Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

Kudzu ran down the streets avoiding the gazes of the civilians and guards. It wasn’t long before he felt a similar spirit to his own. Smiling he made his way towards the center of town. As he arrived at the location he found a line of guards protecting the building. Taking off his sunglasses he walked up to the guard and looked down at the guard trying to appear friendly. With his terrifying grin he only succeeded in scaring the guard.

”My son is in here, may I enter?” asked Kudzu. The guards surrounded him raising their weapons.

”Denied. What made you think you could just enter the elder’s house? Also what are those strange garments?” qestioned the guard. Suddenly a group of guards came up behind him out of breath. They had spotted him running through but his speed left them to slow to react. Kudzu looked at them puzzled.

”Look it doesn’t matter does it? I just hope we don’t live to regret this.” said a female voice as the doors opened to the elder’s house. Adelina walked out followed by Razta.

”All I am saying is that we should see what we can learn from hi-” said Razta as he walked outside laying eyes on the scene. As Kudzu made eye contact with Razta he began walking towards him.

”Son I knew some cult wouldn’t be able to take you down!” said Kudzu. The guards barred his path, but with one arm Kudzu shoved them to the side. Razta shook his head in disbelief at this situation, but Razta raised his hand telling them it was alright. ”Oh? And who is this young lady?” asked Kudzu looking at Adelina.

”The mother of his child.” said Adelina with a smirk on her face. Razta turned to her shocked before Kudzu grabbed both his shoulders shaking him violently.

”That’s my boy! Wasting no time carrying on the family name!” announced Kudzu. With three strong pats on the back Razta was left out of breath. The guards stood up dusting themselves off. The giant man’s power was inhuman.

”Is this really your father Razta?” said the guard looking up at the seven foot tower of muscle.

”A-aah! The hound of the cursed lands! K-Kudzu!” yelled an elder man as he spotted him. The guards raised their spears and surrounded him once more, this time ready to take him out at the slightest move. Razta jumped in front of him trying to calm down the situation.

”He was the one who helped me escape. He is helping us now!” yelled Razta.

”You could just be trying to trick us as well. The way you can breathe that miasma isn’t exactly normal either.” spat a female guard pressing forward a bit more. Adelina stepped in as well.

”I doubt between the two of them they have to brains to launch an attack on anyone here. Maybe the brawn, but not much else.” taunted Adelina. ”We fought harder than anyone to protect your village. What reason would we have to betray you now?”

”I don’t pretend to know how the cursed think.” answered another guard.

”If we are going to fight let’s get this done already.” said Kudzu as he started rolling up the sleeves of his suit.

”I’ll take him away from here, and I’ll take full responsibility.” pleaded Razta. ”Let’s not have more bloodshed today.”

The guard in charge of that unit lowered his spear, and motioned to the others to do the same. ”Fine just keep him away from the elder’s office. You aren’t getting any other warnings.” Razta nodded, and led Kudzu away. Kudzu turned away from them adjusting his sleeves back. Adelina followed behind half disappointed she wouldn’t have a chance to let off some steam.

”I really wish I took that week off before all this…” said one of the guards breathing deeply.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

As Louise arrived in Raltese, she noticed a different feeling than the last time she was there. Most of the destroyed buildings and walls were repaired, and soldiers were diligent in patrolling the streets. As soon as she appeared in the garden in front of the castle she was greeted by guards.

“High priestess,” said one of the guards as they both bowed. “What can we do for you?” Louise handed the guard the still sealed message from Krieg, and he gently took it from her before breaking the seal. As soon as he did the paper began to disintegrate so he read it quickly.

”Alright, please follow me,” said the guard. ”I’ll take you to the device. Then you can decide what you want to do with it.” Turning to the other guard he said something quietly to him. The other guard nodded and then turned to Louise giving her a respectful bow before running off.

”Right this way,” said the guard as he turned, and waited for Louise to start walking with him. Louise gave a nod, “very well,” she uttered, and followed after the guard. Walking through the garden and through the large doors, Louise remembered the ash that once covered those floors. The debris from the catapult raid was all cleared, and the castle returned to its former glory. Walking over to a corner of the grand hall; the guard guided Louise to an area that used to be the dungeon. It had been cleared out and was being used as a makeshift lab of sorts. In the back laid the amplification device disassembled.

”Most of it is still intact. With the notes it shouldn’t be too hard to reassemble. Would you like us to start on that or leave it like this?” Asked the guard.

“It’ll do to have it disassembled,” Louise said in response to the question fairly swiftly. “I’ll need it the way it is, for now,” she then walked over to the device, looking over it. A female scientist with long brunette hair noticed her looking over the device.

”I didn’t think that the High Priestess would be interested in things like that,” she said looking over the device with her.

“Everything has it’s use. Now, if you’ll excuse me… ” Louise said, she drew upon her wand again. Making tiny portals appear under each of the pieces; they were teleported immediately, she then conjured a larger rift for herself to go back to Origin.

”What, she is gone already? Said a voice entering the lab. A man with short reddish hair looked around noticing that the device was gone. “I heard that she was hard to pin down, but geez…She could have stayed for dinner or something.”

”What should we report back to Krieg?” Asked the guard.

“Eh? She just took that hunk of junk. Not like that was anything important to us. It was headed to the scrap heap anyways. As long as it performs I don’t care where she takes it,” answered Veldin.

”Yes sir.”

Durran listened around town for a while. Getting the gist of what happened he wondered what the cult’s purpose was for trying to get Origin into the fight. If anything that would make it a harder fight for the cursed. After trying for a while he decided he would just ask somebody. Though in his other worldly clothes he wasn’t expecting many people to trust him. Stopping an elderly woman he bowed slightly and introduced himself.

”Well aren’t you a dashing fellow,” said the older woman with a chuckle. Durran smiled, he would have to thank Louise again for lending him that outfit.

”Do you know where I could find a man knowledgeable about spirit technology. I have a project I’d like to hire them for,” asked Durran politely.

”Erm… well you could always try the college, but they are busy helping around town…” answered the woman. ”There was another person that could help you...what was his name again…” Durran hoped that she could scratch together what was left of her memory.

”Leon… Darek? answered the woman unsure about her own answer. ”Either way he never leaves his house. Tough cookies trying to get him to do anything.”

”I’ll just have to hope I am luckier in this than I am in matters of the heart,” answered Durran.

”A looker like you?! You just need to find that girl for you. I have a few grand daughters I’d love to introduce you to,” advised the woman. Durran smiled to keep up the appearances and thought of a way to politely decline.

”I already have my eyes set on someone. I’ll keep them in mind however,” answered Durran.

”Oh that is too bad!” Answered the old woman disappointed. ”Best of luck then,” Durran nodded and walked off to try and find out where this Leon was staying. After asking around a little bit more directions, he finally found himself in front of a rundown-looking laboratory with overgrown foliage taking over the entrance way.

Stepping up to the door he knocked firmly, and waited for an answer. Durran stood there for about a minute before knocking again, but to no avail. Knocking angrily the door swung open. The lock for the door clattered to the floor. Ooops… thought Durran looking at the damage he had caused. Looking into the darkness his eyes began to quickly adjusted as his eyes became slit like a snake. Walking into the house there was a glow beneath him. Lines of the light filled the house and traveled to the ceiling. Durran prepared himself for a trap of some sort, but at the end of the display the room simply lit up with lamps.

Breathing out he looked at the piles and piles of book around, and randomly picked one up. Flipping through its dusty pages; he found much of the stuff was out of his league, but it was obvious that this man was what he was looking for. Walking through the lab, he noticed a man sound asleep on a table. He was working on some sort of chemical concoction. The burner was on and everything. How has this man lived this long?! Thought Durran walking over and turning off the burner. Leon sprung awake and his gauntlet sprung to life as he aimed it straight at Durran.

”Easy, I mean you no harm, Leon,” said Durran raising both his hands covering his upper body. Leon stared him down his trigger finger getting itchy.

”What are you doing in my lab?” Asked Leon still skeptical of Durran.

”I have come to hire you for a job. I have some military-grade technology I would like you to take a look at,” asked Durran.

”Thats it? I have seen a lot more interesting than that. Go ask someone else,” responded Leon clicking something on his gauntlet that made the electricity start arcing.

”The pay will be substantial, I assure you,” Durran said trying to persuade him. Leon’s patience was up. Clicking the trigger a bolt of lightning shot off. Durran tensed up and a shield of blue appeared between his hands absorbing the spirit off the attack, and glowing brighter. Pushing forward Durran spun, kicking his gauntlet arm to the ground. The light lines around the lab began to glow bright as the spirit energy was sent into them. Stomping on the gauntlet he kicked with his other foot sending Leon flying and separating him from his toy.

Leon slammed into a pile of book and they fell on top of him burying him. Durran sighed as he walked over and began helping the man out. Leon reached out grabbing Durran by the arm, and attempted to shock him. Durran grabbed him by the forearm and stopped the flow of spirit energy to his arm. Leon stared stunned at his arm. His forearm felt numb.

”I have a woman who will be very upset if I ruin this suit. Now can we be civil?” Asked Durran. ”My name is Durran, pleasure to meet you Leon.”

Durran and Leon sat at a table looking at each other. Durran had made sure that there were no more surprises coming from equipment around the room, and began to relax. Leon sipped on some tea that he had made and kept glaring across the room at Durran.

”Amplification of that scale isn’t possible…” answered Leon. ” If it were, the Cursed would have had technology like that far before the Divine. They are experts on veils. Even Cain has a bigger influence on his veil than whatever Xinia they are on now.”

”We don’t need it that big. We just need it strong in the area that we move it in,” answered Durran.

”What is this all for?” asked Leon. Durran thought of how to answer. This man wasn’t in it for any sort of honor. He knew a great deal about Cursed and Divine tech-standards. So it was to be assumed he had little allegiance to each.

”Self-defense. We are tired of this war business, and just want to live our lives in peace. Me and my wife,” answered Durran.

”You sure don’t act very peaceful...” said Leon feeling his wrist.

”I taught myself to fight in order to protect her. I am sorry for my strong arm tactic. We are desperate for this…” replied Durran crossing his fingers.

”Alright enough with the sap story. Where is this stuff anyways? Asked Leon.

”If you follow me I will take you right to it. We have only just arrived in Origin so we don’t have a house or anything. We stored it somewhere safe for the time being,” answered Durran. He had sensed Louise’s return earlier, now he just had to hope she had the device with her.
Meanwhile, Louise stood in the alley with the device resting on the floor, all wrapped in a bag. She was about to find herself leaning on the walls, but they were too dusty and dirty for her tastes, so she found herself walking in a straight-line from here to there as if to pass time. Her ears were covered with tiny and strange-looking devices, which were sending out sound waves in reality. †˜Music’ if the word fitted better. They were commonly known as †˜headphones’ in the world she was in earlier, a was device connected with her cell phone for it to be powered up.

People could hardly hear any music even after they’d be inches close to her face, the sounds were designed to be audible only when the devices are attached with the ears. Under her head, were classical music originally played via the violins, pianos, cellos and more – ringing. It was a pleasant music to listen to. An orchestra performance, in fact.

Durran turned the corner and found Louise pacing back and forth in the alley. Faint classical music ringing from a device she had hooked up to her ears. As they entered the hallway Louise felt Leon’s aura and opened her eyes. Taking the earbuds out of her ears she began wrapping the wire up as she walked over to them. Leon’s eyes seemed to stay focused on the object in Louise’s hand.

”I see you were able to keep the device safe and sound… honey.” he said with shifty eyes hoping that Louise would catch on and play along.

“Mn, honey?” Louise asked, blinking her eyes; perplexed. While she could vaguely guess what excuse he may have used. She could play along if it was anyone else but an avatar of Cain, or Cain himself. “Please... is this a new skit?” Louise said, furrowing her eyebrows.

”I figured he was lying…” said Leon looking at Louise still intrigued by the device. ”May I see that for a moment? I’ll give it right back,” Durran sighed as he found his scheme uncovered so easily.

“And you’re the technician he found, I assume?” Louise asked, neatly folding the wires of her headphones, then taking her phone out, disconnecting the wires and placing them back into her pocket altogether. She soon looked up to him once again. “Hm, you mean these?” She said, reaching a hand into her pocket.

”Yes,” he answered eyes fixed on the pocket.

“So you’ll work for me if I let you see these, yes?” Louise said, with a devilish grin.

”Sure thing,” answered Leon with a smile, and held out his hands.

Louise took out the headphones and the phone and handed them over to Leon for his viewing pleasure. “Here you go,” she said. “Please don’t dissect them to pieces now.”

Her words were lost as soon as he had his hand on the device. A menagerie of tools shot out from his sleeve as he took the device apart and began looking at the pieces. Just as Louise was about to blow her top he put the phone back together just as fast. ”That was rather interesting…” he answered.

Louise heaved a sigh. “You can’t find any of these in the world, so please don’t break them apart like that,” Louise scolded, taking the phone and her headphones back from Leon.

”No need to worry. It still works right. My memory is pretty good,” answered Leon moving over to the bags and began taking them out to examine them. They were pretty standard things for an amplification device.

“Mn, I suppose they do,” Louise said, clicking buttons on her phone as the screen display lit up, she looked over some things before putting it away into her pocket.

”This is all trash. Who build this a few freshman college students’ thing for a science project? I mean I can use the casing. Everything else can be melted down for the metal.” commented Leon. ”I’ll just start from scratch.

“Go right ahead, I was only interested in what it could apparently do,” Louise replied with a shrug. “Here’s the rest of the papers meant for it, but I doubt they’ll be of use since the old creator planned it for the genocide, instead of what I have in mind for it,” she added.

Taking the papers, Leon began going over them, and fought the urge to laugh at some of the concepts. “Who are you two really?” Asked Leon as he began shredding the papers into little squares before sparking them. Then they went up into flames and floated off as ash.

“Funny story, yes? The concept of science is a mere joke to the scientists of Masario,” Louise said, almost ignoring the question blatantly as she spoke.

”GIve me a week, and I will have a working prototype.” answered Leon.

“Durran has explained what I’d be trying to do with this, yes?” Louise asked.

”Not really, he came up with some weird story. Said you both wanted to live in peace somewhere…” Leon began working on separating the frame from the guts of the device.

Louise simply tilted her head, and didn’t speak a word to it. It was taboo already. Like, living together with Durran. He clearly went to cloud nine forgetting that she’d incinerate him right after she deals with Cain. “Anyway, what I want it for – is to use it to pacify the Cursed individuals rather than outright killing them,” Louise explained. “I’ll be fueling it with my own spiritual energy, so it should work.”

”I’ll ask again since you didn’t hear me before… Who are you? asked Leon. ”Pacifying the Cursed isn’t something some random couple would be doing.

“He is my bodyguard; I’d prefer you addressing us appropriately,” Louise sighed. “Well, I suppose it is rude for a client to dodge questions,” she said, apparently giving up on ignoring the obvious question. This person seemed to be the curious type that doesn’t give up till they get what they want. Louise had her fair share of troubles with such individuals before in other worlds.

“Louise Marguerite la Finé de Augusta,” Louise introduced herself, giving a terse yet magnificent bow with her head. “The High Priestess of Masario.”

”Ah, now that makes a lot more sense,” answered Leon. ”So Louise and Durran.” Leon had finished separating the two piles into junk and the frame he was keeping. ”The only reason I’m still agreeing to build this thing for you is because the cursed are becoming a problem. If this thing gets them off my back I’m all for it.

“Oh, I have heard that they invaded Origin while I was taken to Raksana,” Louise said, remembering the stories told about the crisis that shoot Origin recently. “I wonder how bad the damage here truly was.”

”Bad enough that the Elder is set on war. I never thought this day would come. With how many we lost I can’t say that I blame people for being angry,” answered Leon. ”Alright I am just taking this pile in. The rest can be melted down for scrap. It will take a couple of trips bring it back and forth, but I’m sure your bodyguard is happy to assist”

“Time is of the essence, Durran has some work to do for me,” Louise said, taking up her wand, sonorously performing vocal incantations without an audible sound. “Durran, send me a mental imagery of the laboratory of this man, now,” she said, despite the incantations done, without an image in mind, she wouldn't know where to go.

Stepping close to Louise Durran focused for a second and placed a hand on her forehead. Forcing a split second of a memory into her head, similar to what Kristina performed on a much smaller scale. A vision of a messy lab with towers of books came to mind. The lines of spiritual energy found in the lab made it quite easy to pinpoint the location.

“What a dirty place...” Louise uttered before giving her wand a swing, a portal below the three opened as they’d soon appear in the rusty place of a lab.

”Ah, so you are capable of long range teleportation? That takes quite a bit of spiritual power to do. I have only been able to make smaller portals, and only from room to room.” commented Leon as he looked at the portals close.

“Well, this hardly took much spiritual power,” Louise replied with a shrug. She knew that teleporting was a big deal for others, but flaunted her reserves of power regardless. “Color me impressed though, that you’re able to conduct teleportation despite the complexities involved,” Louise said, clearly seeming to approve of the man.

”I lost a lot of things… let me tell you,” answered Leon. ”So when do you need this thing done? Also tell me how you will be using it. Does this thing need to be very mobile?”

“We need it before the main attack starts… there is no detail as of when they’re commencing the attack,” Louise said, she really had no idea. The planning staff for Masario seemed like a mess. She wished that she could just take over as main strategist just to know what happens when. “Let’s just say that it’s needed as soon as possible. It is better in more ways than one if you’re able to make it mobile,” Louise added.

”I will see what I can do. Check back here in a few days, I’ll have something for you to see then,” answered Leon.

”Understood,” said Durran. The man surely had talent with technology, and even though their opinions were different in the end they wanted the same goal. “So shall we be going, Louise?”

“Next would be… the elder,” Louise said, walking out of the dusty laboratory, Durran followed suit.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Elder Edile sat in her chair next to her fireplace with a fresh pot of tea next to her. She was trying to do anything to calm her nerves, but nothing was having an effect. She had lost hundreds of her people, and their families cried out for war. At this point, she didn’t see any way to calm them now. With two attacks weighing down on the people, doing nothing was not an option. Sliding her hand across the table she sent her antique tea set shattering to the floor.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. As she turned two people walked out of a portal. She had no patience at this point. Lifting her hand pranching shot out from the walls in sharpened points. Durran danced around Louise; cutting them down in an instant.

”We mean you no harm Elder,” said Durran. ”Please hear us out.”

“My, how quaint a tea set that was,” Louise commented, lamenting its loss. “What a waste,” with a step; she spoke as if to express her point, before shaking her head in dismay. “I thought the elders exercise a calm face, and a calm manner respectively – why so wrathful?” She asked, taking another step closer with neither hesitation nor fear.

Edile rubbed her head, a headache was starting to form. ”I’m about all out of patience,” answered Edile. She sat back down in her chair, looking down at her destroyed tea set before closing her eyes and sighing. “What do you want?”

“Simply here for a greeting, and a matter regarding one of my subordinates,” Louise answered, putting forth her best mannerisms with a graceful yet terse bow of her head. “I take it you’re free at the moment?” She asked. Obviously, this was her way of asking if they could have a calm and serene tea time.

Edile motioned towards the empty seat to her right before resting her head on that hand. ”Not like you cared to check before teleporting in here. Have a seat,” answered Edile. ”The avatar can stay over there.” Durran looked at her surprised, but said nothing as he sheathed his sword.

“Of course, I didn’t,” Louise admitted with a giggle – that gave away a bit of devilish side – as she took a seat as offered. “I’ll get to the point; are you aware that Kudzu is current here – somewhere in the town?” She asked, still wearing her mask of a smile before the person known as the elder of Origin. She seemed rather hostile to Durran, likely because of the attack earlier. Louise felt that she could relax and perhaps have a ladies’ talk for once. Well, she hoped – it seemed awfully unlikely. Durran seemed to fit as a bodyguard standing there; making Louise pleased, in a rather strange manner.

”No, I was not, but seeing that he hasn’t blown anything up yet. I suppose you are going to tell me he is on some goodwill mission for the representatives?” Said Edile sarcastically.

“He is working under me,” Louise answered sincerely, ignoring the blatant sarcasm. It was a plain and simple truth that she had bothered to expose. Kudzu had long gave up working for the Cursed, anyway. People just wasn’t aware, and most likely do not know even now. “As a bodyguard – specifically – like that avatar over there,” she added, informatively, implying that Edile could relax – she doubted that the enraged elder would, however. “I’d prefer it if you let Kudzu stay here peacefully for now.”

”Why is he here anyways? Asked Edile curiously. “It’s weird enough to have the High Priestess, and an avatar working together. You have a representative with you as well. One that hasn’t been seen in years.”

“I was in Raksana while there was a war here,” Louise answered, she was being as truthful as possible. Sometimes, to forge strong relationships one must refrain from lying – that was Louise’s belief. The belief of the one who lived for a millennium. “There was a peculiar circumstance… ” she added vaguely, reminiscing the old memories risen forcibly from their dormant state by the scientist. “Anyway, he’s here for his son. Moreover, I am unable to keep him in Masario, you’d know why, I assume.”

”His son? In my village?” Asked Edile perking up a bit as she thought about who it could be. ”Are you talking about Razta perchance? That would explain a lot…”

“Indeed I am,” Louise answered. She wondered how Edile took that guess, but perhaps she saw signs. After all, Edile most likely knew Razta longer “He had apparently assumed that his son was dead, until he caught news that said otherwise. Hence, he took a long time to begin pursuing the cold tracks of his missing son,” Louise explained.

“I never would have put those two together,” answered Edile. ”I’ve always figured his parents were dead. What is his goal now? And what is your place in all this?”

“My goal? My place in all this?” Louise asked, repeating her very words, as if asking for specification and confirmation.

”Why concern yourself with an avatar, and representative of Cain. I’m sure the church would be heartbroken if they found out,” answered Edile.

“Because they’re far more superior as pawns. I’ll admit, however, that I was initially not so fond of the idea,” Louise bluntly replied without hesitation. She remembered when the avatars have incurred her wrath – causing Louise to wreck havoc on the grand prison Raksana. However, she knew at the same time that they were warriors beyond the ordinary in the world. They were especially unique for certain. “Besides, the church isn’t really up to any good, either; sneaking around with their devious activities behind my back.”

”So you wouldn’t suggest that I align myself with them?” asked Edile.

Louise shrugged. “I am uncertain if I am in a position to advise you regarding alliances,” she said. She could align with the church by aligning herself with Louise, but that would be a rather strange preposition. The church had a knack for keeping secrets, so if Edile ever asked; Louise would advise against the idea of siding with them. However, on the off-hand; using the church in a sly manner was also an able option – she considered. “The church would be prying at secrets, anyway,” she lamented.

”I wasn’t honestly thinking about it. I merely wanted to hear what you had to say. It’s something to see when some in charge doesn’t trust their own side,” answered Edile with a smirk. Standing up from her chair she walked over to the fire and tended to the coals. ”I have called in for a conference of the villages. We are going to put our stake in this war as well.”

“Well, can’t help it that they don’t respect the leader, and instead treat her as a decoration of sorts,” Louise answered. It really just couldn’t be helped. The members treated Rhea as a leader, and not Louise. There was just nothing more to do there. Louise had thus sought out her own path in all this. She had her own objectives, they’ve changed after she accepted that she was responsible, and chose to work for the world for once. However, it didn’t change the fact that Louise was a free bird who did what she wanted. That would never change.

The next moment, another shrug went off from her. “I thought the Origin was supposed to stay in the neutral zone?”

”I see now we were blind to isolate ourselves from the world. It only served to make us weak, and made it difficult to what the world was truly like. Our first mission will be to wipe out the Cult of Ouroboros that took so many from us,” answered Edile. She spoke in a tone that was the same as she usually did but there was a fury along the lines that was easily read.

“Funny, I had been trying to get the Cult out of my way for a while now,” Louise remarked regarding the sheer coincidence. They had something in common now, indeed. It was as if the world was banding together to mete out the hammer of justice on the evil that was the Cursed. “Masario had been hard on work, trying to be rid of the Cult’s spies.”

”I have had my own men uncovering their nests as well. It would appear that some of my own men were allowing them into the city. The ones we took for questioning all admitted to answering to someone within the city, but none would say who. At first… we thought it to be a guardian of mine. But that turned out to not be the case.”

“So they’re all over the world, after all,” Louise commented, closing her eyes as if deep in thought. “Hmmm… and then there’s Vejovis to worry about,” Louise openly mused. Vejovis along with Balan, another combination to look out for. Balan seemed to be at the top of things in terms of information, and Vejovis’ influence at a level she had reached in other worlds, save for this one. In fact, those men of her’s that answers to a different leader may just be Vejovis.

”Vejovis? Who are you talking about?” Asked Edile.

“Oh my, you do not know? That is a surprise,” Louise replied, frankly displaying her expression of surprise. She assumed that the elder of Origin would know of such beings hiding under her home. In fact, she thought that she had allowed Vejovis to stay hidden in exchange for support, or something. It wasn’t like Louise intentionally let a secret slip, this time, at all. She was simply surprised.

Durran walked over about to help explain but Edile raised her hand. A wall of thorny branches blocked his path.

”I told you to stay over there,” said Edile before turning back to Louise. ”Who is this Vejovis? Sounds like someone I should be worried about.”

“If you don’t know. Then… hm,” Louise pondered how to describe him. “Let’s just say that he has control over Origin, more so than you, and the influence far extends to both the Cursed Lands and that of the Scions.” If she didn’t know, then this may likely hold even more truth than one may believe.

”With what I have uncovered so far. I can’t say that I don’t believe you. A man with that much influence can be more dangerous than the cult. Where is this man?” Asked Edile. ”Is he in my village?

“He should be,” Louise answered frankly. “I have met him in person, after all. Albeit, he should be no danger to Origin, as he aims for true balance, apparently. I fear that he may hinder the process of evolution and advancement due to such a goal, however.” So as to maintain the balance – Vejovis may just bump a side down whenever said time comes.

”I still don’t like the idea of having him here, and I have never met him,” answered Edile. ”Right now I don’t have the time to search for him, however. My sister is on her way.” Durran tensed up a bit, but didn’t try to get any closer to them. He could easily make it past the vines, but wanted to avoid angering her again.

“He’s probably been here longer than you,” Louise replied, shrugging again. How many times had she done this today? She herself wondered. “Well, if you do wish to meet him; I could take you there sometime,” she said nonchalantly. “Sister, you say?”

”I would like that. I think meeting him would help put my hand at ease. answered Edile. ”My sister is not the type of person that will let something like this slide. So I think that we should keep this a secret from her.”

“Mnm… sounds like a person who likes to create conflict when peaceful terms are still application?” Louise took a guess. The way she spoke of her sister spelled trouble, somehow. It was as if Edile was telling her that a storm was coming.

”She is similar to me in many ways. Her views on the Cursed is not one of them,” answered Edile. ”Kudzu is free to stay in my city so long as he doesn’t become a problem. I will give him and Razta that time they deserve.”

“I thank you in place of my guard,” Louise said, with yet another terse bow of her head. “I suppose that is all I’ve come for,” Louise said. It was unfortunate, Edile seemed to be a remarkable conversationalist, but Louise had no more reason for idle chit chats now that she conveyed what she needed to, and learned what she could. “I bid you farewell,” she then stood up, her expression decorated with but her usual charming smile as she reached for Durran. “May I request for him to be freed?”

”I almost forgot about him…” answered Edile lowering her branches from around him. Durran sighed and looked at the two women. He knew that she had her reasons, but it still didn’t make it feel any better. ”Alright then, we'll talk again later about Vejovis. I suppose it can wait a little while longer. If he really isn’t a threat like you said.”

“He probably is a threat, but dealing with him is something to be left for another time,” Louise nonchalantly said. Dealing with Vejovis would be a large load of problem in itself. He wasn’t being a huge issue of danger every moment like Cain right now, after all. “We shall take our leave, now, Edile – shall we meet again.”

Louise soon casted her teleportation spell after raising her wand, and they vanished from sight thereafter.
Arkasia had just left from the house not too long ago to meet with Eddie, but a familiar voice caught her attention. As she passed by one of the clothing stores in the district. She saw familiar locks of hair. Next to her was a red headed man in a strange suit. Narrowing her eyes she entered the store, her hand on the the hilt of her blade.

”Are you sure we should really be just shopping around like this?” Asked Durran.

“A collector’s soul knows no bounds,” Louise stated as she peered into the fine selection of dresses with much interest. The cultural gap was large and intriguing, compared to what she was used to in the other worlds. “What I mean… is that it’s fine to go shopping every once in a while. I do not wish to work just for others’ betterment in the world. A far too tiresome task my fate had assigned me. A lady needs her break, once in a while,” she stated, her eyes still glued to the dresses, taking notes of the various designs weaved carefully upon the fabrics. It was fine to be selfish and self-centered once in a while, yes? That’s what she felt. She didn’t know that danger would lurk at such a time, however.

Durran tensed up as he felt a blood hungry presence in the story. He was unable to place where it was coming from. Arkasia crept through the aisles as Louise appeared to not have noticed. Slowly drawing her sword, she eased even closer. Durran’s ears perked up as he rested his hand on his hilt. In the blink of an eye Arkasia dashed in, slicing a clothing rack in two as she tried to get the jump on the two. Durran blocked the attack with his sheathe and pushed Arkasia back away from Louise. Louise continued to scan the racks for clothing as if nothing had happened.

“This one-piece is not half-bad,” Louise remarked, speaking with a gleeful face. The fabric felt foreign to the touch. She was truly excited to try it out. She hoped that Arkasia would at least learn her lesson now, too. While on the other hand – as she was a person who worked with designing dresses, as well as selling them on the world she previously visited with Durran and Kudzu – dresses were more than just mere tools for concealing private places. Fashion has played an important aspect in Louise’s life, after all. Hence, Louise’s soul as a designer was burning ever hotter. She just couldn’t be bothered to deal with Arkasia now. She was way too intrigued. “I shall put it on,” she said, she took casual yet graceful steps to the dressing room.

Pushing Durran back with all her might she got close to Louise. ”Don’t you ignore me, bitch. It’s because of you that Nero is dead!” Yelled Arkasia.

”Hey, you guys are paying for that!!” Yelled the shop owner. As she started throwing stuff at Durran and Arkasia.

”Back down, Arkasia. This isn’t the place for this,” said Durran.

Louise came out of the dressing room momentarily, clad in the silver one-piece that was decorated with multiple linings that gave away a rather floral and cosmopolitan feel to herself. She felt that the designs and embroidery was still far incomparable to cosmopolitan style, it held a more antique presence. Perhaps it’s because Origin itself inhabited an antique style. “How do I look?” She asked.

Despite being entangled in combat Durran felt compelled to look. ”Y-You look good,” answered Durran struggling to hold back Arkasia. Drawing his sword, he spun hoping to force Arkasia back. Arkasia gripped her sheath and smacked Durran’s sword to the ground and stepped forward holding her blade to his throat. Arkasia kept eye contact with Durran.

”Do you have no shame High Priestess?” Asked Arkasia.

“And that’s coming from someone from ran away with her tail tucked, and is now ransacking an innocent shop?” Louise asked, with her charming yet menacing smile. Louise would never treat a shop as a battlefield. A clothing shop, at that. How dare she attack such a holy place?

“I had to live long enough to get revenge. It was the least I could do,” said Arkasia looking at Louise. Durran ditched his sword, and moved to the side pressing forward, and letting the blade cut into his shoulder. Grabbing Arkasia’s shoulder; he kicked her hard on the stomach. Then seizing her sword arm, he kicked her back – sending her into a rack of clothes. Spinning her sword once, he stabbed it onto the ground. Then he straightened out suit as he noticed he ruined the suit.

”Sorry Louise, I’ll work it off…” said Durran taking off the jacket and hanging it up. The white button up he was wearing underneath was stained on his right shoulder. Adjusting his suspenders he got ready to fight again, as Arkasia stood up tossing the clothes off herself.

“My dear lord, and that was a good suit, too,” Louise lamented, shaking her head almost as if in melancholy. “Mn, now that I look at it; you’ve cut your hair. †˜Tis a shame,” Louise commented earnestly.

“Gonna let this guy fight all your battles for you?” Asked Arkasia.

“Why should I fight a person blinded by the flames of vengeance? I see no reason to occupy myself with you, at the moment,” Louise replied, she wouldn’t even lift a wand for causing destruction now. Not here, anyway. Besides, Arkasia was definitely not calm. It’d be too easy. There was the risk that she was too close to her, however. Regardless, Louise was immortal; she didn’t particularly care about being cut down. She did cared about her dress a great deal, though.

”Because you are the one that lit them,” answered Arkasia. Wind began to swirl about the room and the doors to the store flew open almost snapping off the hinges.

Louise shrugged, calm and composed despite the rising tension and vibration in the air. “How am I responsible for something you asked me to do? I’ll admit, they used my name without my permission, but that doesn’t make it my fault, but it was him who made the orders.”

”That’s not the way that I heard it. I heard you let all forms of lies spew from that mouth of yours,” answered Arkasia.

“And what lies are you speaking of, exactly?” Louise asked yet again. Baseless accusations were common, especially in a world where one could hardly record conversations with devices; they were arguable. People liked to say all kinds of thing. She didn’t know what kind of shady people Arkasia spoke of her about, but popular flowers like Louise had always had a fair share of haters. It was the same for every people having a known identity in society. What Louise lamented was the fact that she knew the wrong group of people. Too bad, she found her amusing. It was a loss indeed.

”That you yourself spoke out against me,” answered Arkasia. Increasing the power of her wind it began to shred the clothes in the store to shreds. Durran slid his foot across the floor making a barrier in front of him and Louise. The wind hit the barrier hard but was diverted away from the two.

”The queen is soft, she wouldn’t have allowed something like that without someone like you confirming it.”

“As I said, he used my name in a misleading manner, what else do you need to know?”

”Then why don’t you do anything about it? If you know he is in the wrong why do you not speak out against him?” Yelled Arkasia.

“Because it is beneficial at the moment. Granted, he framed you by using my name. However, I have absolutely no intention of causing any more problems than what we have so far, especially when Cain needs to be dealt with,” Louise – unlike Arkasia – refused to have her priorities list backwards. The more time they’d spare for Cain; his side would come up with more ways to counter their attacks, and more ways to obstruct them – the Scions. Arkasia likely didn’t care about sides anymore so it wouldn’t matter, but she spoke of it regardless. Arkasia was indeed naive, she didn’t know that self-righteousness didn’t hold so much a place in the world of politics.

Arkasia balled up her fists and ran towards the barrier pushed by her winds. Durran looked at Louise as she nodded at him in approval. As Arkasia struck the barrier Durran dispelled it, as he seized Arkasia by the hand. Then yanking her forward he grabbed her by the throat and her winds calmed down. Durran smirked as he released her. Arkasia coughed trying to catch her breath. As she tried to recall her winds nothing happened.

”What did you do to me?!” choked out Arkasia. Durran stood over Arkasia as his hand began to itch slightly, and the symbol of a snake slithered onto his hand. Durran gaining control of himself back up as the snake retracted up his sleeve.

“Probably… affected your spirit,” Louise said, analyzing Arkasia’s spiritual status. That snake was a familiar sight, considering she had witnessed a similar move by Adair. “Please stop, there is no way to fight any more, for now.” This was a person who was dependent on her spirit, after all. Just like most of the inhabitants of this world. Regardless, Louise’s request was sincere, and she didn’t wanted this person to be hurt for it. Louise herself may have wished for vengeance somewhere in her heart. And that was the exact reason she knew how Arkasia felt. It was the very reason she wanted Arkasia to stop, because she knew that it was a path full of pain and suffering. At least it was a subordinate for Arkasia, Louise was thankful that Arkasia hadn’t lost her own child in the very same fashion.

Gritting her teeth, Arkasia still got ready to fight. Suddenly a man’s footsteps sounded behind them. ”Stand down Arkasia, what are you doing?” Yelled a guard. Arkasia turned to them knowing that she was the aggressor of this fight, and she would be seen in the wrong.

”We will finish this later,” said Arkasia as the guards surrounded her and began escorting her out.

”Hey! She is paying for this!?” yelled the shopkeeper. Her hair was whipped up from the wind and her clothes were in tatters.

Louise shrugged. “Clarification: She is the one who attacked us, as I was trying to try out a dress, and cut your selection of attires apart, my bodyguard had her restrained.”

The store owner turned red with anger. ”Just get out of my store!” Yelled the woman.

“Now, now, relax – would you? I’d like at least like to purchase this dress, may I… ?” Louise asked with a face saying that she’d be truly sad if she couldn’t. The shopkeeper sighed and stumbled over to the cash register.

”Let me see what you have there…” said the shopkeeper.

“Here you go,” Louise said, taking up a quill, staining it with a ink, and writing a note for the shopkeeper. She didn’t even note the price of the dress. Looking at the note, the shopkeeper saw that it was made out for much more than what the dress was worth. In fact it was worth much more than her entire current stock. She could easily restart her business with that. Bowing the shopkeeper was almost in tears.

”Thank you very much!” She exclaimed bowing over and over.

Louise then left the place – along with Durran – leaving Arkasia’s back behind her.

Louise was content with the clothes that she bought from the stores, despite a certain rude interruption from Arkasia. Luckily Durran was there to handle everything, and she didn’t have to get involved in the scuffle that was borderline pointless. Though, at the cost of that suit; she was considering buying a new one. With the jacket slung over his shoulder Durran hid the cut that he received from Arkaisa.

”Here I thought Origin would be the most relaxing place I would visit. I’d rather have just stayed in your other world at this point,” complained Durran.

“It is alright, I can still get you another suit,” Louise said, attempting to forget about the tragedy of the poor, poor suit. As expensive as it was; it might’ve been more expensive than Arkasia’s life itself in her world. “As you have previously seen; I have a proper collection of those, too,” she added, apparently trying to make Durran feel better.

”Yes, but that one was perfect,” answered Durran running his finger over the hole made by Arkasia’s sword. ”You sure have many enemies hanging around.”

“Every beautiful flower would obviously be envied and hated, for various reasons,” Louise stated before revealing to Durran a rather common fact regarding her world. “As for the suit; I’ll figure out the measurements and sew one up for you, if you need an almost similar one that badly.”

”You can sew as well? Just what can’t you do?” Asked Durran curiously. He supposed that for someone alive that long there was no limit to the amount of things you could sit down and learn.

“Well, it’s imperative for designers of clothes such as myself, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to draw and †˜make’ up the clothes of my inspiration,” Louise stated nonchalantly to Durran’s response full of utter surprise. “Whenever I was bored; I’d find something to pass my time with. I tend to be time efficient sometimes; so there are times when I’m better off as productive than waste time doing nothing.”

”Lucky that you were able to spend time doing something somewhat enjoyable…” answered Durran looking down at his hand and tightening it into a fist. “So, what do you want to do now, Louise?” Asked Durran. ”I can’t think of anything else to do here. Since we had the ok to leave Kudzu here I guess we can at least tell him.”

“You catch on fast, I had been following the spiritual trail for some time now,” Louise answered to the suggestion as they continued to walk. “We’ll go back to my world after this, and finally return to Masario.”

”Sounds good to me. Maybe we can get more of that...what was it? Coconut rice?” Suggested Durran.

“I’d rather get some chicken this time… that one shop in the forest was quite satisfying the last time I went there.”

”Shop in the forest? They have forest towns in your world as well?” Asked Durran. ”It seemed that your time had grown out of such things.”

“Yes they do, some of them are simply preserved for the freshness they provide,” Louise answered. Some were attractions, and Louise referred to one such attraction. People establishes unique things for sales. Money makes people do the unthinkable sometimes.

”Not that I don’t like your world buildings, but I always admired the way nature looks. Glad to hear all your buildings aren’t that way,” answered Durran.

“We have all kinds of things in my world, that much I can assure you,” Louise replied. “Nature does has it’s own appeal, I suppose; I wouldn’t choose to live there for too long, however.”

As they reached a shop Durran looked up at the sign. The words read Sonnelion with images of swords and armor. “Oh I have heard of this smith before. The same concepts were adopted in the making of our own weapons,” commented Durran. A chorus of laughter came from out of the shop a moment later.

“Wait... Sonnelion… that’s the shop of Razta’s foster father,” Louise said, remembering her meeting with a certain gentleman.

”You have met this man before then?” Asked Durran. ”Maybe you can get him to give me a deal,” Durran smile as he opened the curtain for Louise to enter.

“I suppose,” Louise shrugged as she entered.
Later in the evening after everything was settled, guards were stationed into the streets enforce. Residents were advised to stay indoors during this time. Everyone had gathered at Sonnelion’s shop.

”So this is your old man, eh?” said Zelis taking a swig from his brandy on ice. ”I see the family resemblance. Taking a look at Razta he smirked. Kudzu took a small sip from his glass that he was given.

”He reminds me more of his mother” answered Kudzu with a smile.

”I suppose that Razta has some feminine features,” said Adelina. ”And he fits the roll of the damsel in distress pretty well.” Kudzu erupted into laughter.

”Isn’t that the truth!” answered Kudzu stifling his laughter.

Masaki looked closer at Razta and his father. “Kinda hard to tell which is which since both of them look nearly the same. Although Mr. Kudzu is more buffed and way taller than Razta.” Masaki nodded in amazement looking at the representative. Now don’t start thinking about telling that guy to throw you like you did with Luna back then, Masaki. TouTetsuOh warned. I’m not!

Reymond stood near Ari and Anastas looking on at the group talking. ”Its hard to believe that Razta is the son of a representative. Even more so that he defected just for his son.” said Reymond. ”I supposed we should start expecting more crazy things like this...”

Anastas gave a shrug, ”For some, family matter more than anything else. I can respect that.” A smirk grew on his face as he watched father and son reconnect.

”I haven’t been home in ages…” answered Reymond. ”When is the last time you have talked to your family Anastas? You never talk about them much.”

Anastas went silent, it was something he didn’t want to get into, especially when the mood was so calm and cheerful. Katya placed a hand on his shoulder empathetically, and looked at Reymond.

”It’s been a while since we have been back there right?” she said trying to give Reymond a hint.

Looking around the room he saw that Ari didn’t look like she was in the mood to talk either. Things were more tense than the lighthearted conversation in the background made it appear. Suddenly the bell to the curtain to the shop rang. As the curtain was drawn to the side a young man with long red hair came into view. Holding a jacket over his shoulder he looked to his side.

”Oh it looks like its a full house.” said Durran holding the curtain open for someone. Kudzu turned from the table, and looked over to Durran, before waving.

”I take it that you guys completed everything?” asked Kudzu.

“For the most part, yes,” Louise said, as she walked in gracefully. She glanced over the shop. The shop was formed of perfectly cut stone that lined the floor and walls. The kiln was lit slightly warming up the room and casting an orange glow in the shop. Weapons and shields were hung up on the wall, while armor stood on stands in the back of the shop. Unfinished weapons and armor was laid out on a table in the back near where Kudzu and Zelis were drinking. She then looked over the people across the shop, but her eyes ultimately laid upon Kudzu, she was here to visit him, after all.

Reymond sneered as the familiar blonde as she entered the shop. The last time they talked he had insulted her. He wondered if she still held that against him.

”Tch, I’ll go see what Morgan is up to.” Owain cursed through his teeth, he had been silent until now but the sight of the High Priestess riled him. He snorted making his way out of the shop, he did not want to be in her company any longer than he had to, and he saw no reason to stay. Durran stepped to the side allowing him to pass. Looking at Louise she seemed to simply ignore him even though his scorn was obviously directed at her.

“Just who don’t you know?” asked Durran.

“They’re mostly incompetent, though. I wish I didn’t know them, honestly,” Louise replied, but not so loudly as to let others hear. “I wonder why Kudzu’s son like to hang around with these people.”

“I don’t know they seem pretty charming,” said Durran with a chuckle as he followed in behind Louise. As he saw that pretty much everyone knew Louise, he decided he would introduce himself as well. Nodding to Razta he looked at the rest. ”My name is Duran, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Anastas and the others simply nodded to the newcomer. Something about him seemed odd, but no one could seem to place it. Razta bit his lip deciding that it was best to keep his mouth shut about it. Kudzu was a lot easier to accept than Duran’s identity would be.

”So what is the verdict?” asked Kudzu looking at Durran and Louise.

“I have paid Edile a visit for your sake – she has assured that it should be alright as long as you don’t cause issues around the village,” answered Louise with a light smile.

”Which means the job of babysitting this lug falls to you Razta,” added Durran. Razta slumped in his chair falling into a deep depression.

”What you mean is now I have two people to watch,” answered Adelina with a sigh. Katya looked at Kudzu, and thought to ask him a question. Though with the current conversation she found it difficult to interject. She would simply wait until a more opportune moment arose.

Ari came out of seclusion to speak quietly to Reymond. ”How can we all just be so trusting?” asked Ari. ”Even if he is Razta’s father. He is still cursed. So is Luna…” Luna hung back on a nearby wall as she caught ear of this conversation. She clenched her fist, feigning outrage to the woman's lack of trust though she decided to stay mum about it until later; wouldn’t be right to cause an uproar now.

”I see where you are coming from, but we are stuck in a bit of a situation here. We won’t be seeing any reinforcements from divine. Allies are going to become more rare.” answered Reymond. ”With the way the war is going now. We might see a conclusion sooner than we thought. Just hold on a little longer. For her sake as well.” Reymond smiled encouragingly.

“So, Kudzu, I need you to do me a favor,” Louise said.

Kudzu was a bit groggy from the booze, but still had enough sense in him to understand what she was asking. ”What is it?” asked Kudzu.

“I’ve heard that Edile’s sister may be coming. Based on what I heard; you †˜d truly do well to stay in low-profile,” Louise advised. “Try to stay out of those two’s vicinity, too.” Louise slightly leaned towards Kudzu. “I do not wish to lose you yet, you see,” she said in a rather misleading fashion.

”That is no fun,” answered Kudzu. Thinking about all the fuss he caused today he probably already popped up on their radar. ”What are you going to be doing in the meantime?”

“An errand. We may locate the stronghold of the cult if we’re successful,” Louise answered.

”You don’t need me for that?” asked Kudzu.

“The work is in Masario. So, no. It’d be for naught if you’re brought back there,” Louise sighed and shrugged after replying.

”Well I guess I’ll stay here and enjoy the company of other warriors.” answered Kudzu raising his glass.

”Ha that’s the spirit!” said Zelis refilling his glass.

“It is unfortunate that I could only pay such a brief visit, Zelis. He may be a bit of a burden… but I hope you don’t mind me leaving him in your care,” Louise faced Zelis and spoke. Truly, speaking for her guard- no, perhaps servant was a better description. She gave a magnificent bow with her head as she expressed her regret for having to leave him here of all places.

”Razta was never one to enjoy alcohol. It is nice to finally have a drinking buddy.” answered Zelis. ”I have to say I didn’t think he would fit in the door though. Just what did they feed you over there?”

”I lived off nothing but the land. Monsters and the fauna raised me this way.” answered Kuzdu with pride.

“And a whale...” Louise added with a disappointed face, before her forehead met her palm.

Kudzu patted his stomach. ”That beast was delicious, but a little to fatty for my taste.” replied Kudzu.

”What is a whale?” asked Razta.

“Well, I may treat you to an abundance of meals if you can do your one and only job,” Louise said, not really bothering to enlighten Razta.

”Deal,” answered Kudzu remembering the delicious meals he was treated to in the other world.

“Good boy.” Louise then faced Zelis once again. “I shall take my leave now. I may pay you a visit in the future, however,” Louise said.

”But you two just got here, why not have a few with us?” offered Zelis.

”Perhaps another time,” answered Durran.

”Always on the move, huh?” asked Masaki.

“My schedule is well packed, you see,” answered Louise before giving a bow with her head slightly, and turning; heading out of the shop. Durran bowed slightly to them all, and then swiftly followed behind Louise.

Kudzu poured the rest of his drink down his throat. ”She has been through a lot...She may come off as brazen, but her heart is in the right place.” said Kudzu to no one in particular, but he wanted to get that point across to them.

”She sure has a strange way of showing it,” answered Luna.

”That’s just part of her charm right?” said Masaki remembering how she reacted when he tried to eat her clothes.

”Thats a way to think about it I suppose,” answered Adelina with a smirk.
Morgan was making her way down to Zelis’ shop to meet up with the rest of the group at Owain’s request. She felt a little guilty leaving the elder to her own devices, but maybe the time to sit and think would do her some good. With war on the horizon she knew that soon she would be calling in the leaders from the other villages. Things were about to get very busy for her, and what was left of her guardians.

As she got close to the shop she spotted Owain making his way down the street in a hurry, with a wrathful look on his face. ”Owain!” she yelled trying to get his attention.

Softening his expression at hearing his lover’s voice he turned to face her, “Just the girl I wanted to see,” he smiled half-heartedly.

”Did the get together end early? asked Morgan looking over at the shop. The lights were still on. She looked back to Owain trying to read his expression. ”Are you doing alright?”

“I’m fine, I just saw someone who I’d rather not have,” he admitted, his own interactions with Louise, on top of the fact that he was no longer allied with Scion left him with a bad taste in his mouth when he had encountered her just moments ago.

”Who are you talking about? Might it be the same person that got Arkasia in a bit of trouble?” asked Morgan. ”I didn’t think that anyone could get under Arkasia’s skin like that.”

“Yeah…” Owain said, sadly, “The High Priestess.”

”Just what did she do to make you all hate her so? We always heard that the high priestess was to be a kind and understanding soul.” asked Morgan curiously.

Owain laughed sardonically at Morgan’s words, “She’s completely self-centered, as if the whole world revolves around her, I could have lost my job in as a knight if things hadn’t gone the way they did here.”

”There are all types of people out there I suppose...Maybe leaving the military in favor of ours was the right choice after all.” replied Morgan. ”But you are away from that now, and only one woman should be able to change your mood like this now.”

Owain smiled at this, “You’re right,” He said smirking, “How about you get to changing it then?”

Morgan smiled slyly. ”Are you sure you wouldn’t rather return to your friends?” answered Morgan. Though not seeing anyone leaving after Owain she assumed they were giving him time to cooldown. ”I’m sure you can not be the captain for one night. You will have your fill of that later.” Morgan was standing firm in her decision, but under the facade she was beyond nervous.

Owain grinned, “I guess I can do that,” he said, mocking reluctantly.
After the †˜festivities’ at the shop were over the group left and headed back towards the house. Luna, Ari, and Reymond were a little behind the rest. Razta had stayed behind to speak more with his father. Luna looked out to the group, and wondered what they really thought of her. She told herself she didn’t care, but what Ari said got to her for some reason. Without thinking she reached out and lightly grabbed Ari’s shoulder. Ari slapped her arm away and turned to her.

”What is your problem?” spat Ari. Reymond turned and looked curiously at Luna as she tried to gather her thoughts. Adelina and the others turned as well when they caught on. Katya sighed and decided she would simply continue on. Anastas hesitated at first but then left with her.

”What’s my problem? What’s your problem?” Luna snarled, the words seeped through her teeth as she growled at the heinous woman. She lied to herself thinking that she wouldn’t concern herself to those indecent enough to keep a stray eye turned to her even in an ordinary circumstance. Whether it was for personal gain or not, Luna agreed to fight with this rag tag group of soldiers against the country she was raised in. At least Razta, Morgan and Owain were forgiving-- whatever this woman’s gripe with the Cursed was a mystery.

”I busted my ass just to try and get at least an ounce of respect from you people, and all you’ve given me so far was shit. I see the looks you and Adelina give me; usually I wouldn’t give a damn, but for you two, it just doesn't sit right with me.” she glared at the woman with high distaste and annoyance from her passive aggression. Clearly fighting their captain and gaining a few extra scars didn't bury the hatchet between the two.

”You may have gotten the Captain and the others to trust you, but my trust is not so easily gained. Especially for your kind.” answered Ari.

"...And what of my kind, princess?" Luna replied after a deep breath, attempting to keep her cool.

“Do I really need to explain? With all the people you’ve killed. Families you have ruined?” answered Ari.

Luna merely paused a moment, as she had no words for that notion. She knew full well that she had participated in these acts and couldn't deny it either. "I hate to break it to you, but that is how war works; people will die, families will be torn apart. I don’t know what world of sunshine and rainbows you're living in, but you need to wake up and smell the bloodshed both armies had caused." Luna replied.

”You all have it coming. You started this war, and we are simply finishing it. If this were on our home soil, you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation.” answered Ari her hand instinctively inching towards her blade.

”I think that we should end that chat here.” said Reymond stepping out in front of the two. Reymond had no love for Luna, but a conflict in these lands was more trouble than it was worth.

Luna clenched her fist, feeling Sonata crawl forth to feed off both the girls' misguided anger. It would be bad to start a fight right here, but this woman had provoked her enough. Pushing Sonata away, Luna tucked her face into her muffler. "Tch, you all claim to fight for peace, yet here you are, lookin' to scrap with me. Is hypocrisy taught in that army as well?” Luna quipped in order to douse her rising anger for the time being.

Ari’s expression went grim. ”My reasons for fighting are not the same, and they are none of your business.” answered Ari.

"...Personally, I don't give give a damn." Luna smiled defiantly from under her muffler for a moment. "In any case, I'd expect you to have a damned good reason to fight, otherwise you probably would've been trampled along with the rest of the people here. And quite honestly-- and I'm gonna tell you straight out-- whatever you're fighting for, might be dead and gone. insulted Luna.

Ari’s eyes opened wide as a stray tear ran down her face. Ripping her blade from its sheath she thrusted for Luna’s throat. Reymond released his own blade and quickly deflected her blow to the ground. Ari kept her eyes fixated on Luna breathing heavily. Adelina chuckled at this. Ari never seemed like the type to let her emotions flow freely like that.

“What do you know!?” screamed Ari. Yanking her sword back. Looking at Reymond she knew that he had stopped her from doing something stupid, but was too angry to thank him now. Sheathing her sword she walked off, and shoved her way past the group hiding her tears. Adelina nodded to Reymond with a sly smile, and gave chase.

Reymond turned back Luna sheathing his sword with a sigh. ”Leave her alone alright?” asked Reymond. ”I would have rather left you to rot in that cell myself, but Owain saw something useful. So I deal with you, but don’t push your luck.”

"Hmph, noted. Luna turned to the man with a blank expression. "Maybe instead of fighting me, you should focus on what's at hand. Captured or not, I would have left anyhow...they're the real monsters... she turned away wearing a regretful expression. Luna knew, plain as day that being Cursed meant a label for the remainder of the war; the less people she had associated with her the better. From seemingly out of nowhere Masaki appeared before Luna and placed a hand on her shoulder. Wearing a bright smile, but saying nothing else. For some reason that worked to lift her spirits if only a little. Reymond smirked leaving Masaki to deal with the rest and headed off in the direction of the others.
The two had agreed to meet at night after everything was said and done, Selanus walking into the only place he knew where to get a decent meal. Obviously, Boar on a spit. Selanus waved to the owner as he came in, Luna close behind and he placed their orders before moving to a table. After all that had happened earlier, the place was quiet and only a few scattered patrons were in the establishment.

"So, I'll skip the pleasantries. Let's start with that night when you left... where'd you go exactly?" Asked Luna as she took a seat at a table.

Selanus grimaced at her question as he sidled into his own seat opposite her. ”I got what I needed to know from Marian. After that, there wasn’t any reason for me to stick around anymore so I went back to Raskana to finish my assignment.” He said without further adieu, though that night with Marian had pained him greatly.

"I see," Luna said, nodding in affirm. She rested her chin on both of her hands and stared absentmindedly. "My time has been...eventful, you could say. We went on a little Kogok hunt on our way over and had a bit of downtime in the onsen." Luna smiled a little at the thought, remembering seeing both Sonya, Charlotte and the rest of the women in Scion in the buff in plain view.

Chuckling a little at the mention of the scaly beasts, he thought of the tiny bone flute he had made of that unfortunate one. ”You went Kogok hunting too?” He opted to not mention anything about the onsen part, since he had been there after all.

Nodding, Luna thought of the few she split open easily and smirked as if she were accomplished. "Yeah, between you and me, lizards creep me out. So I was happy to oblige myself in cleaving them in half."

”Still a woman underneath all that. So you were travelling with…?” Selanus left the question hanging as food was brought to their table. He didn’t want anyone to chance upon their conversation and sincerely hoped no one he knew would pop in.

"Marian, Sonya and the other cursed." Responded Luna, snorting at Selanus' response. She grabbed a fork and began taking small bites of her meal in mind of the conversation. "Why do you ask?"

”The old gang huh? I hadn’t expected Sonya to get her hands dirty or you guys to pop up here is all. I had my own problems to deal with after Raltese anyway.” Selanus answered with a shrug, poking his own roast with a fork. ”So long as I don’t see that guy again, I’m good.”

"Who, Soul?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow. Though it was understandable at the most, not even Luna wanted anything to do with the man, if one would call him that. "I don't even know what his deal is. What the hell is he?"

”That one is another bag of worms but no, not Soul.” His eyes blazed at the memory, glinting momentarily in the dim light before he reigned in his emotions, hissing through his teeth instead. ”Kudzu.”

Kudzu was also on the list of people Luna would much rather keep her distance from. But the animosity between him and Selanus was a mystery to her. "Oh?" Luna only said, Selanus never seemed like the sort to falter to any man, especially with his spirit bumbling around in there.

He merely seethed, looking at Luna with an eyebrow raised. ”He and his son are the cause of all my troubles.” Selanus admitted, not liking how he couldn’t do anything about it.

"Well that explains why you flinch every time I ask you a question." Luna scoffed. "But what's your gripe with them that you hate them so much?" Again the tinkling laughter in her ear, this time with a bit more venom. ”At it again? I thought I made myself clear?”

Selanus forced his spirit away and she went off with a pout, peeved with his behaviour. She was only protecting him after all. ”My life is in pieces because of those two. Razta by circumstance but Kudzu, he… he killed my aunt.” With a slump of his shoulders, he forced a piece of meat into his meat.

Luna grimaced hearing that. Two in a row, she would think. She could only help but feel for the man, as she could relate to losing a loved one due to uncontrollable events. "I'm sorry." Luna said, looking down at the table apologetically. "Say no more, I know the drill." She said as if relieving the man of a considerable amount of weight.

”He didn’t even think twice about it, just burnt her to a crisp.” The piece of meat felt like rubber in his mouth, no flavor whatsoever as he recounted his tale. ”This was just after I managed to capture Razta from here, brought him back to Raskana as per auntie’s orders and then everything went to hell.” He swallowed the piece of meat with difficulty, gazing at Luna with despondent eyes. ”And I couldn’t do anything to stop him.”

"Hmph, I can't say I don't know the feeling. At least your loved one didn't suffer before she died." Luna responded, pushing away her blatant reminders of four years before. Selanus scoffed, unsure of how to respond to that.

He drew on his pitcher again, washing down that unsavory meat with alcohol. ”Then you and me are in the same boat but you, you managed to kill those responsible. Didn’t you?”

Luna clenched her fist, bending her fork in hand. She could feel Sonata poke around in the ruminations of her mind, mumbling things she couldn't exactly make out well. "...Yeah." She said simply with a short winded sigh.

”Then at least, you have closure. It doesn’t seem possible for me to take down Kudzu at this point in time but I will get stronger.” Astaroth shifted around once again, before cheekily reaching it to Luna’s spirit. Selanus sighed.

Luna furrowed her brows hearing the two bumble about, talking as if their masters weren't there. "I have no quarrel with the man but if you feel like killing him will help you gain closure, I won't stop you." Luna concluded. "However, revenge is a jarring thing, and human or not, you are still subject to losing that small glimmer of humanity inside." She was speaking from personal experience, however. Sonata snickered at this, completely dumbfounded of her master speaking philosophy, something she was never accustomed to.

”Deep thinking doesn’t suit you Luna. I preferred it when you were busting heads and spilling guts.” Selanus laughed a bit in the sombre situation, though it didn’t really help alleviate his mood.

Luna chuckled. "I guess that would mean you would prefer it back when I wanted you to keep your distance, then." She wasn't sure whether she should take that as a compliment or not. Having the need to kill constantly wasn’t exactly a luxury.

Selanus shook his head slowly, no. ”I liked it when things were simpler, not having to worry about things like betrayal within our ranks or the massacre of innocents.” There had indeed been too much and he himself was not one to talk, considering the amount of blood on his hands.
”That’s the way life works unfortunately.” Luna replied indifferently. ”In this day and age people will start to become underhanded, even in terms of war.” she ran a hand through her hair before continuing. ”The moment someone finds that soft spot, that small glimmer of light inside you, they drop you, they turn on you, they exploit you-- they betray you, and you end up a splatter for the rats to clean up.”

Selanus removed his hat and swept a hand through his hair, some of the strands coming to rest against his forehead. ”I’ve had enough of that for one lifetime. Let’s talk something else, like pray tell how did you of all people get with the Scion?” He said with a slight smirk.

”Believe me, I don’t like it anymore than you do,” Luna snorted. ”One of them apparently saw some good in me and decided to let me join-- after I was left behind by Marian then caught by them.” Luna put up her fingers and gestured them back and forth as if quoting something. ”To be fair-- and I didn’t believe it myself, but some of them are worthwhile people, I guess.” she looked away, feigning embarrassment. Luna was never one to host such animosity for the Scion, she merely possessed the urge to fight, and they just happened to step upon that urge.

”Our jobs are just of that kind I suppose. They don’t let decent people into our lives too often.” Selanus thought of the scarce few that he had met and how many were still around. Even amongst the scion, there had been a couple with Anastas and Helena coming to mind. ”I’ve just lived with the “us or them” up till recently but yeah. Not everyone would’ve spared someone like me. I know I wouldn’t.”

Luna smiled a bit, burying half her face into her muffler to hide it. "Well, you're different compared to anyone in cursed. From personal experience, you're actually one of the good ones, everyone else is scum." Luna said attempting to sound blunt. Her face remained inside the scarf to keep herself from saying more.

Selanus smirked at Luna trying to hide herself, the lass was painfully obvious. This rarely seen side of her always made him want to tease her more. ”It was only in name anyway. I wouldn’t have minded joining the army or trying for an elite but I felt my abilities were better utilized as a freelancer than as a standing member.” He reclined into the chair as best he could, chuckling as Luna fiddled with her muffler. It really made her look out of place.

Luna began to hear chatter from Sonata, she poked at her cheek to get her to cut to the chase. All the while waiting, Sonata whispered something of a very snide and risqué joke about Luna to Astaroth. Hearing this, Luna shook her head. She removed her head from the muffler and gained the courage to finally open up. "So Selanus, what's your story? Luna asked curiously, she knew the man long enough to know that his heart was in the right place, which was rare for men around her, if not any.

”Me? Just the life of a simple hired hand, per se. Give me a target and I’ll run him down, no questions asked.” replied the former bounty hunter with a small quirk of the lips. ”But people had to make it complicated.”

"I wouldn’t mind that type of life." replied Luna, she shot Selanus a look that would say "what's wrong with that?". "Would be easier to stay secluded; no one to get close to.

”It wasn’t always like that.” Selanus replied with a slight huff. ”To be a Dahlem means to strive for excellence. My… parents decided my siblings and I should become leading members of the cursed. It wasn’t a bad idea but it came with a lot of pointless drivel, like politics.”

"Which led you to live with your aunt?" Luna replied, her voice sounded as if to finish Selanus' sentence. He gave the briefest of nods before continuing. ”She was more than willing to let me join her after my father deemed me a †˜failure’. My talents just weren’t suited for what he wanted and he saw fit to cast me out. It was the best decision he ever made, in my opinion. Life at Raskana was much better than it ever was on the estate.”

"Hmph, at least you had the pleasure of knowing what your parent's faces look like. Either they cared or not, they loved you enough to show themselves." Luna replied bluntly, her eyebrows furrowed as the last syllable in her voice sounded.

”Believe me when I say it was not love that motivated them. Love is what my aunt showed me, not my parents.” He said with a bitter chuckle, ”The only thing their faces have done was give me something to associate with the horrible memories.” Luna merely shrugged in response, remaining indifferent on the matter, though she knew the man meant well. Having the pleasure of knowing her parents however, is an experience Luna has yet to know.

”What? I’d like to think I turned out alright even living with the warden. You don’t think so?” Selanus said at Luna’s evident silence. ”We can’t choose where we’re born or who we’re born to, but it’s a choice to make the best of it or not.”

"...I see. Luna merely said. She wasn't bewildered from the man's words, instead she felt something much more. Yes... the words of wisdom got to her somehow, no one could control how they were born. "Yeah, you're right..."

”Aren’t I always?” With a light hearted chuckle, Selanus continued his meal. Draining the last of his ale, he pulled out a pouch filled with coins.
Grigore, Helena, and Selanus were enjoying dinner when there was a demanding knock on the door. Grigore looked around the table as he wiped his hands clean with a towel. Then he stood up grabbing a tonfa from next to the door. Opening it slowly he peaked out. It was a group of guards.

”Sorry to interupt, but is Selanus Dahlem present?” asked the guard.

”What is this about?” asked Grigore.

”It has come to our attention that he would be a great help in figuring out the recent events. We would ask that he assist us.”

Closing the door just to where they couldn’t see him Grigore tuned back to look at Selanus. ”Well?” asked Grigore.

Selanus shrugged and got up, throwing on his coat as he moved out with a sigh. ”It’s not like I can refuse. That and I’m glad someone has use for my services.” It was a shame though, dinner would be cold by the time he returned.

”You can very well refuse,” answered Helena as she shoveled another bite of meat into her mouth. ”People pick the best times to need something.”

”Do you want me to come with you?” asked Grigore as Selanus approached the door.

”You know what’s going on but she doesn’t.” replied Selanus in a hushed tone, inclining his head at Helena. ”She deserves to know after… that.” It was clear what he was talking about, scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably.

”Helena you are going with him,” ordered Grigore.

”The hell I am,” answered Helena difiantly.Grigore simply gave her a look and waited. Helena sighed and got up stabbing her knife into the wooden table. Brushing past Selanus she snatched her spear from next to the door. ”Let’s go already” complained Helena.

Grigore looked at Selanus and smiled. ”Be on your best behavior.” said Grigore with a smile. Selanus sighed, not intending for it to go this way.

”Then again, what has gone my way recently?” He thought with a shake of his head and a grimace. He walked out in the cool night air, nodding at the guard to lead the way.

The group of guards surrounded Helena and Selanus as they made their way through the main street towards the elder’s house. Most of the shops and stands were closing up shop aside from the few that catered to the night life. Helena looked around a bit anxious for some reason.

”What do you think she needs you for?” asked Helena finally looking to Selanus.

”I reckon it would be something related to what happened the other day.” Selanus replied grimly, not happy that the skeletons in his closet were about to come out.

”Guess we will have to see.” answered Helena. As the two reached the house they noticed a light coming out from the balcony to the elder’s office. Two guards were posted outside, and opened the door so that the group could enter. The four guards guided them through the house, and up the stairs to the office. Knocking three swift times Edile called out to them.

”Bring them in.” said Edile. Opening the door two guards waited outside while two went in with Helena and Selanus. Edile was sitting behind her desk in the middle of the room. The fireplace was blazing behind her warming up the room. Two seats were placed in front of the desk. ”Have a seat you two.” offered Edile, but it seemed more like a command than a request. Helena took a seat first, and Edile looked to Selanus to do the same. He grudgingly took the other, slightly anxious as to what she wanted with him.

”Thank you for coming this late at night...I would have waited till the morning, but time is not something we have much of. started Edile. ”I have heard through my sources that you, nephew of Kristina Dahlem, know a thing or two about her invention. These collars that have been popping up all over the place. Is this correct?”

Selanus glanced over to Helena, replying to Edile after a moment of thought. ”Yes. I was privy to her research and… experiments with these collars.” It wasn’t something he wanted to dig up, the collars being inhumane but any time spent with his aunt was a good thing, in his opinion. Helena soaked up all the information she could but stayed silent.

”Would you know how to safely remove one of these devices?” asked Edile.

”It wouldn’t be a problem.” His eyes cracked open a bit more in surprise. They had managed to capture one of the collar bearers alive? ”I’ll just need a bit of time with the subject, as well as making sure the collars haven’t been tampered with by others.”

”I see,” answered Edile. ”We were able to capture one with such a device around his neck, alive. I can get information from him if only that collar were not in the way. Aside from cutting the device off you are our only means of doing this.

The door behind them opened, and in walked Bael who looked down at the two with a blank stare. Edile stood up from her desk and walked around it. ”Please follow us, and we will take you to where he is being held.” said Edile.

”Let’s get a look at this thing, I have yet to see one up close before.” commented Helena as she stood up.

”You won’t like it. The abominable thing breaks people, shells are all that’s left.” Selanus said grimly, already standing as he waited on Helena. The look he gave her didn’t fit on his face, struggling with what to say. ”You… deserve this much at least. I don’t leave my debts unpaid.”

”I’m not the type to remember debts” Helena said with a devilish smirk. ”Unless you are Grigore of course. Messing with him is a pastime.”

”Well, you still have a right to know. This is the fastest way to show you.” Face set in a slight scowl at the impending operation, Selanus nonetheless chuckled at her jibe at Grigore. He had to agree with her on that one. ”Come, you’ll see what goes on in my kitchen, more precisely what kind of chef I am.” He said with a slight smirk.

”Keep on task, your flirting can be done later.” interrupted Edile. Bael cast back a strange glance at Selanus, but then quickly looked back to the front. Selanus noticed it, but decided that for now he wouldn’t question it. Helena punched him lightly in the side and smirked.

”Ya lover boy keep the flirting to a minimum,” she jested.

Stepping outside again the made a short walk to the guard building, and the doors were opened for them by guards. Entering into the prison felt like a different world that from the forest. Steel and cement took the place of the usual wood carved prison. Most people in the origins knew how to manipulate the forest to their will. This was preventative measures.

As the reached the back they reached the high security cells. In the very back there was a door guarded by four highly armed guards. As they saw the group approach they drew their weapons and turned to the door. Sliding the slit open they saw the boy huddled in the back of the room. One gaurd opened the door slowly as the other stayed on guard. Two moved in while the others waited outside. After a moment one guard outside signaled for the group to walk in.

Edile walked in first, and Bael motioned for Selanus and Helena do go in before him. Helena walked ahead with Selanus close behind. Bael followed behind mouthing something under his breath. Selanus noticed his mouth moving but dismissed it as unimportant.

As Selanus entered he looked around the room. Spirit lights were in the walls of the room lighting it up. It was a wonder if the boy was able to get any sleep with the room that bright. As he looked at the boy cornered by the guards, the boy also looked up at him. The boy looked somewhat familiar to him, dressed in all white jail clothing, and his feet and hands were cuffed. Maybe one of the younger prisoners, and by the boys expression he surely knew him.

”D-don’t hurt me! I won’t run!” screamed the boy. ”I didn’t tell them anything! Nothing!”

Selanus quirked an eyebrow at the boys response, perhaps word had spread that he was just as inhumane as his aunt. At least the boy wasn’t missing any limbs, that was always a good sign. ”I’m not with them anymore. You can relax.” He offered in a softer tone, getting close to the boy.

The boy began to kick at the ground trying to apparently move through the wall. Then he turned and hid his his face. The guards grabbed him and turned him around. Crimson splattered onto the floor as they lifted him. Edile raised her hand quickly and roots shot out from her sleeves restraining the boy and turning him around. He was trying to bite his tongue clean off.

”Bael!” yelled Edile. Bael walked up and lifted his hand to the boy face. A sphere of water encased his head, and lit up brightly. After a few seconds Bael released the water and let it fall to the ground. The boys wounds were healed to the boys dismay.

”We mean you no harm child, we are going to get that collar off of you. This man has agreed to help.” said Edile. The boy was breathing heavily, and looked to Selanus for confirmation.

He strode over calmly, nodding his agreement. ”What she says is true. Now, just sit still and it’ll be over quickly.” He offered the boy a good natured grin, palms raised.

The boy swallowed hard and closed his eyes. ”It doesn’t come off easy..” admitted the boy. ”I tried.”

”I know you did.” Selanus replied with a chuckle. ”They all did…” He peered down at the collar, the black ring staring back at him as it lay against the boys neck. It appeared that it hadn’t been tampered with or whoever did must have been skilled, for he couldn’t tell. In the worst case miasma would just come flooding out, no pressure. ”Now hold still.” ordered Selanus, beginning his work to remove the device.

His fingers danced over the collar, glowing with spirit energy and with a slight hiss it popped off the boys neck. Selanus could feel a pressure being lifted off the boy, as if a muffled voice suddenly became clear. He rubbed at the raw skin under the collar, the collar in his other hand. ”There, all done. Wasn’t so bad was it?”

He patted the boys head reassuringly, turning to face Edile. ”What will be done with the boy now?” If he could help it, the child would not come to more harm than he has suffered already. The boy reached for his throat and rubbing the skin he hadn’t felt in years. Suddenly a feeling rose in his stomach, and he vomited. A side effect of the collar, but not a life threatening one.

”I will question him, and he will be still kept under watch. The damage that boy has done to this village is great, but it was not of his own will. Still actions such as his are not easily forgiven.” answered Edile. ”I thank you for your assistance Selanus.”

Helena looked at the boy curiously. The things that the cursed were willing to do to children was sickening to think about. Edile opened her hand again as the restraints uncoiled around his limbs and lowered him to the ground. The boy sat on the ground, and wept tears of joy.

”It’s off! It’s really off!” he said wiping the tears. Helena smiled and gave Selanus a strong pat on the back as the man observed the boy, a small smile on his face.

”I see you are good for something besides cooking,” Helena complimented.

Selanus smiled wistfully, though he wished there were more things he could do to help. ”Barely scratched the surface of what I can do when I put my mind to it but thanks. It pleases me to hear praise from the lady.” He joked but in truth, he was glad that there was one less person under the oppressive collars grip.

In a more serious tone, he asked Edile something that was weighing on his mind. ”If it’s alright, would you allow the boy to join us once you are finished with him? He deserves… better after all he’s been through.”

”He will remain in our sight, I am sorry. I will not be releasing him to you.” answered Edile.

”I understand.” If the elder had decreed as such, there really wasn’t much Selanus could do. ”Is there anything else you will require of me, elder?” He queried, wanting to be be sure before he made his way back home.

”No, thank you very much. You go and get some rest. You have been through a lot of late.” answered Edile looking into Selanus’ eyes. Reading into people was a bad habit of hers. With recent events she found herself caring less for people’s privacy.

Selanus nodded, though he couldn’t help but feel a little perturbed by the way the elder looked at him. ”If there’s anything else you will need, you know where to find me.” He added, throwing one last look at the young boy. ”I foresee you might need more of my services in the near future.” The boy waved to Selanus grateful that the collar was off, Selanus waving back with a soft smile.

Bael shook his head and looked at the boy. He didn’t trust him, and would be keeping him in his sights as long as Edile didn’t need him. Helena yawned and stretched.

”Let’s get out of here. This guy is creeping me out.” complained Helena. Selanus snickered a little at her comment, remembering Bael muttering to himself earlier. ”Yes, we should. Ladies first?” He added with a slight flourish, indicating for her to proceed. Helena chuckled and walked out of the cell with Selanus. Edile turned to the boy and looked into his eyes wasting no time.

”Be calm...this will not take long.” said Edile.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise and Durran arrived in Masario just as the sun began to rise. As soon as they arrived they decided it was best that they split up now, and avoid too many people seeing them together. With what Durran was about to do she wanted to avoid being linked if he got caught. Wearing a red button up shirt that he bought to wear while his other one was in tatters. It looked nice enough, but it was of lower quality than what he obtained in the other world.

”Don’t get too drunk now,” said Durran walking off.

“I would if I could,” Louise replied in jest as she left for the castle, and headed through a portal. Despite it being a mere jest; Louise was unable to get drunk regardless of how many drinks she’d have. Her innate ability of rejuvenation is fast enough to prevent something as simple as that. As such; drinking was just like having any other beverage to Louise. At most – it could only make her feel a little more relaxed than usual.

Appearing once again in her room to the displeasure of the maids working in there; Louise successfully teleported into the castle where Leona III – the current Queen – resided in..

”Ayaaa!” Shouted a maid in fright as a portal opened up in the corner of the room as she dropped various things. ”H-H-High Priestess?!” The maid then scrambled around to find the cleaning supplies for what she dropped.

“May I inquire as to where the Queen is?” Louise asked to the maid, not paying her mistakes and over-dramatic reaction any heed. The dropped decoratives was not exactly her’s, so she didn’t scold them. She hardly had the time or reason to reprimand her, either.

”She should still be in her room,” answered the maid. ”She was up rather late these past nights. So she is probably still asleep.”

“After becoming the Queen officially; I figured that she’d at least bother to wake up early...” Louise said tilting her head with a look of disappointment. “Knowing her; she’ll most likely be asleep till her personal maid goes to her… May I know where the royal guards reside?”

”May I ask which royal guard you are looking for?” Asked the maid.

“Saren – I have something to discuss with him.”

”Hmmm, the last I saw him, he was out in the gardens. He is always up before the rest of the guard, and wanders around from time to time,” answered the maid. ”I’d say to start your search there.”

“Very well,” Louise replied, before conjuring a portal to leave for the garden.

As she stepped through yet another portal she was outside again, and the sun was higher in the sky then last she checked. The garden was being tended to by multiple landscapers. With a field of flowers that large there was no way that one man would be able to do that job. Flowers from all over the region were grown there, and each needed a different treatment. Though, she was not there for the local flora. Looking around, it wasn’t long before she spotted a familiar towering figure looking out into the distance not too far from her. As her eyes rested on him – he turned his head to her.

”Ah, you’re back? The guards didn’t have to alert me this time,” Saren joked.

“Is it that big of a fuss when I come back?” Pondered Louise out loud as she replied to Saren. She knew that the Church would make a fuss, but didn’t know if anyone else caring as much as they do. In fact, she hardly knows what goes on around here anymore. Not too many days had passed since the battle of Raltese, yet it felt like a long time had passed already. Strange – Louise believed – since she had lived for so long that her sense of time was somewhat warped. Perhaps she hadn’t been bored in a while, that’s why.

”You can’t keep the people from caring about the comings and goings of such a major religious figure. I’m sure you are used to the attention by now,” answered Saren.

“I suppose I am,” Louise said, of course she was; even before coming back to this world. “I feel the want to be even more sneakier just to play with the people now,” she joked with a rather menacing giggle.

”You’ll make the church bite their nails to the bone,” added Saren with a smile before he turned completely to Louise. “So, I take it that you didn’t come here just to share the view with an old warrior like me. Is there something I can help you with?”

“That’s the plan,” Louise winked with a delighted expression. “I suppose it’s about time we place the jokes elsewhere,” Louise said before walking past Saren to face the garden. “How is Leona III now?”

”Hmmm, that is something I wonder about myself,” answered Saren, looking back out to the garden. ”Since that day she hasn’t been the woman that I… knew. I am sure it isn’t just me that feels it.”

“Tch, with his disappearance and her change… what connection is there?” Louise mused. Considering Adair was caught, or even possibly dealt with in some manner – who knows what happened behind the scenes. Louise felt like she needed to know for her friend’s sake. “I’m not certain if she’ll reveal the details even if I ask her.”

”Adair? That Noble? He was put to death shortly after you left,” answered Saren.

Louise cringed. So, it was what she had feared, after all. “Under what charge was he punished?” She asked. Did he attack, or was he simply caught? She could hardly consider the latter. One obvious reason she could consider was simply the act of treason.

“Treason, and attempted murder of not only the Head Priestess, but the Queen herself. I was there myself to witness this. There was no question about it,” answered Saren. ”Why so much interest in this? Is there something I should know?”

“...Have you seen how our Queen gained her spirit back?” Louise asked, turning to face Saren with a serious expression.

”No, it happened when I was not with her,” answered Saren.

“Then that’s another mystery left to be solved,” Louise said, apparently in dismay. She heaved a sigh. Did Leona III perfected her spirit extraction? Or was it something that she wasn’t aware of?

”What'cha talking about?” Said a female voice from behind them. Fenfang walked out to the garden fanning her mouth in a yawn. Looking Louise up and down, she admired her short black dress. “So pretty! How on earth do you deal with Masario’s cold in it though?” Asked Fenfang.

“I’ve grown to be able to adjust to even the harshest of weathers… I suppose it’s something your body learns when you go to various places of differing climates,” Louise answered with a shrug. Cold hasn’t been so much of an issue. The main reason was due to her jet-black stockings being made in another world, where they could make something like the thin materials cold-proof to an extent.

”Ooooh, that is quite a skill… I’m jealous,” answered Fenfang. Saren shook his head at the little things that interested Fenfang.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t shed anymore light on this for you, High Priestess. Perhaps you should ask Rhea, who was there before me,” answered Saren.

“I have a question to ask still,” Louise said, disregarding the statement. As if the church was trustworthy. “How loyal are you to the Queen, exactly?”

”What kind of a question is that? If I was not prepared to give blood and bone for her life. What kind of a royal guard would I be?” Answered Saren.

“And you?” Louise asked, turning to Fenfang.

”I owe everything I have to the royal family. Even if… she has been a bit… off lately. I will still fight for her,” answered Fenfang.

“I am uncertain as to how long I can accompany the Queen each time to keep things in check so...” Louise’s voice trailed off as if she pondered about something deeply with her eyes closed. “Keep an eye out for the church, particularly Rhea. If Rhea had been with the Queen before you arrived into the scene… Saren; that makes me anxious, truly.” With Rhea having more blood than most wetting her very hands; who knew how the Queen could be influenced by her, and in what way. Leona III’s current behavior may as well be an incomplete product of these influences of the church, so far. Louise couldn’t safeguard the Queen from these anomalies forever. This was made evident by the tales she came across here. Hence, she needed to depend on people hired specifically for her protection and well-being – the royal guards.

”The church? I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary there, but I can’t say I spend much time there myself,” answered Saren. Looking at Fenfang, she raised them in front of herself and shook them.

”Because neither of you pay attention until the enemy is at your throat…” interrupted Zhou. ”The one day I choose to sleep in, we have a little gathering in the garden?”

“Well, you people as the royal guards will have three enemies – that I must warn about… ” Louise said. “However, this information is confidential even to the Queen; shall I assume that you people are up to the task?”

Zhou shot her a glance and then ran his hand through his hair trying to make it look like he didn’t just climb out of bed. “Shall we find a more private place to talk then?” Suggested Zhou looking around at the workers in the garden. “I can’t say that I trust all the ears present.”
Zhou chose a guest conference room and locked the door behind them. Fenfang bounced around the room checking for any abnormalities. Saren simply rested against a wall and waited for the conversation to begin. After a few more minutes Fenfang gave a thumb up to the group. Zhou sat down in the seat at the head of the long table that was placed into the center of the room, while Louise sat exactly opposite to him.

“So who are these enemies that we are to be so wary of?” Asked Zhou looking to Louise. Saren stood up straight waiting for her response and Fenfang laid out on the table with her head resting on her hands.

“They are past our doorstep, it’s about time someone noticed them… or so I thought,” Louise replied with a shrug. They didn’t seem so obvious after all, so it was a given that people would avert their gazes thinking that they’re allies. Such cunnies enemies. “It may be hard to believe so… it’s really up to your judgement.”

”Are you saying that we have been betrayed? At a time like this?” Said Saren walking up to the table. ”Who is it?”

“As I’ve mentioned, there’s three of them. First is Rhea – this includes the entire church, I suppose,” Louise answered. Rhea was known for secret activities that “Unlike the past, the church has become completely independent and does not follow the High Priestess, nor do they truly obey the Queen. They simply treat me as a decorative, now.”

”Don’t I know the feeling,” joked Zhou. ”It seems that they want us farther and farther from the front lines. Why I have no problem watching over the Queen. Nothing has happened here since the war announcement.” Zhou spun a dagger on the tip of his finger. ”I can†˜t help but think my talents would be better used elsewhere.”

”By order of the Queen; we were put on watch of the city. While Caim and Sophia are off in Raltese dealing with that nonsense. I’m sure their feelings are similar,” said Fenfang.

”We have our orders, and it is our job to follow them,” said Saren hoping to end their complaining.

”You sure you aren’t just jealous because Krieg gets more alone-time with the Queen than you?” Teased Fenfang with a chuckle. Saren grumbled in response tempted to cleave the girl in two.

“Next up is as always… the cult,” Louise said, showing a wry smile. It was definitely not a happy face. “Our old trespassers I suppose. Familiar with them, aren’t well all?” Louise then leaned forward; placing her head over the back of her hands. “I’ve been working to clean them up… as well as Krieg, or so I heard, anyway.”

”I heard they have all but been cleared from our lands. Is this true?” Asked Zhou.

“Of course not,” Louise answered immediately. Without a doubt, they were definitely out there somewhere. She could feel it. “They’ve been rather tame recently, however...”

”Too tame…” answered Saren. “Everyone takes it as a sign of weakness, but they have a weapon we still fail to understand, yet they only have used rarely.”

”Maybe they are unsure of how to truly use it themselves,” Zhou interjected. ”Maybe these recent attacks have only been tests.”

”Then I fear what the finalized weapon can do,” said Fenfang.

“Well, that’s basically how it goes; you test till you reach perfection of your plaything’s use,” Louise contributed to the conversation. “That’s how everything came to be,” she stated casually, which was literally true as human beings with half a brain needed to test and understand the laws of the world in the preemptive days. I wonder how the Cursed would react to my little weapon though… she took a moment to muse about the order she placed on that one man in Origin.

”We can’t let that happen. The Queen should know about this, if steps are to be taken,” said Zhou. ”But that comes with a new set of problems.”

“Anyway,” Louise continued on, the topic was as good as done about the cult, anyway. “Third anomaly to look out for… is Krieg.”

”Why Krieg?” Asked Saren. ”I’ll admit his methods are a bit extreme, but the man gets work done. The people I’ve sent to look into him inform me that he is clean.”

”Fufufu, you are more jealous than I thought…” joked Fenfang. Saren growled and flexed his hand.

”Shut it Fenfang, he has his axe on him,” said Zhou.

“Ironically, it was thanks to Arkasia that I found out about Krieg… I wonder, who I may enrage due to speaking about this,” Louise giggle slyly as she spoke, almost certain that her words may be heard by a certain someone’s informant. If so, this would potentially cause movements, and that was one of her side-goals to gain from revealing all these secrets. Her main objective was to simply gain their trust. “Krieg was suspected to be working for Cain, apparently. Thats when I had to investigate him – alone, at that – Arkasia tried to use me in that manner.”

”That was some nasty business in Raltese as I heard it. We had had reports come in from Sophia,” commented Fenfang.

”So I take it he wasn’t working for Cain?” Asked Saren.

“No, however, I ended up getting an offer instead, you see.”

”An offer?” asked Fenfang. ”What kind of offer?”

“Have you heard of the incident after which I was put inside the dungeon of Arkasia?”

“I don’t think there are many in the military that don’t,” answered Zhou. “It isn’t often that the High Priestess is taken into custody with the charge of treason.”

“Yes, that was because Krieg was scared of me finding things out I shouldn’t…” Louise stated. Krieg’s act was near perfect, it was almost as though Louise’s words weren’t even getting past him, and he was hearing only a phrase that implied something else. “He acted like I was the one committing treason – when I approached him asking why he’d betray the Queen.”

“Well from the reports… and the damage we were told you were the aggressor in that fight. Which leaves the matter of how you resolved that issue. The deal. Care to explain?” sked Saren a bit curious.

“That is indeed true, as I tried to use force in that situation, because I came to realize that Krieg was rather stubborn,” Louise answered. Indeed he was, he chose to label the same word upon her instead; treason. She couldn’t see any other way to break the stalemate back then. “At that time, I was offered assistances for my personal goals, in exchange for changing sides in regards to the Scions.”

“You mean turning on Arkasia correct?” Asked Zhou with a sly look.

“Perhaps indirectly? I was told to sacrifice my allegiance to the Queen, and follow his master, instead.”

Saren narrowed his eyes at Louise. “That sounds like treason to me,” answered Saren.

Louise raised her palm before Saren. “Well, there’s more to this, so relax,” she said before continuing her story, “so turns out his master is a person against Cain, and is the true puppet master hiding behind Origin.”

“What a complicated situation we have here,” Zhou answered. “Still, the fact remains. This puppet master has the ability to oust one of our commanders at will. Out of sheer over-cautiousness, it seems. I can’t say I feel safe knowing something like that.”

“Indeed he does, he can change a country at his discretion,” Louise replied, blatantly exposing the truth of the ordeal. “He seems to be one of those that lived long in this world, and hence had abundance of time to nurture connections. However, the issue lies in his true goal...”

”What do you gain by telling this to us?” Asked Saren. ”Why tell us this late?”

“Because I may be gone soon – after I engage with Cain, the possibility exists,” Louise answered calmly with her usual smile. “Also,” she begun, “because of the possibility of Vejovis existing even after I disappear. I could not calculate the safety of revealing information in the past due to my memories being half-sealed.”

”D-disappear?!” Exclaimed Fenfang.

Saren closed his eyes in thought for a moment, then he opened them, and looked to Zhou and Fenfang. ”I thank you for this information, but we will need to think about a plan of action,” answered Saren. ”I’m sure you understand this is a lot to take in at once.”

“Indeed it is, but time is a luxury we hardly have anymore, Krieg took the opportunity to gather forces after banishing Arkasia at Vejovis’ will,” Louise informed – remembering Margaret’s words even now. “And it seems like there’s a plan I know not of. The church and Vejovis are two extremes one must watch out for, at the same time while monitoring the current Queen’s state of mind.” Louise then turned towards the wall. “I have my own plans for this war, and I have no intention to let it go on forever. You must understand – that I can’t babysit Leona III anymore, as I could for Leona IV. Times have changed. An avatar of Cain works for Vejovis as we speak, a lot of things are complicated now.”

”We can handle the queen, so if that is what you were worried about… consider it done,” answered Saren. ”But we will not stand idly by and hope that you resolve everything. We will act as well.” Zhou chuckled and looked at Saren remembering the old days.

“I’m sure that we will need Caim and Sophia for this, shall I summon them?” Asked Zhou. Saren nodded at him.

“Why else do you think I am telling you all this? I need humanity to get back up on their feet lest they wish to succumb to darkness and peril,” Louise replied. “Also, this is a hypothesis but… knowing Krieg’s connection to the church; there is the possibility that they’re working together… for whatever they desire.”

“I can look into that!” Exclaimed Fenfang leaping off the table. “Rhea is fun to follow around.”

“If you see a red-haired man, he may be able to provide you more help than you may think,” Louise said with a snicker. Always happy to send trouble down Durran’s road.

“Another avatar that we need to worry about?” Asked Zhou.

“No, you need not worry about him – for now.” Louise eyed the surroundings from the corner of her eyes. I was told that the church has eyes where one would least expect… I wonder if they’re only watching us conversing, or is even hearing… assuming they have indeed fooled Fenfang. Or do we have a spy among the Royal Guards…? This may be a good set-up to flush them out, then.

“Highly doubtful, but I will keep an eye out,” said Zhou looking at Saren and Fenfang with a smirk.

“Well,” Louise got off the chair, making way for the door. “Since I am under the keen eyes of many – I have told what I know to you Royal Guards; I hope you’ll all be able to carry out what I cannot by myself – I leave these matters to you young ones,” she said, before realizing that she doesn’t really need that physical door to make her way off. “Good day to you all.” Her hand found its way to her wand, and soon Louise teleported away to Leona’s room.

As the portal closed, the three looked at each other. “How much of that do you think we can trust?” Asked Zhou. Fenfang looked to Saren wanting to hear that answer as well.

Saren crossed his arms, his eyes closed in thought. “All of it, but for now we focus on the king and the church. Those are the things we can look into right now,” answered Saren. “Move out.”

”Yes sir,” answered Fenfang and Zhou enthusiastically.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

As Louise warped into Leona III’s room she found the new queen sound asleep. Her hair was tied up tight so that it wouldn’t be a mess to wake up with. Her black silk sheets only covered her halfway as Louise could see her purple and black teddie that hung precariously too low. The light from Louise’s portal caused her to stir a little from sleep but not enough to fully wake up.

Moments later the door handle began to rattle and turn. Opening slowly with a slight creek Leona’s maid walked in. As her eyes rested on Louise she was startled, but was relieved once she realized who it was.

“High Priestess, were you waiting on my lady?” She asked.

“I fear that those hands may unconsciously rid me of my freedom… hence, I shall leave it in your capable hands to tend to her,” Louise said – her head resting over the back of her hand – from the sofas as she waited on the maid to take care of the Queen.

The maid nodded, and walked to the Queen’s bedside. Rocking the Queen gently, she slowly woke her from her slumber.

As Leona III awoke, she sat up straight in bed, and wiped the sleep from her eyes. “Morning…” she said.

“Morning, my Queen. You have a guest,” said her maid, motioning to Louise. As Leona’s vision cleared – she saw Louise sitting on a sofa. Excited, she sprung from bed before landing right in front of Louise, and sitting on the table. In her risque night gown she was practically nude. ”This youthful body is a lot easier to move around,” said Leona III admiring her own figure. “So, have you come check on me?” Asked Leona.

“Good morning, my Queen. I wonder how a body regains youth from gaining back a spirit,” Louise said as she eyed the body of the Queen who apparently gained back her spirit, and defeated her daughter – to reclaim her throne. “Um, well, yes, I suppose I did” she answered with a half-baked smile as a sweat ran down at the back of her head – seeing Leona III jump over to the sofa next to her like that made her feel rather awkward. She didn’t deny the comical value in it, however.

“The spirit is different…” answered Leona III. “It’s as if all the time it spent away it was growing in ways I couldn’t imagine,” Leona III stood up and sat over the sofa next to Louise. “Who or whatever I have to thank for this, I am grateful. With this, I’m almost at reach of the strength of the first Leona.”

“Is the spiritual power I feel from you – has the addition of your new power – then?” Louise asked, it did seemed much stronger than before. She wondered if Leona III was hiding more power and was thus boasting of it.

“Yes, but as it does feel foriegn… At the same time it feels as if I had it all along. It is a hard feeling to describe,” answered Leona.

The maid walked to Leona’s side. “We are bless that you have made such a substantial recovery,” the maid commented.

Or cursed.

“So you have been busy as of late. How are you doing Louise?” Asked Leona.

“Oh no, putting that aside… how’d you know that you’re close to Leona I’s strength now?” Louise shrugged the other question aside to pursue her curiosity. She knew how rude it was, but she couldn’t help it when her friend had made such a big claim regarding the comparison she made with her very old friend.

“Oh no, you are not slipping out of my question. If you want me to answer. You need to answer my question first,” answered Leona III with a smirk.

“I’m fine,” Louise gave a blatant and plain answer – knowing that Leona III can be stubborn – treating it as a waste of a subject and moving on almost instantly, “anyway, back to my question earlier...”

“Ugh, the same as always huh?” Answered Leona III. “I suppose I shall answer in turn. It is just a feeling I have, is all.” Her maid began to lay out some different outfits for Leona to choose from, Leona however wasn’t near ready to get dressed.

“Ah, just an over-exaggeration, then,” Louise said, so bluntly almost as if it was an insult to the Queen. This raw power was strong indeed, but it was unrefined and felt rather unduly. It meant that the queen was carelessly allowing the spirit to rule her senses, or she just had no true way to control it fully. If it was the latter; then the Queen wasn’t really in a position to show off, at all. “Perhaps you should go back to the basics and re-train yourself.”

The Queen scoffed at her insult. “Keep watching, and you will see what I mean soon enough,” responded Leona as she stood up and walked over to the bed to look at the clothes. “Now which one of these…” Her eyes scanned over a few of them before she lifted one and looked at it closely. A black and white outfit that criss-crossed with different layers of fabric. The top covered her body in a †˜X’ shape, and tied in the back with a large black ribbon. The skirt did the same, but in the back a long cloth hung down almost to the ground. As Leona was finishing getting dressed; her maid was putting the final touches on her hair. Pinning her long ponytail in place with two long black hairpins. Spinning once, she showed off her outfit to Louise.

“How does it look?” Asked Leona III.

“Hmm, so-so, I suppose,” Louise answered. From the perspective of a person from another world – who designed many dresses and saw many dresses; even a fancy attire of this calibre paled in comparison. “Anyway, you really ought to learn to suppress that spiritual energy, soon,” she said, furrowing her eyebrows to make a little frown. Louise tried to restrain herself, however – frowns can ruin a lady’s prized facial expression, after all. Regardless – at this rate – the Queen would simply be out in the field; sticking out like a sore thumb if she left out such a power for others to see.

“You might be right there, but I have a feeling they know I am coming anyways,” answered Leona III. “This war is finally spreading its wings.”

“Think before you speak; in a battle knowing locations is crucial,” Louise stated with an apparent frown, evident by her manner of speech. Even now, she couldn’t stop her face from being ruined like this. “Don’t you think that it’s always better to be able to take initiative in a battle?”

“Of course, but it is also equally important to morale to show a display of power every now and then,” answered Leona III. “I leave the subterfuge to those more suited. Like Krieg for example.”

“Ahahaha!” Louise laughed, holding her stomach. “I must congratulate you – Leona III – for you have almost reached your daughter now,” Louise said. Leona had completely become a lost cause to Louise at this point. As proper control could allow a Queen to show or demonstrate her power only when necessary; power was one thing that could be used as a trump card to turn the tables. However, Leona III seemed to think that having it up for display – all the time – would just be great for morale. While moral could be increased to an extent, only events and sudden news could truly bring it up. Now that her powers became apparent – the spies in Masario may alert the Cursed; thus allowing them to welcome the Queen in the war’s battlefield with proper fortifications. Such a simple thing escaped the queen’s mind, and Louise could hardly believe it.

Basically; Leona III was beginning to stoop down to Leona IV’s level of incompetence.

“I don’t see the humor,” answered Leona III. “You and Krieg seem to be on that same level of secrecy of late. That scandal had all the bigwig’s tongues wagging.”

“Scandal? Did I have one?” Louise asked curiously. Louise could hardly count Krieg putting the entire blame for his own acts of treason as scandal. If anything, it was him who was supposed to be behind bars. Not that Louise would go on a crusade just for that. She knew that there was just no proof to provide, and just preaching facts wouldn’t mean people would accept it. Even if she was the High Priestess; she didn’t wanted to abuse that position’s power. She had used it quite a lot already.

“I suppose you have better things to worry about than what the people of the city are saying,” answered Leona almost talking to herself. Walking back to the couches she sat on the seat across from Louise. Crossing her legs she called for her maid with a beckoning hand. “It’s a bit early, but I would request some wine. After all, I have no idea when I will see my friend again, and it has been too long since we shared a bottle.”

The maid bowed, and left the room to fetch a bottle.

“Mnm, that brings me back memories from when we had wine in this room that one time,” Louise said, reminiscing. That time things turned rather ugly when Leona III wouldn’t let go of her in her sleep, and drooling over her face instead – it was kind of disgusting. Fond memories. Louise chuckled remembering Leona’s face that time.

“And then there was the visit to Margaret’s place… soon after that we had the ball,” she looked back to the time she met Adair. She wondered if he truly fell. For better or worse, things occurred behind her back. What’s done was done, but she was yet to know if it was better or worse for him to vanish. Even if Krieg claimed that he had died; was it really possible to kill such long-surviving avatars of Cain? Perhaps. That was an answer she was yet to find.

“Come to think of it – that was when everything begun in this generation, wasn’t it?”

“It’s weird hearing that now that I have reverted back to this form,” answered Leona III. “A lot of things have happened this year alone. Not too long ago, war was the furthest from anyone’s mind.”

“Indeed,” Louise agreed with a nod. “Usually I don’t notice when time flies as I’ve lived for far too long, but things have been tense recently,” she assessed the past string of events that occurred in this world. Now that she thought about it; Louise was still a person with a curse over Ishtar – so she acted as how she would in her younger days. Slightly embarrassing, in fact. As Louise was as arrogant as ever, and over-confident about herself. In reality, not much had changed, except that she now had a higher sense of responsibility.

World peace was hardly worth a spec of consideration from the Louise of the past, after all.

“My, my, I feel tempted to propose yet another party before we leave for war,” she suggested.

”One last hurrah in case neither of us comes back?” Said Leona III with a chuckled. ”That would be nice.”

Suddenly the door opened and the maid walked in with a black bucket filled with ice. The bottle of wine sat inside getting chilled, and in the maid’s other hand two crystal glasses. She quickly made her way over and placed a glass in front of both of the ladies. Then pulled the cold bottle from the bucket she pulled the cork free and began pouring the glasses.

“Mhm, the final dance for some. More to come for others,” Louise replied, giving the wine one more glance before continuing. “I’m planning to host this one. I’ll host it in a place you’d never otherwise go to.” Indeed. Another world is a place Leona III never went to. This was a good opportunity to feed Kudzu – assuming he does his part of staying low at Origin. She’d show Leona III where she’d really go travelling and adventuring.

Picking up her glass, she smelled the wine for a moment. “Sounds rather exciting. You haven’t hosted a party in a very long time, and it would be good to get out of the castle, I suppose,” answered Leona III. Raising her glass for a toast she smiled. “For an excellent party, and an end to the war!”

“I have organized them quite a lot… just not around here,” Louise replied. “I’ll take you to where I have been hanging around for a long time before I came back here,” she added, giving a smile. She shaked the ice cubes deep inside the glass; bathing in wine. “A place where you can place aside status and responsibilities for some time.” Louise then raised her glass for the toast with a smile. “For an excellent party! But an end to the war…? Do you think we can make it happen?” She asked despite the glasses clashing.

“Who knows, but we have to believe that it will end soon... ” answered Leona solemnly. Bringing the glass of red wine back to her lips she took a deep sip.

“If you just keep fighting plainly there won’t be an end to it,” Louise responded coldly in turn to the notion, before taking sip of her wine, too. “The chain of revenge, and not to mention whoever that decides to take the crown after Cain… if he is ever defeated.”

“Up to this point, what have we been doing, but taking hit after hit. We have lost much, and I know in my daughter’s heart, she sought a peaceful solution. I am nothing like her, and I won’t try to be. If you have another option, I would love to hear it,” answered Leona. III

“See what I mean? That notion of revenge is deadly,” Louise said, pointing the obvious out. However, Leona III had a sound point of her own. “However, I do not exactly disagree in the point that we should fight back. I have an idea but… well, just watch – it may not work, so I do not wish to rouse too much hope up,” she stated calmly with a delightful look on her face as she silently sipped on her glass of wine.

“More things that you are keeping to yourself?” Asked Leona III with a smirk. ”I suppose we are all entitled to our secrets, and you are by no way a citizen bound to tell me anything. I surely have secrets of my own, but I hope that we both still have the interests of the divine in mind?”

“Divine, perhaps in a way I do? I’m considering the entire world with every move I make,” Louise answered with another swing of her wine. In all honesty, Louise would’ve told her plans to Leona III, if not for people always keeping an eye on her. She simply decided that it’s best to keep Leona III in the dark now. She may consider it treason when she executes her plans strives for her objective in open light – but that didn’t matter. She’d cross the bridge when push comes to shove. “I have a responsibility from Ishtar, after all.” This would never be told if it was the good old Louise. However, with her memories returned; Louise’s objectives took a change due to her restored wisdom.

”Sounds too stressful to me,” answered Leona. ”But I suppose when you have lived as long as you have, the problems of just one group may seem minute. I have to say you act differently than before.”

“Well… certain events have happened... ” Louise said, looking down. She had to admit, even if she were blessed with grace and intellect; she was also cursed with madness. Ironically, this madness was what allowed her to come to her senses ultimately. The memories were painful regardless, but Louise was learning to control herself, little by little. “Can you tell what happened the day you gained back your spirit? It is a story that has earned my curiosity as of late, you see.”

”It was a blessing. While coming to meet with Rhea, I was attacked. My power came back to me in the nick of time,” answered Leona III.

“Attacked, you say?” Louise asked; pretending to not know. “By who?” She asked, very curiously. She smile was definitely gone now.

”A man named Adair. He was one of the main supporters of the soldiers. It is a shame to find out he was a traitor. Good thing his money is still useful,” she joked.

“Ahh, that I knew, in a way. What happened to him now?” Louise asked, trying to learn as much as possible regarding the matter.

“He was executed,” answered Leona taking another sip of her glass. She was nearing the bottom of the glass at this point.

“I see,” Louise answered. So it was the same as what Saren said; he wasn’t lying – Louise thought. “With this, at least two of his avatars should be gone...” Louise whispered to herself.

“In our battle however, he did mention you,” said Leona III placing her glass on the table. The maid poured another glass of wine, and Leona III lifted it back up to her lips. “Perhaps another one of your many admirers?”

“Perhaps,” Louise said, closing her eyes in a composed manner. So he did, huh…? You two are so alike in what the old Cain felt about me… Louise silently thought to herself. “Do you not remember the time you asked if I had stolen yet another heart – at the end – after the dance in the party?” Louise asked. “That was when I had realized his identity.”

“Well aren’t you a sly one,” said Leona with a chuckle. “Any reason for not killing him there?

“To extract information and learn about Cain himself, of course,” Louise said. That really was the truth. At that time, Louise didn’t wished to inconvenience Margaret and herself by making mess of their party, estate, and properties. She also wanted to find out more about Cain. She had assumed it was Cain itself the first time she met Adair; as she was unaware of the peculiar avatar system that Cain had created. “Lastly… a potential ally. However, questionable a man is – one must objectively judge an individual and see him from every possible angles,” as Louise said – as if quoting words a once-great-man would say – she imagined just what kind of a life Adair may have lived. How many centuries he lived. And how long he spent within the sorry walls of Masario. Just how long had he been leaking information about the Scions… and the church? My dear Ishtar, if only I could ask him about the church.

“Hmmm, well lucky for us he was uncovered before we headed off to war,” answered Leona. “Leaving a dangerous man like that in my city would have been disastrous.”

“I suppose so,” Louise replied with a wry smile before finishing her drink. “Speaking of which, Leona, what of the progress towards †˜going’ for war?”

”Krieg has established the battlefront. We move our forces to increase our numbers there as we speak. Soon, we will spearhead into Agreyus, and move to sever the Serpent’s head,” answered Leona. ”The trek into Agreyus will cost us many of our troops. Scouts have their hands full with monsters, not to mention the Cursed ambushes.”

“Hmm… ambushes huh? I shall try to look into them,” Louise said, taking up yet another work for herself. She didn’t know why she was doing this much for Scions, but she did anyway. Perhaps it was her way to help her friend out. Besides, the †˜ambushes’ could be staged by the Cult of Ouroboros – in which case, it was the same objective as what she had been working on. “Needless to say, we’ll have our hands full over at the headquarters with the strategists.”

“Don’t you think you are spreading yourself a little thin?” Asked Leona III concerned. “You do have people you can trust the small tasks to.”

“Not many that I may trust, unfortunately,” Louise answered honestly, but with her usual shrug. “I do not plan to go to every sight and exterminate; I plan to set some of my best allies up for investigation, is all. This is so that we may identify the enemies lying in wait to ambush as we strategize, you see… and that’s the basics, my dear,” Louise explained. She wasn’t sure who to entrust her work to, but Kudzu and Durran indeed came to mind. She could spill information she comes across to Krieg, too. Krieg and Vejovis was undoubtedly working against the Cursed, and shared an apparently common goal with the Scions; so she could use them to her advantage.

“I see…” responded Leona III. “Well, do be careful. We had not seen much of the cult, but that does not mean that they aren’t here. I have my doubts that all were cleared from the city. If someone like Adair slipped our guard for this long.”

“Rest assured, it shall soon be dealt with, too. Hopefully,” Louise said, the last word was truly said with a hint of hope, as if Louise was somewhere… lost – if that served to describe her current state. Louise was looking for answers, like any other. Regardless of how distinguished, dignified and a celebrated individual Louise was – she too held imperfections in her – like any other. Despite being seemingly inhuman due to her immortality, she retained specs of humanity regardless.

“I will try and stop being such a worrywart,” answered Leona III. ”It would help if you didn’t stay away so long. I get lonely too, you know…”

Louise’s lips quickly reformed her smile. That’s right, it was a fake smile. One made quickly for the Queen’s assurance. She couldn’t show a complicated face of confusion for too long. She almost forgot about it due to her own anxieties. How careless of her.

Even then, it was a perfect smile. One wouldn’t be able to tell apart her fake smiles from her usual ones.

“I must do this… for the sake of the world. Do not worry, I’ll be done with this giant farce… soon enough,” Louise said, beaming a brighter smile.

“I will be waiting,” answered Leona III. Leona III looked the the bottle of wine in the maid’s hands, and saw they were about out. “Perhaps that is where we will end thing for today. I’m half tempted to request another bottle, but I have a few things that I must do today,” Leona III stood up, and handed the glass off to the maid. “Let’s discuss those party arrangements soon,” said Leona III.

“Before you go, though… when one mentions †˜in hell, there’s something only you angels can see’, what would come to your mind?” Louise asked tentatively, not sure if could depend on her friend or not for this.

“Hmmm… ?” Said Leona III before thinking for a moment. “Where did you hear that from, some story book? I guess I would think of hell in the common sense of somewhere hot?”

“Mn… I wonder if there was a hot place I’ve visited before? It’s a puzzle I’m trying to deal with; I have way too much memory to shuffle through, however” Louise said. That Balan left her with a riddle, but she wasn’t sure of a place †˜where only angels could see’. If it’s an expression used with the word †˜hell’, she could remember countless landmarks and locations she’d been to throughout her life.

“One problem with being older than most of the landmarks in the area,” Leona III joked. ”I’ve heard of the winding rivers of lava in the Cursed lands, but †˜hell’ could mean anything really. In books it’s always a metaphor than what you think it is.”

“I… see. I’ll keep those words in mind, Leona,” Louise said, turning around – her smile was finally put away. The fake one, that is. “May we meet again soon, my dear friend...” Louise then took leave of the room via teleportation.
[size=14]Time Skip - Two Days[/h]

Adair and Leona III -

Far away from the prying eyes of maids and guards, the sounds of cracking and gore were confined to a single hidden chamber. This was a private and intimate rendezvous between victim, and his crazed captor. Leona III smiled ear to ear, her face speckled with freshly splattered blood. ”This body just has surprise after surprise!” exclaimed Leona III as she rummaged through Adair’s organ’s or lack there of. While any normal person would be crying out in agony Adair simply focused on the light hanging over him.

”So your body has no organs. Then you must run completely on spiritual energy? Yet you also have no spirit.” said Leona III mainly talking to herself. Adair was glad that she was keeping herself amused. He didn’t know what he would say to a woman like her anyways. She was a smart one though. She kept him just weak enough so that he couldn’t fight back, and just barely kept him awake. Still he had no intention of giving up.

Sure would be a good time for you to get nosey, Durran… thought Adair before wincing slightly.

”Ohohoho that one hurt did it?” said Leona III looking at where she just was, his spine. ”Phooey that was just a muscle spasm wasn’t it. What do I have to do to inflict some pain?” She had been over his body over and over again, but she still had no idea how his body was able to survive. Nothing else in this world was able to live simply with spiritual energy. Getting frustrated she switched gears. ”If I can’t figure out how you live, there are other things to test.... complained Leona walking off to fetch another tool. In that moment Adair put everything he could into healing his wounds. She was alone, and he was confident that he could take her it he could only get onto his feet.

Closing his eyes for only a moment, he open his them to a pair of glowing yellow pupils looking back at him. ”Fufufu....nice try!” said Leona III. Adair looked down only to catch the glint of something metal. Reaching his hand up, it was far too late. A loud crack echoed in the room, and Adair’s arm fell hanging off the table, lifeless.

”Looks like that did it…hehehe”

Durran and Rhea

Walking through the royal quarter at night, Durran found himself getting rather nervous. His fingers never drifted too far from the hilt of his blade. There were plenty of guards, but they paid him little mind. He had changed his clothing before setting out that night. Drawing to much attention with the type of clothes Louise gave him would have made his job harder. He wore a jet black chinese suit with matching pants. Luckily for him carrying around a sword was not banned in town.

As he made his way through the last of the royal section he saw his destination up hundreds of stairs, the church. Rhea was always at the church, and only left it for divinations. It made pinning her to any of the happenings rather farfetched. Durran didn’t put it past Balan to want her dead for the sake of her being a divine figurehead. Looking around he saw a guard making his way down the stairs. Durran dashed to the side, and made it up the hill in a flash. The guard apparently hadn’t noticed him in that slight darkness.

Durran thanked the stars that his ability to hide his aura was a little better than the rest of the avatars. Arriving at the top of the stairs Durran looked back down the stairs to make sure that guard wasn’t still around. Leaping to the roof he dashed to a mesh window that helped vent the church. With surgeon precision he cut a hole just big enough for him to fit into. That got him access to the support beams that rested above the main hall. As soon as he entered he saw several monks offering incense. Running along the beam he swung around the beams the connected to the roof to continue along the path. When he reached the wall on the far end he pressed against it with his hand. Sensing the next room he felt only one person. Peering back at the monks he waited until the coast was clear and lept down, before slipping past the curtains to the next room. The curtain stop moving just before a monk caught a glimpse of it.

In the next room he saw the back of a woman at a desk. Leaping up to the beams once again just as she turned. She smiled and turned back. The woman wore a hood, but Durran hadn’t got a good look at her face. However his suspicions were answered when she spoke.

”The fact that I can’t sense you tells me all I need to know,” said Rhea. Four monks entered the room and immediately looked up to where Durran was. He cursed and drew his blade looking at the exit. ”That is your reason for coming here...you are not the first of your kind to try that. The monks dropped their incense and jumped at Durran. Sharp claws poking out from their white robes. Durran fell back and slice deflecting the first attacked. Sliding down the wall he looked down to see another monk climbing up at him. The face under his hood was distorted and gruesome. Stabbing his sword down he impaled the man as blood sprayed up the wall, and died the man’s white robe. Kicking the man off his blade he looked at the other figures. Rhea stood and walked away from her desk staying behind the figures.

”Well doesn’t that look familiar…” said Durran swinging the blood off his sword. The figures stepped in front of Rhea to shield her from the splatter. Black now dotting their sacred cloth.

”How rude” replied Rhea. ”He was such a devoted man...fufu.” Rhea made a beckoning motion with her hand. One of the three remaining monks stepped back to her and knelled. She place a hand on his shoulder and his cloak deflated as snakes ran up her arm. They coiled around her lovingly and hissed at Durran. Looking at the body he just slain he saw a floor full of snake the cocked their heads back and lunged at him. Durran tried to dodge but several sunk their fangs into him. Ripping them out he ran towards the nearby curtain and got out of the room. His muscles grew weak as he felt the venom move through his bloodstream. He made it halfway across the room before he heard footsteps behind him. As he turned Rhea grabbed his neck, and snakes slithered out from her sleeve. Durran swung his blade trying to sever her arm, but his muscles weren’t so quick to respond. Two snake bit into his neck before he severed he cut into her arm. Rhea scowled and threw him into the middle of the hall knocking over some pots. Then she stood in front of of the statues and looked down on him as he struggled to rise to his feet. Looking up at her his eyes opened wide.

”Heh, why do I have the feeling I may be in a bit over my head?” asked Durran. Rhea confidently made the same pose as the woman behind her. The goddess like statue covered by snakes.

”Perhaps you just aren’t as foolish as you look?” responded Rhea. Rhea began walked towards him elegantly the snakes moving around her body to stay out of the way for her movements. Durran turned and threw his sheathe at the glass window behind him, it shattered loudly. Guards would be there soon. Rhea smirked and lunged at him.

”You assume I can’t kill you before they arrive?” she questioned. Durran spun and slashed a deep groove into the ground. A barrier sprung forth, and Durran turned and began running not waiting to see if it worked. Rhea grimaced knowing she could break it but that it would take to long. Falling back to her room she prepared her †˜monks’ to explain what happened. Durran leapt out the window, and rolled down the hill to the city. As he hit the city street hard he rolled out of the way of a car, and disappeared into the city.

Saren and Leona III -

Leona woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. She even, for once, woke up before her maid came. Getting out of bed she looked at her hands. Still stained slightly red from last night. Nothing a long luxurious bath couldn’t fix. It was was just the thing to get the blood out of all those nooks and crannies. Lost in her thoughts of the bath she was soon to have, she barely noticed the slight taps at the door. She knew it wasn’t her maid instantly. Her maid knew that she was allowed to enter at certain times. No, this was someone else.

Getting up she stretched, and smoothed out her gown. Running a current through her body she shook that tiredness out in an instant, and shocked her hair straight. Then she walked over and opened the door just a crack. Looking outside she saw Saren standing a little ways away from the door. Smiling she opened the door wide revealing herself in her partially transparent gown. Saren blushed and turned his head still determined to say what he needed to.

”May I-I come in?” asked Saren. Leona III was surprised that he hadn’t just run off in response. This was turning into the rather eventful morning. Nodding she stepped to the side, motioning him into the room with a seductive smile. Saren walked into the room, and sat on the couch as Leona shut the door. Leona strolled around the couch and plopped down next to him leaning back so that her body was fully in view.

Saren averted his eyes, and began focusing on what he came there to say. ”What happened there in that church...Your spirit didn’t just come back on it own did it?” asked Saren looking at her with a serious expression. Leona sighed seeing that she couldn’t play with him anymore.

”Are you still...mine Saren?” responded Leona looking into Saren’s eyes. The question caught Saren off guard. He mumbled something before feeling a small hand on his. Looking at the hand he figured that Leona was once again playing with him. Getting mad he was about to yell at her. What he found on her face was fear.

”Yes I am, nothing has changed from that day. You know that.” answered Saren. Leona smiled in response. Though they looked far different in age now. Their hearts still belonged to each other.

Leona picked up his hand and held it with both of hers. ”This body will come at a price, but I need to use its power while it lasts. To make a kingdom fit for my daughter.” said Leona.

”A price?” replied Saren.

”With what I need to do I doubt I will make it to next year.” said Leona III placing Saren’s hand down. Leona stood, and walked over to the window. ”This kingdom is plagued with death and despair. It is unfit to be ruled by my daughter, and I will not see her soul stained.

Saren stood up and walked over to her. ”Is that why you have seized the throne? She hates you for it. You cou-” began Saren.

”She would never give it up willingly. She is stubborn just like me. Even if she isn’t my own flesh and blood. She takes after me in a myriad of ways. If she hates me that will make it easier for her to deal with my passing.” said Leona III.

”I won’t let this happen. If you don’t use your power then you have nothing to worry about! I am your knight still, let me fight for you!” exclaimed Saren. Leona smiled weakly.

”It doesn’t work that way, Saren. This spirit has been altered. In a way that not even I can fix. A fitting end for one such as I. By the years end I will pass, and before then...I want to change this world.” said Leona. Saren tightened his fist and punched the wall cracking it.

”Rhea....” said Saren in a broken voice. ”She knows something. She can fix this.

”I don’t want her to fix this. Saren this needs to be done. I won’t have another chance.” answered Leona.

”What about our plans?” asked Saren, and Leona III went silent. ”All that time we had. We wasted it didn’t we?”

Leona IV and Fenfang -

Leona IV had recovered from the fight with her mother physically, mentally was a different story. She still didn't understand how their difference in power could be that great. Most of her days were spent cooped up in her room, and she only left to attend meals. She rarely spoke, and the maids were worried about her. Though a solution escaped them. After breakfast Leona IV made a beeline for her room, and locked the door once inside. Falling onto her her bed with her eyes close she side deeply. Opening them to look at her ceiling she was greeted by another set of eyes looking back at her. Fenfang hung upside down from one of the ceiling supports.

”Howdy!” said Fenfang. Fortunately this wasn’t the first time this week that Fenfang had pulled this prank. Leona IV had almost expected it.

”So ya feel like talking today?” asked Fenfang. ”By the look of things we will be going to war soon. You still want to go?”

”I will fight alongside my people. Despising my mother does not deter me from that.” answered Leona IV. Fenfang giggled and fell onto the bed next to Leona IV.

”You know you can’t do it alone. Everyone has their little helpers, and even though you are no longer queen. You are still my queen. I always liked you better anyways.” commented Fenfang.

”I...appreciate that.” answered Leona IV. ”Do you know what my mother is planning. She has made it a point to keep me out of the meetings. asked Leona IV.

Fenfang thought for a moment before rolling out of bed and walking to the foot of the bed leaning on the bed frame. ”I usually skip the meetings. Zhou is the one who enjoys those, and I just get in the way. From what he tells me. We have pushed the cursed out of our lands, and are in the final preparations for our attack on Agreyus. Origin was hit as well and are expected to join the fight. Even if not exactly with us, their numbers will help. Things are looking up.”

”I see...I was just holding them all back. Was it so wrong to want for peace?” asked Leona IV. Fenfang hummed a song in response.

”Not wrong, but a harder path…” said Fenfang trying to mimic Zhou. Leona IV admitted that it was a pretty good impression.

”People have lost a lot of late. It is expected for people to be a little on edge. They want immediate results, not peace talks.” answered Fenfang.

”I know that now, but lets hope that after this war is over there is a world left living in.” answered Leona IV.

Raltese -

Veldin sat in Arkaisa’s old office with his feet propped up on the new desk. Raltese was restored far beyond its former glory, and was a place that the Divine could truly be proud of. Raltese was going to be where they launched most of these moves from, and in truth the place was made to house Krieg, and his top knights. For now however Veldin would enjoy the best the place had to offer.

”Bring me some more of this wine,” ordered Veldin. ”Thank the divine the wine cellar remained intact during the assault.” Veldin took the whole bottle, and downed the rest of the crimson nectar. Beside the desk Signa stood silent with his hand behind his bad. Even his mask did little to hide his dismal expression. Veldin eyed him up, and sighed. ”What we did was necessary Signa. It’s about time you let it go.”

Signa gritted his teeth but didn’t say a word. He rarely did. Veldin got up from his seat, and began walking over to him. Signa hated the way Veldin tried to explain things. In the end the fact remained that they killed Nero, and all of Arkasia’s men under the guise that they were traitors. It wasn’t hard to get the authorization when the High Priestess and queen were behind it. It struck him recently just how corrupt some people on the side of “good” could be. Those in charge of leading their people to peace turned a blind eye to Arkasia and her men. Deep inside he hoped Arkasia was out there plotting against them, and that she would succeed. A tap on his shoulder shook him from his dark thoughts. But it wasn’t Veldin’s face he saw when he looked up.

Krieg looked down at Signa and smiled. ”What has you down lad?” asked Krieg . His firm grip allowed Signa no escape. Even though Krieg face showed kindness Signa knew the killing intent that lay beyond its creases.

”It’s nothing Commander, I am just a little tired.” answered Signa. Releasing his firm hand on the boy Krieg dropped his smile and walked towards his desk.

”Is that so?” answered Krieg. ”Well now that the main force is here you can rest a little easier.” Signa sighed in relief that Krieg let him off the hook so easily. Signa assumed he must be in a good mood.

”I see you have taken great care of my office...Veldin.” said Krieg looking at the dirt and empty wine bottles littering it. Veldin swiftly walked over and grabbed the bottles and used his own scarf to wipe away the dirt. Krieg sat down in the chair and turned it around to the windows in the rear of the room. Out in on the fields surrounding Raltese you could see the massive army that Krieg brought with him. Rows and rows of catapults were brought by beast. The same siege cannons that were used to retake Raltese paled in size and power to this new model.

”The weapon development team really came through for us. Even Cain’s castle will lie in ruin after we are done. said Krieg confidently. Suddenly the door opened to the office, and a man in decorative gold and silver armor entered the room. He held a helmet in his right arm, and a massive blade was sheathed on his back. The colors of the blade matching his regal armor. As Krieg turned he saluted in perfect form.

”Ah, there you are Hector,” said Veldin with a grimace. ”I was wondering when you would slither your way here. Hector eyed him with slitted eyes, but then ignored him in favor of Krieg.

”I take it you took care of what I asked?” questioned Kreig.

”It was handled. You had nothing to worry about. They were not even aware of what happened here. They returned to Masario without a care in the world.” answered Hector.

”Would that they had returned...I’d be less worried about that group. The royal guards are no fools. In time they will be a problem. For now, we could use them I suppose.” answered Krieg.

”My thoughts exactly.” answered Hector. Veldin tried to piece together what was going one, but was coming up short. It showed obviously on his face. Hector looked at Veldin, and smiled. ”Now that is the look I remember.”

”You are dismissed Hector.” ordered Krieg. Hector smiled again at Veldin before leaving the room. Veldin almost ran after him, but Signa held him back.

”You two are dismissed as well. I can’t think with all this racket.” grumbled Krieg. Signa nodded, and Veldin cursed a few choice words under his breathe. Signa pushed Veldin ut of the room before Krieg lost his patience. Krieg turned once again to the windows to look at all his work. Suddenly a woman in robe walked out from the shadows, and stood next to him.

”You have done good work. The heavens will smile upon you after this is over....” said Rhea. Krieg closed his eyes in thought.

”Will they?” he asked. ”Everything I have done up to now. Has not been what you would call saintly.The heavens must smile on mad men nowadays...” Rhea chuckled as she joined him in admiring the view.

”The war begins now child. Don’t go unfaithful on me yet.” said Rhea. ”Your reward is within sight.”
Inferus walked down a long dark tunnel carrying his prize in one hand, and letting the bag drag on the ground. Figures in hoods walked the hallway next to him keeping their heads down. Lifeless figures that barely even breathed. The only light in the hallway was at the end next to a warped wooden door. Yanking the door open was the only way to get in. As the door swung open a pale woman with black hair came into view in the center of a lab. She wore a black lab coat with no shoes. The floor was slick with red that dripped from the table she was working on. A cadaver’s head and feet were visible around her busy body. Various lab equipment, that Inferus never took the time to learn about, ran wires that ran all around the lab, and a few had tubes going to the table. Inferus sighed knowing that the only way to get her attention was to make physical contact.

Inferus scratched his head, thinking for some moments before drawing in near to the woman, his hand changing into a shape reminiscent of an Octopus’ tentacle, which he brushed against her neck, allowing it to squirm on contact.

The tentacle fell to the floor a split second later, as a bit of black spewed onto the floor. In the tentacle’s wake the woman held a scalpel that was dripping the same ichor. ”Welcome back,” she responded simply as she leaned back from the table, and placed the sharp tool on the metal table next to her. ”Did you get it?” she asked expectantly through her red goggles.

“Just because I’m not a normal person doesn’t mean I don’t feel pain,” Inferus whined, cradling his missing hand, “Hands don’t grow on trees you know?” Showing her the bag in his remaining hand he smirked, “Did you doubt me?”

”I know exactly how your body works, or has it changed recently? Do I need to check it over again?” asked the woman reaching out and taking the bag from him. Placing it on the table in the sticky blood.The bottom of the bag began to soak in the red. She removed the papers and began fingering through them swiftly. ”It wasn’t a matter of doubt, but luck. I wasn’t sure that that boy who stole them took proper care of †˜her’ masterpiece.”

Inferus went pale at the woman’s offer, “I think I’m okay for body checks” he said smiling weakly. His eyes drifted over to the body she was working on. The organs were all removed and placed into containers on the other side of the table. The insides were going under the final stages of necrosis. The face and skin however looked like they could have been alive minutes ago. The skin even still had pigment.

”Good,” answered the woman. ”I can finish it with this. Waiting on Kudzu took up far too much of my time. I thought that a battle born man such as him would have acted sooner.” Taking the stack of papers she walked over to a cabinet. Pulling out a hardback book cover she placed the papers neatly inside. As squeezed it, binding the papers into a book. Looking at the bookcase she almost looked as if she was going to cry. ”This was all that I was able to salvage from the old lab.”

Inferus was almost tempted to reach out and console her but instead he just smiled, “It’s lucky we even have this much,” he said in attempt to be realistic, interaction with other people was not Inferus’ strong point when not disguised, and he had no idea what else to say.

”Bah, those damn knights. I’ll feed them all into a cauldron. Especially that pretty-eyed one.” cursed the woman. ”Where is my mother when you actually need her?”

“I saw her in Origin, but that’s the last I saw,” Inferus admitted, the fact he was having a relatively normal conversation meant he was in one of his saner moods.

”Ugh, of course.” answered the woman. ”She would never pass up a chance to see her children work. She takes far too much pity on them.”

”Now now Eshe, a garden will only blossom if tended to carefully. said a voice from the corner of the room. A black miasma made its way to the scientist’s side and formed a woman in a red gown. Long black hair went down past her back. She place a hand on her prey’s neck and rubbed down to her collar bone seductively.

”M-mother when did you get back?” Eshe said as he body became very cold. As the breathed an icy chill slipped from her mouth. The woman smiled and stepped back. Eshe’s body warmth returned slowly as she caught her breath.

”Not to long ago,” answered the eerie femme fatale. ”I was curious as well as to the contents of those notes.” Holding the book that Eshe had in her hands just moments ago she flipped through it. ”Inferus, you did a good job bringing this home. You were always one of my favorite sons….”

“I’m all grown up now, Lady Asriel” Inferus said, smirking, “It was nothing, I even had time to have a little fun.”

”Oh? You will always be that little boy I found long ago,” she answered. ”Didn’t I tell you that you may call me Korina? Always such a stubborn child.” She smiled not showing an ounce of anger. ”I guess hearing you call me that does feel a bit...nostalgic.”

”So is the elder going to fight as well?” asked Eshe walking up to her mother and snatching her book back.

”That still waits to be seen,” answered Korina. ”That woman is a little different than our young queen.”

“The elder seemed stressed from what I saw,” Inferus said, “It’s probably an inevitability that she’ll fight.”

”Good, for this to work we need all of them invested. After all killing Cain will be no simple task.” said Eshe.

”That poor child…” said Korina wiping a tear from her eye. ”Soon the world will see his pain as I have. Then and only then will mankind be ready.”

“Do you need me for anything else, ladies?” Inferus asked, still holding onto the stump that a few minutes ago had been a hand.

”There are many things I could need you for, my child.” answered Korina licking her lips. ”But none of those services are required at present.” Eshe mumbled something under her breath as she decided she would just return to work.

“Any chance you have a spare hand lying around, Eshe?” Inferus asked.

Eshe grumbled, ”Can’t you just attach that one?” asked Eshe looking to the floor. As she looked she saw that the hand was half evaporated. Looking at her scalpel she forgot that she was working her spirit energy on it. ”Whooops….” she murmured. Taking another scalpel she sliced off the hand of the body she was working on and handed it to Inferus. ”It’s a woman’s hand. I’m sure that doesn’t matter to you.”

“Not an issue,” Inferus said, “Like gender ever is,” he smiled placing the hand to his stump, a black mist surrounded it. As the mist cleared the hand was clearly grafted on, however crudely it was done, the digits wiggled at Inferus’ command as, instead of changing the hand to fit the body, he changed his body into that of a woman’s, his short black hair elongating down his back and his face indistinguishably becoming more feminine.

“See,” She said, “Not a problem.”

”How interesting your missions must go at times,” responded Eshe. ”I can’t say I have ever wanted to be a man, but having the option seems handy.” Eshe laughed at her unintentional pun.

Inferus giggled at the pun, before changing into his normal male self in an instant, “It can be. It definitely has its uses, that’s for sure,” he admitted, grinning slyly. Korina frowned at her obvious invitation being ignored.

”Eshe you have work to do, and I can’t have you interrupting her Inferus.” interrupted Korina. She made a waving motion and began to push Inferus out of the laboratory, and shut the door.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

A bit battered and bruised still from his encounter with Rhea, Durran was sticking to the shadows of the slums. He didn’t want to attract unneeded attention to Margaret, so he waited for when he felt Louise reentered the city. If he was going to get around the city in his condition; he was going to need her help. It was only a day later that he picked up on her. Standing up, he felt a few things crack and pop. Sitting in one place for too so stiffened him up into something awful.

Walking off into the city towards where he felt Louise – he made sure to hide his face. He was sure that Rhea cooked up a hell of a good description to give to the guards. He needed to play it safe. Just when he caught a glimpse of Louise and her extravagant outfit, he saw another person approaching her. He then took to a nearby alley immediately. Peaking out, he saw Rhea and some monks walk up to her.

“High priestess, you sure have been busy as of late,” said Rhea with a smile. “I must warn you that we have some snakes slithering through the city. It’s best you stay off the streets, if at all possible,” Rhea looked through the crowd to the alley that Durran was hiding in. Durran got out of sight, and ran off.

“Oh my, I believe protection is the last of services I’d require around here, especially from snakes” Louise replied with a rather casual smile, she could feel Durran’s presence fade away as he had escaped. She felt that she needed to go after him soon. Rhea was likely on to him. Best solution would be to use teleportations in split-seconds to avoid sharp spiritual senses from picking up the fact that it’s her doing in actuality. At the same time, this meant that she couldn’t go to Durran now, either. As Rhea would be suspecting her.

Then again, what doesn’t she know?

What’s the probability of Rhea – the sly one of the church – not knowing? This may be an attempt on her part to create a rift between the two.

Louise debated as the very seconds passed mentally. “I was told that the †˜rats of the Cult were removed. What implores you to have me take leave of the streets?” She asked calmly, and in a manner such that she showed her feelings of concern to an extent.

“Assassins. Believed to be of the same kind that attacked me before. It seems that I and those connected to the church are being targeted. That no doubt puts a target of your back as well,” answered Rhea. “We are only looking out for you, but you are free to do as you like.”

“I… see, very well. I shall take that into consideration, and thus exercise caution,” Louise answered, giving no more than a single nod to the Head Priestess – as formality required her to do so. Durran did pay a visit to the church as she instructed him to, after all – she thought to herself. Things didn’t seemed to have went as planned, if Durran was discovered, and is on the run at the moment – it meant that the situation was more dire than she had assumed.

“But you need not worry so much, I’ve been all around the world for so long; yet I have no spec of injury to speak of,” she stated confidently – flashing a daring smile – as she twirled gracefully for a moment – one of the many perks of a person who is an actual dancer in another world.

“Not all of us were so lucky. We lost many faithful that night,” answered Rhea. “It appears the assailant cares not for who he kills.”

Faithful, eh? To you, me, or the religion? Louise wondered. Honestly, she had no idea if this person even believed in the religion. Not that she was too keen on the religion herself. Who made that up, anyway? It couldn’t be her ancestors, could it? She hoped not. What sounds more strange was that she claimed first that Durran was targeting church members, and then says that he doesn’t care who he kills. What a careless contradiction.

“He sounds dangerous,” Louise finally commented, after gathering her thoughts. There really wasn’t much to say anymore, after she had agreed to be cautious. Well, cautious of Rhea’s capabilities that may bring danger to precious pawns, not Durran. “Very dangerous,” she added, speaking as if giving no actual care to the subject, but it was definitely a sarcasm – as if making an inside joke.

Rhea cast her a curious look, and one of the monks next to her whispered in her ear. “Unfortunately, I have a few things I must attend to. Do be careful, High Priestess,” said Rhea.

Even without Rhea there, Louise could tell that she was being watched. Resuming her walk throughout the streets, and occasionally peeking back towards the crowds – she tried to pinpoint her stalkers. In the end, she turned up fruitless regardless of her attempts. They weren’t as good at hiding their aura as Durran, but good enough to blend in with the crowd – the crowd of people that no doubt contained the number of spirits equivalent to the number of people it consisted of. Suddenly, a man bumped into – Louise hard enough to send her tumbling over. Surprised and confounded – she looked to the assaulter’s face under the hood he was wearing, and realized that it was in fact Durran. Reaching to her waist without wasting a moment, Durran snatched the bag that dangled the belt that hung just under her waist. Without a word, Durran sped off into the alley nearby.

Louise rubbed the back of her head from the slight pain she felt from taking the fall. When she came to the realization that it really was Durran who did such a barbaric thing; she felt that it was an indirect approach towards her. Was this Rhea person really that perceptive? Or was his face simply seen? Perhaps both. Either way, the difference was large. Whereas he was walking casually before they parted ways, now he was even wearing an unsightly hood. For him to be cornered so much – she almost begun to pity him for his predicament. However, it was her who got him into in the first place, so she’d definitely need to save her precious pawn now.

“Well, two can play that game,” Louise spoke to particularly no one, before cracking a smile and pointing her wand towards Durran in lightning speed. A portal opened just before him over the ground after he rushed into the alley close by. So, Durran happened to run straight into the apparent trap, and fell into it. This actually sent him away to Margaret’s place. Louise couldn’t think of a safer place, and she lacked the time to do a long-distance World Gate spell for Origin.

Louise then picked herself back up, and looked around to check if she had created a scene in the streets. She then dashed into the alley, as if pretending to go after the thief. Of course, no one was there. It was empty with nothing with dirt and dust lying all over the place. She then proceeded to making a portal on the wall – heading towards Margaret’s residence.
Margaret's house was darker than usual. The large windows that allowed the sun to fully illuminate the house, were drawn tightly shut. Flying in through a portal, Durran slammed into a wall causing a vase to topple off its stand.. Durran reached out to try and catch it, but came up short. A white gloved hand succeeded where he failed. That probably stopped Durran from incurring a huge debt he’d lack the time to repay – which would cause Louise to pay for him instead… he probably didn’t wanted that to happen, but it was fact that she was the one who sent him there to begin with. Xavier stabilized the stand, and placed the vase back in its rightful place.

“Please be more careful,” scolded Xavier. Durran looked at the elderly man, dumbfounded. Suddenly another portal opened out as Durran’s †˜pursuer’ made her way through to reclaim her bag. Xavier bowed respectively as she made her entrance.

“Ah, welcome back, Lady Louise,” he said. “Margaret is not here at the moment. Is there something you needed her for?”

Louise strode in with an air of elegance as the magical gate closed shut behind her; cutting the air connected to the hall with the alley mercilessly.

“Actually… I need him. Yes, this man right here, or shall I label him a thief, now?” Louise said rather playfully – looking down at Durran.

“I believe you need… a lot of explaining to do, but before that – I’d like to extract what’s mine” she added, looking expectantly at the man who was supposed to do carry out espionage for her. From a bodyguard he became a spy… and then a thief? Regardless, it was one big task, but she had faith in him. Faith in the sense that she totally saw him suitable for a lackey. Well, a good lackey! A rare compliment, indeed.

Durran smirked, and tossed back her bag. Which she caught without trouble with a calm look on her face, and put back to its proper place. Using the wall to help himself up, he eased himself into standing position. “That took a lot more out of me that it should have,” commented Durran. “Rhea is definitely not a cursed supporter, but I don’t know if I’d exactly say she is good for us. She said she was attacked by someone like me. I’m going to assume that was Adair.”

“Hmm, I see. So what did she do exactly? I heard she lost a faithful follower to you,” Louise replied, remembering what Rhea said; it was indeed a reference to what Durran did. “Anything useful you learned?”

”I’m sure there are some real people in that church, but what I killed was just some puppet.”

“A… puppet, you say?”

“Yes, that woman is the third of the great divine spirits. I can’t understand her motive, but if Adair was after her as well, she must be a threat to Cain.”

“Ah… one of the bearers of the great divine… but then, I wonder what she has to do with Leona III regaining her spirit. There should be a connection, somewhere,” Louise mused openly after receiving the information. What baffled her was that this was likely kept a secret. If Leona III knew beforehand – like, before regaining the throne – she’d have likely been informed of the fact. The fact that the Scions was being backed by a great divine spirit even at her absence should’ve been a good news. Should have been a good news, anyway. Now it sounded like bad news.

“You got me there, but it isn’t too much to believe that she might have some sort of method to steal spirits. Or at least seal them for a time...” answered Durran. If only we would have looked for Adair then... thought Durran.

“Oh, and about your friend, I was told that he was executed, I’m afraid we can’t change that fact no more,” Louise replied, looking down, apparently somewhat sorry. The sadness was apparent in her face. “If she is one of the great divines, I can no longer underestimate her.”

“Executed? How did they do it?” Asked Durran seeming a bit desperate. “Where is the body?”

“I’d be suspicious for prying too much if I ask such questions, and I have a feeling that the queen and Rhea had a hand in where the corpse went,” she stated after shaking her head to imply that she didn’t quite know that far. She wished that she did. She really did. However, wishing is one thing, and learning is another. Louise somewhat regretted not coming back here after the battle of Raltese, but then she’d never have gained such allies otherwise. “I doubt they’d tell me, nor do I believe that they’d give him proper burial, either, unfortunately.”

“I need to find it,” answered Durran starting for the door.

“Why? It may be incinerated for all we know,” Louise said, trying to stop Durran from wasting time and effort on what’s likely gone for good. She couldn’t think of Leona nor Rhea vanquishing Adair properly from this world.

“If he really is dead. Someone will respond soon. I don’t know who he will send, but there are only so many of us left,” answered Durran. “It wouldn’t be her… so probably Blythe…” Durran started muttering to himself nervously.

“It’s… probably best for us to deal with some other businesses first. With him being dead, I don’t know what you can do with that corpse.” Maybe pray, or burial, or just seeing a brother off. She somewhat knew what one may hold for a sibling. She did have a sibling; Margaret was her sister’s descendant, after all. Margaret possessed that vibrant open-mindedness and the sincerity to her, after all. She didn’t expect her sister’s descendant to be so shameless, so as to cheat on her husband, however. Perhaps that was for the best, Krieg was a shady man working for questionable leaders, or so she believed.

“I know… I know… he just keeps… calling me… ” answered Durran.

“Hmm… so you think that he’s alive even now?” Louise asked, raising an eyebrow to the cryptic statement.

“Yea… or more so, I want him to be alive,” answered Durran grabbing at his chest.

Louise sighed, this was going nowhere. “Then, I suppose I know where we’re heading to next. Let’s pay that dungeon a visit, shall we?”

“I doubt you can get me into the castle anymore. If we are seen together, it’s over,” answered Durran. “You will have to look alone until you have some evidence.”

“That’s alright, teleportation can solve most problems,” Louise said in a matter of factly manner. Albeit, this was simply a risky game she spoke of dabbling into. She didn’t truly wish to get involved in this particular business, she only considered it for Durran’s mental stability. “Besides, if you plan to go there alone – that’s simply your death wish. You must understand that we can’t lose you, yet.”

“I’m sure Kudzu could do my job,” joked Durran. “He just can’t fit into the small holes so well.”

“Speaking of Kudzu, I am reminded of our business in Origin; I’ve visited Leon while you were out on your own,” Louise stated after remembering. She had time, and she had to use it wisely. Leon asked her to visit him in a few days when they commissioned him a work for her plan. The device was as good as done, and was on stand-by at Leon’s place. In fact, the reason why Louise wasn’t in the city when Durran roamed the alleys under the hood was because she left for Origin, and then visited her world again. Indeed, Louise was wearing a pink and frilly dress with a rather dangerous short skirt – which, accompanied by the white silk-made stockings and her cleavage – really brought out her womanly charms.

“How fares the device?” replied Durran.

“It is ready for war,” Louise answered swiftly with a smile, one that held great expectations of victory.

“Now we just have to make sure Krieg doesn’t catch on too fast,” said Durran. “He should be in Raltese by now.”

“Well, it should be hidden in Origin for now, along with Leon. I’ll bring it into the battlefield when we’ll need it,” Louise said, making a smirk. She hoped that Leon would keep it clean as she had told him to. “It’s a good thing to be able to teleport. However, I wish I could know of an alternative… I do not wish to exert myself much before I face Cain,” she added her current feelings of worry and concern.

“Make Kudzu carry it?” Offered Durran. ”Give his muscles some work for once,” Durran rotated his shoulder and grimaced. The venom was still working days from when he got the bites, but at least he could move around a little easier now.

Louise made a complicated expression, as if unsure. “That thing is apparently heavier than it looks, I’m not certain if he is up to the task. Besides, Kudzu can be careless! He may be seen while carrying it,” she stated calmly, but somehow she acted dramatically at the same time as if debating with much seriousness. It was all merely in jest in the end. She really did considered asking Kudzu.

“I guess you are right, but that lug can throw a man farther than I can,” answered Durran. ”How does the device work anyways?”

“I shall simply sing a song under the guise of providing additional support to the troops to make up for the lose of spiritual energy, if needed,” Louise concluded the matter, as if providing herself a solution, then gathered her thoughts to answer Durran’s question. “So, apparently I have to charge it up, and it’ll begin operating its programmed functions on its own. But we can’t relocate it till it’s out of juice.”

“So once we use it, everyone will know where it is. We’ll have to keep it protected. Sadly, I’ll be weakened by its effects as well,” said Durran.

“Which is why I was considering that it’s best to teleport you in at a proper timing, but then I have to be fast enough in times of emergency. So that’s another flawed plan.” Then that meant that Louise would have to gain a nice killing count while the effects of her device lasted, or at least weaken the enemy at hand – after which Durran would be able to strike home when he recovers. She kept that simple tactic to herself for now.

“It’s times like this some trust divine would come in handy,” said Durran with a shrug. “Isn’t there one among that group you could ask?”

“I can’t rely on the queen… I feel like anything to do with her may be taken advantage of, but perhaps the royal guards could do. I have divulged some information to get the gears running,” Louise answered. Indeed, from Rhea, to Krieg, to Vejovis. She spoke quite a lot, and revealed her personal findings from her investigations. Right now, she could only have faith that they would play their part. She also wanted to evaluate the usefulness of the royal guards through this. Time shall tell, she believed.

“Oh? You think they’re trustworthy enough? They used to be the queen’s dogs after all,” answered Durran. “Especially Saren. Him and Kudzu seemed to have some bad blood between them.”

“Haha, I suppose they do,” Louise said, laughing for only a moment. Albeit, it seemed more like a forced laughter.

“Saren and the queen… are people in pure and innocent love, yet they cannot reach out to each other,” she said, looking down to the floor as if mourning for them.

“Saren is simply over-protective. And that is something people can take advantage of,” Louise said, when one thinks about it, the one who could pull more strings would eventually be the victor. “And when I say people, I mean those that may take advantage of what I do through them just the same,” at the same time, the first to pull the strings carelessly could spell doom for themselves. This is why Louise had to be cautious. She took leave of Masario’s political life for many centuries, she needed to be careful about her position. However, one who wants to succeed must take risks. It was a complicated matter.

“I can’t possibly ask Margaret or Talia for such jobs, either. I trust them the most – more so than the queen – my old friend – here. The situation is that much more dire now.”

”Where is Margaret anyways?” Asked Durran looking to Xavier who was standing silently so as not to interrupt.

“Madam Margaret and young Talia went out for some fresh air. Master Krieg insisted that they stay at home, but as you can guess, that didn’t go well. Krieg even put some guards in charge of watching the house, but Margaret will not let them inside. Thus the reason all the blinds are closed as well.”

“I have to say; I’m glad for that decision – I wonder if she cared for me out of gut feeling – we wouldn’t want any of Krieg’s men seeing us, lest we create more troubles,” Louise said, expressing her relief as she sighed. Now would be the worst time for Krieg to figure out that she and her so-called bodyguards were taking refuge in his very home. “That said… I must speak to Margaret about the party,” she sighed. “This will be hard to squeeze into the schedule.”

”A party? At times like these?” Questioned Durran, more than a bit skeptical.

“That is correct,” Louise answered as if it was the most obvious occasion prepared. “We’re all stressed out,” she stressed that fact. Yes, she stressed it with much emphasis. “We need one last breather before setting off to war. I may not see some of the people I still want to maintain connections with… so there’s that, too,” she said, sounding kind of sentimental for once. Just once, perhaps.

“It goes without saying that I will not be there, but I’ll keep an eye out for anything,” answered Durran. “With who is sure to be there, I don’t have to warn you about being careful.”

“No… come with me, Durran.”

Durran looked at Louise, and then looked himself over. ”I don’t know what you are thinking. I’m…” he started, but Louise seemed sure of herself for someone asking a man to walk to his doom. He guessed she might have had something up her sleeve. “I guess a party isn’t the worst place to die at.” he replied.

“...Just so you know, I am hosting this party in that mansion,” Louise said, giving an evil grin, as if having successfully tricked Durran, but she soon allowed her eyes to close and then – her serious expression – from earlier, just now – surfaced yet again. Louise seemed to be able to bring it down just as fast as she could breath, and vice versa.

“I had promised Adair – one final waltz with me, but he had passed on. I suppose you’re more worthy for the last dance, Durran. You have showed me loyalty, and paid the price for it with blood… for a sin you have had no part in. Well, perhaps you may have indirectly been connected – as an avatar of that man, but that matters no more for now. I feel that I must respond in respect, regardless,” she gave the speech in a mind-halting manner; if she spoke amidst a crowd – everyone would likely freeze like statues just to listen to her finely enunciated words – before finally gracing him with a smile again. “Is that good enough for a reason?”

Durran rubbed his forehead and smirked. “You sure know how to make a guy sweat… and his heart race,” he answered standing up straight. “I would be honored to share that dance with you. If it is indeed the last one. I will just have to remember it forever.”

“Well, experience is an important factor in one’s life, they say,” Louise replied. This wasn’t the first time Louise made others speechless with words alone, after all. She had many such glorious events throughout her long life. “It is good to have you agreeing nonetheless, now I just have to make sure to pick my guests wisely… I don’t want any of the troublesome types… except Kudzu, perhaps. He shall be an exception,” she added, and made Kudzu an exceptional just to make herself not forget him when the time would come. Usually, such barbaric men wouldn’t be called to a party, much less even considered. However, he was one of her precious pawns, too. Plus, she promised to feed him if he had behaved properly in Origin. Well, if he behaved. She’d need to ask the others before she takes him away.

“Kudzu and Margaret are sure to be a riot,” said Durran referring to their previous visit. “We will have to keep them away from the drinks.”

“I can knock them out with a special drink out of their wildest dreams,” Louise said with a wink. However, Durran was right – she’d completely forgotten that Margaret was just as troublesome, in her own unique and nasty way. This realization made her sigh and shrug internally; she’d deal with them when she had to – with the wine. “My collection is fearsome, I assure you,” she spoke with more confidence than usual. One would wonder just what kind of a company Louise ran over in the other world.

“Hopefully we won’t have anymore run-ins with past suitors,” commented Durran. ”Drunk Kudzu may not be as kind. I probably can’t even get drunk.”

“Hmm… there shouldn’t be any suitors, he was only chasing me because he couldn’t face the facts,” Louise said, before continuing to a different matter. “Ah right… did you think about that riddle your… uh, friend gave?” She asked, referencing the deal they made with Balan.

“Something about that little town still bugs me,” answered Durran. “If you want to check it out. Might I ask for some rest first? I’m not in the best condition.”

“That’s rather unusual – for you to be tired – did something happen – like a particular attack from Rhea’s monks, perhaps? I can’t fathom what kind of puppets she may have used against you,” Louise answered. Were they some kind of wood-puppets pumped full of poison, or creatures thought to be mythical?

“Her snakes bit me. The venom hasn’t run its course yet,” answered Durran.

“...You should be saying those things earlier,” Louise sighed and furrowed her brows, before her palm met her forehead. “How do you think this should be treated? To think she is the bearer of the Snake God… ”

“I will heal, I just need some time,” answered Durran. Xavier looked at him curiously. Flipping out a knife, he made a cut on Durran’s arm. Black blood came from the wound.

“Owww what was that for?!” Responded Durran.

“That really doesn’t look fine to me,” Louise commented, seeing the drops of black blood. It was far from fine.

“The poison spread rather quickly.” answered Xavier. “We used to have a method of fixing that, but with how bad this seems…”

“I sure don’t feel as bad as when I first got bit. You sure it’s getting worse?” Asked Durran.

“I can’t be certain, but we can always bleed it out. I’m not sure how your body works, though,” answered Xavier. “Lose too much blood, and the outcome would be death… for a normal person.”

“Think it’s worth a try, Louise?” Asked Durran.

“Fortunately, you don’t seem one bit normal to me, when compared to an ordinary human being. It is beyond a man to be able to react almost normally while conversing, while having poison run that deeply,” Louise said. Albeit, she compared Durran to the humans of the other worlds she had visited – people that carried only their own spirits. She’d forget for a moment that this is a world full of people – all of whom are hosts to different other spirits. “Why not give it a shot? We can have you rest after that,” she suggested.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Xavier showed Louise and Durran to a room filled with medical supplies, and a flat table. Durran sat up on the table, and waited for further instructions. Xavier removed his coat, hanging it up on the rack. Taking the long apron from it, he tied it on, and walked over to a drawer to fetch some tools. Durran looked a bit nervously as he cleaned each and everyone of them with a cloth dipped in something. By the smell of it, it was likely alcohol.

“How many times have you done this before?” Asked Durran.

“I don’t think I’ve ever played a doctor before,” Louise said, almost as if speaking to herself, but at the same time; she seemed to be impressed by Xavier’s skills. “But there were times when I worked as a nurse, just for fun,” she confessed joyfully, apparently proud of herself. That was only to get more in-depth knowledge, and well, practical knowledge on medicines. Louise didn’t think it was a nice idea to tell them of her sexual cosplay endeavours with nurses, however...

“Then perhaps I could ask for your assistance, Lady Louise?” Asked Xavier. “Durran, you can remove your clothing to your undergarments.

“Very well,” Louise said, flashing a smile. Sometimes a master has to take care of her servant, too. She wondered if they had a nurse outfit here...

“There is a spare apron on the rack, and some gloves over here. If you would rather not get your outfit dirty, I believe we had some nursing scrubs in the closet there,” added Xavier as he finished cleaning the tools and brought them over to the table. Durran was just finishing getting undressed and slid off his pants.

“I’d best do that,” Louise nodded and went off to fetch the aforementioned items. Tying a knot around her waist; she wore the apron, then took up the gloves and slid them past her arm, and pulled by their ends to make sure the gloves were properly fit. She then walked back to Durran and Xavier. Despite her being a woman, she didn’t seemed to be especially fazed from seeing Durran almost naked.

“Now go ahead and lay down, Durran,” said Xavier looking his body over. Right away Xavier saw several bite marks around Durran’s neck, and more around his ribs. For those to still be visible now meant that Durran’s healing was being halted. Taking the scalpel in hand; he started at one of the bites, and made a quick incision. Black blood flowed out.

“Blood is thin, and coming out a lot faster than I thought,” said Xavier. “Nurse, can you bring those bed pans? We’re are going to use them to hold the blood. Don’t worry, they have never been used,” Xavier chuckled as he began to examine his incision. Durran winced as the elderly man made another cut, but his joyful mood set Durran at ease.

“Understood, doctor,” Louise said, still wearing a smile. It’s as if all the blood didn’t make the situation look serious at all. If ordinary people were here, they’d likely just stare at the abnormality of the situation rather than be disgusted – she believed. She looked around the room; spotting the bed pans momentarily, and brought them over to Xavier. “Jeez, what is she, the medusa?”

Taking them from her, he placed them in a row beside Durran. Looking to Durran, he smiled wide. “Would you prefer I do this quickly? Or bit by bit?” Asked Xavier.

“We have a schedule to keep, doctor. Let’s make this quick...” answered Durran. Xavier placed the blade at Durran’s shoulder, and in one quick motion sliced all the way down to his waist. The deep clean cut made blood flow out of him quickly. Durran’s sight began to go dim until he blacked out. Xavier whistled as he began making incisions in other places moving the pans as necessary. “This should do it. The rest is up to Durran, really. The new blood is coming out now, and it seems healthier… The man never had a heartbeat to begin with,” explained Xavier. “This is really quite something.”

“Even from a single look, even an amatuer such as I can tell that his bodily structures… are exceptionally distinctive,” Louise commented, looking at the blood flowing out.

“But what is pumping it? It is almost as if the blood is just… there. Awkward question… but if this man is to die, I’d like to run an autopsy,” said Xavier.

“I can hear you guys… you know that right?” Groaned Durran. The long cuts that Xavier made began melding together in order. Xavier looked on in wonder at just how fast the man was rebuilding himself. Still, as his body filled up again Durran was left pale, and weak.

“I shall permit that,” Louise answered Xavier, giving the OK while ignoring Durran blatantly. “It is a subject of much intrigue, after all.”

“Thank you very much,” answered Xavier with a nod. “Bloodletting has been widely dismissed as dangerous, but as barbaric as these methods were. They seemed to have worked for you,” said Xavier.

“You couldn’t have told me that before?” Said Durran flexing his fingers and toes. His muscles were responding much better than before. Looking to his side he saw the black blood that was let out from his side. “For a normal person I can’t say they would like their chances.”

“I wouldn’t want to approach Rhea carelessly, that’s for certain,” Louise assessed, placing a hand under her chin. “She may deter my regeneration, too. As rejuvenation is the exact opposite of a poison that slowly breaks you up from the inside; if the poison can counter it for some time; it’d be annoying,” that is, considering this was actually rejuvenation, but Louise lied anyway. She’d never tell anyone that her immortality was a time-based spell.

“I simply don’t trust anyone that refuses to show their eyes,” answered Xavier. “Consider it a personal decision, but that never sits right with me.”

“A wise decision, I believe,” Louise agreed with a nod. “If you’re hiding something, you have something you don’t want others to see. And that also means that you don’t trust others with what you have.”

“Well I don’t like her for a whole other reason…” said Durran with a laugh. “But thanks again doctor. I will be sure to avoid her until I know how to deal with her,” Durran tried to get up, but Xavier held him down.

“Regardless of your healing, I insist you rest,” advised Xavier. Durran was surprised at how strong the man was despite his age. He felt fine, but there was little harm in accepting his advice.

“Whole other reason, you say?” Louise tilted her head as she asked curiously.

”Just not a big fan of snakes… Ironic isn’t it?” answered Durran.

Louise made a bland expression. But this time, it portrayed what seemed like disappointment, rather than seriousness. “Indeed,” she answered.

“Come now, let’s allow this man to rest, while I whip us up some grub… Lady Margaret should be home shortly,” offered Xavier as he began to clean up, and dispose of the bloody gloves.

“I’d love to enjoy a refreshing cup of earl grey about now,” Louise said as she pulled out the gloves and untied the apron; letting it slip by her slim and slender figure before she left the room with Xavier. Leaving the room, Xavier sighed before his lips curled up into a smile. It was comical moments like these that helped keep him sane.
Early in the next morning, Xavier gave Durran another check up to make sure that everything was running normal. †˜Normal’ was a stretch considering it was Durran, but it still gave Durran some peace of mind. His muscles and joints were acting normal, and there was no pain. Back in the clothes that Louise had gifted him; he adjusted his tie.

“Thank you for waiting for me. Sorry to hold you up,” said Durran.

“Then, we’re finally going to the village where we have to investigate,” Louise said, facing Durran who wore the suit she gifted him. It looked nice on him indeed. “I’d pay a word to Margaret, but I think she is better off sleeping for now… we did drink quite a lot again.” Louise then picked up her wand, and cast the spell for the transportation process.

“When don’t you do a lot of drinking?” answered Durran as the portal opened in front of them. Walking into it – they stood on the crater that Louise made on her first visit there. It was something that she knew wouldn’t have changed much from their last visit. The place had been considerably cleaned up from the last time they were there. The destroyed buildings were cleaned up of debris, and that debris was made into one big pile. Few workers were present sifting through the debris. The well, however, had been cemented over to prevent anyone from getting into it, or perhaps something from getting out.

“Hm, the well seems to have been sealed. I wonder how we’ll get into the underground without it,” Louise mused openly as she looked over the cemented horizontal wall covering it. While it was a sensible decision, it was going to be a problematic situation now.

“Half of your group didn’t use the well when you came last time,” answered Durran. Walking over to one of the destroyed buildings; he checked for the other hidden entrance. He laughed when he remembered that she caved it in last time. “I thought you were on to me when that cave-in went off,” Durran said with a chuckle. Luckily, as he looked; it seemed they left the other entrance open. Hopefully, there weren’t any workers down there at this time. It did seem that they were working on the tunnel, however. It was all lit-up with torches, and frames were in place to keep the ground secure. “Shall we go?” Asked Durran.

“Hey, what are you doing here?!” Yelled a worker. “Can’t you see that this place has been sectioned off. How did you even get into the village?!” A man in simple clothing, and a metal-hard hat walked up to them. His grey shirt, and jean pants were dirty from work.

“We have our means and reason,” Louise answered swiftly with a shrug. “Are you stationed here to guard, or work clean the place?” She asked, apparently curious of their activities in the village.

“We are here to clean out the place of hazards, and try to figure out what happened here. So far we have squat. Someone came and burned everything that could have been useful, and my men won’t get near that thing,” answered the worker.

“Well, we’re here to investigate. It’d be helpful if you agree to co-operate with us,” Louise replied,. This man seemed to know something. It’d be better to get a headstart rather than taking the sweet time to poke around the place.

“Who are you before I go losing my job?” The man replied with a question.

“The High Priestess. If you really need money, I can pay a year’s worth now...” Louise answered, flaunting off her wealth at the face of the man – as if money was the most disposable thing she had ever possessed.

The man took of his hat, and bowed slightly. “My apologies, I don’t get back to Masario much. Hell, I couldn’t tell you who our current queen is,” he answered with a laugh.

“No worries. In fact, I’d like it if you keep our meeting confidential. We don’t want to make a fuss, you see,” Louise replied, having her polite smile deployed for the sake of convincing the man.

“If you want me and my boys to lie for you, we’ll need some compensation. Money talks wonders,” replied the man. “Facing Krieg or his men and lying ain't the funnest thing to do.”

“Unfortunately, Krieg’s men happens to be the best at making a fuss. Rest assured, I can pay for all those who agrees to keep their lips sealed,” Louise replied. She was glad that these men was easy to manipulate via money. Money can be such a splendid human instrument of wonder sometimes.

“Then you have my word that none of these fools know you were here. I’m pretty much talking to a ghost right now,” joked the man. “Now in reference to the investigation. If we could start at that thing, I’d appreciate some help with it.”

Louise gestured with much respect for the man who agreed to help. “Please, lead the way.”

The three made their way down the newly renovated tunnel, guided by the worker. The stench of bodies, and blood was all but gone now. The workers must have had a hell of a time cleaning up that mess. When they reached the first fork of the road; the worker looked at the sign for a moment. It was a map of the tunnels made by the workers. From the looks of it, the place went a lot deeper than previously seen.

“Yeah, that was… right around here,” said the man getting his bearings.

“What is this thing anyways?” Asked Durran.

“Oh you talk after all?” Joked the man. “Thought you were just the silent hired muscle.”

“He is a hard-talking muscle here,” Louise joked in return with a chuckle. “One with a bit of humor,” she added.

“Oh really, let me hear a joke,” said the worker.

Durran sighed, and kept his eyes forward. “That isn’t how my humor works. You might see in time,” answered Durran.

“Psh, money says you just can’t think of one,” answered the worker.

“I’d pay money to seal that mouth of yours,” answered Durran. The worker laughed loudly.

“So thats the kind of humor, eh?” Said the worker.

“So… where is this thing, anyway?” Louise asked, trying to get back to the matter at hand. She didn’t know that there was yet another untouchable anomaly lying down here, especially after the battle that took place here.

“Not too far ahead now. When we first found it, we had simply sealed it off. We haven’t been this way in a while because my men aren’t losing another to that thing. Krieg said he was sending someone to deal with it,” answered the worker. [/b]“We got that letter today, but if you can get rid of it today. We can finally get this done and go home.”[/b]

Somehow I’m not comfortable with Krieg’s men looking over this… perhaps it was for the best that we came here today. After a bit more walking, and getting lost once, the group made it to a large boarded off section of the cavern.

“Well, that’s quite the size,” Louise commented, looking towards the sealed off section. It was definitely over the size she’d imagined. Had they been to this part of the cavern the last time they got here? Perhaps not. She’d have forgotten by now if she did. She didn’t think they’d even seal off a section this large, instead of closing down the entire cavern through the entrance.

“One moment while I take this down…” said the worker.

“Allow me to assist,” said Durran walking up, and ripping the sword from his sheathe. With three rapid slashes, he cut a hole big enough for them to fit through. Stepping to the side he motioned for them to go through.

”Ladies first,” said the worker.

Louise gave a nod before smiling, then taking a step forward before entering through the path. The worker followed next, and Durran brought up the rear. Slashing along the barricade he put up a barrier of his own. Nothing was sneaking out behind them. The next room was dark for a few moments while the worker fumbled around. Snapping some flint and tinder together he lit a torch. In front of them was a large door. As soon as the light hit the door something hit the other side of it hard. The chains that held it shut rattled in response.

“Well then…” commented Durran. “I think you should wait for us back on the surface,” The worker handed the torch to Durran, and smirked.

“You don’t have to tell me again. Good luck, and all that,” said the man as he hastily made his way back. Durran slid his sword along the floor putting a barrier behind them as the other one faded.

“I am somewhat glad that I didn’t cave this in too,” Louise said, somewhat sarcastically. Durran took the torch and bashed it on the floor. Embers flickered as the fire was extinguished.

”We won’t be needing that,” said Durran. “And yes, it’s a very good thing that you didn’t cave this in.”

“Agreed, albeit at that time, nothing would have caved in to that extent if that Reymond didn’t interrupt...” Louise grumbled, as if remembering something absolutely distasteful.

“This thing is an early cauldron. I’ve seen a few of them now. They are kept underground until it’s time to form it,” said Durran walking towards the door. “Once out, it just eats, and eats until it makes one of those things you fought here before..”

Louise looked around before her eyes connected with the cauldron. “That monster was somewhat annoying, I’ll give it that,” she stated. The monster that they fought was definitely larger and more ferocious than what she faced alongside Durran right now. She wondered if it was left here as a guardian to protect whatever secrets that lied within this cavern.

“I don’t know if this is what Balan had in mind. Taking this thing out would be in the best interest of the Divine, though. Before it becomes a problem,” advised Durran. ”I’m going to open the door. Are you ready?”

Louise nodded. “Let us begin.” As Durran approached the door, it flew open, and the stone doors sent him flying. A large mouth was all one could see in the door. A long tendril-like tongue slithered out, and whipped about randomly – missing Louise and Durran.

”It’s attracted to light, and sound,” said Durran via sending a spiritual wave into Louise’s head. Getting up slowly, he smacked his sword on the floor making sparks. The beast whipped his tongue at Durran which he easily dodged.

Then no doubt shall it prefer sound and light on its very face, Louise thought with a smirk before pointing her wand towards the monster. As always, a tiny spherical light emanated from the tip of her wand, before a small explosion took off over the face of the cauldron. As the explosion went off, a flash of the beasts red maw was seen. With a bloodcurdling roar it retreated back into its room. Then with great force smashed into the wall. The stone around the door began to crack.

Durran ran out in front of the door, and tried to prepare his barrier in case the rest were to get out. Spinning quickly, he tried to make a trench in the ground. Misjudging how hard the stone was, his blade simply skittered across the floor.

The sound attracted the ire of the beast as its tongue found Durran and seized his leg. Whipping him up quickly to smack the ceiling, and back down to hit the floor. Durran sliced off the beasts tongue to free himself, and rolled to the side to avoid the tongue as it tried to crush him.

“Listen, if it is attracted to light, then my next move should distract it even further,” Louise sent the message via a signal to Durran, before cupping her hands over her chest, and taking a deep breath; she soon started to sing a song. A short song it was – containing a forgotten language of the heavens – it didn’t last even a minute at the rate it was going, but the voice was resounding and beautiful. Louise felt that the distance between her and the sky may have been a little too much; causing the lack of duration. Regardless, it should’ve aided Durran nonetheless.

Durran rose to his feet, feeling relieved by the song. Whistling along with the tune, he ran his hand along the blade of his sword. Then spinning once more, he slashed hard at the ground. The trench went along the length of the room, and then up the walls and across the ceiling as well. Blue spirit energy formed a wall in front of Durran.

Louise stood almost exactly behind Durran, but could tell the exact location of the cauldron. Problem was getting through her spiritual energy wave for her next move – the explosive spell – past all the obstacles in the way. Turned out that she drew the end of the stick, and the energy barely made it in all their glory when the not-so-flashy explosion took place.

Durran sheathed his sword swiftly, and tore it out making three precise cuts. His first tore through and sent a wave of energy at the beast. The next two dreadfully slow, and the feedback from the attack came back through the sword. Hitting the beast with the single wave just as the explosion went off – cutting the beast even deeper. The beast retreated once again into the back of its prison. Charging forward, it hit the wall with all its worth. Shattering the wall; the debris flew out, hitting the barrier and bouncing off to the ground. Suddenly, eyes opened up all over the beast. Black eyes with orange glowing rings around the pupil. They moved around rapidly looking for a source of light. The dim light of the barrier was all it had to go on at the moment.

So the barrier is the only light… I wonder if my next round of explosions can blind it then? Let’s experiment a little with the guinea pig, shall we? Louise flicked her wand again, gathering some of her spiritual energy. The holy powers spiraled around her form, and the small spherical orb of light formed just over the wand’s tip. She then pointed it towards the early cauldron, and launched away the spiritual waves of energy. This time, they travelled past Durran properly, and past his barrier; gathering silently around the beast. Soon, there was a large explosive noise that rang out across the dark room inside the caverns. The ground cracked from the force and the monster screamed loudly in pain. It would be an overstatement to say that the explosion didn’t shook the cavern slightly with how the explosion took place just now.

Durran gripped his blade in two hand, and slashed across his barrier horizontally. Not going fast enough, he felt the pain from his own wall. Focusing, he delivered two lightning fast slashes to the barrier; sending the energy flying towards the beast. Slicing deep into it to the point it could barely recover from these wounds. Its body was nothing but spasming lumps of flesh, but it slowly slid its way over to the barrier. It wouldn’t stop until the two of them were in its stomach. Unable to properly use his arms or legs; the beast lashed at the wall with his tongue. In its weakened state the energy left over in the barrier flowed directly into it with no resistance. Unable to hold its form together – it spread out into a puddle of flesh, and blood.

“Phew, that was a little too close...” said Durran sheathing his blade..

“Whoever left it must have had a lot more to help themselves with,” Louise said, still standing beside Durran before putting her wand away… for now. “We should find out if there’s any clues left here,” she reminded themselves of their purpose for coming here. They were definitely not here to simply clean up messed like these.

“I don’t think that one was finished, even for a pre cauldron. This place seems more like a beginner’s science project,” said Durran picking up the torch, and sparking it on the floor with his blade. Luckily, there was enough oil to get a good flame on it. The remnants of the beast came into full view. A weak eye glared at the flame before it closed forever. Walking ahead, he lit the way into the back of the beast’s former prison. “Let’s check back here first. We can get that worker to show us around a bit if we don’t find anything.”

Louise nodded and followed after Durran. “May as well, he does have the map, after all,” she replied.

“Let’s remember the riddle one more time. In hell… something only you angels can see…” Durran murmured that last thing as he looked around at the ground and walls, but saw nothing in particular. “Maybe its something that you are meant to find?

Louise agreed. “As I believed, too. Give me a moment,” she said, before closing her eyes; focusing on her surroundings, and looking into the place with the eyes of her spirit instead. As her spirit led her around the room, something reacted from below her. She had Durran come close, and shine a light at her feet. Durran stomped on the area, and to his surprise, it was hollow. He looked around, but saw no way getting down there.

“Perhaps we need to take another route?” Advised Durran. Hearing the sound of boots squishing, Durran looked up to find the worker, and two other men.

“I didn’t think you two were the real deal,” said the man, chuckling. Looking at the bits and pieces left of the beast made his stomach churn a little.

“Do you know how we may go below this level? There is definitely more than just this down here,” Louise said, opening her eyes to regain her normal view again. This place definitely held more than what met the ordinary eyes.

“Eh? Below here…” said the man digging in his pouch for his map of the tunnel system. Tracing his finger on the page, he looked around near where they were. “Nothing we have explored yet leads lower than this.”

“Something dangerous may still lurk below… we’d like to be on the safe side of things, you see,” Louise replied, as if trying to convince the man that they’d bring greater security down here. Which was true in reality; they were doing them a favor by willingly go deeper into a place that these guards would rather avoid out of fear. “Any paths unexplored that we may look into, then?”

“We explored all the tunnels except this one. If a way leads down there, it is in this room, or will have to be drilled out,” answered the worker. “If you want to give us a day, we can have this place cleaned up, and check for any kind of secrets. But if there is something else like this thing… we will be needing you again.”

“No that will take too long,” answered Durran.

“We don’t have that kind of time, unfortunately,” Louise agreed with Durran, giving a nod to him, then facing the guards again. “We’ll go through that tunnel, and take a look ourselves,” she concluded; making her decision known. “You people may go back to the top. It’s dangerous down here. May I borrow your map, however?”

“Suit yourselves, just don’t cause a cave in with those explosions,” answered the worker. “You can use this map if you get lost,” The man rolled up the map, and offered it to Louise.

Louise took the map. “Just a moment, please. I shall pay your due now,” Louise replied, taking up an expensive looking pen and an impossibly clean and white parchment on the spot; she took but a few seconds to scribble on it – before handing it over to the workers. “This should be good enough, use it however you like – share it with your conspirers if you so wish.” Louise then cast the teleportation spell below them, almost about to send them back up.

Looking at the two men with him. They wordlessly agreed to only split it between them. Tipping his hat the worker smiled. “Pleasure doing business with you.” Then to their surprise, they fell into Louise’s portal; appearing on the surface.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Durran kept looking at the floor, and stomping on it in different areas. “In hell…maybe she was right with fire,” said Durran. “Wait here,” Durran walked off down the path they came down. In a few minutes, he returned with a few barrels. “Step back to the wall for a moment. If this doesn’t work, we’ll try looking around.” Louise stepped back as Durran proceeded to break the barrels on the ground. Oil flowed out – covering most of the floor. Taking his sword, he slammed it on the floor; sparking it all. The inferno spread everywhere but one spot. A square where the oil seemed to be staying away from.

It was underneath where the beast had fallen, but now that flesh was burned away. As Louise’s spirit looked on that area; half of the symbol of ouroboros became visible. The other half was an indentation that was filling with oil and fire. Making a smaller trench wall, Durran used it to fire a wave that blew the fire away from that area. Walking over to it, he saw that the oil had seeped into the crack and burned the sealant. A simple kick sent the square of rock falling into the abyss below.

“No mining, or explosions required,” said Durran wiping his forehead. ”Whoever designed this was a bit crazy though.”

“I think I know who designed it… she did seemed crazy to me,” Louise replied. Remembering the crazed woman she fought down here in the past with the dreaded squad. “She also seemed to know about me, too.”

“Hmmm? Who are you talking about?” Asked Durran.

“We met a crazy-looking woman when I came here with the worst-squad, and we had to fight a cauldron back then, too,” Louise answered, explaining what Durran should have known – considering he was assigned to be her stalker by the ever-cautious Cain. Funny, they both happen to be very cautious – especially when it comes to each other.

“I… remember you fighting the Cauldron. There was no woman there,” answered Durran.

“No, really, I am not lying. She was there. I mean, we even spoke to her, and it wasn’t just me who saw her” Louise replied, confused regarding why Durran wouldn’t know this simple fact, but then, something sparked in her mind, “wait… there is something only us angels can see... ”

“Balan wanted us to come here to find that out? He could have just told us,” answered Durran. “But there has to be more down this hole…” Durran was a bit perturbed at the fact there was someone he couldn’t see wandering around, but for the time being that could wait.

“He likes to play around the bush – is what you told me,” Louise replied with a shrug – repeating what Durran told her the first time she asked him that question. “I suppose we find out what’s down there,” Louise said that, but did not jump. That’s because Durran was supposed to be escorting her, so...

Durran walked over to Louise, and picked her up – holding her bridal-style. “Hold on,” he said before jumping down into the hole. The fall was a lot farther than Durran was expecting. Reaching the bottom, he landed on a flat surface. This ground was more even than the cave-paths up above. The room was pitch black and he couldn’t see anything. Setting Louise down slowly, he waited until she was standing up straight to let go.

Something was dripping next to them. Durran realized it to be the oil he poured before. Slashing the ground he set fire to the oil lighting up the room.

“I could just create some light at the tip of the wand, you know?” Louise said, standing up straight. She made a face that clearly showed a displeased Louise. “Fire is dangerous, especially here as we want our prized evidences safe,” she stated calmly.

“But its not as fun,” answered Durran with a smirk.

“Now, now. Let’s not forget why we came here,” Louise sighed, albeit she was smiling. It seemed more like a joke than a normal scolding. “Hm, as for this place… ”

The place they landed was a hallway with only a path forward. The entire place was carved from smooth stone. It seemed this place was here before, and the caves above were them trying to excavate it. Along the walls, depictions of snakes were carved. The fire only lit up so much however, the path ahead was still dark.

“I guess we can rely on your light up ahead,” said Durran.

“I suppose so, this place seems rather big, after all,” Louise said. It didn’t even seemed like she concentrated – as a bulb of light flashed from just over the tip of her wand. “Hmm… snake-carvings, I think I have a hunch about all this.” She then started walking to explore the place.

“I can see why Balan would be afraid to come here alone. If there were people he and I could not see,” commented Durran. “What is your hunch?”

“Something about the cult altogether doesn’t blend well with what we learned so far. Have you considered the connection with why Balan told us to come here, while he wanted Rhea gone? I feel like the mysterious woman I met that day may hold some kind of a connection with Rhea… she is the bearer of the great snake god, and we have snakes here, too. The problem to my theory, however, is that Cain holds connection to snakes as well. As evidenced by your abilities,” Louise theorized. Indeed, Balan asked for them to kill Rhea, while stating that she had more blood of her hands than him. This place was awfully designed with snake-like carvings across the walls, and she had recently learned that Rhea possess the great divine god of the snake. Why’d Balan ask her to kill Rhea? Because Louise had a spirit of the same – if not similar – caliber? “Can you confirm that the Cult is 100% under Cain?”

“The cult was never under Cain,” answered Durran. “At least not at the beginning.”

“I see, but the people believed that it may as well have been under his guide. And the actual leader of the cult could use that notion as a shield,” Louise theorized further openly. This seemed too convenient to be true. “This means that if it’s Rhea… then Masario isn’t really free of the cult at all… is it?”

“It’s a logical assumption, but I can’t say how much I know about it. My job was never to follow the cult. Just you,” answered Durran.

“Hmmm. I see. You know, there’s another thing that bugs me about all this,” Louise said, before continuing, “Krieg did claimed that he was keeping an eye on me, and other things on behest of that damned church, and even told me how Arkasia was licking her wounds in Origin. I’d think he is Rhea’s puppet… and if this man claims that the cult is cleaned out; that just has to be untrue. The entire Arkasia is the cult now,” she stated. What baffled her more was that Krieg was the one who paved the way for her to meet Vejovis. That, too, was awfully suspicious. Just who did he swore allegiance to? Does he work for Rhea, or Vejovis? Or are both these figures allied? She hoped that they weren’t. All she knew was that the world was in for one hell of a ride.

“Adair must have seen all of this coming...That’s why he confronted Rhea, and Rhea snapped her fangs on him,” answered Durran. “But I don’t think all of Arkasia is the cult. Soldiers aren’t so hard to convince of a common enemy when they kill your family, and villages…”

“Indeed, and they are only people abiding orders while not knowing that some of the leaders are corrupt,” Louise said, agreeing with Durran. Commoners were easy to fool, they are not so educated and often don’t think deeply. All they wish for is to live a simple and peaceful life. She couldn’t blame them for that, either. Was it too hard to ask for, though? Yes, yes it was – at least in this world, that’s for sure. “Let’s keep searching, perhaps we’ll find more conclusive evidences around here. This trip must make my time well worth it.” Louise then started walking again, she held up arm up along with her wand to shower more light across the dark place that they ended up in.

Following behind Louise, and her guiding light, the path began to get wider. The images on the side showed the snake splitting into more, and more snakes. Louise wondered if that symbolized something – like maybe an ability to duplicate many snake-puppets, or how she could extend her influence to gain more followers. Either way, Durran kept his eyes focused on any surprises, his sword drawn and ready. As they finally reached what seemed to be the end of the hall – it spread to a large room. In the center of the room sat a large sarcophagus.

“Someone was buried here?” Questioned Durran as he slowly approached the center of the room.

Louise sighed. “I hate to intrude on graves but… open it up,” Louise instructed. As Durran walked over to it, he saw that the lid was slightly moved. Holding his blade ready, he opened it all the way with his other hand. The box was empty.

“There is nothing in here,” answered Durran.

“Ahh… hahaha, I see how this is.”

Durran turned to Louise curiously as she laughed. “You do?” He asked.

“It’s like a snake shedding it’s skin. Rhea, or better yet, someone resembling one was – or well, is – resting there. Or perhaps some other holder of great power. Regardless, they hibernated here, woke up, and left the nest for her objectives – that’s my theory, but it adds up nicely, wouldn’t you say?”

“But this place was sealed off, and I-” began Durran. A sharp pain went through his chest, as blood spilled onto the floor. As he looked at what had pierced him, nothing was there, but as Louise looked over to her guardian, a woman peered over his shoulder.

“So that’s how it is.” To think the snake had only escaped moments ago. That crack of a space that they saw initially was likely the reason for it, or was it? She was too big to escape from a small crack like that. Regardless, she must have been awakened due to them coming down here.

“This one isn’t human?” Said the woman. “But he was definitely marked.” Snakes coiled around Durran, and bound him in place. As Louise shined her light at her, she almost looked like the woman she fought before in the village above. Pale skin, and long black hair. This one, however, was capable of speech.

“So, who are you? You’re definitely aiming at the wrong body, that’s for certain,” Louise questioned, what followed it was a comment of disdain.

“That is such a broad question. I am many things,” answered the woman. The snakes released Durran randomly, and he jumped away at the first opportunity. The snakes then coiled around her body, hiding her naked flesh. “Are you the right one then?

“Well, what many things are you, then? Neither of us were ever the right food, however” Louise asked again, then answered – determined to learn something. Well, anything. This was only thing – erm, a person – they could find here. In fact, it was good that they found a person – one with a brain could tell them so much more than what little their eyes could pick up here. She oddly reminds me of the depictions of Lilith, somehow…

“Hungry, very hungry,” answered the woman as a joke. “I am a mother, a wife, a murderer, a savior. I think the most appropriate would not be who I am. But who I am not.”

”I’m going to kill Balan after this…” cursed Durran. He wasn’t sure why the woman let him go. She had him cornered, and could have easily use him as a bargain chip. He was pretty sure in that case, Louise would just blast them both though.

“Hm, I see. Alright... And that’s what they all say… what’s your name?”

“I believe they had a name for me long ago...what was that?” she said tapping her chin. “Nope, its gone. I can’t remember,” she smirked teasingly. “Messing with you is fun,” she added. ”Humans are always so curious.”

“And you think I am a human?” Louise said, smiling back all the same. It was starting to get on her nerves that this woman was so disrespectful, though.

The woman’s eyes glew red, and then shifted to white. “Ah...I see. You are a special one, aren’t you?” She said. In that moment, Louise could feel a strong divine presence from the woman.

“Hmm… I can’t tell if she is a kind of a replica of Rhea, or just a simple puppet, but your powers allowed me understand something, Durran.”

“Can we just kill it?” said Durran not liking how he still couldn’t see her, but could feel she was there. ”What did you learn?”

Like how it feels like Rhea is actually Cain’s mother due to all the snakes I am seeing from all you guys? But, I can’t exactly voice that opinion. How else should I take this when she claims to be a mother and a wife. Then again… that connection that Krieg has with both Rhea and Vejovis… could it be… ? Louise thought for a moment about how to reply, but she just didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t. She might’ve been over-thinking this and connecting people without any good reasons. So she ended up deciding to simply stop. “Never mind, probably a mistake on my part, but I don’t want to kill a person who could allow me to learn more about Rhea...”

The woman’s eyes grew bright again before glowing bright red. In that moment, Louise felt an intense cursed presence. The snakes that coiled around her began to hiss, and snapped at Louise. “I feel you both have wasted enough of my time,” answered the woman. “There isn’t a good meal to be had here. And all these questions do nothing for my poor nerves.”

“Shut up bitch, if you want food you gotta pay for it.”

“Why, there is a whole feast outside these walls,” answered the woman as she stepped down the stairs towards Louise. The woman’s flesh began to split, and break apart as her body decayed into a pit of snakes crawling at Louise’s feet.

“Is she still here? I can’t sense her at all,” said Durran, looking around.

Louise sighed. Not liking how she wants to run away. “That settles it, I’m killing her… I really didn’t wanted to start a fight here, however.” The snakes slithered past her, and began down the hall.

“Argh, it just wants to escape, and eat those men alive,” Louise exclaimed as she turned around to see the snakes. “I’ll go after them. You keep investigating the place – not like you can see them. I’ll come back here once I’m done with her,” Louise said as she turned and followed after the snakes in the direction they went.

“Well don’t I just feel useful,” said Durran turning to look at the room.

The snakes reached the end of the hall, and started combining under the hole. For a moment the woman reformed, and leapt up the shaft. Louise opened a gate on the nearby wall and walked into it. Appearing in the above room, she saw the woman weakly crawl out of the hole in a half human-half snake form.

“Aren’t you persistent?” Said the woman before splitting into snakes again.

“I could say the same to you,” Louise said, flicking her wand at the snakes as she walked towards her; causing an explosion over her. A fourth of the snakes scattered, and disintegrated. The woman appeared in an incomplete snake form for a moment and screeched loudly. It was obvious that she was in no shape to fight back. The years spent in that casket had weakened her. The snakes desperately tried to make it down the tunnel.

“Persistence is futile. If only you’d have answered me...” Louise sighed, as if in despair for having to kill someone who could be an important source of information to her, before looking down on the map she held.

“You won’t be going far,” she then raised her wand yet again, and transported herself to the location she predicted that the snake-woman would likely be appearing in.

As the snakes turned the corner, another perfectly-timed explosion scattered them onto the wall. The explosion knocked her back into her human form. Albeit, more than a few parts were missing. Her left leg and arm were decimated, as well as most of her torso. “It had to be you, didn’t it Louise…?” She asked weakly leaning up against a wall.

“It had to be me, you say?” Louise repeated her question, raising an eyebrow. Despite replying casually like that, there was a fearsome form of a woman who stood before her. To think she was finally talking; whatever happened to her jests and hide-and-seek?

“You should know better than anyone how it feels to be loved by that man…” she answered.

“...I haven’t asked you, had I? ...Who are you? You have told me that you are a mother, haven’t you?” Louise asked. She wondered how this woman knew her name, but didn’t ask that.

“Me? I’m just insurance. I am mother to no one, but the snakes,” answered the woman.

Well, that was strange – Louise thought. Insurance, she claimed. Does that mean that was a back-up body in case Rhea’s current body was burned away, or did she maintain her life with the shedding skin process?

“I see, then I shall change my question: how do you know my name? Or rather, what do you know?”

“Long ago you and I were not so different. We both fell for that man, and he betrayed us both. He used to be so… perfect.”

Louise ruffled her hair as if bothered by the words. She was very bothered by her instinct as to what this was about to lead to… she didn’t wanted to know, at the same time – she needed to know.

“He went and lost control of himself, you know… ?” Louise said, she knew that that event had definitely took place, and yet, she suddenly felt very unsure about what she knew.

“He went soft.. .something had to be done,” answered the woman with a laugh.

“...You, don’t tell me… you’re the ones responsible… for that?” The woman laughed on before she fell over on the ground, her blood painting the wall she was leaning on red.

“...GOD DAMN IT,” Louise shouted from the bottom of her lungs. In fury, she flicked her wand left and right rapidly, towards the spot the woman’s corpse lied. Multiple explosions rang out. Each time, she yelled “Damn it!”, as she swing her golden wand. Over and over again. She expression was muddle with ruin and madness, with a tint of absolute despair – her frown was deep and her eyes almost resembled that of a demon; filled with wrath, her mouth opened as her teeth showed; gritting roughly.

Soon enough, she fell on all four, and her legs spread onto the barren and dirty ground. What begun as a light sob soon became a cry that Louise desperately held back. She didn’t wanted Durran to hear her cries. She didn’t wanted anyone to find out – just how weak she and her heart was – despite spending all these years in various places in the universe; she remained but one woman in heart. Even if she became an immortal being who boasted capabilities beyond humans and monsters alike – the deeper recessed was left as that of a wife who couldn’t bear a child, or protect her family to the end. She really, truly felt hopeless, and stupid for that very fact. Yes, stupid. She didn’t even think that another person could sneakily pull such a thing off behind her back. Was this all because she was blinded by love? Was she being punished by fate for her carelessness? Likely.

Regardless, this was just too much to bare.

It just meant that she had more than just a responsibility towards Cain now. It really was her fault that he became that way. Perhaps it was wrong of her to fall in love. However, someone needed to stop that man now. Someone needed to put him to rest.

Just you wait… I’ll save you, Cain – from this nightmare, and these responsibilities you were never suited for. I may end up hitting you with all these pent-up rage, however. I hope you’re well-prepared for that.

She couldn’t help it. She broke down a long time ago. She had already went somewhat mad. Sometimes she didn’t know if she was even portraying the correct expression or not… when would she move on from the material world?

Louise then sighed. She sighed hard. She soon made herself get up from the ground, and dusted herself momentarily before wiping her tears. She reminded herself that Durran was still waiting for her down there. How’d she react to that man now? She didn’t really know. She’d need time to think this through. Regardless, she conjured a portal and thus, teleported her way down to the depths of the caverns. Durran was looking over the room, but was finding nothing. As he heard Louise’s portal behind him, he turned around.

“By the sound of it, you got her, I’m guessing?” Asked Durran.

“That is correct. I wouldn’t let such a monstrosity escape, now, would I?” Louise made a peace-sign with her fingers, as she smiled and answered. Yes, the same smile as always – as if nothing was wrong with her.

A mask. Indeed, it was a mask of lies. A facade she’d worn for so long. So long that she herself forgot when she had started doing it, nor how long she’d intend to go on like this. That was, however, a normal deed for anyone – when born with emotions. Sometimes she feels guilt from lying so much. She wondered if Ishtar would ever forgive her for being like this.

“Found anything else down here?”

“Sadly, that casket was the only thing of note down here,” answered Durran walking over to her.

“Hm… I see. Then let us head back, I’m somewhat tired of this place,” Louise said, this was no lie. She didn’t even wanted to remember this place anymore, or that woman. In due time, she’d be forced to do so, regardless. Louise soon whipped up a portal before them with her wand, then entered it.
Monster Girl
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