
Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …


You got any special abilities? No, but I was a rogue demon hunter, so I know how to handle myself when things get rough.
aaaaaaaah refreshing I've just spent 4 hours on the IB section and let all of my troll powers just evacuate ou…
Does anyone else have a MILF fetish? I do. Does anybody else, I wonder? For those of you TARDMOOFINS out there: Milf = M.I.L.F. = Mom/Mother …
doug Doug stepped up to the plate with his head hanging low. His bat dragged through the sandy dirt behind him, held loosely in his left hand. Patti had made him realize he was left handed. That was a few …
Le Beau Maitre 3 Eng and more to come Sorry for another delay, but I've already begun work on several other doujin, which include Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, gundam and Zero no tsukaima. And by next week HMedia should release Le Beau Mai…
3 Angels Short I just want to take minute and express my happiness and affection to Jacob for uploading this manga. I lub you kay, and this manga has everything and I'm so happy cause the past week has been a total …
Animu music Quick! I need some animu music ASAP! Something maybe like this: Note: Do not …
Masturbation Proclamation no poll options .-.
i need so motivation so post some …
New Avatar Bask in its nipply glory.
Someone Explain to this Kid It's just sad what the new kids know.
Epic quote of the day. Quote and copy pasta here a fakku statement you found funny today.
[ Poll ] nade launchers well it be best here.... from the vid. games section... ah yes, the grenade launcher. a very novel concept to launch a grenade farther than how a person throws it. it can be fitted in rifl…
Am back. What the hell happened in the last 5 days?
Learning to masturbate with opposite hand!? For me I'm right handed and well I feel like taking on a challenge! "Do you to as well?" So I'm going try to get use to jerking off with my left hand so... wish me luck ^__^…
[ Locked ] a notice to Iam1vs100 if you are reading this, Iam WHERE ARE YOU??? here is your leash. and you will be my slave. DON'T TRY TO HIDE. I have many Clothes that I want you to wear! I will FORCE you to wear this Ne…