Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

The group found themselves right on schedule as they saw the first town in the distance. Anastas scanned the environment with his enhanced vision but couldn’t see anything amiss. Suddenly a woman rushed to their side. She looked frantic and scared. As she approached, she lost her footing and fell to the ground. Owain pulled his hand up to stop the party before he leapt off his horse to assist the maiden. Reaching out his hand, the woman took it as he helped her to her feet.

It took moments before she caught her breath and was able to speak. “Please...you are from Raltese?” she asked as she began breathing normally. It was apparent that she had been running for quite some time.

“What is going on here, miss?” asked Owain.

“The cult! They came and took most of the villagers. Most were killed trying to resist…” she said as tears began to flow from her face.

Razta shook his head. “Just what could they be up to? This is the first I’ve heard of them taking live captives,” said Razta as he listened to the woman’s story.

Anastas gripped his reins tighter, annoyed but not wanting to show it on his face. Taking slower breaths, he calmed himself and assessed the situation internally with Demyan.

TouTetsuOh, do you think what she said is true? Masaki asked his spirit. Yes, probably vampires trying to gain new livestock. He answered. Vampires, huh? Masaki looked up. What the hell is a vampire?

“Do you have any idea where they were taken?” asked Adelina. The woman shook her head.

“I’m sorry it was all that I could do to make it out of the village.” she answered.

“Perhaps we can find something in town…” said Reymond.

“High chance it’s a ghost town, now,” Louise guessed. At such situations, you’d barely ever find a hint. Especially considering it’s the work of the cursed soldiers.

”I can track them if that’s useful.” Masaki said as he looked at the woman.

“Track, in what manner?” Louise curiously asked to know if it was a more spiritual manner of detection and tracking, or the usual.

”The usual tracking. They still walk using their feet yes? The villagers that is. I can’t imagine the cursed kind enough to pick them off the ground and fly off if they can.” Masaki answered. ”I can assist in that, if need be.” Anastas added.

“Plausible, I suppose.” Louise shrugged. She couldn’t tell for sure in actuality whether they’re kind enough or thorough enough in doing their tasks, however.

“If they left some kind of spiritual trail. I’m sure me or the high priestess can pick up on it as well.” said Reymond.

“Probably, let’s hope that the representatives aren’t prowling around here of all places; they’re far too troublesome.”

Owain was deep in thought. Looking at the girl he knew that she shouldn’t stay with them in the town, but leaving her alone put her in danger as well. Who knew if more cult members weren’t lurking in the forest around them.

“Reymond, keep an eye on her. Don’t let her out of your sight.” ordered Owain. Reymond walked up to the woman and smiled.

“I suppose you are in my care then. Stay close.” he said trying to calm her nerves. She moved away from Owain and stood next to Reymond.

“Alright let’s get to town, and see what we can find.” ordered Owain. “Watch each other’s backs. No getting sloppy out there.” Reymond helped the woman onto his horse, and then took a seat behind her. With her weakened state he wanted to make sure she didn’t fall off the horse. The group rode off towards the town not knowing quite what to expect.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

As they rode into town it was evident that it had seen better days. The wooden houses were wrecked beyond repair, and bodies were scattered around the streets. The bodies looked fresh. Meaning that this happened not too long ago. They stopped their horses in the center of town, and tied them up.

“I will stand watch here.” said Reymond. “It will be easy to watch out for her if we stay in one spot.”

“Will you be ok alone?” asked Owain. “Maybe someone else should stay with you.”

Anastas’ nose appeared to twitch in annoyance to Demyan’s remark. Letting out a slight sigh, he reluctantly spoke up, ”I’ll stay with them. They’ll need someone who can watch out for potential dangers.” He didn’t want to stay behind, the foremost thought in Anastas’ mind was hunting and killing the cult who were responsible.

Reymond smiled and nodded. “Thank you. Your skills are more than welcome.” Anastas returned the gesture with a similar nod albeit holding a cold expression as usual.

“Alright, the rest of you pair up. We will sweep the town, and meet back here if we find anything. Shout if you need help, and the rest of us will come running.”

“So what are the teams, Captain?” asked Masaki. Owain thought for a moment. Louise was standing there seemingly disinterested in what was going on. As if there were far more important things going on.

“We will split into teams of two, pair up with whoever you like. We need to cover as much ground as possible, but as safe as we can. †˜High priestess’ you have any idea who you would like to accompany you?” asked Owain trying to get her attention.

“I don’t mind going with anyone in particular. If you insist on pairing up with me; I wouldn’t say no, however,” Louise gave her playful smile once again.

“Then I insist,” Owain said, laugher in his voice, “Everyone else paired up?” Owain asked, impatient. They couldn’t afford to waste time with the villagers lives on the line and whereabouts unknown.

“Me and Razta will clear that building over there,” said Adelina pointing a two story building in the northwest corner of the village. It was mostly intact aside from broken windows and a smashed door. Razta had an eerie feeling as he looked at the house. Suddenly a hand slapped against his back hard. “Don’t go getting cold feet now,” said Adelina. “What happened to the fire you're always on about?” Razta clenched his fists and walked forward towards the house. Adelina smiled and followed close behind.

Masaki walked up to Ari jumping around full of energy. “That leaves me and you!” he exclaimed. Ari shook her head ashamed that she ended up with him of all people, but she would have to make due. As a knight complaining would be very unsightly.

“We will take that house then, and please keep it down we don’t know who is watching. You will give away our presence more than you already have.” said Ari drawing her blade as she began walking towards the house. The roof was completely caved in so they might have to do a little digging, but that would be no trouble for Ari’s golems.

The last standing structure was another two story house in perfect condition. Louise breathed a sigh of relief as it meant less chance of having to walk through a mess. She wanted to keep her dress clean for as long as possible..
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica, and Bagman.)

As the two walked up to the house the fact that it was seemingly untouched set off alarms in their heads. Amidst the destruction the fact that this place wasn’t so much as scratched was nothing short of a miracle. The outside of the house was painted white with a dark brown roof. The sides of the house had vines growing that had been trained to follow certain paths and avoid the windows. The windows however were covered in ash and neither of them could see through.

“It’s as if it’s a house saying that it’s safe, while itself being a trap,” Louise assessed from the looks of the white house. The windows made her suspicious, but they’d have no choice but to prowl into the house regardless.

“Well, we won’t know it’s a trap until we walk into it,” Owain laughed, trying the front door.

“Then I shall have you take the brunt of the aftermath from any possible ambushes,” Louise replied with a smile and a wink.

The front door was unlocked, and opened without so much as a squeak, but as the sunlight filtered into the house the sound of something scrambling away was heard. Looking at the floor showed a bloody trail that went up the stairs to the second floor. The room itself was still intact. A wooden table over a brown area rug sat in the center of the room. Two bookcases sat on the far wall next to each other, beside a doorway that lead elsewhere. A desk was to the right of the table. There was a candle burning on the desk that had been left unattended and was burning to the end of its wick. Wax covered the table.

Owain’s brow furrowed, the sight honestly confusing him. It was as if whoever was living here had simply vanished into thin air. The blood on the floor could probably attest that that wasn’t the case, but even still… what exactly had happened? Owain bent over the blood trail and tested it with his finger to try and gauge how long ago it had been created. It was only slightly coagulated, the blood was rather fresh.

“M’lady… did you hear something?” Owain asked Louise, his anticipation growing. He placed a hand behind his back to reach for his sword that was strapped there, holding the hilt tightly.

“I can’t sense a thing,” Louise answered. “I suppose we’re bare with our eyes now.”

Owain drew his sword, holding it in both hands. He decided that even if it was a trap, he had no choice but to follow this trail of blood, whatever’s blood it was, was probably still in the house. He signalled to Louise to tell her what he was doing. Cautiously, he quietly edged up the stairs, one at a time.

Louise gave a nod before following after Owain with light footsteps, with her wand at bay. Albeit, using magic here would be quite the detrimental course of action, for any reasons. Blowing up the house didn’t seem so good an idea. Teleporting may regardless come in handy for survival, however.

As Owain sneaked up the stairs he felt the squish of blood under his feet. They reached the second floor and as they did a door slammed hard at the end of the hallway. The blood trail however split into two different rooms, and not the door that slammed.

Owain gulped, it was obvious that they should follow the sign of life rather than the sign of death, but all the same he wanted a second opinion. “Which way?” he whispered to Louise.

Louise silently pointed towards the middle door, implying that she’ll take that way. “Take either left or right,” she whispered back to Owain.

“Splitting up sounds like a dumb idea,” Owain whispered back, “We don’t know what we’re facing.”

“Aren’t you a knight? What are you so afraid of?” Louise asked with a rather cranky expression. “The faster the results, the better.”

“I’m absolutely, pant-wettingly afraid of overconfidence,” Owain said seriously, “but if you insist on splitting up,” Owain sighed putting his back against the left hand door, hand on the handle, ready to turn it.

“Says the man who claimed to be stronger than Commander Arkasia on a good day,” Louise shrugged, then walked straight ahead. “Do whatever you please, Sir Knight,” Louise noticed by now that he was simply the type who’d want to play the knight, in a more classic sense. Over-confidence? Louise? Blasphemy! Is how she took his words.

Owain sighed again, he would have said there is a fine line between confidence in one’s abilities and overconfidence but he felt that now wasn’t the time. He twisted the handle and darted into the room, sword readied.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica, and Bagman.

As Owain burst into the room he saw severed legs, missing a torso and upper body. A blood pool underneath it showed that it had just been placed there and then bled out completely. Other than that the room was empty with dark wood floors.

“Geeze… Something nasty, happened here…” Owain said, grimacing. Mustering himself he further examined the body, hoping for a clue as to what had caused the dismemberment. The body had appeared to be torn in half by a force pulling on the two halves. Looking out into the hall showed what appeared to be the point of where the figure was torn. Blood was splattered on the walls in a large area. Most likely the other half of the body was in the other room.

Owain’s eyes widened… something in this house could pull a person in half, something had pulled a person in half just now, the wounds were fresh. What exactly had they gotten themselves into? Owain rushed out into the hallway and into the other room. He had to make sure. Busting into the room he saw the upper body of a man. Surprisingly it was still moving, but the man’s time left was very short. The man’s face was completely covered with a mask. Owain remembered seeing such masked on the man that ambushed them in the forest.

He bent down quickly, “How did this happen?” he asked sympathetically, the man clearly didn’t have much time left.

“The...the...circle…” he said before he lost consciousness and bled out.

“...Rest in peace,” Owain said solemnly before standing up. What is the circle? Owain thought. Whatever it was, he wasn’t happy with it. Running out into the hallway and into the room where Louise should have been, all he saw was a dead body and a lot of broken glass. Owain sighed, “That girl…” he said before rushing out of the house to find her.

As Louise stepped into the center room the was a man with shredded clothes holding a severed arm. He wore a shattered mask that only covered one of his eyes. His face was riddle with stitches. Upon closer inspection it was discovered that it was his own arm he was holding. The room was full of clothes and objects that were thrown around as the man tried to find a way out.

Louise pointed her wand towards the man fearlessly and without hesitation. “May I ask who you are… ?” Unsure if the man was of the cursed side, or simply a resident of the village, Louise asked as she cautiously analysed her surroundings. This man was clearly not in a clear state of mind.

“S-s-s-stay back!” he yelled as he kicked at the floor trying to put more space between them. “I just wanna be left alone!”

“I have no intention of wanting to be with you, either. I have a duty to fulfill, however. Explain, what happened to you here?”

“Cain will save us from this! It was a mistake coming here!” said the man. “That thing...it ate everything…”

“Tch, Cain huh…?” Louise said with a scowl. She still had sour feelings around the mention of that name due to recent events. “What ate everything?”

“The well! Don’t go near the well!” said the man. Suddenly the glass broke behind him and a slender hand dug its nails into his neck cutting him short. The hand slithered back outside the shattered glass, as the glass it ripped into its flesh the person didn’t make a sound.

Louise teleported outside and saw the figure of a woman in a shredded black dress. From the look of her she was badly injured. Blood was trickling down her her arm. As she looked at Louise she tilted her head, but it didn’t stop turning until it was completely upside down. Then the woman smiled from ear to ear, but upside down it looked like a frown.

“Hi, can you tell me about the well?” Louise casually asked despite witnessing the turning face. Such cheap tricks by cursed members were far too common for her to be surprised by now.

The woman simply laughed, and began to walk towards Louise. Suddenly she increased her pace running on all fours, and leapt at Louise scratching her cheek.

“I have given you a chance to settle this diplomatically. If force is your only option, very well; I shall reply in kind,” Louise raised her wand at the ghastly woman who held a twisted face with a twisted smile, and cast her spell on her. An ear-deafening noise rang out aloud; blasting the woman to mere pieces of flesh that would soon turn to disperse to nothingness in the air.

Only small pieces of the woman were left. Hair, half a foot, and some fingers. Nothing that would be able to tell them who she is, or was. As Owain walked up he saw Louise had unleashed her explosion. There was a small crater in the ground, and bits of what used to be something on the ground around it.

Louise took a glance at the approaching knight from the corner of her eye. “Did you learn anything back there?” Louise asked as she looked towards the remains of the crazed lady who was well on her way to hell, probably.

“Unfortunately the person I found was torn in half, said something about a circle before giving up the goat,” Owain sighed, “Poor bloke, no one deserves an end like that… what happened here anyway?”

“A circle… hmm,” Louise uttered as she pondered with the information in mind. “I was told of a well by a feeble man who held his own arm in his hand. A wretch killed him before he could elaborate, however.”

“A well huh?” Owain wondered where this well could be, “Well that’s the best lead we have at the moment, we should meet with the others and follow up.”

“A well is circular. I was told not to approach it. All the more reason to search for it once we rendezvous,” Louise as started walking.

Owain kept up pace with Louise, walking beside her, “What was that explosion all about?”

“I destroyed the said ungrateful wretch after she showed disrespect? Nothing important, really,” Louise said as she continued to make her way to the well in the center of town.

“Sounds pretty important,” Owain mumbled under his breath not loud enough for Louise to hear
Razta approached the house, and as he did a disgusting smell filled his senses. He knew the smell well as the scent of blood and decaying flesh. In all his time hunting this was a smell he became very accustomed to.

“You smell it too?” said Adelina drawing her sword. “I will take point you watch the rear.” Razta tightened his gloves and drew his knife. He didn’t know what to expect, but he wouldn’t let anything catch them unaware.

Adelina tried the front door, but it was locked. A figure appeared in the window to peer outside, and then quickly ran away. Adelina kicked the door in response and charged in with her shield raised. Razta was blown away by her reaction speed, but snapped into action after her and followed her inside. As their eyes focused to the dark house they saw the figure run into a door under the stairway. Adelina charged ahead smacking a table out of the path with her shield, and kept pressing forward. A hysterical laughter came from beside Razta. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his side as his vision dimmed slightly. Adelina noticed too late, but now turned to attack the figure. With a quick thrust she stabbed into the figures chest and twisted her blade. Blood sprayed over her. With a push she tore the figure away from Razta and sent it flying into the far wall where it died.

“Razta!” she exclaimed as she turned to him sheathing her sword. Razta fell to his knees grabbing his side and yanked a knife from his side before putting pressure on his wound. Adelina knelt by his side, and examined the wound. His attacked has just missed a vital. Razta’s body began to heat up as the hunter focused on his blade. Once it was hot enough he placed it on the wound sealing it by searing the flesh together. He gasped in pain, but he knew that he needed to stop the bleeding.

“Go on ahead… I’ll be fine.” said Razta pulling the blade from his side. “I’ll watch the door. Just be careful down there.” said Razta easing to his feet. He wouldn’t be doing anything reckless for a while. The least he could do is make sure that the rear was protected. Adelina hated leaving him behind, but if she didn’t act fast she would lose the figure. Trusting in Razta she drew her sword.

“I will be back for you. Don’t you die on me here!” she ordered as she charged into the door under the stairs. As she opened the door the smell of decay hit her hard.. It led to a stairway downward that Adelina assumed to be the basement. The room was dimly lit with candles, but there was no one in the room. Walking deeper into the room she looked around. Bodies were scattered everywhere, and they looked old. Most were in the final phases of decomposition. Walking to the back of the room she spotted a book on the table. Picking it up while looking around she decided that she would read it outside. Suddenly she heard a commotion upstairs. Not waiting even a second she took off for the door to the stairs.

When she reached the top of the stairs Razta was nowhere to be found. Her only clue was a blood trail that led out the front door. Running out of the house she followed the bloody trail to the well in the center of town. As she approached it she heard an explosion go off nearby. She knew that it was most likely the high priestess, but Razta was injured and wouldn’t last long. Closing her eyes she jumped into the well after whatever left the trail.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Galahad_Mills, and Katsucha.

The house was a total mess, a fire and what ever caused the collapse destroyed whatever beauty this place may have once had. As they looked in at the house a pile of bricks covered the floor. They would need to move the brick if they hoped to find anything useful. Suddenly as they got closer they began to hear something coming from beneath the bricks. A sound similar to raspy breathing.

Masaki without thinking ran to the source of the sound and dug in to it. ”Someone or something is under these bricks, I’m sure. If it’s a monster, it should attack us when we got close to it,” Masaki said confidently as he threw the bricks behind him. He continued, ”Since it didn’t attack, probably a survivor!”

“Get back then my golems can move those brick faster and more carefully.” Ari said as her hand on her chest.

”Ah, okay,” Masaki jumped back and watches as she tried to summon her golems. From the ground next to her her golem crawled out from the earth. The golem knowing the task at hand stabbed his sword and spear into the ground, and walked over to the pile of bricks. Being as careful as possible he began to absorb the brick into himself to remove the rubble. As more was removed the breathing became louder. Finally as the rubble was almost cleared a hand reached out.

Masaki quickly jumped in, ”Are you alright?” asked Masaki as he pulled the man out. As Masaki pulled the arm it came off sending Masaki tumbling to the ground. The arm turned to ash moments later.

“W...fa..l.d...we….fa...il.ed…” the figure choked out. The figures face was covered in a mask, and the remains of his body were slowly turning to ash.

”Failed? Failed in what?” Masaki was stunned to see the figure turned into ashes. He continued, ”Ari, wasn’t that one of the Uroboros folk? The mask looked like one.” He looked back at the area where the figure turned into ashes. Is there something else here?

”Yes it was.” Ari said as she walked up to where the figure vanish. ”Though why did he say we failed. From the looks of this town it seem they succeeded unless he just meant himself.” Ari said as she looked around.

After the man vanished completely only the mask and a book were left among the ashes. The book must have been underneath him before he vanished.

”Seems like he was carrying a book.” Ari said as she carefully picked up the book not sure what to expect. The man’s ashes fell off the book as she brushed it off. As she opened it a key slid from a random page. Picking it up before looking at the pages she found that most of the pages were simply covered illegible text.

”Why would anyone carry something like this.” Ari wonder she then went to pick up the key that had fallen out from the book. ”Guess we can see if this key is useful for anything don’t you think Masaki?” Ari said as she turned around and looked at Masaki.

”Indeed, a key has to open something, right? It could be a chest or a cabinet or something else, maybe a door.” Masaki said as he looked at the book. ”Throw me the book, will you?” Masaki asked Ari as he prepares to catch it..

”What are you planning on doing with that?” Ari asked as she threw the book towards Masaki.

Masaki caught the book and looked at the cover. TouTetsuOh, any idea where this came from? Masaki asked his spirit. I have no idea, the cover itself is rather normal. It’s probably something from this village. TouTetsuOh said as Masaki put it inside his bag. ”Just something to put in my collection. Probably read it once we make camp. For now, it seems that there’s nothing else in this place. Should we look once more?” Masaki asked.

Suddenly they heard an explosion coming from behind them. As they looked they could Louise standing in front of a huge crater. At the same moment they saw Adelina jump into the well in the center of the small town. Anastas, Reymond, and the woman were nowhere to be found. The horses were there alone, but were barely startled by the explosion. They were trained well.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and Valentine_K1S5.

As the two sat there watching the others as the headed out the quiet began to set on both of them. The down was dead quiet aside from the occasional wind that passed over the well in the center of town making a slight hum. The woman from before sat on the ground looking lost. Her feet were dirty and riddled with cuts. Reymond felt sorry for her. Knowing her pain of loss.

Anastas stood behind the woman, peering out to the distant landscape. He understood what she was going through and sympathized with her, ”This will be a hard time for you. No matter what the outcome is, please try to stay strong.”

The woman nodded but still didn’t speak. She was having a hard enough time not breaking into tears, but having someone not trying to kill her for a moment was somewhat calming. “Thank you” she said looking up to the two men. “I have nowhere to go now. I wonder where I will go.”

Anastas murmured to himself, still peering out to the distance as he spoke up, ”If you can, Raltese is in need of more hands. You can start a new life there and help rebuild the city’s.”

“That sounds...nice,” she said with an attempt at a smile. “My name is Nora, may I ask your names?”

“Reymond Talin”

“Anastas Fenix”

“Its a pleasure to meet the both of you.” she said with a bright smile.

Suddenly she fixed her eyes on something in the distance, and scrambled to her feet. “Father!” she screamed as she took off running. She took off so suddenly that neither of the two noticed until she was half way there.

“Wait!” yelled Reymond as he tried to run after and catch her, but as he started his foot got stuck and he was sent tumbling to the ground. Anastas gave chase as soon as he realized, passing Reymond and reaching the woman just in time. He stood ahead of her, and held an arm across to stop her from running past.

”Please be more careful, we can’t protect you if you run off on your own.” He looked back to her before turning his attention ahead to where she was running for. She tried in vain to pull away from him and head into the rubble. Whatever she saw there was gone now. She relaxed and turned back to Anastas.

“I’m sorry, I thought I saw my father in that building over there. Can we take a quick look?” she asked.

Anastas gave a wary look at the building. Though the worst that could happen was a cult member or two still inside, he was more concerned on being able to protect the woman if things went bad. However, he understood the desire to find something out of her situation and reluctantly agreed. ”Very well but at the first sight of danger, we will have to leave. Your safety is our first priority.”

“Yes…” she answered is a hushed tone.

Reymond walked up cursing under his breath. “What did she see, Anastas?” he asked as he dusted himself off.

”She believes she saw her father in that building.” Anastas replied, ”Let’s go check in case there are survivors.”

Reymond didn’t like the sound of it, but he understood wanting closure. Unsheathing his sword he snapped his book open. “I will protect the rear. You take point. I believe your reaction speed is slightly higher than my own.”

”If you say so.” Anastas drew an arrow and rested it on his bow, ready to prime and shoot at any notice. Taking the front, he turned over to the woman, saying ”Stay between me and Reymond.” and began making his way towards the building.

As they approached the building it was clear that something big had rushed through it leaving only the support beam, and pieces of the wall standing. As the got closer however they heard something, wind. Examining the remains of the building they found a stairway that went down into the earth. The tunnel was dark and once inside it was doubtful that you could make out much of anything. Looking into that deep dark void Reymond swallowed hard.

“I believe my swords would light the path, but how long I can keep them up is a concern. I believe your fire may be our saving grace here.” Reymond picked up a large piece of wood, and wrapped it in some old cloth he found on the ground. “Now if only we could find some oil…”

”Hmm,” Anastas scanned the room, managing to spot what seemed to be a small jar of sorts under the rubble. Picking it up and checking its contents, he gave a nod. ”It seems we are in luck.” He took the makeshift torch from Reymond, dipping the wrapped end into the jar so it could soak up the oil. Anastas made something similar with a blank arrow which he used the remaining oil for.

Focusing his flame, Anastas ignited his torch arrow and used it to light Reymond’s. Before venturing to the tunnel, Anastas addressed the woman, ”Once we’re in there, it’ll be hard to see anything outside of our torches’ light. For your safety, don’t split from either of us for any reason.” The woman nodded and clung close to Anastas as they headed in.

Reymond sheathed his sword and held the torch in his right hand. His beloved book in the other. he much favored sight over a blade at the moment. They were able to make their way pretty far into the tunnel, but just as they began to see a light at the end the ground began to shake. Something topside caused the ground to stir. Behind them rocks caved in sealing off their way back. Reymond was about to try and use his spell on the rock, but that might just cause a bigger problem.

Anastas frowned at the situation, ”Trouble up above, I suppose. This doesn’t really leave us with much choice, we’ll have to go onward.”
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

Masaki and Ari rushed over to the side of the well. As they looked into it they could see nothing but darkness. There was no way to tell how deep it was, but they didn’t hear anything but the slight sound of wind coming out of it. As Ari pulled her hands up from the side of the well she saw that there was blood on her gloves. As she looked at the ground she saw a bloody mess that came all the way from the house Adelina and Razta headed in to. Owain and Louise walked up confused to what the two were looking at.

“Adelina jumped into the well, I’m not sure why. But I would guess that she might have chased someone in”

“Well, someone is going to have to go down after her,” Owain said, “I wish people wouldn’t just up and disappear though,” he sighed.

“Where did Anastas and Reymond go?” asked Masaki looking around. The horses were the only ones still there.

“I suppose we’ll have to find them as well,” Owain sighed,

“I’m not going down there, oh no,” Louise immediately answered without hesitation.

“That’s ok then, you can go with Masaki and look for Reymond and Anastas up here,” Owain grinned, “Ari you’re with me,” Owain said approaching the well and peering down, looking for an easier way down than jumping.

And so the foolish knight decides to go down… heh, Louise internally commented with a smirk. She sincerely hoped he’d have a great fall, not that such a thing would actually occur.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Katsucha, and Bagman.

Owain peered down into the blackness, unable to see how far down the well went. What he was looking for was not there.

”Good luck, captain. Make sure to land not on your face or your bottom.” Masaki saluted with a grin on his face.

Ari sighed. “Before we go jumping to our deaths let me send in Gai,” suggested Ari.”Seems like a safer route.” Gai lifted his weapons from the ground and walked over to the well. Scaling his size down he jumped into the well. Sliding down Gai landed in some knee deep water and looked around. He saw no immediate threat, but neither did he see Adelina or anyone else.

“It seems safe captain,” answered Ari,

“Nice work Ari,” Owain said patting her on the back, “Now, it’s my turn,” He smiled broadly. Putting both hands firmly on the side of the well, he vaulted himself into the darkness. The fall was a bit longer than he expected but luckily he had experience with falls, and all the crazy things Arkasia put them through. Landing in the water next to Gai he looked around in the darkness.

Ari sighed again “Captain sure is an idiot jumping in like that.” Ari then placed her hand on the well stones from well starting popping out creating a spiral staircase down the well. After walking down part way Ari figure it would be safe to jump down. “Seems like Captain is alright. Okay then Gai I hope your ready down there.” Ari as she jumped off.

Gai caught her and held her on his shoulder. It was pitch black save for a small light coming from the distance, and the hole above. Suddenly they heard something begin to move in the water behind them. It was too dark to see, and if it meant them harm it would be all but impossible to engage it in that darkness.

“You hear that Ari?” Owain said spinning around, his sword drawn.

An extremity reached out and grabbed Ari’s golem. Its leg crumbled instantly, but before Gai fell he pushed Owain and Ari towards the light. Behind the figure was making disgusting wet sounds as it approached.

Owain directed Nimue’s power into his right arm and unleashed a whirlpool where the figure was, and grabbed Ari. “This thing is dangerous, we’re going,” Owain said running towards the light in the distance, pulling Ari by the hand. The knee-high water slowed their progress slightly. They were almost able to make it to the light, but they didn’t.

“Ugh,” Owain grunting, realised that whatever that was chasing them had caught up. Spinning around Owain swung at it with his sword. Something reached out towards them, and was cut off before touching either of them. Owain pressed forward through a door and slammed it behind them. Seeing a nearby bookshelf he slammed that in front of the door.

“What the hell was that?!” exclaimed Ari as she was released from Owain’s grasp. As the two caught their breath they heard a different breathing then their own. As they turned they saw a familiar armor. Adelina sat on the ground completely exhausted. By her side was Razta who’s wounds were wrapped up with Adelina’s shredded shirt.

“Honestly,” Owain began, “I don’t think I want to know.”

“That thing...is not natural. Its something we can’t deal with. Alone anyways.” said Adelina breathing heavily.

“But… we have to do something…” Owain said, annoyed.

“In my opinion we need to leave…” answered Ari. As she looked around at their current condition.

“What happened to Razta?” Owain asked realising Razta’s condition.

“He was carried down here by that thing...I was able to free him from it, and make it here.” answered Adelina. “But it took everything I had to do just that. But I agree with your previous statement. Whatever it is we can’t simply let it be. Give me a small rest, and I will be ready to assist.”

Owain nodded his head, looking around the room. He hadn’t noticed at first but it was rather strange for a room like this to be down a well. What was it used for? As he looked around the room he saw two bookcases full of books. There would have been three, but he used one to seal off the door. The books from that shelf were scattered on the floor. As he looked at the wooden floor he saw scratch marks that lead to a door on the other side of the room. Along the far wall he spotted a desk with a book placed on the table. The chair in front of the desk was knocked to the ground as if the person in it ran off suddenly.

Owain walked up to the book sitting on the desk. Opening the book he leafed through the pages. In the pages there were pictures of human figures. They were labeled detailing the consistency certain body parts, as well as notes about each person below each page. It seemed to be some sort of catalogue. As he kept flipping through the pages further he found that most of the pictures were x’ed out. What that meant he didn’t know, but it didn’t look particularly good.

Owain tucked the book away out of sight. He would try and figure it out later, it wasn’t the time or place.

Owain then walked up to the other bookshelves, examining the titles of the books that were shelved. The books were common things such as poems, and short stories. A few were about common scientific studies, but they were things that even a commoner would know. This appeared to be someones actual home.

Owain was bemused. Someone lived down here? Very strange. Owain gulped now moving on to the biggest obvious clue. Following the scratch marks he found himself at the door. Owain held his breath, trying to open it however it was locked.

“Dammit,” Owain said, turning to the rest of the group. “Everyone okay?” Owain asked realising that they were trapped.

Adelina laughed at their rotten luck. “Ya that door is locked.Lucky that whatever that thing is it has a short attenti-”

“Locked?” Ari thought remembered the key she found earlier. She had no idea if it would work, but in their current situation...

Suddenly there was a loud smack against the door that cracked itr. Another hit came seconds later and knocked the bookcase to the floor. Adelina forced her self up, and put Razta’s arm over her shoulder. Owain drew his sword from its sheath on his back yet again, ready to take on the monster and prepared to do whatever it took to stop it.

Ari rushed to the locked door pulling the key from her pouch. Struggling with the key on for a moment she slid it in, and prayed it would turn. To her relief it did, and the door was rendered unlocked. Pulling the key out she tucked it away.

“This way!” she exclaimed. Adelina nodded and helped Razta out of the room. Owain holding his sword up to the direction of the monster backed up out of the room. Once Ari was out too, he followed and slammed the door closed. Right outside of the room there were various barrels. The walls were just rough rock. The tunnel was made very hastily, and from the looks of things rather recently. The tunnel went quite a ways and was lit dimly by torches. The path so far was nothing but a straight-shot into darkness.

“We can’t afford to stay here, I would hedge my bets on that thing following after us,” Owain said, “You alright carrying Razta, Adelina? We have to keep moving.”

“Yes, I had enough time to rest. That thing is deceivingly fast.” said Adelina. “We should put some distance between us while we can.” Turning with Razta she started making her way down the hall. Ari looked after her suspiciously. Owain and her were barely able to escape from the beast, and it was able to deal with Gai with a simple touch. Yet Adelina said she was able to free Razta from it, and make her escape. Even if Adelina was strong she shouldn’t have been able to manage that.

Owain ran to keep up with Adelina, his weaker leg not helping whatsoever. However much he might have been curious about how she had managed to get away from that thing, she was his subordinate first and foremost and he refused to doubt her.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, and Galahad_Mills.

Masaki and Louise were left topside with the task of locating their other two companions. They decided that it would be better to try and find clues near the horses since that was the place they say them last. Masaki having a little hunting experience, was able to somewhat read their tracks to a destroyed building not to far from the horses.

”Well, one things for sure, they went in there, ma’am.” Masaki pointed at a destroyed building. ”Want me to go in and check it out?” Masaki asked the High Priestess.

“I shall accompany you, just in case. Be grateful that I’ll be there to watch your back,” Louise said. She wouldn’t be so dull as to let another member disappear on her. She didn’t particularly like this person - as he tried to bite on her anklets - but this was not the time to allow personal feelings and opinions to intervene with actual task at hand.

”Going in stealthily wouldn’t be an option, yes?” Masaki said as he punched the door open. Letting a loud sound echoed through the building. ”Anastas! Reymond!” Masaki called out his comrade’s names.

Louise shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, by now,” Louise stated. “If perchance enemies are present; they’d know by now, We may even be under a constant watch.”

Masaki walked carefully ahead. There was only one support beam that held the building standing. Now don’t you even think about punching that, Masaki, warned his spirit. I won’t! Goddamnit! Masaki sighed. He looked down on the floor. He crouched and placed his palm on the floor. ”Yeah, they were here alright.”

“Shall we split up and search? I’d personally want to not do so, but if you’re comfortable that way, then we can split up to carry out a faster search,” Louise asked, adding her thought along with it. “I’ll let you decide, since you’re able to track, and tell the state of things in this establishment.”

”Well, there’s no need to split up, since they went in there,” Masaki pointed to a stairway down a pitch black tunnel. ”Anastas probably made a fire using a jar from right over there.” Masaki pointed to an area near the tunnel. ”I’ll go in the tunnel first to see.” Masaki said as he stood up and walked down the stairs.

“Mn, is that so? Then, do as you please,” Louise said with a shrug. Perhaps it was best for her to not be so analytical of the situation and deal with it as events would occur appropriately.

As Masaki walked into the dark moist tunnel, he realised something. Ah yeah, I need light. He looked down to see if he could find a stick that he could use to make a torch. Ah there’s one. He took one and doused it with a liquid from his bag. He rubbed the doused part on his gauntlet and fire sparked, instantly burning the twig. There we go. He stopped midway. ”Ma’am! The tunnel is clear! You can come in if you want! Masaki invited her into the tunnel. As they headed down the tunnel the eventually reached the cave-in brought about by Louise’s explosion earlier.

“Mn, what to do about this ordeal?” Louise asked to no one in particular. It’d be more apt to say that she was asking herself. “Any input?”

”I have no idea.” Masaki paused for a bit, and continued, ”Well, moving back is no option either. Digging through will take a long time. Why not use your magic to move it away?” Masaki suggested.

“I’m too lazy to move it away, so I’ll just deal with in my own way,” Louise stated, pointing her wand towards the wall. “Open sesame,” at the flick of her wand, another explosion blew out with an ear-deafeningly loud noise, which broke the rocks in a way that it seemed as though the rocks vaporized from the blast, which Louise made an effort to compress so as to allow the cave to maintain its structure and not crumble apart.

”That was. . .unexpected.” Masaki was stunned on how not only she destroyed the blockade, she reduced it into dust. ”Anyway, let’s move on. Masaki walked forward with a torch at hand.

As Anastas and Reymond moved down the tunnel they saw something run past at the end of the hall. It was so fast that they didn’t have time to tell what it was, but friend of foe it was the only thing they had to go on at the moment. It was carrying a light of its own so they could only assume that it was human.

“We should check that out. It might have been someone looking for us,” suggested Reymond. The woman clung onto Anastas tighter, it was obvious she was frightened

"Perhaps," Anastas was wary, "Don't drop your guard though, we aren't sure it's not hostile." He gripped his bow tighter in anticipation, ready to let loose his torch arrow if need be.

As the three moved through the cavern they heard a loud explosion behind them. The sounds ripped through the cavern, but the shockwave that came to be expected from an explosion never came. Reymond knew that such a thing was only the work of magic. The group turned ready to face what was coming.

“A torch?” said Reymond flipping through his book as magic swords appeared around him. As the figure came into view he saw that it was simply Masaki, and by his side was the High Priestess. Reymond breathed a sigh of relief.

“What was that upstairs? We thought we would need to find another way up to the surface.” asked Anastas.

“First, may we know what exactly occurred, here? How did the three of you trap yourself under the tunnel?” curious, Louise asked.

“We were investigating movement in the rubble. We lost the person in the tunnel, and then something outside caused the ground to shift,” answered Reymond.

“Mn, I wonder what could’ve caused the earth to shift like that… ” Louise wondered innocently; not knowing that she herself was the cause. “So there’s someone else other than us?”

“That could be possible, we have movement down here as well. What is the situation above?” asked Reymond.

”Ari and the captain jumped in to a well, the horses are fine. Oh and there was an explosion.” Masaki said the general idea of that happened.

“An explosion?”asked Reymond looking at Louise.

”I don’t think that she made the explosion though.” Masaki answered.

“Oh… but I did use my spell once to terminate an enemy,” Louise said as if coming to a realization, joining both her hands in delight of possibly solving a mystery.

Clapping his hand to his forehead Reymond smiled. “At least none of us were caught up in the rock slide. There was no harm done.”

“She was too eerie a cursed woman for me to spare,” Louise said, nodding to herself.

“High priestess, you are an interesting woman,” answered Reymond bowing slightly. “Now that you are here. May I ask that you assist us? We have seen movement in the cave. If we act fast we may be able to catch up. They have undoubtedly heard the explosion as well however.”

“Very well, that we shall,” Louise gave a nod for confirmation. “If we are to get trapped here, I may simply use a spell for transportation to take ourselves back to the surface.”

“What a handy thing to have in an emergency. Where did you learn something like that anyways?” asked Reymond. “In my years of study I’ve only come across very minor teleportation spells.”

“Save this for later. Whoever that figure was will be long gone at this rate.” interrupted Anastas.

”So, basically there is someone or something that is still in this area and that will pretty much get a good beating, yes?” Masaki asked.

“Put in blunter terms yes.” answered Reymond as they started walking. “We at first thought it might be one of you, but since you are here that is probably not the case.” The group reached the end of path, and it split into two directions. Luckily for them from here on it was lit with torches even if most of them were on their last cinders of life. Reymond extinguished the torch saving what was left of it for later. He was much more relieved now that they had more numbers on their side. Protecting the woman with them would still be up to Reymond, however.

“He went this way,” said Anasta’s taking a left turn at the intersection. As he did he heard a shout that echoed from a bit farther down. It doesn’t sound like any voice that the group knew.

“We should move with caution,” said Reymond, but Masaki ran off faster than anyone could move to stop him.

“Someone is in trouble!” yelled the warrior speeding off into the darkness.

”Damnit Masaki!” Anastas chased after him knowing that Masaki would only end up getting hurt otherwise.

“Oi! You don’t run off like that at times like these?” Louise called out with her right arm raised towards the idiotic man who ran off ahead. She looked on with a disappointed expression. “Ugh. Turns out that we need to follow him, unless we’d like to lose him.”

“Why do people just run off? Do they all have death wishes.” said Reymond running after Anastas as he flipped through his pages trying to bring up his swords. He was able to bring up three, and they lit the way ahead for the group.

“Because they lack the brain to think,” replied Louise as she ran along with the others.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, and Galahad_Mills.

When they reached where they assumed the scream came from they found a body that was completely drained of life. Anastas knelt down and checked through the bodies’ belongings. As he pulled out a book from the man’s pocket, Masaki pulled out the book he got earlier.

“Odd book. . . do you know what this is, Masaki?” asked Anastas. Reymond’s eyes opened wide, and he swatted both books from their hands.

“They are grimoire’s you fools!” he yelled. “The way people disregard magical objects is unreal. You both could have been dead.”

“Well, they are pointless, after all,” Louise said, in a matter of fact manner.

Reymond sighed as he coated his hands in anti-magic energy he lifted one of the books in his hands. Flipping through he was able to make out a few things from each page. “They are summoning incantations and pretty advanced.”

“Haha, sure. Whatever you claim,” Louise laughed, then shrugged. Reymond pouted as Louise picked on him. She was clearly more experienced in magic, but that was little reason to pick on him.

”. . . How unsightly. . . “ Anastas muttered to himself before speaking up, ”Whatever they were doing here seems to have gone wrong for them, I’m guessing its what is killing all of them now.”

”Like what? A giant monster? I guess they used the villagers as tributes.” Masaki said. And didn’t get enough to eat, it ate the people who summoned it. TouTetsuOh interrupted. ”What he said.”.

“What… ?” Louise tilted her head in confusion. “I could feel a resonation from your spirit… we can’t hear him, or her, you know.”

Masaki paused, ”I mean, my spirit said that the thing didn’t get enough to eat, and ate the summoners, as well. Also TouTetsuOh is a He.”

“Sounds like a very hungry vampire - or something along the likes of such - was summoned,” Louise added, ignoring the part about Masaki’s spirit.

”That’s normal actually, summoned beasts often to eat their way in. Once they appear, they will first find something to fill it’s appetite. It’s a long trip to the human world you know.“ Masaki said as he crouched down and examined the dried up body. I don’t see any bite wounds though. What ever this thing is, it’s eating up people’s spirits quite fast. Reminds me of someone. Masaki stood back up.

“Not quite… but I think we’re wasting time conversing any more about this, now of all times.”

“Whatever it is. Its no doubt what caused this destruction. We need to find the others before it gets to them as well.” said Reymond. “If my hunch is right these tunnels span all across the town. We just need to find a route to the well and hope that we come across our comrades.”

Anastas was able to keep his bearings even underground and remembered that the well was in the opposite direction. These tunnels were generally straightforward so if they kept in that direction and found paths that allowed them to continue they should reach the well at some point. What else they would find along the way was up to fate.

Despite having a direction to head in, traveling through the maze of tunnels was nerve-racking. Every tunnel looked the same, and they were starting to think they were going around in circles. That was until they came to a split path that they had not seen before. The wall in front of them had two dust-covered wooden panels. That were affixed to the rock. Dusting off body with a cloth Reymond read them off for the party: “Containment and Workshop.”

Backing up he looked them both over. “Just what in the name of Veres is this place?” asked Anastas. “It seems like some kind of facility more than a den of monsters.”

Monster research? Why would they do that? To find out what are their weaknesses are? Or finding a way to summon strong monsters and make it follow their orders? Masaki thought as he looked at the wooden panels.

“Containment,” Louise said, pointing towards the word in front of her. “I think we may find possible survivors… either that, or their corpses.”

”Or monsters eating the corpses.”

Anastas sighed at Masaki’s comment. “It’s the best chance we have at finding survivors I suppose. That workshop might have held some clues to what is going on. Finding survivors would be welcome.”

“Then let’s go. Time is of the essence.” said Reymond walking off at a hurried pace.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5,Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

It wasn’t long before they heard the beast banging on the door they just closed. They couldn’t find anything to barricade it with so they knew that the door wouldn’t hold long. They had a nice pace going, but with how fast that thing moved it wouldn’t take very long to catch up with them. So far there were no side rooms to hide in. It was just a long tunnel. If the monster set upon them there they would be trapped.

“Captain were you able to see what that thing was?” asked Ari.

“No, not quite,” Owain frowned, “Honestly it’s a complete mystery to me. How about you Adelina? Did you get a good look at it?”

Adelina was quiet for a moment, to the point that Owain wondered if she even heard him. “It’s human...or at least pieces of it are. I think it’s where the villagers disappeared to.” answered Adelina.

Owain thought hard, struggling to process the information, his face contorted. He place a hand on his head, “What exactly has been going on here?” he wondered aloud. Ari winced from hearing about the monster. If it really was the villagers then there was little reason for them being there. She wanted to burn the place down, and be done with it.

“Whatever it is. If we don’t find the others we might meet the same fate.” answered Adelina. Suddenly a loud boom echoed down the cave. A pained scream followed as they heard disgusting movements down the tunnel. It was coming, and they still had no idea how far the tunnel went.

Owain concentrated his power, ready to unleash it when the monster came near. Speeding up their pace they were able to stay a few steps ahead of the beast. As they pushed further down the cave they finally reached a door. Adelina kicked at the door trying to break it down without slowing down.

As Louise and company walked through the caves they arrived at some iron cells. There were actually some people in the cells who were showing signs of movement and life. Upon seeing one of the people Nora broke from the group, and clung onto the bars.

“Father!” She exclaimed. There was an injured middle-aged man inside the bars that looked up when he heard Nora talking to him.

“My Daughter, you made it out… why did you come back?” he said before he broke into a fit of coughing covering his hand with his mouth. As he pulled his hand away crimson drops fell from it. He had coughed up quite a bit of blood.

“I brought help…” she said referring back to the group.

“Heh, so they took back Raltese? That is good news. But for us it may have came too late. That woman has already done her worst to us,” responded the man.

“May we know what exactly occurred in this land? It’s become quite a mystery now,” Louise asked curiously - interested in what experiments may have taken place here - this could lead to potentially useful information if they could learn of the activities that went on here.

“Well...it started a week ago. We heard some weird sounds coming from the well.” started the man. “When we sent people to investigate it they never came back. That was when they attacked the village from all sides. We didn’t stand a chance.”

So it was like that after all, hmm… Louise pondered to herself. This was as she suspected. Some type of a human experimentation was taking place here underground. This would be worth checking out.

”That’s pretty evident from what we’ve seen.” Anastas remarked.

“I guess we couldn’t expect him to know anymore than Nora.” answered Reymond. “But who is this woman that you were talking about before?”

“Ugh, she is a nutcase. Going on about her child. Whatever she is using us for she takes them off that way...and they don’t come back.” responded the man before coughing once again. “The ones left are the elderly and sick. She started with the young people first...Nora please leave with these people.”

“I’m not leaving you here father!” Nora protested. Anastas grew impatient with the girl. Desperate as she was to stay by his side, it was pointless to save a man who was already on his death bed, he knew this.

Reymond noticed Anastas and gritted his teeth. Walking up to the bars he held a small gravity orb in his hand and held it between the bars. Releasing it the bar bent out making enough room for the man to get out. He walked around repeating this for the other prisoners as well.

“If you haven’t given up. Step out of your cells! Reclaim your lives.” Reymond said with anger. More than anything he hated seeing people give up on living. All but one of the prisoners stepped out from their cells, Nora’s father.

“My legs don’t work so well anymore lad.” answered the old man with a laugh. Masaki lifted the man out of his cell and two other prisoners came and help the man stand. Reymond looked at the group of prisoners. There were indeed only ten people left. Most were old but one other and Nora were somewhat young.

“High Priestess, can you transport these people to Raltese?” asked Reymond.

“Why shall I offer my services - to plebeians - that I’ve bestowed only to my temporary comrades?” Louise inquired with a frown that identified her displeased expression. She is the High Priestess, it was high time one understood what it meant to actually ask such a favor of someone of her calibre. “I’m far more interested in unravelling the mysteries of the experimental activities occurring here; I do not have the time for this.”

The group of prisoners shuddered as they heard Louise’s cruel words. They needed to find their own way out. Reymond looked at the prisoners, and then to Louise. He had no idea how someone like this received such a benevolent position, but he knew that she wasn’t someone he could turn to for help. Masaki walked up and put a hand on the shoulder of one of the prisoners.

“I will guide them back the way we came.” offered Masaki.

“You will do no such thing,” said a sultry female voice coming from the back of the room. The tapping of armor echoed as a figure approached. Her face was hidden behind a large hood, but the glimmer of her crimson eyes hummed from within. “I still have a use for these people.”

Reymond drew his sword after he heard the voice. His body shook with hatred. “You…” he spat as he snapped his book open. The prisoners fled away from the woman trying to make their way for the door. Black vines with red thorns climbed up the door in a flash sealing the entrance.

“High Priestess, I did not expect to see you here. I’m sorry for being such a terrible host,” she said. You could feel her twisted smile even without having to see it.

Louise turned to looked in a rather uninterested fashion with a scowl as she folded her arms over her chest. From the corner of her eyelids - she eyed with her emerald pupils at the figure of a woman from past the strands of her bright blond strands of hair. ”And, who may you be, if I may ask?”

“You may not ask,” she responded with a giggle. “All I need is for you to die with grace.”

“And, you’re in a position to dare require anything of me? You sure are arrogant, for being a measly woman experimenting with human bodies.”

“Still better company than the fools I see here. I have to say though, this one has come a long way.” she said looking at Reymond. Reymond fought every urge he had to charge her.

“Not quite. Anyone is better - as long as I may put them to use - than the cronies of Cain.”

“Cain is a fool.” she answered. “He has no idea what to do with his own power. A lesson I will teach him soon enough, and you all will assist me with a test.” Suddenly a door behind the woman burst off its hinges and slid across the floor, stopping just short of the woman. Owain and the others poured in.

“Rich, coming from a person already-manipulated by Cain himself,” Louise’s lips curled into a smile as she shrugged. “You do exceptionally well to dance at the palm of his hand.”

“We have you surrounded now!” exclaimed Masaki.

The woman laughed as something hit the back wall hard. The stone cracked and bulged out. One more hit like that and it would surely give way. The doorway was plugged up with hands that reached out trying to grab anything they could reach.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.)

Razta woke up to the sounds of rock smashing onto the floor. As he tried to regain his balance he threw up. The bile hit and splashed on the floor, but somehow he felt better soon after. The after-taste in his mouth however was enough to make him want to throw up again. He looked at himself seeing that most of his injuries were attended to, but the pain was far from gone. He was able to stand on his own regardless.

Owain turned around to face the monster that was chasing them, he stared the mass of human body parts down as he unleashed the power he had been storing up in the form a a spear of water that materialised next to him before firing into the monster. A face was pressed to the skin of the monster from the outside showing an expression of pain before letting out a deafening shriek.

Ari put a hand to her chest as a small golem rose from the ground next to her. Sending it forward she made it brace the wall.

“This wall is going to collapse. We need to move captain.” advised Ari.

Without turning his back Owain backed up, sword poised for action.

“I call it a Cauldron. Isn’t it beautiful?” said the woman looking to Louise. “Capable of holding untold amounts of spiritual energy. Building it took so many bodies, but none of them are as pumped of spiritual energy as you. I long for a day when I can have a test subject like you.”

“It’s ugly face resembles yours - most likely,” Louise answered with a gleeful expression, with an obligatory shrug. “I can see the similarity it bears to that man, an avid dreamer would think it’s greatly useful, only.”

“Its the first of its kind. Look forward to my later work. I’m sure you’ll love it.” she said walking back towards Owain. Putting a hand on his shoulder she effortlessly threw him back across the floor towards the other group.

“You are in my way boy.” she said as she walked towards her beast. Razta broke off from Adelina and moved to assist Owain.

Louise sighed at the sight of a pushed-aside Owain, but casually ignored his unsightly form in the cold floor. “And the last of it’s kind,” Louise stated, because she’d end its existence tonight; one way or the other - she’d make sure to be rid of it, if none else succeeds.

Adelina and Ari backed off from the wall as it was even closer to giving way moving in front of their captain while he recovered.

Picking himself off the ground, Owain dusted himself down, a mad grin on his face. “That was a nice throw, bitch,” he spat. The right side of his mouth curled upwards into a half smile.

The woman stood in front of the door frame with a hand on her chin. The wall shattered outwards knocking thick rock into the empty cages sending them toppling and spilling around the room. Ari’s golem was buried under the rubble. The beast in its full view reached the ceiling of the cavern. A tower of body parts and disgusting flesh. Unperturbed by this the woman reached into the body with both hands. Ripping out her hands she threw two fleshy orbs to the floor. They stirred violently before forming into to human like forms. Their genders were unknown, but their forms reminded Louise of the crazed woman from earlier. The woman turned back to the group as a black vine slithered from her sleeve before straightening into a black spear.

Owain cricked his neck, before pouncing on the woman who had thrown him across the room, swinging the blunt of his blade towards her. Owain’s hit connected and he brought the broadside of the large blade across her face. Knocking her upper upper body off balance as she fell to a knee. She spit up some blood.

Owain’s mad grin grew even wider, “How d’ya like that, skank?” he called out. She looked up at him from her crouched position as her hood fell back. Short black hair was draped over her pale white skin. As she looked up at him with her red eyes she smiled sweetly. A trail of blood came down from her forehead and dripped off her chin. Owain faltered for a second, his grin fading.

Adelina’s head hurt for a moment as she witnessed the beast trying to attack Owain from the back, A glimpse of the future.

“Owain behind you!” she yelled. The beast moved to attack Owain, but the alert now gave him a chance to counter. Owain spun around catching the hand of his attacker. “Nice try,” Owain said grabbing hold of it tighter and throwing it into a nearby wall. As Owain released him he felt something drain from him, and return moments later. That creature had siphoned some of his spirit on contact.

“Watch out, those things can steal spirit energy,” Owain warned his group. The creature got up slowly licking the hand that had touched Owain. The other creature jumped back and forth, laughing. Ari smirked as she placed a hand on her chest. The golem under the rubble absorbed the stone off of himself, and ran for the woman. Sadly her control was a little off, and Gai exploded before reaching its target.

“Dammit,” exclaimed Ari. The woman laughed at the attempt and stared down Ari.

“Nice try girl, but I believe you need more training,” she taunted.

“Don’t listen to her Ari, just concentrate,” Owain said, countering the taunt. Suddenly an arrow flew past Owains face as it struck the woman square in the chest. The arrow pulsed with her heartbeat. The woman fell to a knee, and with a strong jerk she pulled the arrow from her chest.

“Curse you!” she exclaimed as blood spilled from her mouth. “This is actually...quite fun!” Anastas was sure that he hit her heart, but the woman was still talking despite such a fatal hit. He scowled as he readied another shot.

Owain was about to protest that Anastas should have gone easier on the woman, he was sure that the Scion could get some information out of her, but seeing her shrug the wound off he closed his mouth.

“What is she?” said Razta holding his side. He was in no shape to fight, but he would help the best he could.

“Stay back Razta,” said Adelina taking back stance. She walked forward standing next to Owain and raising her shield. Taking Phalanx stance she stared down the strange figures before them. Razta stood in front of their back lines ready to defend them if necessary.

“I may have overstayed my welcome it seems. It’s your turn. I shall take my leave” said the woman with a smile.The woman stood up slowly, and moved back into the Cauldron. The hands reached out and took her into its flesh. Something crawled out moments later. It seemed to be that same woman, but something was very off. Her cloak was gone, and in its stead thick bone like armor covered her body in a strange pattern. her pale skin now riddled with black veins.

“You will not get away again!” yelled Reymond as six swords appeared around him. Sending them at the Cauldron they punctured the beast causing it to scream. His swords were restraining its spirit flow.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

Looking at the creature squirm with pain, Louise smiled as she sensed an opportunity. She raised her wand towards the Cauldron as it continued to groan. Concentrating, her spiritual energy gushed forth from her core that contained her spirit - Ishtar. The magical energy climbed up to her head - then to her hand - lastly - right to the very tip of her wand. A tiny glowing ball of light formed; signalling the explosive energy sent out towards the disgusting monster.

Sensing that she was using far too much power power, Reymond shouted at Louise, and at the same time ruined her focus as she turned towards Reymond with a bewildered expression. Her attack went off target; blowing up a support beam near the beast. It knocked the beast to the side, but the damage was minimal. The damage to the cavern was immense.

“You idiot, you should know better, that to a magic-caster; concentration is of utmost essence!!” Louise yelled back angrily.

“My apologies, I didn’t know your focus was that fragile.” Reymond spat back.

“I changed my mind. I’ll cast teleportation, after all,” Louise said. Her voice didn’t hint rage, but quivering anger that seemed to be dominated by sanity itself. Yet, Louise felt the need to immediately send him to a place resembling hell itself. She chanted the spell mentally.

Masaki, don’t even think about attacking the big one. TouTetsuOh warned. He knew that if Masaki attempted to attack the large creature, he would be blocked by the two humanoids. I suggest you to attack the left one. he added. Masaki listened to his spirit and dashed into range. He jabbed it’s stomach and added an uppercut to it’s chin using his gauntlet. The four gems glowed, absorbing the spirit energy from within it. Upon contact the horrid figure split into pieces covering Masaki in blood. ”You are not the only one who can eat spirit energy.”

Adelina smiled. “Good going Masaki.” she complimented.

The Cauldron recovering from the previous attacks, began to lurch forward. It shot across the floor using his its countless legs, and forced the group farther back towards the wall. It would seem that its goal is to simply absorb everyone in the room.

Owain shot off like a bullet, he wasn’t sure what had happened to the woman he had clobbered just moments before, however he was sure he no longer needed to hold back. Diving into her he swung his sword sideways. The impact was massive, surprising Owain with its force, splitting the woman clean in two.

The woman cleaved in two was immobile and breathing heavily on the floor. Owain was disgusted at the organs and bone sticking out, but something else began to bother him. It was trying to fix itself. Owain felt a slight rumble next to him, and a moment later a giant stone foot smashed the remains of the woman.

“That should do it.” said Ari confidently. The other creature panicked and charged Owain. Adelina gracefully stepped in stabbing it through the chest. Dragging into the the ground she decapitated it with the edge of her shield. Blood skittered of her shield and onto her cheek, but she didn’t mind. Razta smiled as the group disposed of the small fries with ease. Having that woman still out there didn’t sit right with him, but there was little they could do. For now they needed to focus on stopping that monstrosity.

Reymond focused on all of his swords, and forced them to explode. The six swords exploded dealing six devastating blows to the best. Pieces of its body were sent splattering on the walls of the cave. Reymond narrowed his eyes and began flipping through his book as he prepared his next attack.

Louise sighed, apparently done with an incantation. “I have garnered countless praises and confidence - the title of a High Priestess is not for show. That insult - I shall bare with it no more. First the captain, now this,” Louise declared, raising her wand to towards the ceiling. “Arkasia sure lacked the means to drill manners into her people,” she scoffed. “There is no merit to staying with those who are unable to show respect to nobility,” the spiritual powers were at their peak atop the wand’s tip. Light peaked out from the rift that sliced itself open below the villagers, making them all fall into it. Louise casually strolled into it - spreading her arms out - she fell into it in a rather grand fashion.

Reymond turned to see Louise, who abandoned them through her portal. It closed up before he could even react. At least the villagers were out of that mess, but this didn’t do much to improve his mood. Turning to the others, he tried to steady his nerves and focus on the battle at hand.

“Ari, we need to combine our efforts.” suggested Reymond. “It is to dangerous for the others to get close, and the High priestess has abandoned us.” Razta turned to notice that Louise was indeed gone, along with the villagers. He wasn’t sure what her reason was, but he hoped that it was to save the villagers.

”She left just like that? Talk about harsh.” Masaki jumped back. Masaki! Focus on the battle! TouTetsuOh shouted. I know!

Reymond flipped through his book quickly and four sword appeared around Ari. She placed a hand to her chest as Gai stood behind her and raised his spear. The four swords climbed and binded to the spear. Gai stepped back before chucking his spear into the center of the Cauldron. The spear hit deep into the monstrosity before imploding and spraying its flesh around the cave. A blood curdling scream echoed through the cave as it breathed its last.

Reymond blew the air from his lung hard as he snapped his book shut. The woman had gotten away from him again, and he knew it might be even longer until he got another chance like that. Razta looked at Reymond quivering in hate, but didn’t know what was causing it.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

Above ground in the center of their destroyed town the villagers were happy to see the sky again. Most believed that they would never see it again. Turning to their savior they all bowed to Louise.

“Thank you for saving us, but what about the others?” said one man. “Do you think they will be alright?” Nora was happy to be out, but if it was at the cost of others she would have rather stayed and died along side them.

“Mn,” Louise looked towards the ground. “The monster should’ve fallen. Even if they come out scathed; I figure that they’d be well.”

“That is great news, but this village is finished.” answered Nora’s father. “We’ll have to pick up and start over somewhere else. But we have what is left of our lives at least.”

“Do whatever you wish,” Louise shrugged. She could care less about a measly small village. “It is your life, after all.”

Nora walked up to Louise and bowed again. “But they are lives you saved.” she said showing gratitude. “What will you all do now?”

“Take my leave, of course,” Louise said as a matter of fact with a frown, upon remembering the reason for detaching from the terrible squad. “This is farewell,” Louise said, walking away - approaching her horse. She soon mounted the horse, and pulled on its reins; making it roar - it’d soon gallop on her motion of pull.

Razta stepped from the ruins in time to see Louise get on her horse. He was able to get the words out, but they fell on deaf ears. Louise rode off despite Razta’s warning.

Anastas emerged after Razta, also spotting Louise riding off on her own. ”So the High Priestess couldn’t handle any more.” He said with a visible frown, ”What a shame.”

“I suppose she couldn’t.” said Reymond turning to check on their own horses. They were nervous but they were unharmed luckily. The group of people walked over to the group.

“We can never thank you enough for saving us. We don’t have much to offer you, but please if there is anything we can do just ask.” said Nora.

”A bath would be nice.” Masaki jumped out of the hole, with blood all over his body.

“We have a few houses that were untouched that are a little farther out. They were hunting houses but they still have water and plenty of beds. Your group is welcome to them.” answered Nora’s father.

Owain didn’t like Louise going out by herself, but going out after her, only to get them all killed wasn’t the way to go either. They wouldn’t have the chance to sleep in a bed or bathe until the next village, and they might be in worse condition than this one. “We will take you up on your offer. Thank you.” answered Owain.

“Then follow us.” said Nora glad that they could help the group somehow.

“Keep on guard everyone we don’t know if there are any more surprises in store for us out here. Razta, and Ari bring the horses. The rest of you spread out around the group.” ordered Owain. The group broke into formation and the group heading into the forest following Nora.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, ,Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

They arrived a decent sized cabin, and Nora tapped a glass lantern as it began to glow slightly. Reymond smirked and placed a hand on the lantern himself. The light that appeared from it lit most of the surrounding area.

“Your spirit must be very strong!” said Nora impressed.

“Its not how strong your spirit is. Its how you control it.” he answered.”That’s what my teacher always taught me.”

“I wish we had that talent when they attacked. Most people out here have never bothered with learning spiritual control, or even swinging a sword. Once they dealt with the soldiers stationed here we were done for.” said Nora’s father. “Well if you need us we will be in the other house over there. This one is for you and your soldiers Sir Owain.”

Adelina handed Reymond a book while everyone was paying attention to the elder. It was what she found earlier in the house. She knew by the looks of it that it was something Reymond would know about.

“Where was this found?” asked Reymond as he held the book. A second later he felt an immense cursed essence from the book. It was almost enough to make him faint.

“I’ll let you deal with it.” said Adelina walking over to stand next to Razta. Reymond slid the book in his shirt. Planning to talk to her later about it.

Owain bowed his head in thanks. “Likewise, we will be here till morning. If you are heading to Raltese. There will be some soldiers moving this way in a few days. They will escort you back.”

“Thank you kindly for all you have done.” answered Nora. She turned with her father and the other villagers going to their own cabin. Owain smiled, she was a good girl, and then turned to his soldiers.

“Good work in there. Get some rest. You all deserve it, I’ll take first watch.” said Owain.

”Aye, Captain.” Anastas replied, already scouring the cabin for where he’d sleep. Going through all the rooms, he was impressed. As a hunting cabin would, the walls were lined with pelts of past game the villagers had caught, the bedding seemed comfortable enough and what facilities it had were operational. Still Anastas didn’t feel right in any of the rooms. Dead as the pelts may be, dead eyes haunt living dreams. He gave a slight sigh of relief spotting access to what was the attic. Awfully drab with nothing but space for storage and insulation and several small windows for ventilation, it seemed picture perfect in Anastas’ mind.

Razta walked into the hunting cabin still feeling pretty sore from his injuries. He was lucky that he had Adelina watching out for him. He was assaulted by a strange woman, and thrown into that well. After that his memory was a blank. Still even knowing Adelina was strong the fact that she was able to fight that thing was amazing. With a simple touch he felt drained of all his strength. Yet she was able to not only fight it, but rescue him from its clutches. Stepping into a room he found pelts decorated the ways with trophy heads of bears and deer lined up on the wall. Adelina walked in behind him looking around with the same curiosity.

“These people were somewhat skilled hunters it seemed.” said Adelina setting down her stuff.

“How did you do it?” asked Razta bluntly.

“Do what?” responded Adelina obviously playing stupid. Razta turned to her fully setting his stuff down giving her a serious look. Adelina closed the door and locked it.

“They sure didn’t waste any time. I’ll have to ask her later...” said Reymond as he passed the door as Adelina closed it. He laughed and nudged Ari who was close by. “This may be your chance to get closer to the captain as well.”

Ari gave him a quick jab to the side that made him hunch over, and gave no response other than that. A book fell out of his shirt that he hastily picked up, and examined it. His curiosity was getting the better of him, and he walked into a room cracking open the book. At first the book appeared to have blank pages, but moments later symbols and runes burned onto the pages. As he heard footsteps behind him he snapped it shut and hid it behind his back.

“I’m going to take the first shower if you don’t mind.” said Masaki drenched in blood. He was dying to get into some clean clothes.

“Yes that is fine Arkwon.” answered Reymond awkwardly. “I’m going to head to sleep. See you in the morning Masaki.” Once Masaki was out of sight Reymond looked out into the hall before closing the door. Cracking open the book again he read over just a few notes. From what he saw it was ways to change the characteristics of spells. Applying that to his spells would result in something new. He was too excited to stop reading and finished it before it was his turn to take watch.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

Louise ran her horse through the night wanting to put as much distance between her and the group as possible. Her horse even in the dark was able to stick to the road, and she actually made more progress than she expected before her horse ultimately tired out. After the ride to the town, and Louise’s stunt the horse was spent. As the horse pulled to a stop Louise was left with only a few options, as she lowerd herself from the horse.

Teleporting to Raltese would be easier than Masario, but her coveted room was in the latter. She’d never agree to sleep in the beds of Raltese; Louise would never lower her standards like the princess, after all. She’d agree to sleep on a bed full of cobwebs, even. How atrocious!

With that thought in mind, Louise raised her wand towards the empty air before her. Incantations filled her mind as she mentally chanted a spell, sonorously.The portal soon opened itself before her – beckoning her to go past it.

Walking gracefully, Louise held on to the reins of the horse; guiding it with her to Masario. She’d not want to leave it behind – just to never find it, ever again.

Louise and her horse found themselves at the stables in Masario. The guards had their weapons drawn on the spot; fearing intruders, but lowered them once it was confirmed to be Louise. They bowed respectfully instead.

“What are you doing back so soon, High priestess? And without escort?” Asked a guard.

“Some of them were far too disrespectful, so I took my leave of them,” Louise answered with a rather expressionless face. “Do take care of the horse for me; I’m only here for the night.”

“Understood, High priestess. We will alert the rest of the guard that you are inside the city. We will take care of your horse. Is there anything else you need from us?”

“Try not to let the news go to the church. They’re rather a handful... That is all,” Louise then opened another portal, making way for her room in the castle. As she came into her room there was a maid who was cleaning a few things. She was startled that Louise entered the room since she was told that she was away, and would be away for quite some time.

“H-high priestess. My apologies.” she said bowing profusely. “I just finished, please enjoy.”

“Uh, yeah. Good work, I guess,” Louise thoughtlessly replied. They clean even when I’m not around? I’d assume they’d do so only when they know that I’ll be coming.

“Its much easier to keep the place clean when you do it periodically. When you are away we clean this room at night. Its easier to clean rooms when people aren’t sleeping in them.” she said at an attempt at a joke.

“Umm, yes, I suppose that makes sense. We wouldn’t too much dust accumulate in my room, it’d be troublesome.”

“Exactly,” she answered with a bright smile. “If there is nothing else, High priestess. I will leave you to rest.”

As the maid left, Louise sighed. Letting her body sink on the spacious, bouncy and comfortable bed; she’d finally get sweet dreams… perhaps. Suddenly she felt a presence enter the room. A pressure on the other side of the bed as someone sat down.

“Boy doesn’t this take you back.” said Adair with a chuckle.

“...What do you want?” Louise asked, not quite moving her body despite noting his presence; even her eyes.

“Just checking on you. Can’t I simply come to see you while you are in the city at least?” he said with a smile. “This reminds me of the days we’d spend just laying around in bed.”

“Please, don’t remind me…” Louise made a rare pout while she looked towards the ceiling.

“I cherish those times.” he answered. “Even though there were so long ago. I remember them clearly. Perhaps one day we shall live that way again.”

“After what you did to her, how dare you say that?” Louise almost yelled, but maintained her voice. “I’ll not forgive you.”

“I-I did that for us remember?” he answered holding his forehead in pain as if he was having a hard time believing it himself. “Don’t you believe that? I loved you both more than anything.”

“You gave me a different reason before, you know,” Louise sighed, and replied as a matter of fact. She felt like she was being foolish, dealing with him seriously.

Balling his hand into a fist he pulled at his hair. Something was obviously wrong with him, but he forced himself to regain his senses.“Everything is so jumbled around in here now. Where did you run off to. Why did you leave? Louise…”

“Hmph, to the distant lands - so far away - where you may not pursue me, of course,” Louise answered, pulling the upper portion of her body to face Adair. “I am slightly disappointed, you clearly are breaking apart. I’d rather refer to you as a shame to his name, I suppose.”

“I’m fine.” he answered standing up from the bed. “Just hurry we might not have much time left, and you still aren’t ready.”

“What? Time? Ready for what?”

There was a knock on the door that grabbed Louise’s attention only for a moment. When she looked back Adair was gone. She hated the way he always skipped out before answering the important questions, but she wasn’t sure how much she would get from him in that state anyways.

“Louise are you in there?” asked Leona III from outside the door.

“No I’m not! I’m not here at all!” Louise jokingly answered.

Leona opened the door and stepped in rushing to Louise’s side, making Louise squeal due to it being so abrupt. “Why didn’t you come see me.” she said rubbing her cheek on hers. “I heard so many terrible things! Treason being one of them.”

“Hmph, they were only pinning their blame at me. Treason? What a joke,” Louise replied, her awry feelings of anger now subsided. Leona III truly was a refreshing presence to have around.

“What on earth is going on in this city?” she responded. “Margaret hasn’t even come to see me. Something apparently happened with her husband, and she has been a home body since then. Fortress Arkasia has been preparing for something big as well, but not even I know what is going on.”

“Aren’t you an influential figure in the city? It’s rather depressing that you’re unable to learn of the status. Well, either way, I suppose you should simply prepare yourself.”

“Everyone is so hush hush. All I have are rumors. Apparently they have uncovered the true traitor, but they haven’t told anyone who it is.” she responded. “My daughter has made sure to keep me out of most of the politics. She is forcing me to rest more, but its driving me crazy.”

“Just rest, I’m quite tired this time as well.”

“Fine,” answered Leona as she pouted but ultimately did not refuse. However she didn’t leave the room either. Climbing into bed she hugged Louise and went to sleep.

“Jeez, it can’t be helped, you’re such a handful sometimes,” Louise commented, as if irritated, but didn’t quite seem angry as she spoke with a smile.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby2

In the morning Katya and Selanus met up in Kristina’s office. The preparations for their travel were all ironed out and message was sent ahead to her contact via messenger. He would arrive before the duo and see that preparations to sneak the two in. Grigore would give them covers once they were in the city.

“It will only be you. Sneaking into the forest is hard enough with you two, more is just asking to be found out.” said Kristina.

"Well, technically we won't be doing anything hostile in there. I'll just be waiting and enjoying what they have to offer in the meantime." Selanus's mood hadn't improved much as he spoke to Kristina but there was no way he'd embark on a fools errand. "I'll just catch up with the old man and see what's new."

“I advise you to try and capture your targets outside of the forest. If at all possible. My contact will not be able to protect you from the guardians, and if you rub them the wrong way they will stay glued to you. Avoid contact with them.” answered Kristina. “I am not even allowed in the forest because of my military history.”

"I got it, Auntie. Even I'm not foolish enough to cross the guardians and I ain't looking forward to any chaperones." Selanus smiled wryly, the temptation of committing mischief barely contained.

“Then get your supplies together, and move out when ready. My messengers are swift the cogs are already in motion,” ordered Kristina as she wiped her mouth. “And speak to no one of your mission. Not even allies.” Katya knew well enough what that meant, and didn’t care to question it.

"Understood. My lips are sealed, I've had enough from my "allies" anyway." Selanus replied bitterly, though he had less reason to remain spiteful now that the real perpetrator was known to him. Kristina nodded before waving her hands in dismissal. “I expect good results.”

Katya left at the same time, and headed down the hallways to her guest room to gather her supplies. As she left, Selanus fell into step aside her, looking to know more about his newfound partner.

"So, been after the archer long? You must've had good contacts to be able to meet with Auntie."

“Save it. We have a job to do.” she said keeping her eyes forward.

Selanus cocked an eyebrow, gauging her. "You got what you needed to know, lighten up a bit. Sides, I'm not in a rush to start considering I just got back."

“Well I am. So if you want to keep taking it easy you can work harder catching up.” she answered.

He smirked at her reply, perplexed by how some people never stopped working, same as Auntie in that sense. "Fine fine. We'll relax at the forest then, nothing there but waiting anyway." Selanus tolerated the notion of keeping oneself busy but Kristina had voiced her expectations of him, that he could work for.

“You sure you are cut out for this line of work? You seem rather...undisciplined.” she answered.

Selanus nodded, slightly offended that Katya would view him as ill disciplined. "It's a passion of mine, the thrill of the hunt! Still, work hard, play hard. Right now, I'm not tracking or putting a knife to someone's throat so I don't see a problem with this. Besides, if you were my target then you've already got the impression I wasn't a bounty hunter right? Perfect camouflage." He raised his hands into the air, a show of false grandiose.

Katya laughed in disbelief. †˜How did I end up paired with such a man?’ she thought as she stopped in front of her room.

"I suppose you are unfamiliar with the term cloak and dagger? Not everything can be found with the skills you hold in high regard. Let's stick to what we're good at, I think it would suit us both nicely." Selanus bid her farewell with a quick wave, the hallways his once more as he walked back to get ready, contrary to his partners belief.

“Agreed” answered Katya as she entered her room and swiftly closed the door behind her.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby2

The two met at the front gate. The guards began letting the gate down as soon as they saw Selanus walking up. Katya was already peeved that she had to wait at all.

“You sure took your sweet time.” said Katya. “I take it you are ready to leave?”

"I'm punctual and yes, all set to go." Selanus waved at the guards in thanks, his meager supplies shifting with the action. "Relax, we've got plenty of time."

“I’d rather be early. You never know what we may run into on the way.” answered Katya.

"Always the critic." Selanus sighed in exasperation, mounting his steed in a bound. "Let's go then, since you're so eager, you can lead." Katya had no problem with leading, in fact she preferred it. Climbing on the horses that were provided to them they took off, and crossed the drawbridge. As soon as they were cleared the bridge was drawn back.

The ride went by for a while without a word spoken between them. Katya wasn’t exactly the ideal traveling companion. She knew the land well however, and took them on shortcuts that cut down their travel time considerably. Selanus however, like to chat while he rode to try and keep the ride lively. Katya was in no mood for this however and often just ignored him. He didn’t know if he had offended her somehow or if this was just how she was naturally.

In two days time they made their way to their first waypoint, a whole day and a half ahead of schedule. Waycastle Talahar, a solid construction of stone, and wood that passed over a huge chasm. Before construction of this way castle it was a simple bridge. As influence of the cursed expanded they needed a fortress worthy of watching over the region.

As they rode up to the gate two guards approached them. “Travel permits please.” said the guard on the right. The two handed over two small books that the guard looked over.

“Ah you ride for Dahlem. My father served her in the military.” said the guard handing back their permits. “You are clear.” The guards took their positions back at the sides of the gate, and the gate was raised for them moments later. As they rode in they saw a group of people near the middle of the bridge.

“What do you mean you can’t find it? The thing is a big as a two story building, and you lost it?” said a tall and muscular man wearing a hooded cloak. His voice was deep and commanding, but Selanus couldn’t tell who it was from only that.

Though, from what the man said, Selanus wondered why they even had something that large and who was incompetent enough to lose it. He slowed his horse to a leisurely trot, hoping to hear more about this man and his situation. A chance to get in someones good books or at least, some information would do them good in the forest.

“Sir, no offense but it was a bit out of our league in the first place. How did you expect us to be able to track of a beast like that? We lost good men for this thing.” said a soldier who appeared to be of rank. His black armor was a bit better than everyone else. “Sure it can be useful in battle, but in the mean time its just an expensive burden.”

Fire devoured the tall man’s cloak in an instant. The smoke blocked Selanus’ veiw only for a little, but once it cleared he saw the back of the large man. Somehow he looked familiar. The man was wearing grey armor with two bright red gauntlets that were radiating heat. His hair was cut short with a thick chin strap on his chin. The man viciously grabbed the soldiers head, and squeezed. The man's flesh burned around his large fingers, and turned to ash.

“Who is the next in command?” said the man looking around. Another soldier hesitantly stepped forward.

“So how many men can you spare?” asked the man looking down at the soldier with a stern face.

“Two or three at the most.” responded the soldier.

“Pathetic I should have brought my own.” he said turning around to find two warriors on horseback. “Hm? Who are you?”

Selanus pulled his horse to a halt, glancing at the pile of ashes. “Selanus Dahlem, nice to meet you.” He flashed the large man a full smile, largely trying to ignore what had happened earlier.

“What the hell are you so happy about, boy?” replied the man.

Selanus scratched the back of his head, chagrinned. “Do I need a reason to stay chipper? You seem to having a bit of a problem though, need a hand?”

“You think you have the guts? Sure you’ll be better than any of these worthless men.” answered the man. Katya got off her horse, and bowed to the man.

“Pleasure to meet you Representative Kudzu Olodumare, I am Ekaterina” she said keeping her head bowed.

”So this is the last Representative.” Dismounting, Selanus took his hat off and bowed alongside Katya. He answered Kudzu confidently, “If you need me, Representative, my services are yours.”

“Heh, you are a strange lot.” he said looking over the both of them. Neither of them looked particularly strong to him, but they were more so than the soldiers behind him. He wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. He walked up to Selanus and Katya who were still bowing.

“I accept,” answered Kudzu. “But we move out now. I want this dealt with as soon as possible.”

"Understood Representative." Selanus nodded, anticipating whatever Kudzu had in store for them.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby2

The three moved through the canyon on a man made path.Despite this the canyon was a very dangerous place for the unprepared. Luckily for Selanus and Katya, this was where Kudzu spent most of his time. He knew almost every knook and cranny of that place. Because of that Kudzu had a swift pace that betrayed his size. Katya and Selanus were having trouble keeping up.

Katya wasn’t one to admit her shortcomings and began pushing herself to keep up. She also didn’t want to waste time with this little side adventure, but helping a representative was sure to have its perks down the line.

The terrain proved no trouble for Selanus, shifting every now and then to overcome the harder obstacles but the pace at which Kudzu set was taxing for him. Still, the thought of hunting something foreign, so different from his human targets had fired him up. Mirrored by Astaroth, his eyes shimmered slightly, this venture proving much more interesting than originally thought.

Kudzu stopped suddenly sniffing the air. Selanus and Katya halted, and waited next to him.

“Its here…” said Kudzu still sniffing the air. Underneath them the ground shook for a moment before the ground gave way beneath them. A sharp horn used for digging shot through the earth. The monster was an enormous reptile with azure scales. It had long arms with spikes similar to its horn that helped it dig through the earth. Its eyes were no where to be seen, It was blind. A common thing for most subterranean creatures.

Kudzu was able to react taking the beast by neck, and kicking off the side of the hill. This forced the beast and him to go rolling into the canyon. Katya wasted no time in making her own way down there to assist.

Selanus followed suit, grinning madly all the way. He shifted down posthaste, reaching the bottom before Katya did as his urge to kill ran wild. At the bottom they stood behind Kudzu who punched the beast back with all his might. The beast was sent reeling and scrambled to its feet. Roaring loudly it glared down at the three.

“When you see it point it’s head towards the ground it is getting ready to charge.” said Kudzu. “I don’t have to tell you that this is something you want to avoid.” Kudzu took a boxing stance as his fist crackled with flames.

Selanus unsheathed his weapons in answer, heart thumping quickly as he felt more alive. The thought of bringing the monster down brought his feelings to a head and he began to laugh quietly but slowly growing in volume.

The monster looked around making a sharp sound that seemed to echo around the canyon. After three of these sounds it turned to the group, and lowered its head.

Kudzu smirked and steadied his stance, and prepared to take the beast head on. “You two take position, and hit it from the sides when it comes for me.” Kudzu stood his ground and waited for them to take position. Katya moved quickly to the side trying to climb up the cliff face. With easy she digs her heel into the rock and launches up before stabbing her blade into the rock to steady herself and wait, Selanus shifted over to the opposite side, flanking the monster. The shadows made no sound as they slithered over and reformed, Selanus leaning forward on an outcrop intently with blade and gun in hand.

The monster took off towards Kudzu, but the warrior side steps him with ease and grabs the side of its neck with both hands. Burning into its flesh with his hands. He tried to hold the beast still with all his might. Despite the beast struggling it could not break free from Kudzu’s intense grip. The beast screamed out as it skin was further burned.

“Do it now!” yelled Kudzu.

Katya and Selanus moved in. Katya diving in slicing rapidly with her blade, as Selanus shot it three times before flipping out a charged grenade casket. Catching it she attempted to charge it with ice, but failed to use the new object like Selanus. The monster noticed this and swung its tail trying to get the two away from it. The two were forced to back up.

“Must I do everything myself?!” yelled Kudzu. The beast struggled, but Kudzu held on tight. Kudzu focused on his flames as four arms formed completely of flames shot from his back. Gripping the beast tight he punched him with each arm. The monster winced after every hit, and after the last it was clear the beast was starting to tire. The flame arms vanished as Kudzu focused once again on restraining the beast.

“Think you can deal with it now kids?” he said to Katya and Selanus. “My arms are getting tired here! Haha!” Katya growled in response to his comment and dashed in, her blade drawn. Spinning she slashed the side of the beast damaging its right arm.

Selanus grinned, darting behind the trashing monster and unloading bullets into its legs. The bullets shredded through muscle and sinew, blood splattering as the monster roared weakly in retaliation. It collapsed to the ground, unable to hold its own weight and breathing raggedly. “All yours, Rep.” Selanus flicked his head towards the downed monster, relishing its pained struggles.

Kudzu stood over the defeated beast and smirked. “You fought the best you could didn’t you?” said Kudzu pulling back his open hand. Flames licked at his fingers. With a powerful step forward he stabbed his hand into the beast at it exploded into flames. Ripping out his hand the blood melted into ash on his fingers. The monster screamed as its skin crackled and burned. Moments later it was nothing but charred bones. Katya walked up to Kudzu before looking at the remains of the beast in silence. His strength was inhuman.

Wiping the blood off his gun, Selanus could feel the overwhelming gap in power from the man in front of him. “So what now, Rep?” He hoped that there were more of these creatures around that needed culling, it had proven to be interesting with the way it had detected the them without sight.

Kudzu bent over snapping a large fang from the beasts corpse. Looking at it he sized it up with his hand. “Ya this was the right one. We are done here. You two can go back to what you were doing. Your assistance was appreciated.” he said still looking at the tooth. “I have a few more things to do out here, but I will do them alone. I’m sure you have your own things to concern yourself with.”

“Yes we do.” answered Katya. “I admit that I learned quite a bit from you however.”

Selanus stretched out his muscles, strained more from the journey here than the fight. "I share her sentiments, this beast was new for me. It was... refreshing."

“Heh,” replied Kudzu. “I forget how young you must be...probably about my son’s age if he were still alive.”

"Was he killed by the Scion, Rep? I can't imagine anything getting by you if you can do that." Selanus pointed at the bones and ash.

“He died along with his mother during birth.” answered Kudzu. Where one would expect sadness Kudzu showed no emotion. It was obvious that he had time to get past this, but it was not something he would ever forget.

“We have had that happen in our family before. My condolences.” said Katya bowing her head.

"My apologies, Representative." Selanus took his hat off in a gesture, "You have my condolences."

“It was a long time ago. Time enough for an old warrior like me to come to terms with it. But thank you none the less.” he answered. “Now move along.”

Katya nodded and bowed before heading back up the path they came. Selanus followed swiftly behind. As soon as the two were out of view Kudzu crushed the tooth in his palm. That tooth was nowhere near big enough to be the one he was after. If those two had that much trouble with a child they were a liability. Walking off deeper into the canyon the fire on his gloves burned wildly. His work was far from over.

Katya and Selanus made it back to their horses at the end of the day. Two guards approached them and questioned what happened. They breathed a sigh of relief hearing that the monster was dealt with, and offered them both a bed to sleep in for the night. Riding at night in the canyon was suicide with the beasts about. So the two decided resting until dawn was the smart option.
Monster Girl
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