Bravely Default/Bravely Second

A system seller, if there ever was one in my book.
That's right, it's the first time I ever bought a game BEFORE the system. Now what is "Bravely Default"?

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Just one of the best J-RPG of this generation? "A better Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy" if I have to quote someone from Neogaf. Hell, let me just copy the awesome opening post from there (Warning: huge ass post):


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So in short: Awesome job system; Rebuild a town; Classic Turn Based Combat with awesome twist; Great plot(Steins;Gate writer); JAPANESE VOICES; Text translated in many languages in europe; Masterpiece of a game yup.
I see the art and feel the energy of Final Fantasy Tactics bursting from it. The game looks pretty darn good.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
I dont care if it is good or bad.

I am going to buy it once I am back on my parent's house for christmas and enjoy it. I am pretty sure it is a worth game.
I head of this game and am really interested. I was still not sure if I would enjoy it or not. I read somewhere that it is the "spiritual successor" of Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light was it? I never played that game. I will give this a try though. I hope the For the Sequel version gets to NA
This game seems really fun and I can't wait till it comes out
Looks like France is the only country they released it 7 days before anyone else. Lucky me... Altough it prevents me from accessing the game's servers which is quite important if you want to recruit more people in your village.
Looks good. Too bad I don't have a 3DS ;_;
I've had my eye on this since it was first announced. The character models are very nice and remind me of the designs from Final Fantasy III which is a nice thing.

The music from all the trailers so far has put it up high on my list of beautiful soundtracks in games.

I'll pre-order this when my birthday hits next year.
I agree--it screams FFT to me and that makes me want it bad. Unfortunately I don't have a 3DS :( Eventually I'll get one and all these cool games.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
I am really considering to get my hand in one of the CEs, but it is 140 € and thats a lot of money. I am not sure yet. q_q
Apparently the figure is horrendous.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Hentanize wrote...
Apparently the figure is horrendous.

Well, haven't seen it closely yet, but the rest of the CE seems really sweet.
Pre-ordered it ages ago, so close now...
Square Enix should put Silicon Studio in charge of their next Final Fantasy.
They seem to understand what we westerners want out of their RPG industry. Bravely Default is the answer as to why we originally started to like the franchise, an answer seemingly forgotten by many over there.
I'm still surprised to hear that the producer didn't expect his game to get so many good reviews. Wait what? What kind of misconception are these guys having of us regarding FF?
I'm terribly hyped for this game just because it's good ol' FF + friendsharing.

The soundtrack is pretty rocking too.

Edit: Oh fuck, microtransactions confirmed. (Sleep points >:|)

Mmm, not sure if want voice acting.
SP points,which are purchasable or acquired through sleep mode, aren't really something you'll depend on, better ignore it. Japanese voices are also included in the game so no worries.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Well, I think the Sleep Points bussiness they have made is very nice tbh.

Why? It doesn't interfere with the normal gameplay which is always awesome and nice to see they dont want you to depend on it. In additiont, you can get SPs by leaving the 3DS in sleep mode, which in my case is the vast majority of the time except the "2-3" hours (some times even less) I use it., so I think its a Win-Win for them and the players.

Voices I don't know, I will wait until I can hear them in Spanish and get a feeling of them, if I don't like them I will switch them to Japanese if I can.
Yea shouldn't have said "ignore it" since I'm actually putting it to sleep mode whenever I'm not playing. If anything SP gives you a slight advantage but you use them up quickly so in the end I just don't use them at all. At any case, not worth spending real money on it for sure.

About the figure:

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idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Well, yeah, the face is not good at all, at least it doesn't really make justice to the illustration. Too bad. :(
That face, not even close by a loooooong shot.
Monster Girl
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