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Kaimax wrote...
ZeroOBK wrote...
This series is still very much in the Shaft style.

But compared with Monogatari it's very downplayed. There are less "crazy perspectives", Every background is drawn in detail, there's less awkward screen cutting, less "unique" animation sequence, less usage of contrasting colors and less abstract stuff zooming.

I think it's a matter of relativity. Monogatari is downplayed compared to Despair after all. Sasami-san might be at the level of Monogatari, but Hidamari and Denpa were definitely below it. So, compared with Hidamari and Denpa, the difference isn't so noticeable.

But it's probably true that something fairly mainstream and not off-kilter like Nisekoi isn't suited to Shaft. External pressures, etc., etc...

(It might also be true that Monogatari is to blame for increased number of 'erotic' perspectives Shaft has used.)
This series is still very much in the Shaft style. That aside, has anyone else felt that the mouths are animated very smoothly when characters speak?
Lurker3173 wrote...
i think it may be because im at ep 3 but.. is there a love story in this or am i just watching a skit between these three girls for the rest of the show? i mean the guy is 99% invisible with very little purpose. i may as well watch sakura trick or yuri yuri if this is all the content.

There is a love story here, but this series is a romcom and not a dedicated romance series. (I didn't even realize the manga was a 4koma until I saw someone mention it.) If the amount of attention given to the romance hasn't been enough for you, you're probably better of letting this series go. The next two episodes follow a similar track.
Silver Link seems to be taking more cues from Shaft if episode 2 is anything to go by. Also, this seems to have Sora no Otoshimono-style humor, which is perfectly fine by me.
Episode 3:
I can't help but feel that Space Dandy is sort of like Johnny Bravo.

Also, vagina aliens.
Episode 2:
Whatever invulnerability Kumin had last season is totally gone now. Shinka is starting to really channel her Forest Summer self now. Maybe we will even see her make Sanae admit that she isn't a fake.

That aside, this was very much a feel-good episode where Yuuta and Rikka confirm that they are fine developing their relationship at their own pace.
I was hoping for a nice yuri series, but this has way too much male gaze for my liking.

The first episode was centered around "kisses", but there were plenty of thigh and boob shots as well as some upward panning.
Episode 1:
Apparently Kumin can be hit, as long as she's not sleeping. It's so nice to see that Yuuta is a rather normal teenager. Has a girlfriend, still has loads of porn.

But I can hardly believe Touka left Rikka to fend for herself when it came to housing.
Episode 1:
And there goes the budget. Between the first few minutes and the judo scene, there might be nothing left. Even the words on the tip of Suzu's head got a massive upgrade.

Oh boy... the Squid and Tsuda subplot continues!
8. YuuShibu
7. Free!
6. Outbreak Company / Teekyuu 2 & 3
5. Sasami-san@Ganbaranai
4. GJ-bu
3. Kyousougiga
2. Monogatari
1. OreGairu
deadsx wrote...
Last episode

Only real surprise for me was how the ARUS Prez decided to go against the Maguis, didn't think he had the balls.

Nah, it wasn't a surprise, the ARUS President looked like he was always waiting for a moment to get out from under the Council's grip. It does seem that ARUS and Dorssia are united in the future as it seems to me that it is Earth forces attacking the Third Empire.

Episode 24:
I still feel that most of the issues with this series could have been solved by being longer, but oh well. It ended more less how it was expected to end. It was interesting how the message board stuff that was displayed throughout the series ties into how society was interconnected and how there could be no secrets.

So apparently the guy that looks like Satomi is actually his descendent. Satomi gets married to Takahi. A-drei catches the wedding bouquet, much to everyone's dismay, even his own. (I laughed as his left eye twitched.) Poor Kriemhild. Also that prince child is either A-drei's descendant or a descendant of that guy who Kriemhild was talking to over the phone.
Episode 12:
This has a been a pretty decent series. I'm not at all upset by the ending since this was an adaptation of an incomplete light novel series. Seeing KyoAni animate more action scenes is always a plus so I wouldn't mind if this series got another season (and if Tamako Market can get a movie, this series should have no problem getting a second season really).
Well, sadly, it looks like Saki's (and Haruto's) rape scene was just for shock value after all. Also, this series really needed the 50-episode treatment.
Episode 22:
Well, that was a nice way of thematically following up the previous episode, "The Cost of Lies". So everyone starts laying out everything they have been hiding. And I think everyone is better off for it.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Final chapter is DERP

Agreed. Although the story was never much of a selling point anyway, so I don't find it as offensively bad as some other manga have done.
Episode 21:
............... Yeah, I'm not going to be getting any sleep tonight after watching that.
The more I watch this series, the more I think it is kind of like a poor man's Star Driver. Sanageyama's eye mask sure isn't helping in that regard.
ZeroOBK wrote...
Episode 18:
At least Saki will be relevant again since she will get her body back next episode.

Or they could just have her get captured and have get stabbed through the heart. Damn. The writers give Saki all the shitty parts.
Episode 7:
The further things go, the less I am able to understand Koko. Koko's dad came across as being pretty normal, which makes his idea that Koko will ruin Banri quite strange. I'm beginning to seriously think that Koko does have some sort of mental problems. I have to say, jokingly, that Banri has some issues of his own if he thinks putting his porn on a stool in plain site was a good idea. Koko's "we can have sex in Paris" follow-up was very strange though.
I can respect Trigger, even if they are reusing the fireworks effect from Little Witch Academia.