[Locked] Simulpublished Magazines and Content Removal

Hanayome wrote...
B1rd_of_H3rmes wrote...
I'm ok with paying money to support Fakku and the artists. However, that is on the sole condition that Fakku will be publishing controversial stuff like lolicon. If any artists or genres are being excluded, censored, ostracised etc., it's definitely not something I will support.

Jacob addresses this near the beginning of the podcast with ANN.
TL;DL: They will publish loli and their lawyer has stated that it is legal.

Is it legal for every countries through? I means after this change, do Fakku audiences now limit to only within US boundaries? Or are they legally confident that their works will be legal in wherever the country that they agree to ship toward?

I means my impression previously is: here, all free, read at your own risk. But if fakku actually legally sell the book, do they have the duty of care that their foreign customers won't get in troubles for owning them?
Well Fakku just died in my eyes. After enjoying this community for years it looks like its time to turn my back on this once great retreat. Jacob your proof that when people start to get enough money to enjoy there lives they just want more and more. 90% of the people on this site are here for the free porn and the community not to pay fucking money for shit we can get elsewhere. Enjoy your millions built on our broken dreams, you fucking sellout.
KosKaz wrote...
So let me see if I can get this straight. Fakku - a site that has been running free for 8 years now, is - in the span of about a month - going to completely transition into a premium site. Now that might not be the biggest deal in the world if that meant that we would have to pay, but still have access to everything the site has to offer. But not only do we have to pay to have access to the site, we have to pay to have access to the EXTREMELY decreased content, and on top of that, content that only updates a few times a month. This is the internet, the mass majority of users on sites such as these are only interested if they can get it for free.

I can understand trying to do more with the site and trying to grow it, and as a user who doesn't care to pay for stuff that can be found for free elsewhere I'm cool with changing sites no problem, no love lost. However on a business standpoint, alienating the majority of your users, seemingly intentionally diverting webtraffic away from your site, and creating a premium product that can easily be re-distributed on non-premium sites is beyond me as to how this seemed like a good idea. Especially considering the sudden-ness of these announcements and lack of transparency this group has shown. As an consumer, even if I was willing to pay for content, I'd still take my money else-where.

Now I'm just a no-body who only made an account to bypass the content filter, but that's just my opinion on this whole thing. Sorry if I was mistaken about something in this post.

We'll be launching with a bunch of content and will be releasing multiple chapters each day. I assure you this will be worth it and there will be far more content than you can reasonably fap to. This is a huge change for FAKKU, but I firmly believe it's a good one. Being able to work with these artists and contribute back to them is more important to me than anything else.
Well, this just kills my entire "Wincest Collection" and also kills most of my favorites.
Sad all they see is $$ and ruin the website.

My guess by the end of the year, Fakku viewership will decrease and other sites like pururin will increase.
They can try to "play up" all they want, but removing as much content as it seems, that will piss soo many people off, they won't even bother showing up.

I did think of buying one of the fakku books (eventually) but after this, I won't even bother.
Vampiric Wrath wrote...
Well Fakku just died in my eyes. After enjoying this community for years it looks like its time to turn my back on this once great retreat. Jacob your proof that when people start to get enough money to enjoy there lives they just want more and more. 90% of the people on this site are here for the free porn and the community not to pay fucking money for shit we can get elsewhere. Enjoy your millions built on our broken dreams, you fucking sellout.

This isn't about us making money. I did not make FAKKU to be a pirate or to fuck over these artists/publishers. I made it because I wanted to fap to awesome hentai and there was no legal service that was worth paying for. We now have the opportunity to create one. The opportunity to work with artists/publishers on high quality English releases is more important to me than continuing to pirate. I'm sorry if you refuse to pay for things, but I do not share that opinion.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I have to say, the absolutely only part of this I find weird is removing "controversial" content separately from the rest. I don't really see why this should be treated any differently, but I won't complain too much as it would eventually disappear anyway.

Other than that, most of this is what we've already expected. Removal of content not as much, but it's understandable if hosting unlicensed manga would hinder future work with other companies. And with tens of new chapters per month incoming, there will still be a lot of content to enjoy, even if I will miss a lot of my favorites.
Jacob wrote...
Spare me the holier than thou speech if you were offering free service for years and then remove contend because "reasons" thats not really convincing to most users,good on you guys wanting to go legit but dont make up false excuses and treat people like they are idiots.

I guess I will be downloading stuff that I loved before its removed.
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
I don't see how this is a shock to some people.

Of course the big companies weren't going to allow the continued hosting of illegal content while having an "official" branch in the western market. Anyone who thought otherwise were just fooling themselves.

People keep making it seem like Fakku is the only hentai site. In reality it only hosts a fraction of the stuff bigger hentai sites like sadpanda have.
Dirtnapper wrote...
Jacob wrote...
Spare me the holier than thou speech if you were offering free service for years and then remove contend because "reasons" thats not really convincing to most users,good on you guys wanting to go legit but dont make up false excuses and treat people like they are idiots.

I guess I will be downloading stuff that I loved before its removed.

I mean if you followed how all of this went down you'd understand why the site is going legal. Companies asked for fakku to take down their content. Other sites where asked as well, but fakku got hit the hardest with this legally. Instead of fighting it or going down without a fight they asked the company which is Wani to see if there was a way to distribute works to the english audience legally and legit. And thus now we are getting high quality english content where the artist are compensated pretty nicely.

What people fail to see or at least some is that you can't sell something while pirate content. That is why the site will become more of a legit thing.

I will make this remark, I am currently mass editing all of the tags for the content on fakku, I wouldn't still be doing that job if I didn't have a reason.

Also guys common sense time, "I bought or was going to buy the books till X happened, I cannot support this!" I mean it's not the books fault for what's happening, I feel bad for them because they are really great books and material. Please don't treat hentai like two dollar hookers, they deserve more respect from your mighty staff :,(
Jacob wrote...
KosKaz wrote...
So let me see if I can get this straight. Fakku - a site that has been running free for 8 years now, is - in the span of about a month - going to completely transition into a premium site. Now that might not be the biggest deal in the world if that meant that we would have to pay, but still have access to everything the site has to offer. But not only do we have to pay to have access to the site, we have to pay to have access to the EXTREMELY decreased content, and on top of that, content that only updates a few times a month. This is the internet, the mass majority of users on sites such as these are only interested if they can get it for free.

I can understand trying to do more with the site and trying to grow it, and as a user who doesn't care to pay for stuff that can be found for free elsewhere I'm cool with changing sites no problem, no love lost. However on a business standpoint, alienating the majority of your users, seemingly intentionally diverting webtraffic away from your site, and creating a premium product that can easily be re-distributed on non-premium sites is beyond me as to how this seemed like a good idea. Especially considering the sudden-ness of these announcements and lack of transparency this group has shown. As an consumer, even if I was willing to pay for content, I'd still take my money else-where.

Now I'm just a no-body who only made an account to bypass the content filter, but that's just my opinion on this whole thing. Sorry if I was mistaken about something in this post.

We'll be launching with a bunch of content and will be releasing multiple chapters each day. I assure you this will be worth it and there will be far more content than you can reasonably fap to. This is a huge change for FAKKU, but I firmly believe it's a good one. Being able to work with these artists and contribute back to them is more important to me than anything else.

Then I take back what I said about that, my apologies. However on the department of good change, I'm still skeptical. I'll stick around for awhile and see. And as others have brought up, I do see why the site would need to pursue such changes per legal issues, I failed to consider the potential of that, so I apologize for that as well.
Renauld wrote...
Preferring to not have your works be pirated and xenophobia are two entirely different matters.

I recall it being xenophobia, not just wanting your works being pirated. But they may have changed their mind already.

Hanayome wrote...
I don't see how this is a shock to some people.

Of course the big companies weren't going to allow the continued hosting of illegal content while having an "official" branch in the western market. Anyone who thought otherwise were just fooling themselves.

People keep making it seem like Fakku is the only hentai site. In reality it only hosts a fraction of the stuff bigger hentai sites like sadpanda have.

That's why I said that relying on Fakku or have it as a primary source for free hentai is pretty silly since there are far better free alternatives with much more content.

Sooner or later, illegal content was going to be removed from Fakku.
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Ahh I see and no I was not following this but some clarity would have been nice from the start like "Hey were removing a lot of stuff because we were hit with a massive DMCA but on the plus side we can now offer you legit stuff and its super high quality and its uncencored".

And I think the artists themselves love it that their stuff is popular overseas and working with others from around the globe.
BitNdragon More Than A God
Are these going to need to be read inside the fakku reader? I'm not a huge fan of how difficult it can be to turn the page sometimes. If they were to add the swipe feature it would help, but I'd like it if we had a backup method as well so I didn't get frustrated trying to turn the page while reading.
Dirtnapper wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Ahh I see and no I was not following this but some clarity would have been nice from the start like "Hey were removing a lot of stuff because we were hit with a massive DMCA but on the plus side we can now offer you legit stuff and its super high quality and its uncencored".

And I think the artists themselves love it that their stuff is popular overseas and working with others from around the globe.

I guess to break it down for people and I do hope that this just get's copied and pasted all around fakku if people aren't clear:

1. Fakku was made out of the love and horniness of a nerdy white guy for a red headed tsundere (Rei is better btw, just saying)
2. The site became really popular over time and built a pretty impressive fanbase
3. The site loves to break down because it's the internet
4. I like coffee
5. Fakku got hit hard legally for having content on the site, though from the podcasts this isn't a new thing, this was just a really big one since it was by a pretty big company in japan
5. Fakku/Jake talked to the company about trying to sell their material overseas to people who would love the opportunity to own really great content
6. Thus now we are getting really great content
7. having pirated work on a site selling legalized content doesn't mix
8. No one knows what is to come until it is talked about

I'm going to be honest here. I like hentai and I like both pirated and purchasable content. I use about 6-7 other hentai sites to fap and read material and I also purchase hentai at my leisure, but I only like good quality for an affordable price. I wouldn't promote fakku's material if I didn't like it personally, Jake's a nice guy and all but I'm not a bullshitter, I can't back something I don't appreciate personally.

If people don't like it that's fine, but to be 100% in or out is just silly to me. I want to see where fakku goes with this because they have a chance of doing something pretty neat and I do see the love behind this. Even when I was just a normal user, I could tell that Jake really does love this site, hentai in general and the users, but can't please everyone. So instead of saying, "fuck this I'm out" just see where this all goes even if it's just as a lurker. Hate the end result not the process =3
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Please don't treat hentai like two dollar hookers, they deserve more respect from your mighty staff :,(

>i pay for whores.

I am a long time user and one who doesn't read the stuff onsite anymore so i can careless if the scans go away. Google can find everything including legal stuff. I only buy the books and probably the mags for physical releases. Not sure if the mags will be online only or a dl option also. I'll wait and see what happening before say what im gonna do. I understand people are broke, but then again they still pay for starfucks and EVERY call of doody game or whatever steam is shiting out with no issue. Even working poor and college student STILL can afford to buy a book once in a while if it something they want. Meh.
There are people who are going to pirate for no reason other than that they pirated before this point in time and can't deal with cognitive dissonance. Some people don't understand what it means to support artists who might be struggling both to earn both money and recognition.

Those people do not really contribute to anything related to FAKKU. Not to the site itself, not to hentai manga, not to scanlation. So really, nothing of value was lost. In exchange, we get uncensored hentai and high-quality localization that is actually worth the money (looking at you, anime localization industry).
As long as the content is uncensored, I will be in complete support. I use Ex a lot of the time for hentai, but I can only stand a certain level of censorship. So if the material is uncensored, sign me up. I imagine the forums will still be free.
I'm on fakku since...alot of years and what i understood is that probably i'm losing my favourite site.
Oh well...fakku is just becoming what it was meant to be by any chance, but still,i can't pay for material at the moment, and probably not even in future...farewell my dear friend :( i loved this site.

The problem is that, i can't pay 2(it would probably cost a lot more) Euro for a hentai book...with 2-3 of them i can pay a normal manga! and i can't buy hentai instead of normal manga, this is insane to me...I understand that fakku wants to be okay, but still...is this the only solution? this sucks...well i just hope you don't delete Favourites(i mean the doujin names) so i can save them and look for them somewhere...

If artists think that it's right to pay a hentai manga like a normal one..or even more..they are all mad to me, Not only that, that even means that we are going to lose alot of series content (i mean, like Kill La Kill or whatever), because, is this really legally right to sell things made from characters or stories with Copyrights? am i losing something? i think to be confused so far...
All I'm interested in is knowing for sure if controversial content is coming back.

It just seems so fucking weird to me that Jacob would go through so much effort in the past year to increase accessibility to controversial stuff, even going so far as creating a controversial filter, only to completely remove all of it in the next moment.

I read through all the posts here and all I saw was a bunch of, "well duh, maybe it's coming back because vague logic." I just want to hear from Jacob or some other staff member with authority on the issue if they plan to license authors/books known for controversial stuff.

I'm honestly not even talking about loli/shota (though that stuff is nice). I just want my monster girls back man. I mean lets be real, the controversial-est of controversial tags under loli is NTR and that shit is still around. If NTR gets to be here why did you have to take away my poor monster girls? >:(
I guess not much is known about this, but I have often contemplated buying a Fakku book just to get the Karma Tatsuro chapter posted in Fakku books as a gift, but if it begins to start having so many books that I can't even begin to think about buying just one out of hundreds.
Anyway the point of this post is to ask if the subscription price is planned or if there isn't anything known about it because I would gladly pay 7.99 each month to get access to all of the fakku books, and any new work that is published. I'm just throwing out numbers because with all that access I might even be willing to pay more. I started using Fakku before it started publishing because it was literally one of the user-friendliest doujinshi and manga websites I have ever seen. I have always enjoyed using this site. I never thought about spending money on Fakku when I could find the content other places, albeit in a worse UI. This is a long paragraph but my point is that I would love to buy every Fakku Book released to support Fakku and the artist, but I just don't have the disposable income to be spending to buy every book, though I would love the opportunity to still have access to those books for the time that I pay a subscription fee that doesn't turn out to be really really expensive say 15-20 bucks a month. As long as it is around 8-12 dollars I'd be willing to spend that much each month to get access to all the "premium" content and support the artists who I love.