew out spinning rapidly at them. As the attacker regained their balance they spun smacking the sheath to the right.

Arkasia took this chance to get a look at him. A small slender figure, but masculine. White hair, blue eyes, and a mask that covered his mouth. His armor was simple and focused on being lightweight, favoring simple armor plating over vital areas. Looking back over to the entrance as the dust and debris cleared she saw a orange glow moving through the destroyed doorway. A man with short red hair, and black armor with a red cloth hanging down the back of his legs. He wore a grin as he stared down Arkasia.

“Veldin…” she said narrowing her eyes as her grip on her blades grew tighter.

“Ah so you do remember me!” he said excitedly.

“How could I forget? That annoying face of yours is burned deep into my memory.” answered Arkasia. “If Krieg were going to do this. He should have come himself. Instead of sending his mutts.”

The boy who tried to blindside her before dashed towards her once again, holding his long slender blade behind him. Striking with impressive speed he kept Arkasia occupied. Veldin slowly walked over dragging his sword on the floor. Smacking the desk with the broadside of his sword he sent it splintering against the stone castle walls.

“He has other things to worry about. He leaves the traitors to his dogs.” responded Veldin. “We should be so honored that you ended up in the bowl today.”

“Traitor? Is that how he is playing this?” said Arkasia insulted. Kicking the boy in the back the leg she sent him off balance. As he tried to roll away she pivoted on her heel and kicked him in the jaw. Then with another turn she brought both blades down on him. He was narrowly able to dodge by rolling out of the way as the blades clanked on the marble floor.

As the boy scrambled to his feet he felt something tugged at his ankle. Looking down he saw a chain with a weight at the end wrapped tightly around it. Before he had time to think Arkasia yanked her leg back and dragged him back with the chain. With cold eyes she retracted her arm pointing her blade straight at the boys chest, and thrusted her blade.

“I was talking to you!” yelled Veldin as he stabbed his giant blade in front of the boy protecting him as his sword stopped the blade, and breaking the chain. Arkasia jumped backwards towards the back of the room. Veldin ripped his blade out of the floor and looked at the boy breathing a sigh of relief.

“Man you are still one cold woman,” said Veldin. “This is only a kid yet you were about to kill him!”

Arkasia’s didn’t bat an eye at his stupid comment. The kid had already chose his fate when he drew arms against her. A violent wind whipped around Arkasia, her hair moving around rapidly. Slamming her hilts together she began to spin her blades like a propellor, but unlike last time she spun them in the opposite direction air being sucking into the blades from all directions. The window behind her shattered under the pressure.

Veldin stabbed his massive blade into the ground to anchor himself. The boy crouched behind it using it as cover as well. Once she had a rhythm going she began inching closer to them spinning the blades as they skittered along the floor, and letting the blades carry her forward.

As she drew closer and closer the suction became so strong that it began to pull Veldin’s sword towards her digging a trench in the floor.

“Jeez you sure don’t let up don’t let up do you? Been that way since we used to train together,” yelled Veldin over the roaring winds. Digging his blade in deeper he stilled himself once again.

“Just like then, you are outclassed here,” said Arkasia as she continued her approach.

“Not this time! I have my guardian angel watching out for me. Let's go Signa” answered Veldin. The boy dashed from behind Veldin. Looking at the boy she could see his demeanor had changed. Running on all fours he had gone completely feral. With Arkasias blades dragging him in he closed the distance in the blink of an eye. Then jumping and flipping he flared out his legs. Catching the two blades in the heels of his boots. The bottoms of his boots had a metal plate on them the both her blades had gotten stuck in.

“No way…” she muttered as she tried to free her blades, but the boy spun flinging her blades onto the floor. Veldin ripped his blade out of the ground and leapt in with an overhead slash and smashed her swords into shards. Arkasia was forced to leap back. Sliding to a halt she stared back at the boy still in disbelief. †˜Those movements were too perfect.’

“Your knights aren’t here to help you, and your blades have been stripepd from you. Even your little gimmick chain is broken. Looks like the traitor…” started Veldin. “Is cornered at last!” Signa stood up straight focusing solely on Arkasia for any sudden movements.

You were always a hero in that head of yours,” said Arkasia standing up straight with a smirk.

“I don’t know where you get this confidence from, but this is over. We are taking you into custody.” replied Veldin. “Or we would if you were willing to go.” Veldin gripped his sword tight as its glow intensified.

“You know me so well don’t you?” answered Arkasia. Stepping back towards the window she lept out using her winds to guide her down to a nearby roof. Veldin ran to the windowsill angry. Signa tore passed him launching out the window and sliding down the roof top after her.

Jumping from roof to roof Arkasia used her wind to accelerate, but even with that the boy was catching up. Without her weapons she was limited. As she weighed the options in her head time ran out. Slipping into her blind spot the boy tripped her before kneeing her in the side. This sent her rolling to the edge of the roof. Catching on with one arm she felt the roof tile begin to give way.

The boy walked to the edge of the roof drawing his sword. The calm look in his blue eyes betrayed his actions.

”Please surrender…” he said so quiet she could barely hear him.

Why what?” she asked looking up at him.

“You cannot win,” he stated. ”Traitors must be executed.”

“Then go kill yourself.” answered Arkasia with a chuckle. The boy raised his blade ready to strike. Kicking off the building she spread her arms like wings catching her wind and gliding to a roof on the far side. Landing gracefully she took off running. Gritting his teeth the boy began running to catch up.

Hopping down to lower levels of rooftop she made her way to the city streets. Soldiers were gathered around with weapons drawn. Moments later Signa leapt down taking a crouching combat stance.

“Seize these intruders!” ordered Arkasia. The soldiers didn't move a muscle and turned to Arkasia raising their weapons. Arkasia turned to them and angrily repeated the order.

Veldin walked up behind the soldiers holding his blade on his shoulders. “For suspicion of treason it has been ordered by Queen Leona IV, that you be placed under arrest and questioned for your role in the attack on Masario.” said Veldin holding a document towards Arkasia. Even from that distance she couldn't mistake the queen’s seal.

“But something tells me you aren’t just going to come along quietly.” answered Veldin.

”You know me well,” answered Arkasia. “Amazing how little proof people need nowadays.”

“After Krieg uncovered your little plot. It wasn’t hard to get the order. Getting the High Priestess involved wasn’t your best plan. She wasted no time ratting you out!” Crowds of soldiers began to encircle Arkasia with weapons, ready to do their job.

Arkasia balled her fist shaking in anger. Louise had betrayed her, and took off before Veldin arrived. Krieg has all the ammo he needed. Veldin smiled at Arkasia’s reaction.

†˜Men gathered at the last moment...by Krieg. He made sure to have all of his pawns in position.’ she thought looking around at their faces. Even without her weapons she could take most of them, but no where near all. She assumed that all of these men were Krieg's. Which meant convincing them was a moot point.

“I’ll make it quick. For an old friend.” said Veldin holding his blade in front of him ready to strike Arkasia down.

“Arakasiaaaa!!!” yelled a voice from inside the crowd. Soldiers were flung left and right, under and over as Nero forced his way through the crowd of soldiers. As he broke into the clearing he bared down on Signa who jumped over and behind him. Slashing at his back his blade was reflected by Nero’s adamant flesh. Nero kept rushing towards Arkasia and grabbed her as he ran with his body close to the ground. She was protected by him on all sides. Forcing all but his legs into armor mode he bursted through the other group of the soldier on the opposite side. With the force of a freight train he ran through not letting anything stop his progress. Even Veldin was forced out of the way.

“Do not allow her to leave this city! Kill them! That is a direct order from the queen!” shouted Veldin. The soldiers who could still walk followed in pursuit. As Nero ran out onto the bridge that led to the common district he saw the bridge was guarded by a few small groups.

“Looks like we are a shield without a sword, huh Sir?” said Nero in a pained voice. Arkasia could only move a little in his tight hold. As she moved she felt something wet on her side. The blood from his wound was gushing rapidly.

“You should have left me you idiot!” she yelled. Nero chuckled a trail of blood running down from his mouth.

“I should have done many things Commander,” he responded. As he approached the soldiers he bent down hardening his body once again. Archers primed their arrows and fired trying to slow him down, but they bounced off not even scratching Nero. Like a bull he ripped through their barricades, and smashing through the large wooden door into the common district.

Most of the soldiers at this time were in the royal district, but it wouldn’t take long for them to catch up. Nero pushed his body to its limit, and his vision became hazy. Slamming into the fountain he broke it sending a jet of water far into the air and he tumbled. Regaining his balance he began running for the gate he formed his armor again and smashed through the bottom making a sizable hole. Stumbling outside of Raltese on the steps his arms went limp and he released Arkasia. She rolled down a few stairs painfully before she grabbed a step halting her fall.

As she rose to her feet she looked at Nero. His entire right side was covered in red. He had lost so much blood. Running over to him she slung one of his arms over her shoulder. Nero gave three low growling sound that were supposed to be a laugh.Pushing Arkasia away he sent her stumbling down a few steps.

“That’s it for me,” he said. “Get out of here…”

“I didn’t give you permission to rest soldier!” she yelled.

“Then I’m deserting,” he answered weakly with a smirk. “I’ll hold them off. Disappear into the forest. Don’t let them find you…” Arkasia glared at him through teary eyes, but finally she caved in. Standing up straight she saluted. Nero brought an arm up to his chest.

“For...Arkasia…” he choked out. Standing up he grabbed the edges of the hole he made in the door. “Go…” His body began to harden to the point he could talk no longer. His lungs had no room to expand, and his heart could not beat. He was making this one permanent. Arkasia broke her salute and was about to run to him, try to stop him anyway that she could. But she knew either way he wasn’t long for this world.

“Prepare to fire the cannons. I want that obstacle cleared!” Veldin yelled in the distance. Closing her eyes and shaking in frustration tears streamed down her face. Turning around winds enveloped her fueled by pure emotion. As the cannons fired she took off running faster than she ever had. Nero shattered into pieces under the cannon fire. His body scattering down the stairs, but Arkasia never turned back. She kept pressing forward until she vanished into the sea of trees. Moments later horses chased in after her.

As they closed in on her she slowed to a stop. Turning around she roared as Ao Kuang came into view behind her. A mighty wind blew towards the horsemen. Trees and other foliage were ripped out of the ground. Horses and soldiers alike blown away in the chaos. Before her was a scene of pure destruction. Bloodied corpses smashed or impaled on trees were spread out before her. Ao kuang faded away as her breathing became normal once again.

She felt completely drained, but the path through the forest would take forever to clear. She walked off into the forest holding her arm tenderly. She needed to make some progress before they gave chase again. No where in the divine would shelter her now. Going back to Arkasia was suicide. The last of her allies were on their way to Origin. That was her best chance at this point. Running off into the forest she began her long journey to Origin.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise slowly – but steadily – stretched her eyelids open. Her consciousness returned from the deep slumber she enjoyed, only to discover the sorry fact that she was stuck in a tight embrace by none other than Leona III – her dear friend. It was far tighter than most of the previous hugs this apparently lonely woman gave her; Louise could barely breathe the air in normally. Sometimes, she tends to underestimate the level of anxiety her friends seems to feel for her. Louise sighed, albeit internally.

Oh dear, am I to never leave your side? Please – my dear friend – you know better than this, Louise commented with a sigh, in her mind, of course. Her pupils looked left, then right; pondering what may be a plausible move to make in this predicament. Two obvious and known options were either: teleportation, or a break-through where she’d be in need of showcasing her physical strength, no matter how measly it may be before the tough arms of her friend. Both may result in an eventual hysterical Leona, however. She wasn’t one for waking up a peacefully sleeping person when unbound by duty, too.

Luck and fate however, turned to Louise’s side as she heard a series of knocks on the door from outside. Leona awoke from her slumber from the knocks. As she squirmed her arms and legs about on the bed, Louise grabbed the golden opportunity to slip from Leona’s grasp. Leona pulled herself up; startled, then looked to the door as more knocks were made – the noise rang out into the room. Standing up, Leona straightened out her clothes, and approached the door.

“Yes?” Leona III answered. “Who is it?”

“Lady Margaret has come to speak with the High Priestess,” announced the maid. Leona looked at Louise for her decision.

Louise sighed and shrugged at the same time. “Show her in,” she answered to the maid with a resounding voice, albeit still somewhat groggy from having just awoken; she somehow tried to speak in a befitting her position.

The door was opened, and Margaret entered the room. A serious look on her face told Louise she was here for business. Her daughter who was usually attached at the hip was nowhere to be seen either. She waited for the maid to close the door before she began speaking.

“Just what have you planned with my husband? He has been gathering soldiers like crazy for something. Something big,” Margaret asked with her arms crossed.

“How about you ask said husband regarding this issue?” Louise shrugged yet again. One of the reasons she joined Krieg’s faction is for the purpose of avoiding the internal issues of Masario. Whatever may happen, could just go ahead and happen. It was no longer any of her concern; they’d do their part, and she’d do her’s. “I don’t want to delve too deep into the politics of a city that is clearly – already-in-shambles.”

“I did, and he tells me it is nothing for me to worry about. Obviously, there is something he isn’t telling me,” she answered. “I hate this.” She bit her lip as she looked to Leona who was simply looking over at the two wiping her eyes.

“Oh, don’t mind me,” said Leona yawning. “I’m in the same boat as Margaret.”

“I apologize, but I can’t quite help with the current predicament that you face,” Louise spoke with a tone of disinterest, waving her hand as if to dismiss the topic altogether. “Your husband probably is doing †˜what’s best for the world’ like he claims. Not that I’m fond of this hypocrisy. I am simply unable to bring myself to care about this affair anymore,” Louise said, with every bit of honesty that she possessed deep inside her.

“I see, well I will have to investigate this on my own… I take it you will be returning to your other objective soon?” Asked Margaret. “Your group must be waiting for you.”

“I’ll continue the little †˜journey’. On my own, however, they’re far too disrespectful - to the †˜High Priestess’ - and I cannot ignore that fact, either,” Louise said; displeased. They were literally acting like country bumpkins who weren’t taught how to show optimum level of respect to the higher individuals. She continued, “I’m quite fond of travelling alone, so I’m rather glad that I’ve left them behind,” Louise answered.

Margaret sighed, and gave Louise a tight hug. “Watch your back. Things are changing around here. New faces are replacing the old ones. I don’t like it,” advised Margaret.

Louise sighed, once again. It felt like deja vu; someone told her this, quite recently, at that. “Now, now – there’s nothing to worry about. Time passes, things change, people come and go; this has been a natural occurrence – for centuries, if I may add,” Louise couldn’t possibly protest against the notion of hugging this person, but couldn’t quite resist her so early in the morning; allowing Margaret’s embrace for once.

“Never this fast. Believe me, there is much going on behind the scenes,” she answered. “I’ll have more information for you the next time you visit. So, come see me when you get a chance.”

“Again, I’m not interested!” Louise said, attempting to enlighten her, or rather; remind her. She made a clear frown as she articulated her words. Things change at different rates at different times. That too, is a natural occurrence; only fueled by the actions of man. However, Louise didn’t state her thoughts to this person. There was no reason to continue that conversation any further.

“Fine, fine!” answered Margaret. “I have to go attend to some things. I will see you another time. Stay safe. You too Leona.” Margaret bowed her head slightly before leaving the room.

“What was that about? She seemed so nervous,” commented Leona.

“Leave her be,” Louise shrugged. This was the third time she did so. So many things are out of Louise’s care, nowadays. “It’s about her husband, after all. It may not sound like it; a great wave of change however, is indeed coming as she foresaw. It is up to us how we may reciprocate this,” Louise said, looking into the distant skies out of the window.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

After bidding farewell to Leona, Louise changed to the clothes that made her seem †˜delicious’ apparently – who’d think that Masaki would seriously try to bite the beads off her sandals? Louise warped back to the stables to retrieve her horse with her spell. As she appeared via magic, she was greeted by a familiar figure. The Head Priestess and a few hooded priests; this was slightly unexpected to Louise. she cursed the ears and mouths of many, silently as she pursed her lip. These people of the church were more suspicious than anything. Much like a cult, rather than a simple religious group.

“Good to see that you are well, High Priestess,” she said. Her true expression was hidden behind her bandaged eyes. Louise could only form hypothesis based on the small smile she showed alone – regarding what actual turmoil thrashed about within her mind. “Why are you here by yourself? Did something happen?”

Louise sighed. So the words reached the troublesome bunch – regardless – has it? The guards sure don’t pay me much respects, do they? Or was it the watchful, discreet, and eavesdropping informants they hired? Louise put out her smile for display – it was an expression meant for business, politics – the social life itself – rather than for a simple polite, and courteous greeting. “I could ask the same – why’d those of the church ask? I am here to resume my journey. Of course, I only made return for the sake having a bed to sleep on.”

“We have our duties as you have yours,” answered Rhea. “We are to see that you are safe. Do you require some of the church to assist you?”

“Of course not.” Louise raised her hand, as if to stop Rhea from even thinking such a thing. “Who do you think I am? I can make-do with this small task without assistance,” she answered with her nose sky-high – prideful and apparently, arrogant; fearless. Who’d ask these people for assistance, anyway? She’d rather ask Owain instead, if she could.

“I see, well, do be careful,” answered Rhea. “May the divine spirits guide you.” The group bowed to Louise before walking off back towards the church.

“That I shall be,” said Louise as she gave a curt bow in response to the emphasis of respect she was given. Reciprocating the respect by providing an optimum level of respect in return, was something Louise thought was generally acceptable, unless they’re incompetent. This is what Owain’s group lacked in general; too careful. Too focused to being tight-knit… for exactly what purpose? Nothing important, most lilely. This is the main reason she left them for. Louise soon made way for the stables, once again. Her horse was prepared and ready to ride. Accepting the help of one of the soldiers; she climbed the horse, and held the reigns gently. Holding her wand up – she muttered her usual incantation, and an oval-shaped rift opened beneath them, making the horse slightly bewildered for a moment; teleporting herself and the horse back to where she left off in the forest. She took a moment to analyze her surroundings to make sure it was the right place. Looking down, she saw her tracks from yesterday. She was in luck.

Snapping the reigns; she took off on the path towards the next town, and after that, she would be closer to Origin. Her main objective.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise was able to make good use of her time, now that her horse had its energy back. The steed carried her quite a ways before it started to show signs of depreciating speed. In the distance, she could see what seemed like a town, but as she approached it; she came to the realization that it was devastated already. Louise felt no hint of life in the area. Nor did she witness dead bodies laying around – it was simply a ghost town.

“Another incident similar to the previous village, mn? I wonder,” Louise nonchalantly thought out loud. It may definitely had been raided by the cursed envoys, but she wouldn’t know for sure unless some investigation takes place. Perhaps I should lay in wait and observe, before I move on; just in case.

As she moved through the town – looking for a spot to veil her presence from the possible sight of its destroyers; she caught glimpse of a man. He was dressed in a red and pink yukata, with long red hair tied in a ponytail. Two blades hung on his waist. Though his back was turned, he was sure to have noticed her horse. Yet, he did not turn around to her. He simply stood there as if in a daze.

If the matter called for it – Louise could simply flee with the properties of the World Gate to take her leave. If the matter called for it, she could engage the man. If the matter called for it, she could also attempt to strike up a conversation in order to learn more about the occurrences here. However, Louise’s last choice was least of the wisest ones; she herself admitted so. She felt that she couldn’t approach him carelessly; she was cautious.

“What is it that you want, Louise? Move along,” he said not turning around. His voice was familiar, but deeper compared to who she was thinking of.

His perception is strong indeed – Louise noted. “What is it to you? And what gives you any right to command me?” Louise asked back daringly, not quite moving an inch to even face him. If one would ask her in such a repulsive manner; it’d be Louise’s duty to defy to safeguard her pride. Not that she was blinded by pride itself, it simply helped her take decisions in an otherwise mundane life; mostly for her amusements.

“I am waiting here for someone. If you stay here, I cannot guarantee your safety. Continue along your path, please,” he suggested once more.

Louise’s lips curved into a smile. “If you know who I am, why’d my safety be of any concern to you?” Louise considered logically before questioning back. If he truly understood what magnitude of an existence Louise was, anyway. She hardly knew him, if she thought about it calmly; he only resembled a certain someone, is all. Her safety should never be a concern to a stranger, much less a person hardly a man from Masario, apparently.

Suddenly, Louise felt an enormous cursed presence that wasn’t even noticeable a second ago before. How truly outrageous, such a being should stab his face to death – only then would Louise would not have to claim that there is none more sneakier than she herself. Regardless, she snapped her reins, and her horse lurched forth, allowing her to narrowly evade the apparently perilous move as it approached. Turning her horse, Louise found a rather thin man dressed in an ornate red top. The metalwork was like nothing she had seen in those lands, and below, he wore a white-parted dress that revealed his slender legs dressed in black cloth. He looked at Louise with a wide grin.

“You did good to see me coming,” he said giving a stage bow. The man balled up a fist in his right hand. “To think I almost didn’t see you here either. Your scent is so fragrant.” The man began to walk towards Louise, his steps not making any sound. It was if he was not truly touching the ground.

“Leave her be, we were told not to harm her,” said the man in the yukata.

“Can it Durran, I just want to play with her a bit…”

“Beings similar to Adair, I assume?” Louise narrowed her eyes as she peered into the two, noticing what may truly be the deal behind the recent ordeals, now. The contrast in personality was rather large, if her assumption was correct. Were they manifestations of different facets of his personality? If so, Louise could now put down the pieces to the puzzle with ease, at last. As she pondered for only a moment, before noting that it wasn’t quite her business to care about what he did to himself, she concluded that she only needed to care about what lied before her.

“Adair? Don’t compare me to him. All he knows how to do is talk,” answered the crazed man as his hand began to glow with a red aura.

“Blythe, we have a separate objective. We don’t have time to waste here,” said Durran cutting him off from approaching Louise any further. His hand slowly grazed over his top blade. Blythe continued to walk forward undeterred by his comrade.

“As you wish…” said Durran ripping his first blade from its sheathe. “Please stay behind me Louise,”

Louise sighed. “I’m rather bored. So, I changed my mind. I’d rather continue my journey then engage in a tiresome matter such as this. It’s hardly my business in regards to what he did to himself, anyway,” Louise flicked her wand, opening a portal behind her, she simply parried; jumping into the circular portal she conjured – disappearing from the scene.

From where she warped to, she could circumvent the town, and eventually reach the main road again. She would lose a little time, but it was worth it not to have to deal with that bothersome mess.

It was about an hour of wandering through the forest before she once again found the path. Looking back towards the town she could feel that the two were fighting. The sounds of steel clashing and flashes of light also confirmed this. The slight rumbles caused her horse to get a little nervous, but a hand on the side of its neck steadied the beast. Wanting to continue on her journey she turned the horse and took off towards Origin.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

As she drew close to Origin the tall trees of the forest began to shade the main road. Louise was also relieved that the wind on the plains from before would stop trying to mess up her hair. After traveling through the forest she began to see something up ahead. A cart of some sort, and a man was next to it seemingly fixing a broken wheel. As she approached the man stopped what he was doing, and turned to her removing his hat.

He was an older man, but he was in shape. He wore a black apron with black pants, and a simple white shirt. It was covered in dust or perhaps coal. Louise didn’t really care what it was; it was dirty. Looking at the man’s face she saw a balding head and a full black beard with white stands here and there. As if all the hair moved from the top of his head to his chin. She was so busy staring that she barely heard the man speak.

“Howdy miss,” he said with a slight bow. “Quite a steed you have there.”

“Good day to you,” Louise gave a curt bow with her head in compliance. Not in compliance to the politeness the gentleman showed, but in accordance to her personal policy regarding courtesy. In reply to his latter sentence, she spoke, “and that’s quite a vehicle you have,” albeit, Louise was slightly sarcastic despite holding a respectable tone and manner of speech.

“This old piece of driftwood?” asked the man turning to the broken wagon. “Ya I’ve had it longer than I can remember. Chose a fine time to die on me...Oh where are my manners. The name is Zelis, Zelis Sonnelion.”

“Louise Marguerite, is my name,” Louise gave her name away in return, as any lady would do. She gave a slight bow to signify that she didn’t mind the slight forgetfulness of manners from the man; it was her way of showing forgiveness. “If you’re truly stuck here – why not join me in my steed?”

“That won’t be necessary,” answered Zelis breathing deeply. Both his arms turned black as he reached under the wagon and lifted it. Freeing a hand he slid the new wheel he had to the side and slid it on. That would be only slightly impressive if it weren’t for the fact that the wagon was filled with ore. The wagon had to have weighed a ton or two.

“But seeing as you offered. Some company might be nice. I’ll see if I can get you ahead of line as well.” said Zelis as his arms returned to normal. Walking to the front of his wagon he climbed into the driver seat and grabbed the reigns. Two large bull-like beasts snorted as they got ready to pull the wagon.

“Oh? Ahead of line, you say?” Louise asked back, tilting her head tersely. Was there a line to entry to the Origin? She wondered with curiosity.

“I take it you don’t visit Origin often. On days like this people are returning from material shopping. The line of people coming in can hold up travelers for hours on a good day. The worst I’ve seen is about a half a day wait.” answered Zelis. “Me, I’m a blacksmith by trade, and usually I can call in a favor or two from the guard. They all use my weapons after all.”

“Mn, this I have not as I had expected. I haven’t travelled to the Origin for untold number of years.” Indeed she didn’t. She hadn’t even heard of a line before the entry to Origin. It was news to her ears. “Perhaps that is why I was uninformed of such a problematic issue,” Louise answered. “I’d gladly appreciate the help,” she added with a charming smile.

“Then shall we?” asked Zelis as he snapped his reigns. As Louise rode next to him Zelis couldn’t help, but realize her strange attire. “So any reason you are dressed like that? Doesn’t seem very comfortable for a long ride.”

“Oh my, you shouldn’t inquire regarding a lady’s choice of garments; some of us prefer fancy wears, you know,” Louise said, glancing at the man for only a moment. In truth, Louise’s life was a showtime; she’d never wear something just for †˜comfort’. She wouldn’t wear plain and boring clothes when alone – even at home – either. For her attire; class and style must first come with them.

“I see,” he said with a laugh. “I can’t say we have many of your type out here. Maybe some of those clothes designers in town, but I can’t say they came by my shop often.”

“To be fair, it is rather hard to imagine you receiving fair share of ladies with style in your shop,” Louise honestly stated her opinion, and perhaps her first impression of the gentleman along with the comment. Perhaps female swordswomen would come by? Most would litter, or, um… clad their bodies with armory of steel and wool. Such plebeians were never really treated as †˜ladies’ by Louise.

“Heh, you aren’t wrong, Ms. Marguerite,” answered Zelis. “Most of my customers aren’t exactly the prim and proper type. Back when my son lived with me, however, girls would come to the shop to pester him. I don’t think that boy will settle down anytime soon.”

“Your son was popular among girls?” Louise asked, remembering any scene surrounding Razta… she couldn’t quite imagine it. Is he that handsome? She never quite thought so. To be precise; Louise didn’t see much of – or known much of – Razta, perhaps that could explain her lack of belief to this new information. Then again, what kind of a soldier has time for ladies, other than Owain, anyway? Louise couldn’t quite find anything attractive about Razta, regardless.

“Only a few, but still enough to annoy my other customers.” answered Zelis. “My boy is shy at times. So he needs a bit of a push to do anything. How about you? You have any little tykes at home?”

“Unfortunately – quite a lot of them. One of them is your son, I must admit,” Louise said with her eyes closed for a moment, then looking ahead. So many young knights – so immature, so full of youth, yet so unrestrained… and so mannerless…

“I beg your pardon?” he answered. “What do you mean by that?”

“It means that I know your son, is all,” Louise stated with a straight face as she divulged this important bit of detail.

“Thats a surprise. How is my boy doing? I take it he made it to Masario ok.” said Zelis with a smile across his face. “We heard there was quite a bit of trouble in Masario as of late.”

“I suppose he is doing well. Currently, he is on his way to the Origins under a squad,” Louise said with an expression of disinterest. “Masario was plagued with the invasion of cursed ones, as of late. The situation is mostly under control now, however,” she said, her opinions said otherwise, however. Or well, should be. They’ll never be rid of the countless spies that Masario is full of now. Such a city is so full of holes in its defense.

“He is coming here?” said Zelis very surprised. “What for? I didn’t think the war would come this way. I suppose I should count this as good fortune. The shop is always busy, but I don’t have much family to speak of. It will be good to see him.”

As the two arrived to the back of the line, Zelis looked to the side as a soldier walked up next to him.

“You are in luck today…” whispered the guard. “We can get you into the soldier’s entrance.”

“I need another favor. Please allow the Miss to follow along as well.” requested Zelis. The soldier looked around the cart to Louise. The soldier gave Zelis a sly look.

“Still got it I see? Good for you old man.” taunted the soldier. Zelis gave him a good whack to the head. Kneeling over rubbing his head he pointed to a side road.

“The two of you take that road. Tell them Richard sent ya…” he said trying to rub out the knot that was sure to form from that hit.

“Good news, I got us in,” said Zelis to Louise with a smile.

Like father, like son, I take it? Louise gave only a light smile in response, instead of speaking her mind bluntly as she followed the †˜old man who still has it’ to the other road. It was good fortune to have met this gentleman, regardless. For someone such as her to wait in line… how inexcusable.

As they made their way to the other road, Zelis stroked his beard. “You know, Razta isn’t my real son,” said Zelis. “That boy has no resemblance to me at all. Perhaps he got that gentle flame from me.” Zelis let out a deep laugh. “That boy had a lot of hate in him when I first adopted him. Not for anyone else, but for himself.”

“I see. He hates himself, though? That is rather strange,” said the Louise who is so confident, and loves herself so much, that she can’t possibly imagining hating herself. However, when she though a bit more deeper; she found that the possibility to hate herself was never out of the question.

“He didn’t have the easiest childhood. He was found wandering around out here. Who knows how long he went without food, and decent clothes on his back.” answered Zelis. “It makes me worry less that he has people watching out for him out there. Are you a friend of his perchance?”

“Only slightly acquainted; I do not wish to know the disrespectful members of his squad; so I shall be keeping my distance from now on,” Louise said with an apparent frown that was taken down in an instant, as she remembered what happened. That sorcerer is better off kissing the earth instead of chanting spells. What a terrible man.

“Were you a part of his squad? You sure don’t look like the fighting type...What happened? My boy wasn’t the problem was he?” asked Zelis.

“I was,” Louise gave a nod. “Your son was not, it was mostly a certain sorcerer… I am not fond of the captain, who is of lower rank, addressing me casually, either,” Louise said, making an internal scowl. He felt nothing like a sorcerer – most likely doesn’t know what it means to cast powerful spells – and the captain felt like those sexual harrassing men from the officials who boasts large financial money and power, and makes wrong use of their position behind-the-scenes – despite not holding any real power, Owain was apparently over his head just because he is a captain.

“Aha, you remind me of Woodrun,” said Zelis. “One of the guardians, but I think you are a little more uptight than him. You could stand to liven up a bit, we only live once after all.”

“Pardon, Woodrun?” Louise asked, raising an eyebrow. “Unfortunate – or should I say, fortunately? My life isn’t as short as the others – its full of a lot of things that makes it feel quite long,” Louise said with her eyes closed; refusing to †˜liven up a bit’. “My position also doesn’t quite permit me †˜liven’ things up; that is rather foolish, and pointless to me. I will hold up my principles, that is the least the High Priestess shall do.”

“High Priestess? I hear religion is everything in Masario. Someone of your importance out here all alone? Seems rather risky.” said Zelis. “You must be something else. People are probably worried sick about you. What business did you have in Origin?”

“Not quite; I already informed those in Masario myself, I don’t quite care for the squad, however,” Louise answered nonchalantly. She being out here alone would probably not be much of an issue; having an important position like this also required one to wield great power to attain it. The title of †˜High Priestess’ isn’t just for show. “Well, I have my reasons for my appearance.”

“I see, that is too bad.” said Zelis. Looking ahead he spotted ten guards guarding a gate. They simply looked at Zelis expectantly.

“Richard sent us,” announced Zelis. The guards stepped to the side making room to let Louise and Zelis through. As soon as they rode past the guards returned to formation. Zelis and Louise rode on through the checkpoint until they were let out into the main street.

“And there we are,” said Zelis wiping his brow. “It is always so tense at the checkpoints nowadays.”

“I appreciate the good will; thank you,” Louise gave a curt bow with her head once again, before continuing. “I’m afraid this is where we shall part ways; I have other appointments to attend to,” said Louise, “good luck with your son. Stay well, and good day to you,” the horse galloped as she gently pulled on the reins; separating from the old gentleman.

“Same to you miss,” responded Zelis. “If you catch yourself near my shop on main street. Don’t be afraid to stop by.”
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise rode to the nearby stables and requested a stable for her horse. Albeit in a rather demanding way, they weren’t about to turn down money. After her horse was situated, she walked off to main street in a dignified manner. As she walked down the busy village street something caught her eye. A man with a shining object shined his light past Louise’s eyes once before walking off into the alley he was stalking in.

“Is that it?” Louise whispered to herself. It was definitely faster than she thought. Perhaps they were keeping a keen eye out for her presence, or were observing her all along. Taking notice of the signal; she followed after the figure who carried the lustrous object.

As Louise walked into the alley she noticed two more figures in the shadows, One was cloaked like the one that grabbed her attention. The other was dressed in a blue and gold yukata. All three of them had their faces covered with ornate oriental masks. One a red devil with horns, the second a sheep, and the third a dragon. The devil mask had style blonde hair that came over the mask. He was by appearance the leader of the group.

“Thanks again for accepting our invitation, High Priestess,” said the blonde man. “Let me introduce myself, I am Balan.” He bowed gracefully to Louise as did the other two. “If you are ready we can leave to see †˜him’.”

“Well, you know me – Louise Marguerite,” She said with a curt bow in response to his. “Let’s be off, then,” Louise answered. Balan turned to the wall and reached into his pocket. Pulling out a small stone he touched it to the wall’s surface. A ring of runes glowed slightly before fading. The wall split open revealing a torchlit passage.

“After you,” said Balan allowing Louise to pass him and enter. Stepping through he waited for his companions to step through before raising the stone towards the open hole. It snapped shut in an instant.

Taking the torch from the wall Balan stepped out front to lead Louise and the others. He kept a pace that was easy for Louise to follow. The place was designed to be a maze after all. Formed by his master’s paranoia. It was very easy to get lost in there. Even people that knew the way sometimes found themselves confused at times.

“So how was the ride here?” asked Balan.

“The worst – as terrible as it could get,” Louise replied.

“Did you run into trouble?” asked Balan.

“I couldn’t stand the disrespect from the squad that was supposed to †˜escort’ me, so I left them,” Louise answered. “Traveling solo isn’t so bad, but it is troublesome at times.”

“Aha, that makes more sense. It sure saved me the trouble of separating you from your group here in the city,” answered Balan. “I’m sure these two were disappointed.” The two cloaked figures behind her made no comment, and simply kept moving. It was unsure what made them so calm, but their presence could barely be sensed. Balan on the other hand stood out with appearance and personality.

“Well, I suppose it works as a consolation for me,” Louise shrugged, following after Balan.

“Alright we are here,” said Balan stopping at a dead end. Raising the same stone from before the door opened just like the previous secret entrance. Through the door Louise could see a white stone path with water running past the sides. Spirit lanterns lit both sides of the path, and there were a few side walkways that lead to other paths. Louise’s gaze was stuck at the end of the path however, and the large stone door. To either side, two female guards in white kimonos sat completely still. It barely seemed as if they were breathing. Balan extinguished the torch in the water and placed it on a holder on the wall.

“Not much farther now.” said Balan walking towards the large stone door. As he approached the two guards began chanting something as the door began to ease open. As it stood ajar a young looking man in a stone throne sat with his eyes closed. He appeared to be sleeping. He wore white clothes with blue slits. Two thin blue sheer cloth were placed in his hair and sat at either side of his face.

“Master Vejovis, you have a guest,” said Balan as he kneeled before the throne.

“I’d have preferred it if he came instead…” Louise sighed. The High Priestess had to run around the world for this young land? How tedious. “Travelling sure infects me with the feeling of sloth, at times,” feeling somewhat disappointed at the figure she travelled for; Louise walked into the room.

Standing up Vejovis opened his eyes and rested his gaze on Louise. “It must be nice to have an unaging body such as that.” he said walking down the stairs in front of his throne. “Forgive me for my rudeness. I prefer to use other means of contact. I rarely make appearances nowadays. My name is Vejovis Kramer. We have been watching you for quite some time.”

Ignoring his first statement, Louise spoke in return, “Louise Marguerite – it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Louise said, with a graceful curt bow of that of a high-class lady – as always. “I have heard of your peers’ observant eyes – your subordinates sure posses eyes that finds quality quite well.”

“Yes,” he answered. “You don’t do much to remain anonymous. It is as if you are vying for someone’s attention.”

“Who knows,” Louise shrugged, leaving it ambiguous. She didn’t feel any obligation to reveal her personal objectives, after all. What would be a lady be without secrets? “So, what exactly do you wish from me?” She asked, cutting right to the chase. Someone demanding her so much that he went to the trouble of keeping an eye on her, and waiting for the best opportunity to send an invitation.

“I’m sure you are aware that the Scion are losing this war. Even with their †˜victory’ in Raltese. They have fallen far behind the cursed, and far too fast.” he began. “My one true goal is balance. I will do anything to see the Scion brought back into this war. Since you have thrown your support behind Leona.”

“I hope you misunderstand not; my support lies in Leona III, not Leona IV,” Louise abruptly replied, revealing who she has been lending a helping hand to. Her daughter gained her support only because she is her daughter. Nothing more, nothing less. Leona IV is incompetent; through trial and error will she learn. However, Louise hadn’t the time for actual babysitting sessions. “I can’t possibly support an incompetent queen full-heartedly,” she gave an earnest statement to the topic at hand.

“Regardless, your actions have benefited Leona IV in no small way,” answered Vejovis. “But even that has not been enough to change where this war is headed. My eyes in the cursed land are very few now, but the intel I do know says that you have been their main influence. Why is this?”

“Me, their main influence? Do elaborate,” Louise said, raising an eyebrow to the question. If it was what she thinks it is; trouble was soon brewing for her in the horizon. However, she could see the connection leading to their vaguely, especially after considering her conversations with those facets – avatars she had met previously. Blythe even mentioned once that they were asked not to harm her, too. The cursed land sure is surrounded by much questions unanswered.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

“The timing when you returned to when Masario attacked was too perfect,” answered Vejovis. “I think they are testing you. For the most part they have left you alone, but they’re always watching you. I’m sure you have realized this. Your movements are never left unnoticed.”

“Well, Cain has a reason for why he is so desperately attentive,” Louise said, shrugging. That man hardly has anything better to do in whatever state he is in. “I have met some of his… lesser versions, so to speak,” she revealed somewhat casually. “However, my timing of return was purely coincidental, if I may add.”

“You have met with the avatars? When? What did they say?” he asked very interested now.

“Matters pertaining to private uh, matters? I’m afraid I cannot disclose them,” Louise answered. Who’d want to talk about her past with Cain, and how these so-called avatars related them with? That is a story meant not for others to know. The conversations with Adair were particularly mysterious, yet still boring at the end of the day, anyway.

Vejovis thought to himself for a moment, but decided not to question her further about what the conversations were. The simple fact they had talked to her and not attack spoke chapters. “I see, then let us talk about another matter.” he said walking up close to Louise. “How long has Ishtar been like this?”

“Tch,” Louise scowled for once. “I see your eyes aren’t for show,” Louise commented. She lamented such eyes – eyes that can see through states of spirits in spiritual realms. As rare as they may be, they do exist. “For a while now. Not that it is of real hindrance to me.”

“It’s pretty severe. If you don’t deal with this soon it could injure her. May I?” he asked raising his hand.

Injure? Ishtar? That person? Hah, this person underestimates the high and mighty Goddess, Louise raised back her hand, to dismiss his offer. Louise felt the need to make her suffer a bit more – mirth showed in her expression. “No thanks, I don’t need such aid. It is a personal matter between me and her; it’ll be absolved… soon,” the last part was spoken tentatively.

“If you insist,” he answered lowering his hand. “I must say. It has been a while since I have laid eyes on her myself.” As he looked at her in her injured state he felt pity for her. “For now I would ask that you remain in the village. Of course you are free to do as you wish, but things are about to get interesting.”

“You’ve… seen me before?” To this, Louise narrowed her eyes on Vejovis. Just how long ago was that? She wondered.

“A very long time ago, perhaps in a body you might remember. Or might not. I made it an effort to blend in. When people know that you have power. They often try to use you in some way. I am no different, but I hope that my terms will be mutually beneficial to those on my side.”

How despicable, Louise thought. She didn’t like the feeling of having her spirit seen. Someone was graceful and beautiful seen by a recluse such as him? Oh please. It was as if he was seeing through her, despite it not being for real. It was an irritating feeling nonetheless. “So, what is this †˜interesting’ event you were referring to?”

“Just dealing with a few loose ends. It may just be me being over cautious, but I can never be too sure. There is a woman that was charged with protecting the borders of Masario. She is funded almost entirely by one person. A man named Adair. Who we confirmed to be an avatar of Cain. If she is with him. Having her in that position is extremely dangerous. I am having her removed,” answered Vejovis.

“Oh, Adair. I spoke to him a few times,” Louise said, remembering his name. “But.. the woman… she can’t be who I think she is, yes?” Louise said, dropping her frown. Instead, she seemed sad, albeit slightly, anyway. She wouldn’t want to see her in that kind of a pitiful state.

“Arkasia, you know her too don’t you?” answered Vejovis.

“Ugh, so it is her, after all,” Louise replied, having confirmed her fears as she placed her palm over her forehead. “She sure is naive, as I’ve figured.”

“Let’s hope that she went quietly,” answered Vejovis.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

Razta was the last one to take watch. His injuries were healing smoothy, and he was still beyond sore. Looking out into the forest he became lost in thought. He learned what he wanted to know from Adelina, but it only worried him more. Suddenly he felt a hand slap his back hard. Owain was the first to emerge from the cabin that morning.

“Alright Razta?” the Captain said. Owain had not woken up in a particularly good mood, he had barely slept, however he wasn’t going to take it out on his group if he could help it.

“Yes,” he answered gathering air back into his winded lungs. “Were you able to get a proper rest? The watches went without an issue. I guess they cleared out of the area.”

“They must’ve,” Owain replied, purposefully ignoring the question about his own rest, “That worries me more though.”

“Its a shame that the workshop was burnt before we could check it out, but atleast we were able to save the villagers.” answered Razta. “We will have to take solace in that.”

As the two contemplated on past events, their attention shifted to some rustling in the forest nearby. They readied themselves, hands on the hilts of their blades, prepared for the worst but were pleasantly surprised to discover it was Anastas. He had in his hand a bundle of dead rabbits which he had been hunting during the past hour. They relaxed their stance as he nonchalantly walked towards them, giving a short nod.

”Good morning all.” He said somewhat indifferently before raising the bundle of rabbits over to Razta, ”Help me prepare these for breakfast, would you?” Razta’s and Owain’s stomachs growled at the same time. They shared a laugh as they walked up to Anastas.

“I had no idea I was this hungry.” said Razta pulling out his knife as they sat the rabbits on a small table on the porch. Skinning a few rabbits he was reminded of his house back in origin. Owain simply looked on as the two worked. His hands weren’t made for the delicate work, and he would end up messing up the meal.

“How long do these take to cook?” said Owain almost drooling.

Anastas smirked at his expression, gutting a rabbit as he did so. ”Depends on how we cook them. I reckon we just grill them by the fire, a little charred but fairly quick.” He looked over to Razta who was just finishing off another rabbit and nudged as to get his attention. ”So what’s going on with you and Adelina? I may not know much about relationships but I at least can spot a person in love.”

“I don’t know if either of us are calling it “love” yet. but I do care for her.” answered Razta blushing slightly. “Have you ever been in love? How can you tell?”

Anastas finished off his last rabbit, throwing it into the bowl with the rest. ”It’s the way you look at her. Definitely a warm one, very caring and as if longing for something.” He sighed and looked up to the rising dawn, [color=#9d0a0a0]”I’ve had that same look as well, believe it or not. After I lost my home, there was a girl who helped me back up. She wasn’t that social but she was an outstanding woman and I love her for that.”[/color]

He smiled nostalgically but it ended up as a sombre frown, ”Though I don’t reckon she liked me that much. She would always be staring daggers at me whenever I saw her and she’d follow me around town as if to make sure I didn’t cause trouble. He chuckled.

”Heh, still I guess that was also a part of her charm for me.” He sighed once more before standing up. ”Well, I’m going to go collect some sticks for firewood. Let me just say this; don’t let her go.” He gave Razta a grin and walked off into the forest once more.

“You’re a lucky bastard, you know that right?” Owain asked hitting Razta on the top of his head.

“Y-yes?!” answered Razta rubbing the back of his head. “I owe it all to you captain. That stunt you pulled at camp a long time ago. Though it didn’t go as I expected in the end she did say yes…”

“Huh…?” Owain looked bemused, he had just been messing around, to be thanked for something he wasn’t cognating as something worthy of such took him aback, “You’re… welcome I guess, damn am I jealous though, you jammy git,” Owain said hitting Razta again.

“Why? you get ladies all the time. We had to drag you ou-” began Razta before the door to the cabin flew open. Adelina and Ari walked out and looked to Owain and Razta.

“Drag him out of where?” asked Adelina.

“Nowhere,” answered Razta turning to start seasoning the rabbits with what Anastas had laid out on the table.

“Morning Captain,” said Adelina laughing at Razta. Adelina was being exceptionally laid back that morning. Perhaps it was after her somewhat near death experience.

“Morning Adelina,” Owain waved his hand, “Sleep okay?”

“As well as can be expected after a night like that.” she answered. “At least we didn’t have to sleep in one of those destroyed houses. Even we cleaned the rooms the scent of blood would have been nauseating.”

“When you’ve been in as many fights as me, you get used to sleeping with the smell of blood, although honestly it’s mostly your own,” Owain laughed.

”I have been hunting most of my life. So I can’t say I have seen combat much. The smell of blood is something that I became accustomed to however.”

“Still not something that I want to smell while I’m trying to get some rest.” said Ari stretching. “We are lucky the villagers has something like this. I wonder what the High Priestess did…”

Owain groaned, “Don’t even mention her, I don’t want to think about the shouting at I’ll get for letting her out of my sight,” he sighed, “Damn that stuck up priestess,” he mumbled under his breath.

“You may blame me for that if you wish.” said Reymond walking out of the cabin. “I believe I am the one that set her off.”

“Nah don’t worry about it,” Owain said smiling, “I’m used to being told off by Arkasia, I’d rather save you the experience… it’s not pleasant.”

“So I’ve heard” answered Reymond. “Still if the fault is mine. It should be me who is punished. Luckily we won’t be back at Raltese for some time. I have time to ready my body for it.” Reymond let out a small chuckle. Razta moved the food over to Anastas who had at this point prepared the fire for cooking.

Owain smiled slightly, but the thought of his subordinate going through what he had unnerved him. He turned to Ari, “How did you sleep, Ari?”

“Like a rock.” she answered. “I was more tired than I thought I would be. Last night was stressful.”

“Are you tense? Need me to give you a massage?” Owain said making groping motions in the air.

“Can you ever stop thinking like a pervert Captain.” Ari said angrily as she saw how Owain moved his hand.

“Come on don’t be like that. It is just a massage.” said Owain still making the motions. “I know that when I’m sore its the only thing that works on these muscles.”

Masaki approached the cabin, sweating heavily. ”Oh, you guys are awake I see.” said Masaki as he walked up on the scene. He wasn’t sure want to make of what Owain was doing and opted to walk over to where the food was being prepared.

“What is going on over there?” asked Masaki with a confused look on his face.

“Don’t ask.” answered Anastas as he stripped a few sticks with his knife to cook the rabbits with.

“You can massage someone else if you want come anywhere near me those hands of yours will be on the ground.”

Owain stopped his hands and sighed. “You need to loosen up. You can’t be at work all the time.” said Owain with a laugh.

“Maybe once you stop being a pervert. Hmph”

“C’mon Ari, you’re the only one who thinks I’m a pervert, right guys?” Owain asked confidently.Masaki chuckled lightly after hearing what his superior said.

“I wouldn’t label you a pervert, but more of a connoisseur of women.” answered Reymond chuckling. Adelina sighed and walked over to where Razta was finishing up the rabbits. She leaned against the table looking at Owain.

“You simply need to tone it down a little. You're going to scare poor Ari away.” answered Adelina.

“Eh?” Owain protested, “You don’t mind me, right Ari?”

“I do mind!? Why do you think we are always fighting?” she exclaimed.

While the two were arguing Razta and Anastas were able to finish cooking breakfast. Separating the food into even portions. They loaded them onto sharp sticks that they handed to the group. Razta walked over to Owain and Ari, handing them their two rabbits on a stick..

“It’s too early in the morning for this.” Razta said laughing at him and Ari. Ari snatched her rabbit and stormed off eating it.

Owain sighed thanking Razta for the rabbit, “She gets so worked up over nothing,” Owain said sadly, as he bit into the rabbit tearing off strips with his teeth, barely chewing it before swallowing.

“That is simply the way that women work, captain.” answered Reymond before biting into his breakfast. “This is quite good. Anastas good job scrounging up a meal.”

Anastas gave a nod, ”That’s alright, need to start the day with good food after all.” He sat on the grass, gazing at the forest landscape, before remembering something. Raising his head at the thought, he turned back to Reymond. ”Just remembered Reymond, do you mind teaching me a bit about magic? That incident with the grimoire made me realize I know literally nothing when it comes to magical items.”

“I would be happy to, the more you all know the better you can protect yourselves.” answered Reymond. He pulled out his book, and handed it to Anastas. As Anastas held the book he felt nothing at first, but a few moments later he felt something like a spirit surge up his arm, and he released it. Reymond who expected this caught the book mid fall.

“Some runes have the ability to connect with one’s spirit.” said Reymond. “This is typically something required in any good Grimoire. Of course there can be effects of runes you aren’t ready for. So you should never touch one without knowing what it is unless you have high spiritual resistance.” Reymond held his book open as the pages began turning through rapidly before setting on a page.

“Woah I always wondered how you do that!” said Masaki poking the book.

“When I grasp my Grimoire my spirit connects with it. I can manipulate it in any way I choose, and draw power from the runes inside of it. I am able to cast without it, but it allows better focus.” answered Reymond.

”That’s so cool.” Masaki said. And before you ask, I cannot do that, Masaki. TouTetsuOh added. Goddamnit I haven’t even asked you yet! Masaki pondered.

Anastas observed intently, curious and somewhat amazed. ”You said there are effects that we aren’t prepared for. What would’ve been the worst from holding that grimoire from before?”

“The worst I have seen...is someone’s spirit injured to the point the person could no longer use their spirit.” answered Reymond.

”Basically they got eaten by their own spirit, yes? Leaving an empty lifeless body.”

“Not quite. They were turned into a spiritless. The same as our ancestors long before the great war.” answered Reymond. He felt like a history teacher at this point, but it felt sort of fun at the same time.

Anastas had a grim expression, ”We had cases like those back home, men who had lost their spirits. They never become the same afterwards.” He fell silent at the thought of that happening to himself and Demyan.

“Even though you can easily go on living. It is like losing any other part of yourself. It takes time to come to terms with, and other times you never accept it.” answered Reymond thinking back on his own personal losses.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Bagman.

Owain was getting restless just waiting around, with the high priestess missing and this mission being almost purely for Owain’s sake he felt they should get it over quickly. He had been ready to move for a while now and he was thinking it was about time everyone else was as well.

“You lot, get ready to move out in an hour or I’m leaving you behind,” he ordered to his unit crankily.

At this point the group had finished their meal, and were just sitting around chatting about one topic or another. Though they enjoyed their time there, they were all ready to move on. The events of the day before would not be leaving any of them soon.

“Yes captain!” answered the group in relative unison. They packed up their supplies, and readied the horsed. As soon as they were all set to go, Nora and her father greeted them. She had pushed her father in a wheelchair to meet them.

“I take it you will be leaving now?” asked Nora’s father looking to Owain.

“Yes,” Owain replied, “Is there anything you’d like me to do for you before we go?”

“No, we will be alright here. You and your group have done more than for us. You have your own things to worry about. We simply wanted to see you off. Especially Nora.” answered the old man. Nora blushed.

“Please have a safe journey.” said Nora with a smile.

Owain smiled, “Make sure you stay safe as well,” he said.

The group reared their horses and made their way back to the main road. Following the pace of Owain who took point, they sped off at a moderate pace towards the next town. They could only hope that it would be in better shape, but no one was getting their hopes up.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

As the group galloped through the forest Razta noticed that there were tracks ahead of them. They were no doubt Louise’s. That brought some bit of comfort to Razta who was worried about her riding off at night. As long as those tracks persisted it meant that Louise was most likely in good health.

“These must be the High Priestess’” said Masaki looking to the ground at the tracks.

“She better not get herself killed,” Owain said irritably, “I just know I’ll get the blame.” Owain spurred his horse on, determined to make good time to the next town. Adelina looked at the tracks on the ground intently for a moment before looking forward again. Razta who was looking at her for a moment snapped his gaze back to the front as well.

“We should be at the next town shortly.” said Anastas. “From the tracks she was not in any danger. Save your worries for when we see signs of trouble.”

“The High Priestess is a capable woman. I’m sure we have little to worry about. She could easily handle an ambush from the cult members in the area. Especially if they are the same that were in that town. That monster made short work of their numbers.” answered Reymond.

Ari remembered that her sister was now one of those cult members. There was a chance that...she might have been in that group. Shaking the thought from her head she fought back tears. She had already thought her sister dead, but now she wouldn’t stop until she saw her again.

The group kept a good pace on the forest path, and as the sun began to set they found the town was seeable in the distance. Louise’s tracks also persisted going towards the town. As the group rode into town the found that the place was demolished, and it was empty. Not a single sign that there was ever life there. It was as if the people simply vanished.

“What the hell happened here?” said Razta as he looked around. The group stayed in formation as they continued through the empty streets.

“The high priestess’ tracks end here…” said Masaki solemnly.

“I’m sure she’s fine,” Owain said, wanting to wipe his hands clean of the priestess. He hopped down from his horse and surveyed the area. What exactly had happened here?

“Masaki, you’re with me, the rest of you fan out and investigate,” he ordered to the group. He was on edge now, this was the second town in a row that had been leveled and with his own village so close he began to fear what had happened here might have happened there.

”Yes sir.” Masaki followed his leader while looking around for clues on where the priestess ran off to.

Razta hopped off his horse and tied it up. Reymond, and Adelina tied their horses up next to his.

“I will stay, and watch the horses. We got lucky last time, but if we lose these horses we are in some serious trouble.” said Reymond. Adelina patted him on the back.

“Way to just be lazy.” Adelina commented. “Alright then me and Razta will take a look around. Stay safe.”

“As always” said Reymond leaning against a wall near the horses.

Razta took a look around the city. This village was bigger and a bit more advanced than the last one, but it still fell to the same fate. However, unlike the last village this one was picked clean. There were no blood stains or signs of a struggle either. It was as if everyone just got up and left. The stone and wooden buildings were built sturdy, but what ever did this had no problem leveling them. The way they were destroyed made it seem the work of something monstrous.

As the two walked through the village they came across what looked like a long trench. But it was too perfect to have been done with a shovel, and when you followed the line it arched to a building that had also been cut in half with the same clean cut.

”Okay. . .Someone or something did this massive cleave.” Masaki said as he crouched down and traced his hand on the trench. The cut was so smooth that the dirt didn’t even move as he traced his fingers over it.

“You sure can be smart when you feel like it, Masaki,” Owain chuckled, having reached the same conclusion a few seconds before.

Masaki smiled and said, ”When it comes to field work, I’m your guy Sir.” He stood back up and cleaned his hands. ”It’s clearly a shockwave, and it came from over there, sir.” Masaki pointed at the other side of the cleaved house.

Owain walked to where Masaki had pointed out, hoping for a clue or indication of what had happened. Walking over to where the start of the trench a glint of steel caught his eye. Crouching he picked it up to examine it. It was the tip of a katana, and it looked like it was sliced right off the sword by whatever made the trench.

Owain pocketed the piece of blade. Whatever had cleaved this area was extremely powerful. Owain wondered if it was still here.

The two walked into an inn that was the least damaged on the street they were investigating. The inside of the place wasn’t that damaged aside from a few splintered barstools and tables.

“This is strange. You think there would be sign of a panic. This looks like they were setting up to play a few games of cards.” said Adelina walking over to a table. In fact there were cards laid out as if four people were playing. “I don’t like this, but if the whole village is like this we might as well leave it to the follow up team.”

“Ugh we are wasting our time here. This place is completely empty. Lets just gather what supplies we can and head back to the group.” said Razta heading for the exit of the inn. “If anything we will remember this inn. It’s probably the least damaged one in town.”

Anastas headed down an alley way following a faint scent of something that seemed out of place. It was a perfume that he had only smelled once before in his time in the cursed lands. Tracing the scent to behind a nearby barrel he lifted a soft white cloth that had been cut. Most likely from some sort of dress if his guess was right.

“Look at this.” said Anastas turning to Ari.

”You think this could belong to the High Priestess?” Ari asked as she saw the white cloth Anastas pointed at.

“Maybe, but I don’t think she would ever wear this type of perfume. Perhaps she was in a fight with someone wearing this perfume. It is only made in the cursed lands.” he answered.

”Well then you think you can trace where they might have gone too?”

“Sadly the trail ends here…” answered Anastas, somewhat disappointed. “We should head back to the group and see if they found anything worthwhile.”

The group gathered back in the center of town with their findings. Anastas with his unique piece of cloth, and Owain with the sword piece he found. Sadly Razta and Adelina returned empty handed. They also searched every house, and shop for any signs of life. The town was completely deserted.

“What is that you found, captain?” asked Razta looking at him fumble around with a metal piece in his hand.

“A piece of a sword it seems, Cleanly cut as well,” Owain said, turning the blade tip around in his fingers.

“Perhaps it is what cut this?” said Anastas bringing forth the cloth he found. The perfume still hanging thickly in the air. “Who ever wore this uses way too much of this stuff.”

Masaki took a whiff of the cloth, and backed up. “Yes way too much!” he commented.

Owain could smell the perfume in the air, with more subtlety it might be a really nice scent however this was laid on thickly.

“I’m pretty sure this wasn’t something the high priestess was wearing. So I think we can assume she got out ok. Knowing her she warped right out of here. But we can track her no longer. We will have to hope she isn’t lost.”

“There doesn’t appear to be much we can do here…” Owain said sadly.

“The follow up team will do a more detailed search.” said Adelina. “Should we move on?”

“One more search before we go,” Owain said, “Don’t want the follow up team to think we’re being lazy.”

“Same teams?” asked Ari.

“I don’t see why not,” Owain agreed.
Owain and Masaki took another tour around town trying to dig up anything else they could about the place, besides what they found before they noticed nothing else. Owain was slightly disappointed that they found nothing else, however he hadn’t expected to find much.

“Shall we go back to meet with the others?” asked Masaki not finding much himself.

Owain sighed, “I guess…” he said wishing he had found something, and hoping the others had at least.

Razta and Adelina decided to check a different shop this time. Their goal being to find some sort of records. This way they can find out when this place was hit. A restaurant came into view. The sign was splintered into pieces and the front was damaged, but they had enough room to get into the establishment at least.

Razta began scrounging around the broken tables as Adelina went behind the counters to the bar. As she went through things she pulled out a book that read “receipts”.

“I think I found something Razta.” said Adelina as she began flipping through the book. Somewhere in
the middle she found the most recent entry. “This is dated three days ago.”

“So this happened around the same time that the previous place was attacked?” answered Razta. “Things seemed to go wrong at the last location. Maybe this is is how it was supposed to go?”

“Perhaps, but still you think that we would see more damage. Maybe blood stains or something that signals a sign of struggle.” answered Adelina. “But there is nothing. At least with this we have a time frame.”

“Let’s report this back to Owain.” said Razta.

Ari took the lead this time using her powers to locate differences in the dirt. For some reason she was taken to the trench that Owain found earlier. As she placed a hand on the ground she felt something very off about the cut. It was still digging deeper into the earth slowly, but surely it was still cutting. She had no idea though what could have this kind of effect.

“What is it?” asked Anastas crouching next to Ari.

“The ground here is still slowly being cut,” answered Ari. “Such a persistent attack…”

“This was done recently. If the attack is still having an effect. Than either someone is around prolonging the effect, or it had to have happened very recently.” said Reymond who had wandered over. The horses were still within view so he figured he’d do a little searching himself in the area around them.

Crouching on the other side of Ari he coated his hand in spiritual energy before reaching deep into the crevasse. As he hand touched the lowest part Reymond yanked his hand back. “I have never seen a wind spirit used this way before.” said Reymond. “Its whirling so fast and thin that it is shredding like a blade, but this was made by no sword.”

Owain spotted Reymond crouched over the trench, having made his way back to the meeting place.

“What’s up, Reymond?” he asked, eager for any clues he could write in his eventual report.

“This wasn’t made with a sword. Its the most masterful level of a wind spirit I have seen.” answered Reymond. “I don’t think it has to do with the mysterious disappearance…” Reymond looked at his finger. “This would have left some interesting wounds. Blood would have been turned to mist, but we would still see it. My guess is that this battle took place after the disappearances, and very recently. Its safe to assume that the high priestess was involved.”

“Anyway to tell where she went to?” asked Ari.

“No sadly,” answered Reymond.

Owain sighed. He had been doing that a lot lately, this war was making his life more stressful than he would have liked.

“I’m not surprised she managed to get herself into some kind of trouble,” Owain said, “Well now we know that this doesn’t have anything to do with the disappearances, which is a start I suppose.” Owain crouched down next to Reymond to see the effects of the spirit first hand. Sure enough he could feel the wind distorting even still.

He jumped up suddenly, “Welp it doesn’t make sense to hang on around here, all the fun has already happened and unless the other group has had a breakthrough, I don’t see us figuring out what happened to the people here, I can only hope that they are safe,” he said.

Razta and Adelina walked up looking at the party examining the trench again. Looking to Owain Adelina handing him a small book. “These receipts say that this place was busy just a few days ago.” said Adelina as she waited for Owain to look through the book himself.

“Hrmm,” Owain mused, leafing through the book, “I still can’t believe we can’t find a trace of anyone if they were here so recently,” said Owain, a look of annoyance on his face. “We’re not going to be able to solve this one, we’re not the mystery crew or whatever, ” Owain said, sadly.

“We will have to hope we find her tracks again ahead.” said Masaki.

Disappointed, the group mounted their horses once again. Taking one more look around the town as they rode through. As they reached the edge of town they sped up taking off for the final stretch towards the Forest of Origin. To everyone’s relief they picked up on Louise’s tracks a little ways down the path.

“Looks like we had little to worry about, and it is only one set of tracks. Hopefully that means she wasn’t followed.” said Anastas.

”That’s good though lets hope we can catch up with her. ”

Owain said nothing. He was done with the priestess. While he hoped she was ok, some part of him silently wished she had learned a lesson or two from whoever that wind spirit user was.

“We aren’t far from the forest. I say maybe a day and a half at the most.” answered Razta as the surroundings became more and more familiar to him. He was glad to see his homeland again, but the fact that all this was only a short trek away from home made him feel slightly uncomfortable. There was something else also gnawing at him, and he couldn’t help but stare at Adelina.

Adelina noticed him eying her up, but snapped her focus forward seemingly ignoring him. “Hopefully everything is made clear when we reach Origin.” said Adelina.
((This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.))

A full day of riding, and a stressful camp later they could finally see the forests in the distance. Those tall trees had become a relief for merchants all over the world. Among the other things Origin was known for, it was most often sought for its marketplace. This was also made evident by the line of caravans that came into view as they reached the edge of the forest. Since they didn’t have any official reason to be there, it would seem that they would need to wait out the line just like everyone else.

“We will lose a few hours here.” said Razta with a laugh.

Owain frowned, regretting not asking Arkasia for some kind of identification.

“It’s looking that way,” Owain said, “Nice for a change of pace I guess,” he laughed.

“You or Masaki cannot get us past this line?” asked Ari looking to Razta.

“No ma’am, when we said we were joining the military we pretty much became outsiders. Those perks are gone.” answered Razta. Anastas sighed as he tried to look ahead to how far the line went.

“I guess we have no choice, but to wait it out.” said Anastas.

Suddenly from the corner of his eye Anastas caught a red hood and cloak. For such a bright color he himself didn’t pick up on it until the figure was right next to the group.

“May I ask your reason for coming here? With an armed group like this?” asked the figure. The voice was obviously feminine, and no one would ever think it was dangerous.

“Personal leave from the Scion military. I’m here to buy, and see an old friend,” Owain said smiling at the figure.

“Oh? And what friend would that be, knight?” answered the figure.

“Friend of mine called Leon,” Owain said, “He’s a damned good engineer.”

“Oh, the hermit…” replied the woman sounding somewhat disappointed. “Please enjoy your stay, Owain.” The figure sped off before Owain could say anything to her and vanished into the crowded forest.

“I never told her my name…” Owain said confused, “Great, another mysterious person, they’re really crawling out of the woodwork now .”

“You know guardian Morgan?” asked Razta. “How often do you come to Origin?”

Owain twitched, before spinning around and grabbing Razta by the shoulders. “Did you say Morgan?!” Owain half asked, half exclaimed in surprise.

“Y-yes, she is the youngest guardian in history. Most of the town knows who she is,” answered Razta. “She only came to town in the past two years.”

Owain’s mouth could only open and close in shock at the news, before bursting out in laughter, completely relieved.

“Are you ok captain?” asked Reymond riding his horse up close to the two. Ari cast him a curious look not sure why the captain so suddenly burst out in laughter. She was curious to know as well.

Owain suddenly felt something warm trickle down his face, tears? He was crying. “Sorry it’s just,” he gulped, wiping the tears away, “It’s just, if that really is Morgan, I’m so happy.”

“Meeting her maybe he easier said then done. She has responsibilities all over Origin, but if we are lucky perhaps you will run into her at the elder’s house.” answered Razta. “I’ll show once we get past this mess…”

Owain sniffed, regaining composure. “Thanks,” he beamed, feeling happier than he had for a long time.

“It’s weird seeing you like this captain,” commented Adelina. “I have to say, it is a welcome change.”

“Don’t tell anyone though,” he laughed.

“Your secret is safe with us captain,” answered Razta with a smile.

Just as Razta had said earlier it was a few hours before they reached the front of the line. By that time they were tired and hungry. The guard looked over their number, and his eyes rested mostly on Razta. The second guard present began writing down something on a clipboard. Their armor was brown leather armor with metal plates over the vital point. They wore hoods with metal masks. Protecting their identities.

“Names, Identification, and reason for stay,” said the guard who was writing. The group introduced themselves and handed over their standard papers. All of course had the same reason for staying.

“Ah Sonnelion and Arkwon, welcome back.” said the guard. “I’m sure your father will be pleased to see you Razta.”

“I planned to spend a day with him while we are here,” answered Razta.

“I’m sure he will appreciate it.” said Adelina. “Haven’t seen my folks in a long time.”

“Alright all of you check out. After a weapon check you will be allowed in.” said the first guard. They all laid out their swords and combat items out on a table while another guard scrutinized them. When his eyes laid on Reymond’s two grimoires his brown raised.

“Been a while since I saw this. You sure you can handle it?” he said to Reymond. Reymond smirked and picked them both up, and put them away.

“I’m sure,” Reymond answered.

“Have you always had two of those?” asked Masaki. Apparently he was the only one that noticed. Reymond breathed a sigh of relief.

“Yes, but don’t tell the others. Its a surprise.” answered Reymond quickly. Masaki nodded and smiled from ear to ear. He wondered what kind of surprise Reymond had in store.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

As the group entered the gate they rented stables for their horses, and walked out into the town square. A sprawling city system created in the deep forests spread out before them. Shops, inns, and entertainment, you name it and it was somewhere in the city. The city that lied in the shade of the tall trees was lit up by magic lanterns that took up many unique shapes and hues. It gave the the city a colorful aura that you couldn’t find anywhere else.

“So do you know where your friend might be?” asked Anastas as he looked around. People of all types walked past them, and he had no idea what this friend of Owain’s looked like.

“I haven’t seen him for years…” Owain said, “I’ll have to ask around,” while Owain was engaging in the conversation, he seemed rather distracted.

Owain stopped a random passerby to ask them, “Do you know anyone by the name of Leon?”

A man holding a case of wine turned and looked to Owain. “You mean tha’ †˜ermit?” answered the man. “Guy never leaves †˜is †˜ouse. It’s right down the main street and on the left. Look for a sign tha’ says †˜Zarek’”

“Zarek? Got it,” Owain smiled, “Thanks for the help.”

Owain followed the directions given by the wine merchant, informing his unit that they needn’t follow him if they didn’t want to.

“I had a few things I wanted to do myself. Maybe a little shopping,” answered Adelina. “Where should we meet up afterwards?”

“Here is fine,” Owain said, scrutinising Adelina with some suspicion but decided to let it go, he wanted to get business out of the way quickly.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

“Razta how about you meet with your father, and I’ll meet you there after. Just tell me where it is.” said Adelina.

“Wow meeting the folks already? Things must be getting serious.” teased Reymond. Adelina †˜lightly’ punched him in the arm. Reymond winced sure that was going to leave a bruise.

“Sure thing...ask anyone for Sonnelion Metal Works. Its a pretty famous shop.” answered Razta. Adelina nodded before walking off into the town. Razta did the same heading over to his father’s shop.

“Those two have been acting weird as of late.” said Anastas. “If everyone is going to do their own thing. I think I will do some exploring. Masaki care to come along?”

”Why not? I don’t have anything to do for now.” answered Masaki.

Reymond and Ari stood next to Owain. “I guess we are the only ones staying with you. I have to admit I am curious about this, Leon.” said Reymond.

”I got nothing else to do so I guess I’ll just follow along.”

The three walked down the semi-crowded streets before arriving at an old wooden carved sign that read Zarek. The text was fading but it was still legible at least.

“This must be the place,” said Reymond looking at the overgrown walkway. It seemed that weeds took it over long ago. “You sure this is your friend?”

“Must be,” Owain said, making his way down the walkway, no trepidation.

As the group walked to the door Owain knocked firmly three times. As he touched the door the final time the door creaked open into darkness. Looking into the house Owain could see a faint blue light flashing. Other than that it was absolute darkness. Reymond reached out his hand and a small light sword floated providing some light. Random objects were piled up to the roof, and there was only a narrow path in the mess to make their way in.

“Leon?” Owain called out, stepping inside the building. There was no response but as they made their way further in the light began to light the rest of their way in. It lead them to a room with some sort of runes scrawled out all over one of the walls. A man sat in front of them tapping them in a sort of random sequence. A small bell sound rang out with each one. He was covered in a cloak that gave him a black silhouette.

“Leon, it’s me, Owain,” Owain said, tapping the man on the shoulder, “Leon!” Owain exclaimed, exasperated. The man seemingly ignored even this until all the runes lit up and began playing through backwards. The sound was similar to that of a music box.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” said Leon stepping back from the wall his face shown from the light on the wall. “Sound runes!”

Owain sighed, “You’re still like this?,” he said, “You with me now buddy?” Owain asked, hoping Leon was now willing to pay attention.

Leon turned to Owain and snapped his finger as a spark went off between his finger and traveled up his arm. The spark went through his body and into the ground as the floor lit up. A few seconds later the lanterns lit up around his house. The disheveled look of the scientist came into view as he took off his hood. A dark blue cloak with gold and red accents. His hair was two separate colors. Dark blue before lighting up to a slightly lighter shade of blue.

“Ah Owain! What a pleasant surprise!” said Leon giving him a hug. “How long has it been now!?”

Owain laughed squeezing Leon hard, “Three years maybe?” he said smiling, “Time sure flies eh?”

“Three years!? What have you been doing? And who are these two?” he asked. He spoke so fast that Ari was having trouble following along with the conversation.

“What have I been doing? Leon, I’m a knight of Arkasia, what haven’t I been doing!” he laughed warmly, “And †˜these two’ are members of my unit, Reymond and Ari, meet Leon, Leon meet Ari and Reymond.”

Ari waved as Reymond bowed.

“It is a pleasure to meet another so interested in the spiritual arts.” said Reymond obviously excited.

“Nice to meet you Leon,” replied Ari with polite smile.

Leon bowed to the both of them before turning to Owain. “So have you come to visit a weird hermit like me? If I would have known I might have cleaned up a little.” joked Leon.

“It’s fine, this is more you anyway,” Owain teased, “And now is the part where I get down to business, I suppose,” Owain took a breath before continuing, “I need a new set of armour.”

“Well what did you do with the old one?” asked Leon curiously. “It couldn’t have been misuse. You treated that thing like gold.”

Owain began to choke up a little, “She got wrecked by Soul, the Cursed chief, She sacrificed herself for me,” Owain said sadly, “It killed me to leave her there.”

“You’re saying that old thing stood up to a representative of Cain? And you are still here to tell me about it?” answered Leon. “I didn’t think that would happen. I didn’t make it for that kind of threat! What were you thinking?!”

“Leon, I was beating him, that man isn’t normal, but I sure as hell hurt him more than he hurt me,” Owain said, “And you told me that armour would withstand anything when you gave it to me.”

“When I said anything I meant, you know. Like normal things! There are some things that not even the best armor can withstand…” answered Leon. “But a new set with some of my newly acquired materials…” Leon began wandering around his workshop looking for something.

“How long and how much?” Owain asked.

Pulling out a strange stone he placed it on a table. Then he pulled out some paper and a pencil. Sketching out a quick design for the armor he began calculating the cost.

“Erm, the cost of the metal alone…” said Leon looking and Owain and thinking for a moment. “I’ll give you a discount. One hundred gold pieces and Soul’s head on a pike. Doesn’t all have to be now, but I expect payment soon.” Leon smiled. “Give me...three days?”

Owain laughed taking a pouch of gold from his belt, and handing it to Leon, “You’ll get your head if you’re patient,” he said.

Taking the gold he placed it on the table, not caring to count it up. He trusted that it was all there. In honesty, the cost was simply to cover the materials. He would do all the labor for free. A favor for an old friend. “You know me, I will probably forget until a bagged head shows up on my porch.” responded Leon.

“Oh, I’ll be delivering it personally,” Owain laughed, “Anyway, did you know Morgan was around here?”

“Ah, yes, she sure made a name for herself.” answered Leon. “She visited me when she first arrived, and I set her up with a job at the school. She must of really wowed someone.”

“Could have mentioned it to me,” Owain said, “I was worried sick when I went to the village last year and she wasn’t there.”

“Bah, I’m not one for writing letters.” answered Leon. “Morgan is a big girl. She can take care of herself, ya know? You were always so protective. I always wondered why you never made a move on her.” Leon began labeling different parts of the armor for when he began construction.

“A childhood friend?” asked Reymond quietly to Ari. Ari responded with a shrug.

Owain blushed, “Eh…? Why would I- To Morgan? Eh…?” he stumbled over the words unable to get a coherent sentence out.

“Ah, I’m just playing with you… kinda.” he said laughing. “How long are you in Origin?”

“At least until you finish that Armour, possibly longer,” Owain said, “I do need to get back to Arkasia soon, this war won’t wait for me.”

“That’s why I moved out here, I won’t be getting involved in it anymore than making you this armor.” answered Leon. “At least not until they come breaking down my door. Then I got something I cooked up to fix them real good.”

“I understand Leon, I really do, but I was born and raised in the Scion, I can’t turn my back on that,” Owain said, “Trust me, after this, I won’t be getting you involved any more,”

“You know I’m here for you, when we were kids you were always trying to be the hero,” said Leon. “Just don’t get yourself killed...alright?”

Owain laughed, “I don’t plan on dying any time soon,” he said chuckling, “Anyway, I’ll let you get on with your business, I’ve still got some things to do… like find Morgan,” Owain said smiling, “Try to get out more, mate, or I’ll have to drag you out,” He laughed taking his leave.

“Glad to hear it,” answered Leon as he watched Owain and his friends leave. As soon as he heard the door closed he went right back to work. This would be the only thing truly protecting his friend out there. He wanted it to be perfect.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
Valentine_K1S5, and Galahad_Mills

Anastas and Masaki moved through the town as the lanterns that were around were beginning to glow brighter. Guards walked around tapping each of the poles feeding them more spiritual energy. As the sun began to set the forest would grow too dark for people to make their way around.

”Hmm, it’s getting dark already” Anastas noted with a notably disatisfied look on his face, the journey had been somewhat frustrating and he wanted to at least unwind now that they had arrived at their destination. ”Masaki, any place here we can go relax at?”

Masaki looked around at the city. This place was as new to him as it was Anastas. “I spent most of my time in the temple. I don’t know…” answered Masaki. “Maybe we should just take a look around.”

”Might as well.” Anastas replied.They walked about for a while before a slight rumble could be heard from Anastas. ”. . . Let’s find somewhere to eat.”

The smell of the food stalls grabbed Masaki and Anastas’ attention leading them to a street with many lanterns lighting up different restaurants. Sometimes animal like senses really came in handy. There were many types of restaurants, but most of them specialized in serving animals that were caught in the nearby forests. Deer, squirrel, wolf, and even some sort of alligator was on the menu in most places.

Anastas pondered at the selection when finally one caught his eye, ”Masaki, how about that one?” He pointed over to a rather large restaurant, it’s veneer was colored red with golden writing and it’s architecture reminded him somewhat of Masario.

Masaki looked up at the large restaurant and it’s unknown golden writings. ”Err. . Sure I guess.” Masaki said with a doubtful tone. He continued, ”I never had anything from a place like this before. I think that I might enjoy this, maybe.”

Anastas chuckled ”Well there’s a first for everything I guess.” As they entered the restaurant, their senses were overwhelmed with the smell of spices and the hectic movement of busboys shifting from table to table. ”Almost as much chaos as in a battlefield.” He muttered under his breath as a waitress came to lead them to a table.

Oh my the smells, so many good smells of spices. Masaki was amazed with the overwhelming sharp smell of spices. Most of it he could not make out. He only followed where Anastas was walking to while silently enjoying each breath that he took.

Taking their seats, Anastas read over the menu. He didn’t know what to pick, all of the dishes sounded good and if the smell was anything to judge, they’d all be worth trying. As he read, his stomach grumbled impatiently for his decision. ”. . . I’d like one of every dish, please.” He requested as he handed the waitress his menu.

”Me too, please!” Masaki requested with a smile on his face. The waitress gave a bow and a seemingly nervous smile to the two, it was probably not common for them to get such a large order.

Anastas and Masaki were left to wait while the chefs hurriedly prepared their meal so Anastas decided to pass the time with small talk. ”Masaki, anything you want to do specifically while we’re here?”

”Hmm. . .” Masaki thought for a few minutes and continued ”Maybe walk around randomly and see what happens.” Said Masaki with an unsure tone. You should find the other half of your gauntlet. TouTetsuOh suggested. Wait what? There’s another one like this? Masaki thought with a surprised look on his face. I don’t know, probably? TouTetsuOh teased.

Anastas watched Masaki curiously as they conversed internally to each other. He nodded his head with intrigue as Demyan relayed their conversation. ”Well, it’s not like I had anything planned to do here, I barely know this city either. Still, looking for another of those gauntlets sounds interesting.”

”Yeah, my previous master never told me that there’s another gauntlet like this. It could be TouTetsuOh lying, but whatever. Don’t know what will happen if it’s real though.” Masaki said while glaring up at TouTetsuOh. What? I’m not lying. There is another one for your right hand. Masaki sighed and nodded. Fine. Masaki thought.

Anastas chuckled, ”A treasure hunt it is then. We don’t know how long we’ll be here so might as well have something to pass the time.” he clapped his hands together with a smile. As they were talking, several bus boys passed by dropping off their first few dishes and left as quickly as they came.

”True true. Maybe we’ll find something else here. Like. . . .more food?” Masaki looked down at the table. ”OH! The food is here!”

There were many dishes placed in front of them, all cooked in a variety of ways and with different smells to them. One that caught Anastas’ eye was a set of steamed dumplings in a wooden steamer basket. To his delight, the dumplings were incredibly juicy as he took a bite into one, so good that he seemed to wolf down the entire batch the next instant.

As the two kept eating, the bus boys passed by with more meals and taking away empty plates and dishes as they left. It was quite a sight and the rest of the patrons stopped just to gawk at the two devouring dish after dish after dish.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and Bagman.

“So what now captain?” asked Ari as she walked behind Owain and Reymond. From what she could tell they had no plans for the rest of the evening.

“Hrmm, I was gonna have a look for Morgan, but it’s getting late,” Owain said, thinking.

“The night is still young captain!” said Reymond. “You go have a look around for her, and me and Ari will figure something out.”

“Hahaha,” Owain laughed, “If you say so. You two enjoy yourselves now,” he said walking off to ask some passersby if they knew where he could find his childhood friend. Ari and Reymond began walking the opposite way back towards the main street.

“Guardian Morgan? Well I usually see her at the college when we pass by. At this time of night...maybe try the guard building. Just don’t get into trouble.” answered an elderly woman with a cane. Her face was wrinkled yet gentle.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Owain said smiling brightly, “Any chance you could point me in the direction?” he asked.

“The guard office is right next to Telkines’ office,” answered the old woman. She turned to point to a large tree near the center of town. “Somewhere around there. If you ask someone around there I’m sure they can help you.”

Owain made his way to the centre of town, determined to find Morgan now. When he reached the centre he began to ask around again. Most people were just trying to get home, but his questions pulled the attention of one of the guards who had just become off-duty.

“What is it you need with the guard? Is there trouble?” asked the man still in his guard uniform.

“Ermm, no, I’m here to see Morgan,” Owain said. The guard looked him over.

“Well you are in luck she is still here. If you wait around you should see her. Her shift is about over. Night shift is handled by another guardian.”

Owain thanked his luck and decided to do that, “Thanks for that,” he said, “And if you ever decide to come to Scion I’ll get you hooked up with a guard job no problem,” Owain joked.

“Heh, I’ll remember that” said the guard with a chuckle as he walked off towards wherever he was going. After waiting about thirty minutes Owain spotted the same red hood he saw earlier leaving the guard building.

Owain waited for a moment, a devious grin crawling up his face. Walking behind the red figure he slowly crept up behind her before grabbing her tightly and lifting her off the ground. “How’ve ya been, Morg?” he said, in the midst of his bear hug.

“Ah! Who!?” screamed Morgan as she was lifted into the air by a strong hug.

“Take a guess,” Owain laughed heartily. Owain heard the loud click of a sword being sheathed, but didn’t turn fast enough to see where it came from.

“Owain, you are the only one crazy enough to ambush a guardian,” she responded laughing. “I was planning on finding you later.” She was over being startled now and relaxed in the hug.

Owain flipped her around so that they were facing each other, Morgan still in the air, “So how’ve you been? Did I mention I thought you were dead?”

Morgan pouted. “Why the hell did you go thinking a thing like that?” asked Morgan.

“I went to the village last year, and when you weren’t there I panicked a bit, everyone was saying you’d gone off on an adventure and a lot of people said you’d probably wind up dead,” Owain admitted, “I was worried sick, I’m so glad you're safe,” Owain said squeezing Morgan slightly harder.

“Well, it is true that I went on an adventure, I wasn’t going to sit around in that village forever you know?” she answered. “Everyone was so resigned to just letting Arkasia protect them, and live out peaceful lives. I wanted more than that. I wanted the power to protect the ones I care about as well.”

Owain smiled, “Looks like you got a headstart on me for once then, you started younger than me, but don’t think I’m going to let you catch up.” he teased putting Morgan down. As he released his grip on her she hugged him bringing him in tight again.

“It’s good to see you again, Owain. I was worried about you going off to Arkasia, but it made me realize just how dependant I was.” she said releasing her grip. “Now maybe I can protect you.”

Owain smirked, “Oh yeah?”

“Yep!” she answered with a beaming smile.

“So… wanna grab something to eat?” Owain said, realising that it had been a while since his last meal.

“Sure, I know a pretty good place. I was about to head there anyways…” she said thinking about how this would look to others. A blush slowly crept across her face.

“What’s up Morgan?” Owain asked, “You’ve gone all red.”

“N-Nothing, let’s just go!” she said turning around and heading for the main street. “So what did you need to see Leon for?”

“I needed a new set of armour,” Owain admitted, “Soul wasn’t going to let me get out of a fight without doing something at least. Bastard broke my old set.”

“Surely, you don’t mean Chief Soul of Agreyus?” replied Morgan.

“The very same,” Owain nodded gravely.

“We heard the news that they had attacked Raltese. We had to call back several caravans that were headed there to trade for minerals, sadly we lost a few. You were involved in that battle?” asked Morgan.

“Unfortunately, but it’s not like I can refuse, I’m a Knight Banneret of Arkasia,” Owain said, with pride and regret.

“Climbing those ranks already, huh?” she said. She put up her hood, and closed her cloak. “I bet I looked pretty spooky like this?” she said with a laugh.

“Your girly voice ruined the illusion,” Owain teased poking her in the back.

“Next time I’ll just follow in silence,” she said before attempting a creepy high pitched laugh. A few people around looked at her strangely. “Oops,” she said with a laugh. “Forgot where I was for a moment.”

Owain laughed along with her, it had been a long time since he had had so much fun. “It would be great if we could be like this forever,” Owain said absentmindedly.

“Desertion is a crime, ya know,” she said smiling at Owain. “This is good place to escape to though. The rules are strict, but they keep the peace.”

Owain sighed, “If only,” he said, “I can’t though, you know I can’t.”

“Ya…” she answered as they walked slowly side by side. “Oh! we are here!” she said heading into a shop. As Owain looked up to see the sign he saw it was something called “Boar on the Spit.” The name seemed simple enough since through the door you could see them roasting a pig.

Owain smiled following after Morgan, “Looks good” he said rubbing Morgan’s head, “Let’s eat.”
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and Bagman.

“Well if it isn’t Lil’ Morgan,” said a tall and muscular man behind the counter, he was shaven but five o’clock shadow had surely set in. His brown hair was cut very short. He was holding a rather large sack that had a little blood pooling at the bottom. It could only be assumed that it was some sort of meat. “Oh? Who is this?” he said turning his attention to Owain.

Owain smiled at the man, “Owain Glyn, pleasure to meet you,” he said, “I’m an old friend of Morgan’s.”

“An old friend you say? We’ll I hope you have a large appetite,” said the man smiling as he set the sack down on the counter. “I just pulled this out for the little lady here, she is my most faithful customer.” As Owain looked at the sack he was doubtful still that the whole thing was for Morgan. Morgan looked at the sack as the man cut it open revealing a very large boar. It was already skinned and gutted, ready to be cooked.

“If you guys take a seat I’ll have the order ready soon,” said a slender woman walking out of a back room. Her hair was jet black, and he features soft and gentle. This was betrayed by the bloody apron that she was wearing. Walking over to the pig she pulled up her sleeves as she started seasoning the beast.

Owain contemplated something for a second after seeing the woman, before relenting and taking a seat with Morgan.

As Morgan moved to the white cloth covered table she took off her cloak. Folding it once she set it on the back of the chair. In her white long sleeve shirt and short red dress, you would never think that she was a guardian.

“So you dragged that whole group with you just to get you some armor. That was very nice of them to escort you.” said Morgan as she sat down.

“They’re good guys,” Owain said, “Some better than others, and others whose motives I don’t understand but nice enough all the same,” he said, referring to a certain individual. “We were supposed to be escorting the high priestess as well, but she ran off, who knows where she is now, and honestly I couldn’t care less, more trouble than she’s worth.”

“You were escorting the high priestess of Masario? And she ran off?” asked Morgan. “Won’t that get you in trouble? Like big trouble?”

Owain shrugged, “I can handle a scolding or a demotion, it doesn’t bother me seeing as I know it wasn’t my fault, I wasn’t with her at the time.”

“Maybe you should desert,” joked Morgan. “I hear Arkasia is harsh.” The tall man from before walked up to the table and dropped off a glass of ice cold lemonade tea in front of Morgan.

“What would you like, Owain?” asked the man.

“Nothing beats a tankard of ale with a meal if you have some,” Owain said politely.

“A drinker? My wife had me quit the stuff myself, but ya we carry it. Coming right up.” answered the man before walking back to the counter to make his drink. Taking a mug from the shelf he placed it under the beer tap and pulled. Frothy ale filled the mug and he didn’t stop until it spilled over a little. Bringing the mug back he set it down in front of Owain.

“Alright so things are a little different here. You order by the pig. Anything you don’t finish is yours to take home. Morgan here usually puts away half a boar herself. Should I get another one from the back for you?” he asked. Morgan blushed a bit as the man mentioned how much she could eat.

“Hey I take a lot of it home, y’know.” she argued. “You're exaggerating a bit!”

Owain laughed, he hadn’t enjoyed a scene like this for a long while. “I think we’ll be fine with just the one,” he said. Morgan smiled at this. In her head it meant that she won some small battle.

“Alright, it will be along shortly.” answered the man walking behind the counter and began talking to the woman behind the counter. They were far enough away that you couldn’t hear them.

“So...where is your group now?” asked Morgan.

“Probably out enjoying themselves,” Owain said, “Still a while before I said we’d meet, you wanna come with?”

“Sure, but only for a little bit. I have the morning shift.” she answered. “They sound interesting.”

“How did you end up as a guardian anyway?” Owain asked.

“It’s actually thanks to Leon,” she answered stirring around her drink with her wooden straw. “When I first came here I was looking for work. I had experience with spiritual healing, so I took on the job as assistant nurse at the college. I had never thought my skills were that amazing, but the elder did. She said that she saw something in my spirit. After she offered to train me, and make me a guardian. It was too good to pass up.”

“Sounds like you’ve really settled,” Owain smiled, “Get a boyfriend yet?”

As Morgan sipped her drink she choked a little bit before placing her glass down in a hurry. “N-no, I’m far too busy for that,” she answered.

“Really? No one? That’s kinda sad, I mean surely you have time if you’re spending it with me?” Owain observed. Although for some reason he found he was secretly relieved.

“I would have been here either way.” she answered. “Other than when I eat, and sleep I try to focus on my studies with the elder. When I am a bit more proficient in my craft I will have a lot more time, I hope.”

“Good luck with that I guess. You’re around tomorrow right?” Owain asked, “It would be cool to hang out again seeing as I’m not here for long.”

“Around this time, yes I think I will be. How long did Leon say your armor would take?” asked Morgan. “I might try and get a day off for personal leave. Things have been quiet here.”

“He said… three days was it?” Owain mused.

“Three days...I’ll see what I can do. Perhaps I could show you the village.” she suggested. “You shouldn’t be too hard to find.”

Owain smiled, “That would be perfect,” he said. He couldn’t quite put a finger on why he was so happy, the initial euphoria of finding out that his childhood friend was still alive had passed and yet this feeling had not.

Two large plates of food slammed down on the table in front of the two. “Dig in!” said the man before crossing his arms. The boar had been carved up into thick steaks that smelled of onion and garlic. Three asparagus were laid on top with a hearty helping of mashed potatoes on the side.

Owain began to salivate at the sight, but restrained himself to let Morgan start.

Morgan pulled up her fork and knife, and began digging in. Looking at Owain as he waited she laughed. “Go ahead and start. It’s really good.” she said.

Owain smiled, wiping the drool from his face. He grabbed the knife and fork and began to tuck into the meal, this was the kind of cooking Owain really enjoyed, nothing too fancy just good honest food.

Seeing the look on Owain’s face she was glad that he was enjoying himself as much as she was. She preferred the simple places in comparison to the other fancy restaurants. Looking at him eat reminded her of the boy she used to know. Who was always running off to play the hero. Now that he was bigger his appetite had only grown with him. The two finished dinner, talking about old times, and telling jokes only the two of them understood. When the time came to pay Morgan reached for her coin purse.

“C’mon Morg, let me pay for this,” Owain said.

“How chivalrous,” she answered with a giggle. “I guess you are a knight after all, if you insist.” The man from before walked up and set the bill down on the table. The bill read 10 gold pieces.

Reaching into the money pouch on his belt he counted the right amount, and then a little extra as a tip. Taking the money the man bowed his head in thanks. “You two have a good night,” he said with a smile. Morgan stood up and grabbed her cloak before sliding it on.

“Will do,” Owain smiled as he replied, “You too,” he said making his way out of the restaurant with Morgan.

The streets were colored neon by the different lights. It gave the village an ethereal look. Morgan walked ahead a little, and turned to Owain with a grin. “So where are these friends of yours?” she asked.

Owain scratched his chin, “They should be around soon…” he wondered if they actually would be.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and Katsucha.

With Owain gone on his own adventure it was up to Reymond now to find something to do. He had to admit he had sent Owain away without the slimmest idea what him and Ari would actually do. Suddenly he heard something that sounded like a beast growling. Looking around he tried to figure out what it was. Finally he found the source, Ari’s stomach.

“Hungry are we?” said Reymond with a chuckle.

Ari’s face turn red from embarrassment. ”Don’t laugh.” Ari said angrily.”We just haven’t eaten since arriving here and its about that time to eat.”

Reymond smiled as he looked around playing innocent. “Sure sure,” answered Reymond. “I almost thought we were being stalked by some manor of beast. We must do something about that. Shall we?”

”Idiot” Ari said as her face turn a brighter red. ”You could be more considerate and just say lets go get something to eat!” Reymond laughed once more as they walked down the main street in look of something to satisfy their hunger. There were many different types of restaurants, all looking equally alluring. Reymond however found himself attracted to one in particular.

“I have never been inside one like this. It says that they fix the food right in front of you, and perform while they do it. Perhaps I was too much of a shut in my younger years.” joked Reymond. “How about this place? It looks interesting.”

”It’s fine with me let’s just go in hmph.” Ari said still mad at Reymond for what he said earlier.

As the stepped in they noticed that the place was pretty busy. Only a few tables were empty, and they had chefs that were cleaning the grills for the next group of people. A voice to the side grabbed the couple’s attention as they walked in. She was dressed in a red and black chinese dress. Her hair was done up in two small buns.

“Hello! Welcome to Valkenhiem.” announced a very excited cashier. “Is it just the two of you? Is this a date?” She said the last part with a raised brow and a bright smile.

”T-this is no date!” Ari said quickly with her face fluster a bit. ”We’re just grabbing a bite to eat.”

“Thats a shame, well I hope you enjoy your time here all the same.” she replied.

“So how long is the wait to be seated?” asked Reymond. “It looks rather packed in here.”

“Actually we are starting to wind down. Maybe ten minutes and you will be seated.” she

“Well that’s a relief,” said Reymond. “Alright lets have a seat over here until our table is ready.” Reymond moved over to sit in one of the waiting area chairs, and Ari did the same.

“So have you ever been on a date before Ari?” asked Reymond curiously.

”No and I don’t plan to anytime soon.” Ari replied wondering why the sudden question.

“That’s surprising,” answered Reymond. “I expected at least one. Someone must have asked by now. I’m guessing you were the serious soldier through and through.”

”As far as I remember no one has asked me. Though I probably would turn them down I don’t have time for things like that.”

“That can’t be true, you are here after all.” answered Reymond laughing. “It may not seem like it, but I haven’t been on one either. I was always the one with my nose in the books, but there was one girl I always wish I had asked. Lost my chance.”

”I see. Wait what?! What do you mean I’m here after all!”

“Your table is ready!” yelled the woman from behind the counter. Chuckling Reymond rose to his feet and turned to Ari. “Just try and enjoy yourself. Being so focused on work can’t be healthy.” answered Reymond.

”Work helps me keep my mind off other things.” Ari simply said.

Reymond gave her a curious look as they were walked over to the table, and were seated. They were sitting around a rectangular table and there were four other people with them. Still the other people seemed to be in their own conversation, and weren’t paying attention to Reymond or Ari. “What’s wrong, Ari?” said Reymond.

”Nothing, why?”

“Usually when some has to take their mind off something, something has to be wrong.” answered Reymond.

”Don’t worry about it.”

“Come on don’t be like that,” answered Reymond. “We are a team you know.” Just as he said that the chef came out with his many knives and began getting ready to put on his performance. The others at the table clapped to welcome him. Reymond and Ari did the same only a little later than everyone else. He went around the table taking order until he arrived at Reymond.

“I will have the crawfish and bear.” replied Reymond. The chef then turned to Ari for her order. She simply ordered steak happy that the subject had changed.
Monster Girl
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