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[General] Anime Season Summer 2015 src Anichart Next season starting in a month.
Koe de Oshigoto manga licensed? I ask because Mangafox is now saying it has (and thus is unavailable for reading there), but I cannot find any evidence of it on the Google, and Mangafox has said this before.
Zero no Tsukaima. Season 4? So I have just seen that last episode of season 3 and I just can't see this end just like that. I was wondering , if any one now will ther be a season 4 or not?
Toriko Thumbnail
Toriko I just found this manga recently, and I was pleasantly surprised. First, here's the synopsis by Sum…
Monster x Monster "Once upon a time, this world was ruled by beasts. Humanity no longer sat atop the foodchain, they are the monsters' prey. However, Those who would stand up against the monsters gathered together and …
Ubel Blatt When Wischtech threatened to invade the fiefs of Szaalanden, the Emperor dispatched fourteen youths. Of these, the Seven Heroes halted the invasion to herald a time of prosperity while the four Lances…
Fairy Tail Ijust saw this manga at a Barnes and Noble and started reading it and now i'm hooked. I just wanted to know if there was any one else who reads this manga :?:
[General] Best OP and ED of Spring 2015 Same as usual. Insert your opinons of top OP and EDs for this season in this thread. Here's the chart. …
[Manga] Shingeki no Kyojin Thumbnail
[Manga] Shingeki no Kyojin Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by giants. Giants are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for …
[Manga] Monochrome - Teito Ninpouchou A new series about modern-day ninjas by the creators of Freezing.…
There's a silly Jimi Hendrix manga It's called Shiori Experience and its actually pretty enjouable. Its about a teacher who is haunted by the ghost of Jimi Hendrix. It's currently receiving scanlations and hopefully gets an official NA…
[ Locked ] is FAKKU losing chapters? At first i thought it was a bug or a temporary thing, but lately when i go back to chapters i've read before a "Content does not exist." message pops up :0 i tired reading "Fella Pure ~Mitarash…
[Anime] Bikini Warriors Well this is interesting... The official website has artwork for each of the females roles translated within the article from well known artists like Hisasi, Oda Non and even Rei Hiroe, the creator of…
[Anime]Gurizaia no Kajitsu I have searched for a dub but wasnt able to find it,hence concluded it didn't exist yet. So I was wondering if anyone knows if it ever will be dubbed and when to expect,I prefer dubs and got not…
[Anime]Yahari Ore no Seishun RabuKome wa Machigatte Iru Zoku Inb4 another member tells me that the title of this particular anime is very long. :D Inb4 another member tells me that the storyline of a highschool male student, who is a loner / society…
Your first anime or manga What was the first anime or manga you were ever introduced to? Did you know what it was at the time (did you know it was Japanese)? The first anime I ever saw was a movie …
Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage Newest chapter 5 is out! Spoiler:…
[Manga] Bleach (Discussion) alright, testing, 1,2,3 lets get this party started this topic is for debating of bleach manga, in thoughts, opinions, arguements should be posted here
Faceing Bordom. Need suggestions. So i just got my certification to be a Network tech and over the next few months (June to August) im going to be bored out of my mind with job hunting and the occasional odd-jobs for my family. What i…
[ Poll ] Vinland Saga Despite the occasional fairly standard plot aspect Vinland Saga is easily the best manga i've read in a while, award winning Mang…
Monster Girl
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