
Can't View Embedded Vids/pics in some forums? I'm not sure if it's one or the other (or both) since I can't see them lol, but whenever I am being a good lil lurker in the forums I can't view certain things that are embedded. I'm pretty sure they'…
Female Entitlement in Social Interactions I went out with my boyfriend and some of his friends last night. We were all having a good time until the end of the night. One of my bf's friend wanted to find a girl and I couldn't understand why it…
From Dreams to Fear? I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but have you ever had a dream create a fear? I have a fear of bugs (roaches, spiders but usually bigger ones, and anything with a stinger). I a…
Thumbs and preview?? (mobile device problem) Home for the holidays and have been using my Ipad/Iphone to view the site. Pretty much everything works well, but when I try and read any of the hentai online I have a problem where only the "thumbs" …
It's been a heck of a long time but hi people :) Hi Fakku people, Took long hiatus from the site for various reasons, but back for people who may have known me (if you do all I have to say is wow... astounded + a hug) and for the new one…
[ Poll ] Gaming Aggression On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your gaming aggression. I'm usually at a 2-3, but if I get pissed enough I can max out at 5 saying things like, "come on... come you little f**ker, mov…
If Your Junk Could Talk I recently saw an film called Chatterbox about a woman who becomes famous for having a talking/singing vagina. What would you do if your private parts developed a mind of their own? (added) or what wo…
Double Posting Hi, I'm still new to the site and I have read the FAQ, but I couldn't find any information on double posting. Someone told me that it is against the rules, but I don't know what double pos…
Girls Beating Guys at Videogames Background Info: I was playing Super Smash Bros Melee with a guyfriend not long ago. I chose Link and he chose Falco, it was a close match and in the end, I won. I was happy and said, "you were …
Konichiwa Hi everyone and anyone, I've been coming to this site for about a year or so and finally decided to join. To be honest, I found this site by mistake, lol. I was trying to find more sites t…