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FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
animefreak_usa wrote...
Only pervs and men are on dating site... girls don't need help unless their ugly or crazy kung fu wolf bitch. Their other places like speed dating and non online dating things, churches, malls, street, ect ect... no one said you have to drink.. i go to places and unless they have beer or whiskey i like i just drink cranberry juice or diet coke.

I asked because my cousin is getting married to someone he met on the internet (They already have a child together). I thought that if he could pull it off, then so could I. The first site I tried was focused on geeks. most of those chics on there look scary as fuck. I already know some girls who are attractive, but they are too superficial (for obvious reasons). I just want to find my other half, which is pretty much just an average (boring) girl. Thanks for your advice, I'll try other areas aside from bars.

Honestly, that profile is not going to work at all...I can't imagine your pictures being much better. You'll be better off with other ways of meeting women.

Oh well, back to the drawing board.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I started internet dating a few days ago since I thought it would be better than trying to hook up with a girl at a local bar (I don't drink alcohol). I'm confident in my abilities to socialize, and I'm sure my shyness will go away after dating a few times. Like just about everything in life, you learn and grow through practice and experience.

Anyways, here is my more recent profile intro.


I'm a free spirit looking for his soul mate. I decided to give dating sites a chance because I did not want to pick out random women based on their looks. I want a woman whose personality and attitude surpasses her physical appearance. I want a relationship where we can grow from each other. I prefer Japanese women because the culture matches my ideals and beliefs. I'm currently studying more about Japan (including the language).

For all the women who read this, I can not give you any promises that we will be a compatible match. What I can promise you is that I will do my best to show you all the different sides of me. For I am no longer a person who is ashamed of his insecurities or afraid of his future. Do not walk behind or in front of me. Instead, walk beside me and we will make it to the end of life's road together. God bless you.

For those that have already tried internet dating, do you have any tips or suggestions?
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'm not Atheist, but I am A Theist. I say let the bitches bitch, the believers believe and the thinkers think.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
NeoStriker wrote...
I like it, but how does he get other people to believe in love again when he himself doesn't love?

You'll know once the VN is complete and you play it. Although, by the time I finish it (if I do finish it) you'd probably have already lost interest.

Quadratic wrote...
Umm...the immediate problem I had is that it jumps right to the story right away. There's no scenes giving a backstory, so if you don't read the synopsis, it's hard to understand anything.

Other than, it seems fine to me, but somewhat generic.

For now its just a rough draft, nothing in the script is final. I'm just trying to decide whether I want a fist person or third person narrator for the back story. I'll probably choose third person since I don't really want Feena's thought process to be known.

Note: The script has been updated.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Hello, I really appreciate your criticism, it's well constructed so thank you. You raise good questions which I'm trying to sort out as I type. I have it all in my head, I just need to get all my ideas organized. I'll post up a timeline in the near future. In addition to character bios and a plot outline from one of the "personality" scripts. I'm just now getting out of the brainstorming stage, so bare with me.

Some questions can't really be answered since it'll spoil much of the storyline. I believe a good rpg (or story in general) leaves at least a little bit to the player's imagination until more information is revealed. So unfortunately I can't really tell you right off the bat how things unfolded in the ZIN universe. In fact there is no way of knowing whether the introduction story is even true or not. That's a major theme I would want this rpg to portray. How much of what we really know can count as real indisputable knowledge? That in addition to showing the importance of developing healthy social bonds with others.

Anyways, I want this rpg to have a lot of alternative endings. I'm thinking of basing those endings on the different personalities you'd want your main character to have. So far I have 35 "personalities" to choose from.


Q&A - I finally have time to sit down and answer your questions, lol.

However, these beings have become too complex over the years. It has gotten to the point where their "consciousness" has turned against not only themselves, but against nature itself. <---- this part confused me a little. since their consciousness turned against themselves and everything, does that mean they're crazy?

This was written in a way to make the intro as unique and interesting as possible. If you want, you could say that an "Angel" is narrating this intro. So of course from an angel's perspective, human beings are like a virus that will destroy existence if not stopped. BTW, whatever idea you have of angels, throw it out the window. To me, an angel is just a being that is superior than humans "spiritually". Or at least in ZIN's case, "was". (ps. don't mind the quotes, it's a habit I'm picking up to liven up my discussions)

Another part that confused me was on how to angels and humans fought each other. Because when i think of angels, i imagine angels with wings, sword, and magic. While as, when i hear advanced humans, i imagine laser guns, and Space Cruisers. So got a little confused there.

I don't want to get too into detail of my perception of what an "Angel" is, but just know that I'm doing this on purpose for the sake of adding twists to the story. It's basically a sci fi trip.

You say that there's three planets that consist of nobles/citizens,slaves, and neutral. Where are the angels from? were they on one of the planets when the war erupted? You say that the angels helped during the brink of human existence and the humans fought a stalemate hence forth with the power of the "fruit" Does that mean the humans were equally combating the angels with a population close to extinction? Furthermore, since they were at a stalemate to the present time, how was the human population able to grow big enough to be occupying three planets? If they were able to grow this big, wouldn't the angels have been overpowered since the stalemate that took place in the beginning was fought between a small amount of humans against a much larger amount of angels?

Like I said, this is a sci fi rpg, so the setting will be futuristic as opposed to modern or biblical (even though biblical slang and names are used a lot in this story). Angels are from a dimension called "purgatory" (Here's one example, lol). The three angels that are humanity's saviors were pretty high ranked in status and abilities, which is why they were so sucessful in teaching humans how to fight their kind. There's a reason why they did what they did, but I'm not gonna get into that until I start writing the actual script. The forbidden fruit that I mentioned is more of a metaphor. The angels taught humans how to use the "power of the soul" and apply that knowledge to the technology they already mastered. By mastering their "soul and spirit", they can fight equally with the angels who have long mastered it (But not so much technology). BTW, while the humans were learning this, the three savior angels protected them from the renegade angels. This all took place thousands of years ago (which is why I need to post that timeline soon).

Again, thanks for taking the time to read. I'll do my best to entertain while enjoying a good hobby.

edit: Since the upates were too big for the first post to handle, I put everything in a text file and uploaded it on media fire. You can get the latest update logs from there.

Edit2: After a year of procrastination, I finally updated the ZIN Project. Look for: "RPG_Ideas___Updated_by_9_28_11" on the media fire link to get the latest updates.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
It doesn't matter to me, but people tend to compliment me whenever I shave and get a haircut.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that my child hood friends grew up to be mature and caring adults. I plan on getting in touch with them tomorrow in order to reconnect our bond.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
1) Bill Oreily
2) Souja Boy
3) Kanye West
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Even as an ex-christian, I can't deny that the Holy Bible is the greatest collection of books ever written. I'm agnostic atm, but I believe these were God's words (or alien's, it really doesn't matter anymore). The problem is that humans had to interpret those words. When we learn something for the first time (like a new word to add to our vocabulary), the best way we keep it in our mind is by associating it with what we can relate to (ex. To me, being a liberal means preparing for the future). The books of the bible were written by mortals who had no knowledge outside of their daily routines.

The main conflict they had to fight against was nature (and crazy ass niggers in power). As civilization started to get modernized, our perception of what was written in the Bible became hella confusing. So many contradictions and not enough solid answers drove some people away. Others (like me) played it safe and just leaned on the fence waiting for definite answers to the confusion. Yet, Christianity managed to survive and is still going strong. I guess ignorance really is blissful for people.

Rather, its not just ignorance, but fear also plays a big role. I've gone back to church for up to 2 weeks, and all it really is are a bunch of people praising God openly. I was bored to tears, not because I hate church, but because people are missing the point of going to church. Instead of trying to be a better person, they're just trying to lift up their spirits and live with their sinful ways. What they should be doing is confessing their sins openly (or to a pastor). I can't help but get the impression that people only go to church because they're afraid of hell (and people who aren't afraid of hell). IMO, if people can't confess their sins in a specific manner, then they have no right to go to church.

Now, even though the title says the Bible needs an update, I'm pretty sure it will never happen. Why? Because there are scriptures that clearly state nothing in the bible should be added (Not sure if it is only referring to Revelations or the whole compilation of books though):

"I warn every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book." -Revelation 22:18-19

Ironically, the bible doesn't say anything about omitting books, or editing scriptures (at least I don't think it does, I could be wrong). The dead sea scrolls is proof of this matter. Well, without further ado, here are some things I think should be changed for the modern society:

What should be a sin

-Pedophilia should be a sin (It kinda is already though, since a child isn't old enough to give consent to sex. Rape is already a sin)
-Slavery should be a sin (Prison doesn't count)
-Drug Abuse should be a sin

What shouldn't be a sin


I put divorce in both categories because the nature of divorce in the bible needed more elaboration. This website explains it better than I could regarding the matter.

Now for shits and giggles, here are my Sins:

-I worship money (I put money before God)
-I say God's name in vain
-I tempt God
-I masturbate on Sunday
-When I was 6, I dared my cousin to strip naked in the woods and masturbate (I still can't believe she did that shit, lol)
-During my adolescence (13 - 16), I watched child pornography.
-I pirate (steal) music and games
-I call myself the antichrist (With good reason of course)
-I say "Hail Satan" to people when I want to be left alone

I don't mind going to hell for those sins. I am after all jesus' masochistic bitch. For those about to reply to this thread, don't judge me without first judging yourself. Oh, and I'm already aware that the Catholic Pope already changed their doctrine to include some of the things I mentioned as sins. This thread is aimed at Christianity.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I think they're both equally perverted. However, men are more extroverted, while women are more introverted.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
AvatarEnd wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...
I learned how to further balance my life (*cough* schedule *cough*).

Edit: I learned that my Grandma's church is prejudice and ignorant. So next week I'm gonna blow their minds by telling them I'm the antichrist.

I learned that you have no respect for your grandmother or her public image. I also learned you hate her.

I learned to give a fuck less what random people on the internet say.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned how to further balance my life (*cough* schedule *cough*).

Edit: I learned that my Grandma's church is prejudice and ignorant. So next week I'm gonna blow their minds by telling them I'm the antichrist.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
animefreak_usa wrote...
Their 2 million Jesus in mexico... does that count?

God is Everywhere + Jesus is God = Yes that counts (for their country).
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'm going to watch The Passion of the Christ after I get baptised. Until then, SAW is the bloodiest series I watched.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Gambler wrote...
I see you have put quite a bit of effort into this thread.

Although it may not have the most original storyline (or so I think), I like how you first used the sex scenes to develop the aspect of romance. I am not an expert in visual novels, but I believe most of them begin with romance, followed by sex. Bucking the trend could bring about surprisingly good results.

Thank you for the feedback. It was my intention to make the sex scenes come in early, but they're going to be present throughout the novel. I'm still working on the first chapter, but its pretty fun since I'm coming up a lot of ideas and twists. I've only read three VNs (Fate/Stay Night is the only one I remember by name), so my knowledge on the trends are limited. I plan on using a program called Blade to develop this (and future) VNs.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Pervy Fatman wrote...
well lets see...I guess the "final countdown" is on to December 21st, 2012

Oh thanks, I needed a countdown clock (too lazy to look up the fc date myself).

mantisprime1250 wrote...
[color=green]"You shall not tempt your GOD" --- Teh Bible---

Anything that isn't in the Ten Commandments is just advice. Although I am aware that there used to be over 500 commandments, but they were reduced to 10 because the rest didn't apply to the modernized civilization. I'll admit that everything written in the bible is God's word, but I am also aware that the people who wrote those books had their own personal interpretation of God's word. While I was in the hospital, God gave me a vision, and I'm interpreting that vision based on my own life experience.

mantisprime1250 wrote...
What if he makes himself visible for everyone but YOU?

If that were to happen, then I wouldn't notice anything different. I talk with God everyday, so I doubt he'd play such a mean prank on me. I lived most of my life doing the right thing (or at least what I thought was right). Now that he has shown me the light, I will be forever grateful to God for giving me a good life.

mantisprime1250 wrote...

and also?[/color]
Forum Image:

I'm serious about this because 2012 represents my biggest fear: My Future
I'm facing this fear head on by making this bet with the only being that is greater than myself: God.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Still playing Tekken 5 (on weekends) and Tekken 6. SF4 came in the mail via gamefly, but I didn't like it (Sending it back tomorrow). MVC3 also came in the mail, but I didn't play it yet.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Forum Image:
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
My attempt to form a group failed before it even began, but I added a statement that I'm confident in:

There is no leader in this group. The only leader we answer to is Jesus Christ. Our meetings will be held via Skype, facebook, email and my local Churches.

I'm going to church in a couple hours so I might get some followers this time around.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
[sarcasm]I'm medicated so I can't predict the future anymore[/sarcasm]. However my best guess is that new PSP games will come out at least until viva la vita has sales that are equal to or surpasses the older model.