What interests you most in anime?

What interests you most in anime?

Total Votes : 4,195
At the very beginning I was amaze on Art in anime, then long time pass it follows by the Story...
It has to have a good mix of everything.
Story but I really do like my voice actors. That feeling when you know who is voicing that character without checking on it ~~~
honestly, I don't think a good anime is able to have a brilliant story unless it has great characters. I can't think of any anime/manga where I hated the characters but loved the story(correct me if I'm wrong).
I would have to go with all of them!
Well, I voted Art, simply because its the first thing I see before I read the synopsis. Still, story is very important. It can make even the crappiest animation seem awesome.
I have to say Story with Art as a close second. Too many characters are either too over-the-top Bad ass or Angsty to be believable at times.
SirTweetums The Emperor of Ecchi
In my opinion it has always been story and characters that really bring any kind of story, tv show, or game. Our standards for things like art, animation style, and graphics/quality will always go up as we get the technology and ability to use it, however it still doesn't compare to a good set or two of characters and an amazing story. If you watch Bakemonogatari or any of the monogatari series, the show is mostly about the dialogue and interaction of characters than the action (usually), while each of the characters are all very well thought out and work well together to make a very engaging narrative. Another example is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. What is truly amazing is the absolute depth of every single character and their intertwining bonds and relationships, matched with the amazing story floored me. I would still watch both of these anime if they had an animation style like most of clamps' work (xxxHolic/Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle) or Ninja Scroll. This is how i see things at least. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of whats the most important for them, again this is just mine.
Story and art makes an anime interesting in my opinion. I don't always watch not-so-good arts, but it must have an enjoyable story even though the art sucks. but to me, Arts make an anime interesting. If the arts sucks, i'll stick with the storyline.
I'm a sucker for good art

people need to step up their tsundere character game up though, getting a lil bit too predictable for the tsundere type to be fun to watch
Story, but the rest play a part too, especially art. Tried Aku no Hana's rotoscoping thing, couldn't deal with it.
Story first, second is character third is suprise elements, bonus is art
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Story of course.
[color=#006FFF]I'm picky as hell sometimes and forgiving other times. Generally, I care about art style or direction the most since, if I'm going to be looking at this series for episodes at a time, it has to be visually appealing in some way. This could be considered bad of me to do to some since it's one of the biggest reasons I've never cared to watch several "amazing" anime (but the genre of the series also plays a factor in that too). I can't stand the new wave of K-On! looking anime and as such I am immediately turned off by them. This generic moe-moe art style is incredibly unappealing to me and I would much rather have something more unique like Casshern Sins', or Attack on Titan's, or TTGL and KLK's art styles.

Hell, if not for its art style I may never have tried out Katanagatari since I would see screens of it and thought it looked very unique and artistic and it ended up being one of my favorite anime.

Final word on it: I come for the art, I stay for the story.
I definitely prioritize characters over all else. For me the characters should build the story, not be dragged into it. Also an interesting character can sometimes steal the show entirely, even if the story or artwork are bad. Fantastic story and art are also important though and I sometimes find that one of my favorite parts of a show, especially some by Kyoto Animation, is just how amazing it looks.
The actual animation. If I was watching anime rather than reading the manga, thats the first thing I look for. Good animation quality.

Then comes the sound.
Characters and Story for me
For me first art; I cant deal with cheap badly animated films. Animation=movement

Also the style; what genre the anime is and hows the animation style. If the animation seems legit I check it out and after that comes the story.

If I like the story I'll watch it, but in most cases the story sucks and I end up watching couple of episodes just to be sure it wont get better.

niell wrote...
Tried Aku no Hana's rotoscoping thing, couldn't deal with it.

I actually found it very appealing; it was not like any of those mass produced animes with non unique style and ''the regular basic storyline''-story. Its a shame many people did not understand it or found it interesting. I do admit it sometimes went rather slowly with the story. I prefer the manga, but the character art in that is horrible in my opinion.
Art, Story and Others(Music)
Monster Girl
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