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Would really seriously like to see some futanari titles added to the mix soon! So much amazing art and stories in that genre.
Jacob wrote...
Servexia wrote...
I keep getting script errors on checkout... I'll get this eventually tho. =/

Adblock.... ok now back to waiting for deliveries. ;p

What version of Adblock are you using?

Safari AdBlock by BetaFish, 2.42.

Hmm, which isn't in the safari gallery. Think I'll switch back to Adblock Plus... for security and hentai. =p
Futanari. Big balls n cocks futanari already!

And I know this isn't wani, but Amatake Akewo deserves the Fakku book treatment... the art is just fantastically amazing!!! <3

Choke-sama no Ingyaku Yuugi!

Forum Image:

Forum Image:
I keep getting script errors on checkout... I'll get this eventually tho. =/

Adblock.... ok now back to waiting for deliveries. ;p
I guess what I think is funny, and tragic is that people continue to blame drawings, simulations, etc. for all of the world's evil. They concurrently lambast anyone who doesn't believe in evolution then ignore the fact that we evolved to mate and procreate at a certain age... not 6 years after that biological reality.

Porn has been around, in a reasonably accessible format for like 20 years. Far less accessible when in physical formats for maybe another 20 years past that.... In the time that violent video games and porn have been around the world has experienced a dramatic decline in rape, murder, and every other violent crime. Women's rights have expanded more in this time frame than any other in history.

If porn and violent media haven't contributed to these changes, they obviously haven't prevented them. But the progress folks aren't exactly logical folks. And they always need a good talking point to advance their career, to feel like they're making a difference. When all they're doing, at least in the realm of imaginative drawings and even 3d renders, is to take away a source of pleasure and an alternate outlet for intrinsic urges.

And once you accept the argument that either 1) we can censor that which the majority finds distasteful, or 2) that images ipso facto cause real life harm then it's a slippery slope for every other image, video, song, poem, story, etc.
Man, I came into this thread thinking "how can I get a hentai loving gf" and it's just a bunch of depressing, relationship ending shit! lol @ me. ;p

You have a lot of great advice already, so I'm make it really brief!

It's super hard to see the long run when you're in this emotional state and it is so recent. But do try and think of the future... not in a specific way, but in terms of the reality that it exists, and it's full of unbelievable unknowns. None of which involve a return to that relationship... don't plan for it, don't think about it, don't hope for it.

I know that sounds miserable and mean, but think of it like this: If you spend all day wanting and hoping for a piece of cake with dinner and you don't get it, how fucking bummed are you going to be? What if you know you want it, but you just let it go and think of other things. If you don't get that piece of cake, you were prepared for that reality. And if you do get it, then it's a nice surprise. I'm not advocating repression - you're not denying you want a piece of cake, but you are focusing your thought process to things other than just that fact.

Some Real Life®, It Can Get Better™ to end with: I almost ditched every aspect of my life to following my lover to Alaska a couple years ago... that was a super really shitty time when I decided against it. But omg... lol, two years later and that was such a massively important and good decision!
What would you have to gain by staying in touch? Let the wound heal, don't pick at it!
Keep your happy memories and move on. From my experience that'll be better for both of you. ;)

R. wrote...
Tenzou wrote...
I always wondered about this, and not many people can't come up with an answer. When you say "accepting" one is bi, do you mean being fine with them being turned on by the same sex, or "hey darling, can I go scratch this other itch"? Because to me there's a world of difference.

Accepting means being okay with your partner's sexuality, it doesn't necessarily mean you're okay with your partner dating other people. Moreover just because someone is bisexual doesn't mean theyre promiscuous and wanna sleep with anyone that walks by.

Perfect answer... every relationship has some acceptance of sexuality. It just sounds so obvious that we normally don't say it: if you're heterosexual, and in a heterosexual relationship, you obviously accept each other's heterosexuality. That doesn't mean you're in an open relationship though.
The first thing is never give up. =)

Here's my hopefully short recommendation and just a lil bit of history.

I was "diagnosed" as depressed about 6 years ago. That happened only after picking up the phone late one night instead of a gun. The medication helped a lot, but what allowed me to get off it was working toward identifying my sources of depression and how to deal with them while being assisted by the medication. Once I did that I ditched the meds and I'm living happy and joyful.... though sometimes I have relapses and the anti-porn crowd causes me no end of guilt and anxiety. So it goes.

What's going to help you? Introspection, meditation, learning, professional therapy, and drugs. Do you get enough exercise? Should you read more? Are you advancing your career? The medication is a crutch, an exceptionally helpful one, but ultimately your life is about you.

I always like to say there's a shit ton in life you cannot control, so the few things that you do actually have control over - you damn well better take charge!

I went to graduate school and worked my ass off to get a career that I mostly enjoy. I spent a summer reading Buddhist texts and meditating on death, materialism, identity, and it helped me a lot. Maybe Catholicism or existentialism is for you - you'll never know what speaks to you until you've explored and considered. I also eat healthier, exercise, and watch a lot of hentai in-between video games lol.

It's not easy and whatever you do it's unlikely you'll never be depressed again. But it's not like everyone else is super ultra happy all the time unless they're insane. Understand your issues, learn what works best to counter them, and don't expect a quick fix (acceptance and realistic expectations should alleviate a lot of stress!).

Msg me if you want to chat ever and good luck! ;)
Good for them! It is of no interest to me, and because I have no personal emotions or arousal from it I have no way of explaining how it arises or what motivates it. But that doesn't mean other people can't absolutely love it in practice or fantasy.

Those same people probably have no idea why in the world I love 2d futanari girls... as long as we respect each other's right to have different tastes and preferences then all is good. We can certainly talk about it to, so nothing against your question... I'm sure lots of people wonder how the hell someone else gets off to something lol.

I've wondered about myself and how my fetishes came about... and I'm always happy to discuss those that I know and have experience with. =)
Cat-ness wrote...
Aura-Desu wrote...
normally average size works fine, however in certain circumstances its pretty hot to see a small loli taking a larger sized cock, or there was than doujin with a woman who was cursed with a horse cock and banged a bunch of her students which was nice >.>

You must have read, Instructor of Junior Class B and Hung Like a Horse, Futanari Gym Teacher Morita Ritsuko by dozamura

Ok, so I knew at the second one there, but not by name. /hat off =p
Thanks and interesting long list of stuff... As if I didn't already spend tons of money on hentai and figures.
I've used Tenso for some items and some of them ecchi... but I'm concerned that if I place a large order of ero manga they won't ship it and I'll be screwed with a big bill and no manga. Does anyone know of a good reliable service or person who could forward these to me? Just a bunch of futanari... I have my guesses as to why they won't export hentai (loli omgash drawings aaaah!), but if anyone knows for sure I'd love to know also.
I desperately want a futanari book published. Preferably Bosshi or Uno Makoto (collected works!). But there's different approaches... I'm supporting them now (and do like the other stuff too) and hoping that they'll get to it sooner rather than later.

Homer: You just lost yourself a customer!
Moe: Wha? I'm sorry, Homer I couldn't hear you
Homer: I said you just lost yourself a customer!
Moe: Huh?
Homer: You just lost yourself a customer!
Moe: Homer you're going to have to speak up!
Homer: You just lost yourself a customer, Moe!
Moe: I've forced myself to wha?
Homer: You just lost yourself a customer!
Moe: Homer.. I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Homer: You just lost yourself a customer!
Moe: Yeah you can use it!
Aaaah!~ >.<

I should have thought of the diff for futanari vs. regular (boring) men. I like regular to larger on men. I always prefer larger, but can be quite content with average... like a huge horse cock futa. Oops.... these conversations are hard to have. =)

But the same with the breasts poll, variety is the spice of life and if the size makes sense in the context of the work - if it matches other sizes and the seriousness or ridiculousness of the story/image I'll probably like it. Because cock.

Also, Uno Makoto is one of the best futa artists out there! So much love... but #2 snuck into the OP pic with a large clit. Naughty girl!
Since I just voted for breast size, have we done penis size?

How big should that thing be?

1. Itsy bitsy!
2. Realistic Average
3. Edge of possible
4. AtL - Arm to Leg sized
5. I can't see what's behind that thing...
I've always preferred small to flat chest... I remember that preference started when I was a teen.... I wouldn't be surprised if it's because the girls my age were flat at the time... stuck with me. I'm not against big tits or anything, I enjoy them too of course. Hentai physics make huge to massive breasts more viable than real physics in my experience.

I hate that mainstream thinks flat/super small breasts immediately means "under-age"... I feel sorry for all the gorgeous women out there with naturally small breasts that have to deal with that prejudice/stereotype.
Ahh being tolerant... lol, the rallying cry of the progressives! I used to be all for it. I was all about tolerance because it was about living with people of different races and ethnicities, it was about respecting each other's religion and world views - even if we didn't like or agree with them. But I feel that's been lost, and tolerance has turned into a political rallying cry, rather than a true civil respect for each other. I still practice and would promote the later, but on a larger social level....

Feminism, progressives, religious folks - there is a tremendous and very load majority who are against what I innocently enjoy in life. Namely the content on a site like this. In my experience, they're all about love and respect and honoring other people's religion, art, culture, etc., until you mention sex. Then it's over - you're evil, either in a cosmic sense, or because "literary criticism" e.g. feminism says your pictures are responsible for the constant suffering of all women everywhere. Tolerance and respect is preached but it's applied in a hypocritical manner, which isn't really tolerance anymore.

Perhaps it's impossible, even before we get to the ridiculous extremes like "tolerate the murderer." Tolerance up to the Harm Principle would be my stance. Real harm, not imaginary, not preferences, nor wild accusations like porn destroys people and causes rape or some such nonsense. Regardless of what university stamps it or how many other feminists you cite... throughout history people have made logically sound and comprehensive ideologies that are nevertheless not true. The notion that the world is flat wasn't idiocy when it was believed.

Even with our modern tools and knowledge we're still so ignorant and incapable of understanding the complicated world we live in. Shit look at diet recommendations of eggs over the last decade or two!! It would take a hell of an amazing set of psychological studies to actually convince me of a cultural violation of the harm principle.

Why I bring that up is that the people that trumpet "Tolerance" as part of their social and political activity today are the same people, in my experience, who are not just passively intolerant of my personal tastes and preferences (that I could respect and deal with!), but actively campaign against them. Their tolerance ends at "adult content" and sexy ladies in games. These things are not accepted as a difference of opinion by the groups supposedly promoting tolerance. They've experienced some backlash when their aggressive campaigns for "respect" and "tolerance" becomes so clearly intolerant and downright racist that they have to back off.

What I'm saying is I'm scared of intolerance disguised as tolerance, which I see in a tremendous amount of modern US political and social activism. And I'm not just for hentai, but for freedom of religion, speech, and culture in general.
Ahh the massive expected skew is already nicely in progress. =)

Yes of course I'd prefer a real woman. But all the hype and bullshit about "looks don't count" and "any man could date a super model" lies. I'm a successful and socially well adapted yet unfortunately ugly man and thus destined to die alone. Thankfully, until the #PicturesAreResponsibleForEverythingEvil #EvenIfTheEvilThingExistedMillionsOfYearsBeforePictures crowd censors everything, I have a happy innocent outlet.

Thanks for bringing it up fakku, any other miserable shit you'd like to dredge up tonight?

Kidding there, just thought it'd be a funny line. ;p
I'm a happy man who is off to WoW now... then some draenai hentai just to stay on topic.
I has something special >.<
Is there a way to stay in the magazine for the entirety? It would be a nice option, instead of selecting every chapter individually. =)